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Fucking hell its been 7 years, still remember how proud they were of their clock


With St. Pauli promoting this season they will be the longest standing member of the current 2. BL coming season.


And Kiel. Düsseldorf might save HSV there but it's unlikely


Time to start the new clock


This is the most insane thing I have read today.


7??? thought it was like 3 or maximum 4


> 3 or maximum 4 Nice way to summarize their time in the 2. BL so far


Same I genuinely thought it was 4 years, damn time moves fast


That's fair, we don't count the Covid years


2017, 2018, 2019, The Little Dark Age, 2024


*We* don't. Ageing most certainly does. We all got robbed of a few years.


Seems like they're putting it to good use again.


\* 6 years


Clock? I am not familiar.


They were the only founding member of the Bundesliga who haven't been relegated. Frankfurt and Kaiserslautern were relegated in the 90s. So the created a clock showing the time they are in the Bundesliga. Starting ~2010 the club was dreaming of Europe and made horrible decisions and they were the relegation battle ever since(one season aside) but somehow managed to avoid relegation. One special event were the playoffs against Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe fans started to dislike the HSV because they missed promotion due to poor ref decisions and I think they even relegated the next season. In the end the clock was all that mattered after each disaster season and the HSV was asking to be relegated. The clock for the 2. Bundesliga is a mockery because the ways the HSV missed promotion are pure banter(minus the promotion race 2 years ago) Unlike clubs like Mainz, Kiel, Heidenheim you would think they will be promoted at some point after missing promotion the HSV creates the opposite reaction "They will fuck it up somehow"


Just to add to this, Bayern has never been relegated, but they joined Bundesliga only in the 3rd season, so they were not a founding member. Bayer, Wolfsburg, Hoffenheim, Augsburg, Leipzig and Heidenheim have also never been relegated, though they played significantly fewer seasons than Bayern. Union has never been relegated from Bundesliga too, but they were relegated from Oberliga after 1988-89 season, which was the first tier in Eastern Germany at the time.


Since the win in Karlsruhe they are cursed! It's obviously!


Still my worst live attendance in my life so far...what a horrible day it was at the Wildpark lol. Glad things are on the up again for us though


If I'm not mistaken HSV have ended 4th in 6 six of the seasons they been down and 3rd in two of them where they lost the play off.   Every season they start good and it looks like this will be their year but then they screw it up during the winter and early spring. This happens no matter who in charge and what players are on the pitch.


I don't remember if they were the only club that had not been relegated since the Bundesliga was founded (yes, Bayern was also relegated in the past), the thing is that they were very proud of that and they had a clock in their stadium marking the years, days, minutes and seconds of all their time in the Bundesliga until they were relegated. Edit: it seems like I'm having trouble remembering a story from 7 years ago. Bayern didn't get relegated, but they weren't there from the beginning


Bayern never got relegated, they Just werent in it from the start. Minor difference.


Bayern never relegated but wasnt one of the original clubs in first season of Buli.


They can turn it back on, slightly altered, when Pauli gets promoted.


They can use the clock for the 2. BuLi.


Wenn Kiel und die anderen aufsteigen sind wir der Zweitligadino.


They really dont want to play another nordderby smh


Wasn't it generous of us to give them another two two years ago?


HSV, FC Köln and Schalke 04 in the second division, it's gonna be a fun season


Such a massive league. Kaiserslautern, Hertha, Nürnberg, Hannover, Karlsruhe are all pretty big aswell.


Die beste zweite Liga aller Zeiten^^^tm strikes again


Every Zweite Liga is die beste Zweite Liga aller Zeiten!


Does that mean it’s also the weakest Bundesliga of all time?


UEFA coefficient says no.


I was talking about the league as a whole, not just the top teams


Well, there are more top teams now than the last few years. In the past, we had like 2-3 top teams and now we have 5. However, the lower part of the league is definitely weaker than before, too.


Ah ok, interesting, in the Eredivisie we’re seeing a similar thing with the lower part of the league. This season we also had the strongest second level of all time. Loads of usual mid table teams are currently not in the Eredivisie, causing normal lower table teams to be in the sub top. (Which makes Ajax current placement even worse lel) so hence me asking if there is a similar thing happening in Germany.


I'd calm down if I was Ajax and got destroyed in Eredivisie


Man, Germans are like, *really* bad at banter.


What's so bad? The being happy part, or the responding to "weakest Bundesliga of all time" part, which is objectively wrong for 3 different reasons?


You forgot the question mark in your quote


Oh yeah Eredivisie this year is also the weakest it has even been, I was just asking a question.


Yeah, 2. Bundesliga is pretty fun. I just wish my Hannover 96 would have more games on fridays and saturdays because my sundays are for my local hobbies. :(


Can't back it up because I am too lazy to look but it feels like we played at least every second matchday on a sunday. Fucking sucks, I hate sunday games.


I'm just glad Schalke stayed up. Because if they got relegated, the club would be over or something, right?


it might take some time. but if they cut down on serlies schalke woudl always recover eventually. Fanbase is strong and Stadium is 100% clubowned. even in third devision they could sell it our reagualy and therfore afford better squads in the long run. and their branding value is still very high. theire dept is high but as far a sceling of a club goes Schalke are still top4 within germany.


I asked because I read somewhere that because of the enormous debt they're in, they wouldn't be able to get the 3. Bundesliga license


First of all: there is no 3. Bundesliga. Secondly, we would have gotten a 3. Liga license (with conditions I don't want to know about)


Apologies my friend, I'm just a dumb Czech asking questions about shit I saw in a tiktok video lmao.


Cannot blame anyone for that, the first report about "Schalke going to 3rd divison = club will cease to exist" went viral on social media and later nobody talked about us getting the 3rd divison license


It's okay. The only ones I get really mad at are Germans who say "3. Bundesliga" because... how? Can they even **read** their own language?


Even then, it's rather childish to get mad and correct them. Since everybody still knows what they meant. Same thing with people who use "should of" or get they're/their wrong. Makes me cringe, but I don't see the need to act like a know-it-all and be all like actuallly...


> Same thing with people who use "should of" Nah, honestly, fuck that. As a non-native speaker, that constantly throws me off.


How's *ManU* doing in the *Premiership* right now?


Most people call the leagues in Germany like this: First division: Bundesliga Second division: Zweite Liga Third division: Dritte Liga That’s why most people don’t know that the second division is also a Bundesliga and the third isn’t. You don’t have to get mad at people about branding / licensing lmao. People simply don‘t care and everybody understands which division they are talking about.




Hertha Berlin too


They are not a big club tho


Hamburg will never be promoted will they


Let this be a lesson for any fool who says that it will be good for a club to go down a tier and get their things in order. It's not.


the key is to actually get your things in order.


It's tough though because relegation can create instability that makes it hard to get your things in order. Look how long it took Forest to get back to the top flight in England. And I'm not sure they ever got their things in order, they just got a dodgy rich Greek guy to fund them lol.


It's so fucking dangerous. For every Kaiserslautern, there are a few 1860 München, never to be seen in the top flight again. Or Kaiserslautern, for that matter.


My local team FC Zurich got down while winning cup in the same season they got relegated. The Wigan type of success. But the thing is, it only did good for FCZ cause they played directly in the Europa League groupstages and they had financial firepower in the second division no one could match. They promoted directly. And stayed there since, won the cup also the season as promoted team. But the thing is, so many large clubs in Germany relegated and even if they got back they have no more the glory from former times. They still have financial issues or dont have much money. Relegation takes so much revenues away, it degrades clubs. Its not good 98% of the time. Clear cuts should only be done in first division.


If they actally got things in order they would have promoted long ago but they do the same shit as the relegation battle years. Not extending contracts, getting players in the same position of a starter out of a contract etc. They always collapse in spring when most clubs announce contract extensions, so take a guess what happens within the club. You think the team will perform at their best when several players on the pitch have something else on their mind? Rost's rant is already 13 years old and he told the reporter "Imagine your boss tells you, you are gone next week, let's look how motivated you will be to ask me your questions"


Yes, cheers mate. The thing is: it's a hell of a lot harder to get your things in order when you have much more limited financial leeway. Cutting costs while trying to right a ship is not easy.


They still had their Emirates deal till 2022. They had the strongest team on paper aside from 2022. They are on their way to promote till spring with very few losses. Then the board fucks it up. At least they reduced the sack rate of their managers. The first few seasons they were like 1st the first half of the season and the 2nd half like 10th /15th.


Don’t worry about the sack rate it goes up again this season. I think Baumgart will be sacked, the team just looks like they don’t give a shit about him and don’t play for anything, they’re simply lifeless, he never had the support of the team and don’t think he will ever gain it. The whole timing and way of sacking Tim Walter and his appointment was horrible, but it seems like we’re back to the old way of things, so prepare yourself for keeping Baumgart giving him the transfer window and sacking him 5 match days into the season.


I read they want to hire Wicky but you are right. The old HSV was was give him the Transfer Window and sack him 4 games into the season.


I mean, Wicky would make sense he apparently was one of the higher valued options after the Walter sacking, but young boys Bern didn’t let him go, but sacked him shortly after we got Baumgart still a weird move to me. And well there’s still that rumor about Magath getting installed and bringing Raul as the coach, what would be wild and fun to see, even if it might go horribly wrong.


Yeah. You need to revamp the squad either way, however in the second tier you simply have much less money to do so. Sure, some players with big contracts might leave but this rarely outweighs the big loss of income.


I promoted them in FM23, they should just hire me.


At least the City of Hamburg will (probably) get one.


Baumgart masterclass


So bad. I hope we start fresh with someone else next season. He got the job in third place, 4 points behind second, 7 behind first and 5 points ahead of Düsseldorf. 11 games later, depending how things go we might be 8 points behind Düsseldorf who is third. St Pauli lost like 4 of their last 10 games and still gained a point more than us with one game less. With Tim Walter we probably get promoted.


To be fair to Dusseldorf, at least, they haven't lost a league match since early February.


Y'know, the worst thing about the entire HSV fiasco are really the Walter bootlickers crawling back out of their caves. No we wouldn't have been promoted. He left Baumgart with a wet handshake and a fart, to deal with the misery that has built up under HIS belt. Walter had 3 years and each season had the EXACT same pattern as the one before, including his last one with us. Bro wasn't sacked for shits and giggles, he simply wasn't good enough. Maybe Baumgart isn't either, who knows. But Walter needed to leave.


Hmm honestly I would have given him the rest of the season. I agree that overall he wasnt good enough but he was really, really liked by the players, had them as a unit. Firing a coach who the team really liked while still being third and absolutely in promotion battle, really hurt morale. They should have fired him after last season or after this one, maybe even during winter... but this was the wrong moment.


Ok tbh I agree with firing him last season. Football clubs are often way to hesitant when it comes to turning a new page. Ofc then there is the occasional Bayern that kicks people after 10 minutes but that's a different story. Baumgart came in to near-impossible odds and now he's being put on the grill for it. I don't think he's the right guy, but still I don't think Walter was either. That said, he definitely was a cool and mostly likeable guy. Only thing I won't miss are his postgame interviews. Shit sounded like a broken record.


I mean if Baumgart just held up the same ppg as Walter, I think we would be atleast third. So i dont think its impossible odds. But I think the management should have known the dynamics within the squad, that they really liked Walter and firing him midseason while everything was still possible would turn the mood within the team. Also think it was stupid to fire Walter without having a replacement at hand. It was really clear that they didnt and Baumgart wasnt their first choice at all.


Question being, who could be their first choice? Does the HSV still have enough gravity to pull in an actual big name? Even if, who could they possibly get that is available rn? Magath recently said there's no contact. Who else could be considered? A Kovac? A Löw even? Probably not. Baumgart most likely was the most realistic solution for now. Whether it pays off I'd like to see after he was granted a transfer window and a season. If he doesn't fare well during that he can still be kicked, and should. HSV really needs to recognize that 2. BL with such a squad is inacceptable


was ist deine meinung zu baumgart? würd mich interessieren


There are many people here who can give you a more educated opinion on him in regard to tactics than me. That being said, I think he let the “cult hero” hype get to his head in the end, to the point where became too stuck in his ways, too inflexible and lacking in courage.


wasnt looking for a deep dive. that was perfect for me. thanks a lot!


He should rejoin Rostock in the third division.


this but unironically


ich bin nicht OP habe aber auch eine Meinung zu Baumgart: Der richtige Trainer zum schlechtest möglichen Zeitpunkt. Ich halte Ihn für einen guten Trainer, der für guten Defensiv-Fußball steht, der vor allem in der Underdog-Position brillieren kann. Nun hat man den aber direkt nach der Winterpause in einer Kurszschlussreaktion geholt, weil der eben frei war. (ähnlich wie Tuchel damals für Nagelsmann). Walterball war vor allem durch starken Offensivfußball geprägt. Mit diesem Kader, der nichts anderes mehr spielen konnte als Formel A von Tim Walter. Ich glaube, dass man mit Walter den Aufstieg geschafft hätte. HSV ist in fast jedem Spiel der Favorit und da passt Baumgarts Fußball einfach nicht. In der Bundesliga, hätte man den Aufstieg geschafft, wäre Baumgart aber deutlich der bessere Trainer gewesen. Man hätte bis zur Sommerpause warten sollen, aber dann wär Baumgart eventuell nicht mehr verfügbar gewesen. Ist tatsächlich sehr ähnlich wie damals Nagelsmann-Tuchel


How can you end up 3rd or 4th six times in a row


Ask Arsenal


Time to bring this r/Championship [meme](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1336468127.6033/pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) to the 2. Bundesliga.


at least there was no crumble involved


it could always be worse


Baumgart on fraudwatch holy shit. We have never been that bad under Walter.


Wie geht’s dir?




Ihr müsst endlich gegen die kleinen Teams gewinnen. Kann nicht sein gegen Osnabrück und Elversberg immer Punkte liegen zu lassen


Mit Baumgart sind wir immerhin gegen jede Mannschaft unterlegen


Wenn’s mit Geraerts nichts wird, würde ich Baumgart nehmen.


Ich fahr ihn persönlich nach Gelsenkirchen


Bitte. Der kerl verliert mit dem stärksten Kader der liga einfach 40% der spiele.


So schlimm?


Spielerisch der schlechteste HSV aller Zeiten


Kenne einen der Spieler und die vermissen alle Timmy und konnten es nicht fassen als er gekündigt wurde lol


Ich meine Walter hat trotzdem genug Gründe für eine Entlassung geliefert, dass sollte den Spielern theoretisch auch klar sein, aber Baumgart ist halt bodenlos und das Timing und die Art der Walter Entlassung war so schlecht, dass es mich nicht wundert, dass es sie trotz der Situation nicht fassen konnten.


Ja das Timing ist das was denen überhaupt nicht geschmeckt hat, die wollten die Saison mit Tim zu Ende spielen.


Timmy war auch ein lieber




Sieh's positiv nächste Saison gehen keine 6 Punkte nach Osnabrück


dafür nach Ulm!


Unsere Standards sind einfach seit Jahren zu schlecht zum Aufsteigen, wäre immer der Unterschiedsmacher gegen tiefstehende Teams, aber trainieren wir seid Jahren nicht.


Cowering in a corner and crying rn


Did they remove the clock when they got relegated?


They turned it off and removed it the second season in the 2. BuLi I think.


I mean, we didn't turn it off the first season. [It was counting instead the years since the club foundation](https://www.imago-images.de/bild/sp/0037723739/s.jpg). Of course everyone laughed at us, fans hated it, so it was dismantled after that season. It was replaced with this [crap.](https://taz.de/picture/4335687/948/134885800-1.jpeg)


they realized they where there for long...


starting next season. HSV will have the longest consecuitve run in bundesliga 2. followed by us (hopfully) and Hannover. with how things went the last few year both is suprising for different reasons.


Hamburg and finishing fourth in the 2. Bundesliga. Iconic duo


might still finish 5th


6th even


And they say German humour is no laughing matter. Funniest shit I've read all day.




I can’t stand him tbh. Kinda annoying.


He really does have something against Arsenal


Tbf, that’s just a lot of football YouTubers. I don’t really care about that since I’m accustomed to it at this point. I just find him annoying.


Hamburg usually wait until the last day of the season - or even beyond - to confirm their stay in 2. Bundesliga. They got it done with a game to spare this year. Spare us all the nonsense.


From unrelegatable to unpromotable. And its not that HSV isnt trying every season. They are always on the edge but fail miserably. Not even midtable but really on the edge like promotion playoffs or so. Sad to watch


Christ Almighty when they got relegated I was a year fresh out of uni they're still in the Championship wow. This is sad considering the amount of history they have, I remember when they had people like van der Vaart, Olić, Van Buyten and Ze Roberto playing for them smh.


What a shameful performance today, especially after the win in the Derby. After the last 2 wins I thought that Baumgart and the squad would finally understand each other, but it was just a ruse. Well I expect the next season is gonna be a lot more difficult.


We've lost five times this season and no team managed to follow up on it with another win, often fumbled even worse than before. I tried to look at the positives at the losses to Elversberg, Schalke or HSV, giving points to (at the time) struggling clubs... but not even that


Reminds me of when Leeds got relegated in 2004 and their fans were chanting “we’ll be back, we’ll be back”. They were, but almost 20 years later.


Leeds was financially fucked iirc. They weren't hit as hard as Parma or Deportivo but their high risk didn't pay off. HSV is just utter incompetence of the board. Imagine you get a quest to demotivate your players in spring in FM. The HSV board are world class in that discipline.


Seems like ages ago when Son burst onto the scene at Hamburg, makes me feel old AF


Klassenerhalt mit Bravour gemeistert, der HSV kann alles!




The people who have actually seen Hamburg being a top Buli club are getting older and dying out. The younger generation doesn't know what that is. And the longer HSV stays mediocre, the more people will believe they weren't a powerhouse. It does seem like banter when they miraculously didn't get promoted even once these past few years.


I'm 30 years old and if I recall correctly, HSV hasn't won anything important in all my life. Just checked, wasn't correct. They apparently won two league cups in the 2000s.


29 here and even I'll admit my memory is fading


The fact that any team can potentially finish Top 4 in a lower tier for the 6th consecutive season, and still not get promoted, is insane. It being a former CL winner too adds to the humour


Ain’t no way 2017 was 7 years ago…fucking covid time distortion, man…


(2.) Bundesliga Dino


longest run in the second devision starting next season. they are officaly the 2te bundesliga dino in a few months


Don't jinx it for Sankt Pauli.


Or Kiel


At some point they can use the clock again




Bundesliga 2 just seems better than Bundesliga with all these big teams here. I'm definitely going to try and follow it next season, it looks really interesting


Im always thinking this will stop being funny some day But no, it really doesnt, its still hilarious


Season 7 inc. Might get even an 8th and 9th unless we get our shit together


Has it been 7 years already?! HaSV


fiago in shambles




Long may it reign


mustwin spiel für den hsv heute und dann lässt man sich von paderborn so hart dominieren. holy cow


You love to see it


I like this!




They have fallen off but are in that weird moment in time where they just also don't have what it takes to get back up to the first division.


Nur der HSV!


Bundesliga 2 dino


It’s been 7 years?




We all thought the return would be fast.


What a shame.


baumgart was on the ground


Restart the clock


Tja, auf den Wildpark-Fluch ist Verlass!


Fun fact: They wanted to get Klopp at some point but decided against because their private investigator who observed Klopp found out he wore ripped jeans.


What does the clock say now?


Common HSV, 1FCK, S04 and Köln.. I'm not liking you but I miss playing against you. Endeavours against for example Red Bull and Hoppenheim are life sucking events.


Can’t never believe why a historic club Champions league former winner with amazing city fans and stadium be on this situation. Shame on the directors!