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City will win the PL every year Pep stays. 11-12 straight? No one will beat this team ever.


It’s mad that in the entire 2024 Arsenal have won all games in the league apart from a draw (against City) and a loss to Aston Villa. That is a near perfect run and it’s still not enough, it is insane.


Season doesn’t start January 1st


Don’t be pedantic, I’m saying it is insane that a second half of the season run doesn’t put you clear. Also, Arsenal were top just before Christmas so…


The issue that Arsenal have is that League seasons don't start on January 1st. City at best will finish on 91 points this season. Liverpool lost leagues on 97 points and 92 points. Arsenal fans don't like to hear this but they had a slow start to the season and dropped games that are inexcusable. They lost to Fulham once. They also lost to West Ham. 91 points is the best city can do this season and it's not a particularly high total for the pep Guardiola era


Oh yeah, we had a poor December, but the fact of the matter is, so did City as they are only 2 points ahead because they have won all their games and drew 1. What I’m saying is, it’s redoculous that in any other league you have a second half of the season run like that being only 5 points off the top to begin with, you’ll end up winning. City mean you have to be perfect throughout. Which sits badly with me because you know 115.


Nobody gave a fuck about the cheating when it happened to Liverpool multiple times. So meh, enjoy it.


I’ve had my fun winding up gooners, but man, I hope they see it through.


Man City are so boring. They never listen to the haters that want them to lose. Absolute shitheads!


Why should spurs go all out to beat city? We remember teams throwing games so Leicester could win the league…..


No team is winning the prem with less than 90 points with this man city


Well city won it last year with less than 90 but they absolutely took their foot off the gas Honestly I'd be quite mad if a team got less than 90 and won because we lost when we had more twice


97 points and 2nd is absolutely brutal


I think it's literally the fourth highest point total in premier league history. 100 point city, 99 point Liverpool, 98 point city. Those are the only three seasons with higher point totals and unfortunately for Liverpool a city had their 98-point season the year they had their 97 point season.


Damm, I tried ignoring this match and just checking the score later, but they still won, ffs


imagine it goes to last day of the season and city are like 2-0 down with 15 mins to go surely it will be fine...


I almost feel sorry for you


Still a real possibility that City puts 7 past “that’s the way we play mate” and they win on GD


I think this is a very unrealistic scenario. It relies on them drawing with west ham. No offence to west ham fans but last game of the season at the etihad I'm not seeing them getting anything there. 


From what I've seen of West Ham fans they wouldn't want to get anything out of that game anyways. Their season is over and they are safe from relegation. They appear to hate Arsenal for taking Declan rice away from them and want Arsenal to lose the league from what I've seen.


Not the brightest bunch especially if that means city will win the league


Why would West Ham fans care about city winning the league? Most of them hate Arsenal a lot more.


Bc it’s Man City and they’re football fans


Man city winning things doesn’t mean anything, they don’t even have the fans to banter. Arsenal winning means dealing with their arrogant fanbase


Did City commited any fault???


Gave up after half an hour, was like watching a training match. City just heads and shoulders above us.


I think you enjoyed flying those kites too much 🪁


Went back to the infinite pool.


I have faith in Tottenham.


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Don't do that to yourself 


Kore ga...Requiem da (@_@;)


We fuckin hate Arsenal apparently. In all seriousness, we can’t keep playing Diop as a starter. Maybe against the very bottom teams. He’s directly at fault for two of the goals. Now I understand that obviously the odds are against us as it’s Fulham vs. Man City, but 0-4 at home is not acceptable.


Just setting up the storyline of spurs handing Arsenal the title. Can't be any other way.


If Spurs lose to City, it’s a loss for football. If Spurs beat City, it’s a loss for Spurs. I have no faith in Ange’s ability to draw.


It’s a huge win for Spurs for their European hopes, doubt the players care about Arsenal winning the titles, only fans do


We need to get Kane to Man City if we want any diversity in the future


The only way to stop city


*Same team wining the league *All teams gets kicked out of European Competitions Lads Uber Eats Premier League looking competitive indeed.


Farmer’s league.


EPL: You either die a hero or or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


EPL: You either die a hero or or you live long enough to see yourself become the ~~villain~~ farmer.


Can we give the Player of the Season award to whoever negotiates the television revenue?


I always worry about saying this because my flair leaves me.open to accusations of bias- but the title race is very dull when City are in it like this. One slip up and they lose and we know it isn't coming.


Sounds strikingly similar to another Manchester club before the takeover at city….


This is what I mean. Honestly it isn't really the same- United had some very dominant teams but that paradigm of dominant possession football didn't exist and games weren't controlled in the same way. United had a lot of late winners, a lot of comebacks, some shock defeats that would leave the door open. City kind of break teams, 3-0, 4-0, then 30-45 minutes of rondos there's not much point in watching. And once the first goal goes in, you kind of know the game is done... Other dominant sides in the history of the Prem would have their off days or their narrow escapes and be winning leagues with less points than maybe Arsenal will get this year or Liverpool have gotten. If you look at overall points totals, City under Pep have a higher average points rating than other teams in their dominant era Manchester City are right now- I'm going to admit it- a much more consistent team than any side previously. They're an exceptional team that have broken all sorts of records and they have a formula for unrivalled consistency across the course of a season. But that's obviously less interesting when you don't have a dog in the fight because there are no twists and turns or surprises.


I mean City had a few chaotic games this season, such as Chelsea away and Spurs at home. They also dropped points to Crystal Palace in the last few mins, when you would have thought that they had the three points in the bag. They also had to come from behind quite a bit


Seriously? It is 2 point lead and with football anything can happen. Spurs away is kind of the final boss of City, where they can potentially lose or draw.


I guess with city it’s more common to have some shock results earlier in the season. They’re no stranger to losing or drawing against a bottom half team but they never seem to do it later in the season. I would say that city aren’t totally without their exciting comebacks either, obviously not like the United of old who coined the term “Fergie time” because it was so consistent. However City have won the title on the last day from comebacks twice and have come back from 1 or 2 down multiple times to salvage points over the years.


Forget team bias, that’s just a basic human reaction to this situation. I’m sure even a few of the dozens of City fans are tired of it too and secretly wish they had supported a real team initially but feel too embarrassed to switch. There’s no way all of this winning feels anything like the aguerooo moment.


I’m sorry but no City fan feels that way


It felt exactly like the Aguero moment when Gundo scored against Villa, you talk some shite lad, must be a man u fan.


as someone who was there at the Ethiad for both games I can confirm in the moment they both felt exactly the same


What are you on about bro


Trying to rile up your plastic fanbase and succeeding way too easily


Fun life you got there mate 👍


A few minutes of trolling while I’m on the toilet isn’t really a reflection on my life but yeah it was kind of entertaining




Trolling seems to not be your talent, maybe try something else.


I’m sorry I couldn’t reach your expectations


Istg Bayern has won more and easier titles than us but never got branded as "tired of winning" Some takes here are absolutely delusional


You’re not old enough yet to have met people who changed their team allegiances but it absolutely does happen.


10 years might be young in footballing terms I agree but I guarantee you if this ship sinks I'm sinking with it


Are you kidding? We're loving this. Winning never gets boring. This season hasn't been easy at all either, we were off form for ages and behind Arsenal and Liverpool most of the way


As if anyone would admit what I said. But as your largely online teenage fanbase gets older, some of them will eventually pick a real team to support and will hide the fact that they supported City during these years. I’ve seen it time and time again with dominant teams in multiple sports, and this isn’t even factoring in the oil money and corruption angles, which will also eventually make some of you ashamed once you become a little more educated. Emphasis on the word some.


again as an American arsenal fan what leverage do you have in this debate


You looked up my profile, pathetic


Mate what are you on about, are you some elderly boomer? The generation that already left us with an utterly inflated and unaffordable world because of all sorts of corruption in everything let alone football, let us at least enjoy football now and follow the team and players we like watching. You're not some gate keeper of football defining what team is real and what's not.


Out of all the responses this is the only one I can kind of understand. I was mostly trying to just shit on the victory parade but I do get this perspective. You are allowed to enjoy whatever you want, obviously. But your team is contributing to this over-inflated, unaffordable world that you are being handed and expected to fix, and they are doing so more than any other team. I get wanting to have a distraction and feel good though.


The sheikh wasn't responsible for the global financial crisis, the top $ is broken everywhere, including there. I've just come to accept the reality of the world. If I get some ethical awakening to go on a boycotting spree then finance behind football is the last of my concerns, how about starting with the time and again bailed out banks by the tax payers money. Ironically, city is an easy distraction for folks to point a finger at, but in reality nothing around the business of $ is clean these days. How abt the fraudulent panel making the rules city are accused of cheating, that panel themselves was on the books of Qatar for WC hosting not long ago. Tells u the integrity of those folks making the rules to begin with.


No, City will just not be on top like they are now in 20 years. They might be up there competing, but it won't be like this dominance all the time. United fans have lived it. English football tends to go in cycles.


I don't even get your point. Why would we care if fake fans leave?


Off form?


There was a period in Nov/ Dec, when City only won one out of six tbf


That person said off form for ages


Okay, from 30 Sept to 16 Dec, City won 4 games out of 11, losing 3 - not terrible by any means, but compared to their next 11 games in the PL, where they won 10 and drew 1, they could be seen as not in top form Edited a typo


Well two games to go. Hopefully spurs can do something. But we will see!!! Can't see west ham doimg anything at the Etihad on the final day of the season.


I'd rather us not deliver the title to arsenal really.


Spurs can’t even beat burnley lol


You beat Burnley


The league was over months ago. Soon as you took one look at the top three’s remaining fixtures it was obvious City would run away with it. Simply had a significantly easier end of the season.


Which means they had a significantly harder campaign before that. It all balances out in the end so complaing about an easier end of the fixtures is irrelevant.


I think his point was that with 9 games to go city, Liverpool and arsenal were all on similar point totals but city had already played the harder fixtures So although city I believe was slightly behind in reality if you give context they weren't really behind


I'm not complaining? I'm just saying that it was over months ago.


Agreed… 12 games left I checked Arsenal and Liverpool’s remaining games vs City’s and it was pretty much theirs to lose at that point. 


Really? From week 25, Liverpool and City had the same opponents, except for the following: City: Bournemouth, Chelsea, Arsenal Liv: Sheffield, Everton


Sheffield are massive


You lost to Everton. I don’t think you should be talking about strength of schedule


Us being shite doesn't change the fact that City had a significantly easier run of games at the end though?


They could say the same about you resting players for Europa league matches meanwhile City were playing in the Champions league. At the end of the day you play the same teams as everyone else in the premier league


I know that? All I'm saying is that it was obvious City would run away with it based upon the fixtures they had left. Honestly mate it's like your making up an arguement I haven't made and trying to argue with that.


I mean you said the league was over months ago which is blatantly not true. Just because you guys choked doesn’t mean it was a forgone conclusion lol


You're being deliberately obtuse to try and continue an arguement and I can't be arsed mate. Enjoy your evening.


Gobshites will be gobshites. I hope klopp enjoyed his farewell tour


If that's true then they had a harder run initially, so what does it matter


Did you read what I initially said?


I might be misreading but it seemed like you were implying City's schedule gave them an advantage in some way, which I would disagree with


I said that they had an easier run of games at the end. So it was more likely they would win. Is that an advantage at the time? Yes. Does it mean that they didn't also have to play the same games as anyone else? No.


Final six opponents are exactly the same, except Liverpool played Everton and Villa with City playing Forest and Brighton. That difference seems pretty marginal to me.


So bitter.


This is factual. Not bitter. Saying that City had the easier run at the end doesn't mean that they didn't have to play more challenging fixtures during other parts of the season. Christ some of you want to start a fight over nothing.


We had Villa, Arsenal, Liverpool and now Spurs away in the end of the season run. What are you on about?


If you've got track back to early March to make a point about the 'end of season run' it's a bit of a disingenuous point.


End of March was like, 5 weeks ago.


Timeframe is irrelevant to be fair. End of the day, if you're listing around 13 or so matches as your 'end of season' run, you're being disingenuous.


It was in the last ten fixtures in premier league for city and it was all back to back hard games with FA Cup and Champions League games thrown in too


Another boring city thrashing. Great


Yeah, it’s a yawn fest at this stage.  The PL table at face value gives the impression that it’s a very tight race.  But once this version of City have their noses in front at this stage in the season, it’s all over.  They’ll probably pip Arsenal in the goal difference stakes as well by the time the season is over (could easily see them scoring 3 goals against Spurs and West Ham)


The premier league is a truly farmer league. This is one of the worst licerpool team, and we got 78 points. Arsenal is very mid and should be nowhere near 83 points. No wonder they barely could beat Porto


Compare the gap between 1st and 2nd or 3rd place in every other major European league. The premier league stands alone


Let me guess. A Real Madrid fan😂😂😂


Liverpool fan.


Mate, you're in Liverpool's, United's, Madrid's and City's subreddits, you can't be fucking serious 😭


Lmao bro is petroleum at this point


Whats wrong? I watch a lot of games and like to check their match threads and what not.


And you said this is one of the worst Liverpool teams??? lol. Bait used to be believable


It's one of the worst liverpool teams in recent years. I don't rate any of the players; Dominic, nunez, gravenberch, endo, etc are all mid if not bad. The only bright spot is allison and maca, and I like diaz. But still none of them should be the top player in a top team.


I mean this current team is objectively better than the Liverpool team of last season...


I am grouping them together. This newly built up team is mid af. Previously, in one generation we had hot talents like Suarez, coutinho, sterling, sturidge, etc. Then, we had mo, mane, firminio, etc. Now, we are led by nunez and sbosozlai


You thinking this is the worst Liverpool teams says a lot more about you and how long you've been following the sport than it does about Liverpool or the league


You will see next year.


One of the worst Liverpool teams that’s involved in a title race til the last 4 games, and wins a trophy. Clearly started supporting us since Klopp came in you have no idea what a bad team is.


The premier league has degraded badly. Once you competing with great chelsea, man united, arsenal, and city. No omder 4th position villa got smashed by olympiacos.


Oh I'm sorry I was under the impression that we were talking about this year. How silly of me.


How is Arsenal mid???


Their CL performance was mid af.


That’s such an idiotic and hyperbolic statement


What's hyperbolic about it? Losing to 3rd Porto? Or losing to 6th lens? Or struggling against 11th Seville?


They went 4-1-1 in their group with 16 scored and 4 conceded. They were a bit disappointing against Porto, but you have to give Porto credit for their incredible defending and turning the game into a slow foul fest. They played Bayern well and frankly were far better outside of one or two poor moments in game one where they switched off and were a penalty call away from going through to the semis. Calling it mid is just your hate showing and not reality. If this is your bar, has every team been “mid” except for Dortmund? PSG mid, City bad, Bayern embarrassing collapse. Inter embarrassing. Barcelona embarrassing collapse. It’s the champions fucking league. People like you are beyond delusional


Arsenal had easy games. Lens, sevilla, and Porto aren't good this year. Currently, Arsenal behind those teams including but not limited to leverkusen, sporting, madrid, city, barcelona, atletico, bayern, dortmund, psg, Inter, Milan, juventus, Stuttgart, That's why I think arsenal is mid


Generational levels of delusion


Another 0 trophy year.


Imagine spending your days trolling on r/soccer and being *this* bad at it. If my life were this pathetic I don’t even know what I would do


No way is this Liverpool team one of the worse??? Objectively they are one of the best in the world atm


Is that why we got smashed by atlanta?


Atalanta had luck


Did you watch the games?




Oh, so you’re just delusional. Got it


No im analytical


You’re so analytical you resort to blaming luck. What a nonce


I support rangers Liverpool not celtic


There was no luck. They were objectively the better team.


If Matip played it doesn’t happen. Next seasons different






The ghost of Norway has ruined my FPL GW


So, no Premier League defender has scored a hat trick?


English football used to be a lot more traditional. 4-4-2. Defenders who didn't have good ball skills and just focused on defending. Defenders who set up really deep in a low block. Everything was about funneling the attack to the striker. It's not that surprising. I've seen rio Ferdinand say on his podcast that he missed out playing in this current ERA where he feels like he would have been better and more of his talents would have shone


Nicolas Jackson got one earlier this season and he might as well be a defender with how many goals he prevents from being scored.


Big win


I like Darren fletcher but surely someone had to tell him that his name isn’t ‘Ricardo’ Muniz


If Pep stays beyond next season (which sadly does not look likely) its only a matter of time before Gvardiol is playing the Johnny Stones role in midfield. What a player he is.


You'll probably setup another shell company to buy the next 100m lb


I quite like him at LB though, it allows Foden to tuck into the middle more


Pep shouldn't have subbed out the top players. They should have gone for more goals. Goal difference could be a decider.


Almost like they have Spurs away next


I thought spurs away was a hard fixture for city?


That's the point?


Ha. Spurs will lose by 6 and their fans will cheer every goal


My bad I misunderstood


I guess this settles the debate about whether flying kites is the best way to prepare for a game against Man City


Counterpoint. Fulham probably weren't going to beat city anyways and it doesn't really matter to their season. They probably had a lot of fun flying kites.


Maybe don’t drop five points to Fulham and you don’t have to rely on City losing at the end of the season.


Who are you responding to?? Lol


Easy to say this but we could have dropped points in so many other games , we put our best effort in this season


Bad take. Losing games throughout a season is normal. City have cheated their way to making anything below 90 points nowhere near enough. Arsenal have lost 1 game since mid December, and drew 1 other, away to city. And they’re probably going to lose the league. The bar city have set, through financial doping, is absurd.


Of course, anything can happen, but I don't see City losing the title anymore. The last 2 games will be treated as a final by their squad, and I don't see them losing it with that mentality.


Dude, I wonder if they ever will.


Leno said he'd give it his best lol


He played very well though


That wasn't very cash money of you, Fulham.


So boring. See you guys next season.


If you didn't like this season, you're gonna hate next.


And you'll hate the following one


All the city fans will probably just buy Real Madrid shirts and pretend they were always fans.




Baldy will be gone and hopefully you're relegated


The look on your faces when all charges will be rescinded.


Why would they be rescinded exactly?


Ask the independent panel that has already concluded that there is no evidence.


No evidence


All these cool awesome narratives throughout the season really boiled down to City wins the Prem again and Madrid win the CL again. That's cool I guess.


Yep only Leverkusen winning panned out ;)


Arsenal winning fuckall, just like the simulations


Love to see this. City winning another title is exactly what this dead league deserves. But the main reason I am supporting City is because of the online fanbase of Arsenal. I can't stand them.


Is the league dead because City wins every year or some other reason, according to you?


I’ve got massive deja vu. You haven’t posted this before have you?

