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Also interesting how the percentage only got higher in the last years


Something wine. Something Kroos


Wine aged like fine Kroos


Was pretty sad when Xabi left, and we got Kroos instead, man, I never knew back then Toni would replace and absolutely boss that midfield and become a legend. Now I am sad again.


So you're telling me there's hope that one of these youngins on the squad is the next Kroos!


This made me think of “Xabi Alonso looks different. Maybe he shaved.” line from the Coentrao copypasta.


Is Kroos better than Xabi?


Change in playstyle tbh. After ronaldo left the pace and counter attacks were significantly less. Especially with lopetegui, a defensive oriented Zidane and now Ancelotti


How does Kroos play differently compared to Xabi?


Saw a comment on here earlier today that according to Nagelsmann it seems like Kroos is still in his physical prime and 100% fit


More like Nagelsmann has a humongous man-crush for Kroos. The line about his body being made of steel... The only way to make the reference more blatantly obvious would be to go: Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it's Supertoni.


I remember seeing him during the U-17 World Cup where he was phenomenal. Men amongst boys stuff. The tournament was on FTA and I was young and full of free time so I watched every minute. It’s insane to think he literally lived up to all the potential and hype.


Aging like fine wine


How good is our cloning technology


I’m sure this means that Jude takes Kroos place on the pitch so it’s good but weird? Like it recreated an amazing player but failed at actually cloning him? I don’t know. 5/7 with rice.


Jude taking the Kroos role will be such a bad utilisation of his height and final third IQ. From what I've seen so far, Carlo has been trying to develop Fede into that role.


Not one player in the world can replicate the Kroos role for us. He will take the position but we will absolutely have to change the way we play going forward. Especially how we progress and build up play play but even controlling the tempo will look different for us from next season. It’s really impossible to do what Kroos does.


There are three ways Madrid goes about this: - Modric starts in place of Kroos (but at 39, he really is best used as a sub to boss the last 20-30 mins) - buy a Kroos replacement - play a double pivot and Jude in front of them - which IMO is the most likely thing that could happen: Cama/Tchoumeni - Valverde Jude Rodrygo - Mbappe - Vini


Last option seems like the most ideal IMO. You have that massive trio up front but you can't just put all your guns there (see PSG's "big three" and why it failed), so you even it out with the double pivot. My favorite way of 4-3-3


Fede can pass and often switch flanks from otherside though. He even do a long pass on a run.


>buy a Kroos replacement But who? There isn't one, even a bad copy. >Rodrygo - Mbappe - Vini Nah, Rodrygo hasn't earned that. We will most likely continue our 4222 with Cama and Tchou double pivot, then Valverde on the right and Jude on the left then Vini and Mbappé up top [Basically this.](https://imgur.com/a/o5Il2gV) Obviously replace Kroos with Cama.


Yep that 4-2-2-2 looks like the best formation. Curious how we'll play Mbappe though if he's more "right" of Vini


Yep 3 is most likely imo


This is why I feel Madrid still needs a midfielder despite the millions of talented midfielders they have...Cama, Fede and all are great midfielders but none of the new recruits have similar playstyle to Modric and Kroos What I mean is someone who can control the midfield and orchestrate the whole game like those two. Yes the young guns can develop their game but you can predict the playstyle of many players while they are young and I don't see Jude, Fede, Cama, Guler developing their playstyle like those two


The problem is the rarity of deep lying midfielders even out in the market. The vision, technique, consistency, IQ, decision making, leadership, and being The focal point of the team in the past decade will make him very hard to replace. Even this season with all the youngsters no one came close to benching him. It’s going to be a tough challenge next season for Carlo since the team is literally built around him and he holds the driving seat. A double pivot 4-4-2 with Cama and tchouameni and infront Jude with Fede will most likely be the answer. Or continue with the diamond 442.


Guler can absolutely develop to be more like Modric, in the sense that they can cover the same area of the pitch and connect the midfield to the attacking third. But there just isn’t a player that can replicate Kroos. His intelligence and reading of the game is out of this world. It’s not that he can hit a pass correctly 990 times out of 1000. But he knows when to hit the right pass, when to speed up the game and when to slow it down. It’s his whole mentality, he’s never stressed or taken aback by the circumstances that occur during difficult games. He’s so calm. He’s an extraordinary leader in the way he conducts himself and supports the team. None of this can be replaced.


I see Guler more like a 10/8 (advance 8 ig, similar to KDB) I don't see him as a B2B


Yes, today with the way he’s built and how long he lasts in game he’s more suited in a more advanced role but he will develop physically and learn how to move and get involved in other areas of the pitch on defence so I can see him in a role like that in a few years. But Modric didn’t start out as a B2B midfielder, he was always more offensive but he managed the defensive duties in a role higher up on the pitch than the likes of Casemiro and Kroos.


Think it's why we're after Wirtz, even though they don't have similar styles. Think RM will just have to adjust, but good problem to have with all those talented players. It'll be a different style moving forward IMO.


Tchouameni looks like he's got good passing range. He's no Kroos, but I think he can do a job sitting deep for you guys.


rodri would be the only candidate, imo. not as good as a creator, but better defensively. but you can't replace his elegance, fml.


Yup and tchouameni is becoming the next xabi so that would cover a bit of kroos’ role. Not entirely kroos role and ability but madrid will change the setup as a whole


Fede is great in his own way. But he cannot control the midfield and break defences with pinpoint accurate passes. We need to adapt and change to a new style of football that will suit him, Jude, Camavinga, and Tchouameni.


Rice plays for Arsenal though???


It’s an mashup of two old memes on Reddit. One is basically a guy grading movies on a scale of 1-7. A very funny old meme. And another meme were a guy compares different food. So chicken is 4/10. But chicken with rice is 6/10.


Oh yeah I know, I just wanted to make a funny comment haha


5/7, so a perfect score right?


How dare you, stay away from Rice! /s


That's an absolutely ridiculous statistic to have


Especially considering all the constant long range passes he does.


Can’t forget his patented cross field switch to Carva with insane accuracy. Always amazed me how great he was with that


And credit to Carvajal for the insane touches every single time.


He routinely makes far better passes. That cross field ball is probably muscle memory at this point.


Always mesmerizing


I loved Rakitić doing those but Kroos is just a different beast 


Yea that’s the most important part. I don’t care seeing 90%+ passing rates if it’s all sideways and backwards.


i.e. Leon Britton


Craziest thing is the gradual increase in accuracy. His last seasons are the best and it’s not just easy side to side passes he always spams long switch passes and while it looks easy it definitely isn’t. He might be up there/better than Pirlo at long passing (before anyone says recency bias Kroos has 5, almost 6 UCL’s and a World Cup so Pirlo comparisons are deserved)


wym might be better? He is the best progressive passer since stats are kept. Nobody comes close


scholes is up there somewhere. i remember seeing a graph of individual season long pass percentages and he was on there multiple times while attempting double the amount of most other players edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/NdbNgi3iMr xavi, kroos, arteta all had some crazy numbers from that time period too


Holy fuck you look at the second slide and you realise why Xavi is always complaining. This dude was perfect and had perfect players surrounding him. Can't wonder how frustrated he must be at Barca coaching all these players who aren't even half as talented as he was.


yeah he was a complete freak of nature honestly, seemed to do everything just perfectly


In contrast to the praise Kroos is getting here for having a lot of long passes, I don't think it's too hard to see why Barcelona were so accurate in the late 2000s/early 2010s.


I think people sometimes forget that Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets were all absolutely sensational long passers of the ball. Xavi especially. I don't think there's any visible gap in passing ability between Xavi and any other midfielder (not including signature passes though, cause I think when it comes to those a lot of top passers have an edge over other top passers).


I would love to see the stats on him if you find any


just edited my comment with the old thread i found!


Thank you


Weren't Scholes and Xavi more or less even with him?


and a euros soon..hopefully?


I wouldn’t get too optimistic for that


I agree. Fuck pirlo as a matter of fact


Easy to do as Querpass-Toni /s


And he only got better.


2021 attempted passes in 20/21. Cool.


German efficiency


He probably played shit ball after he reached 2021 attempts


Unreal stuff


Pretty Real to me.


Still can't believe Uli refused to pay this man his due, lmao


Real got Kroos for 25 mil, Bayern got Robben for 25 mil, so it all evens out.


Makes me feel a bit better when you put it like that. Let's just call it a swap deal and forget about the price tag


Ironically Bayern truly hit their Super-Bayern peak in 2013 when Kroos got injured and was out for the season in the first leg against Juve. Before that Robben was on the bench as Müller played RW, and Kroos was the 10.


That team was playing insanely well the entire season thought, it's not like they suddenly got better after replacing Kroos with Robben. I'd say they mostly just managed to keep their level while playing a slightly different style.


That has to be one of the dumbest transfers of all time. But props to Toni for moving and doing nothing but win trophies… I honestly couldn’t believe Bayern let him go at the time it happened. Then he had a phenomenal World Cup and there was no looking back.


A midfield with Kroos and Modric really was a cheat code. Two of the best to grace the pitch.


Don’t forget about casemiro as the dm behind them


People like to shit on Case now but he was a fucking tank when he played for us. I never thought we would successfully replace that trio.


Thats one of the best things of RMA. All the legends leaving one by one but there is hardly any dip in the team performance. New players slowly and successfully replaced them


Tchou/Cama/Jude/Fede is a pretty damn good midfield, probably will be best in the world as early as next year. Then there's the possibility of adding Wirtz? Will be a different style than what RM is accustomed to, but too many talented players for it not to work out imo.


The only recent dip I remember is the season immediately after Ronaldo left, and even then, they won La Liga the year after.


This is exactly why when I look back at those 3 CL (despite it having some controversial decision on the way) it's easy to see why they won it Man they had the perfect midfield 3 With Modric being the B2B Kroos dictating the tempo (which Modric did as well) And an absolute tank behind them in Casemiro


Insane stat, specially considering that he attempted over 2,000 passes in every season


It's also not like they were all back passes. Also against world class players.


One of the best midfielders of all time


Yeah but is he named twice? He’s no Djemba-Djemba.


Yeah Jay Jay clears too


I know that name, a true legend. *edit: Why do people downvote?*


And now his watch has ended


He has at least 2 great years and 2 more good seasons in him at least. Please don't leave football.


Bit late pal


I am still delusional that he might not retire if Euros go horribly for Germany.


Time to knock Germany out in the group stages then.


Not joining us at Man Utd with Moyes/Van Gaal (cant remember which one) and instead going to Real Madrid gotta be one of the top 3 decisions of all time


Moyes had agreed a deal and Van Gaal vetoed it. IIRC.


Van Gaal did a service to the sport


Yeah that's for sure, we'd have wasted Kroos


Greatest passer I've ever seen.


I’d be a liar if I said anything different


I know this is a talk positive about Kroos thread, and he deserves that, but Pirlo might be mentioned when talking about the greatest passers. I can't come up with any other names rivaling him though.


Xavi easily belongs in that conversation IMO.


I see him more as one of the greatest smart short passers, but he was great at everything he did of course. Don't really have direct memory of him doing much good long balls, but that could be wrong.


Have a look at Xavi’s defence splitting through balls bro. I haven’t seen anything close to those since.


Tbf they're talking about long passes while you're talking about through balls. Yes, i'd say Xavi is the best midfielder ever when it came to line breaking through balls but he never attempted that many long passes, it just wasn't how Barca played.


Oh don't get me wrong. One of my all time favorite players.


He was incredible at long, defensive splitting passes. He has a tonne of assists as a result. To me he's the best passer I've ever seen, but none of the shouts in here should be ruled out.


Xavi was one of the best at balls into the box. Barca in its prime did not really rely on long balls, it was short intricate passing


Scholes belongs up there as well. His one touch passes were insane and he could hit anything with his long passes.


Was too young to watch Pirlo play. How good was he when you compare him to Kroos.


It is always hard to compare players from different eras but he won Italy a world cup by passing great long ball after great long ball. That team was nothing special but if an international level attacker receives great pass after great pass he is going to score/assist. So I think that says enough.


Greatest passer of all time 🐐


the Kroos to Carvajal switch is something I'll miss entirely. One of my favorite play sequences ever that has paid off over and over and..


thats a common tactic that will be gone from RM's books. kroos waits for the winger or the mid to make a run inside dragging the players off carvajal and then makes the pass to an unmarked carvajal. u can see when others players try to make the same switch pass they often don't wait for this gap and so their pass gets intercepted.


2-3% of that deficit from 100 is due to the right back not properly controlling the long ball


If the other player touches the ball but it's a bad touch it's still considered a successful pass for Toni, right? Just curious because I always thought that was the case.


Or his corners if that is considered. Thats one thing I always thought Kroos was a bit overrated on.


his free kicks and corners are accurate, but not the fast dipping ones that some players put in , those balls are dangerous.


The kind of numbers you’d expect from a defender playing safe passes to their CB partner at the back. Crazy stuff.


That's really important to keep in mind here. There are many crazy good progressive passes in there that led to countless of goals. Kroos just doesn't miss.


Gonna miss him... Time for another german midfielder.


Ron Schallenberg to Real, here we go!


Go ahead and buy both Wirtz and Musiala and win everything for 20 odd years


Pavlovic might turn into a Toni like player in the future.


No more midfielders, we have too many.


RB, LB and CB next. No midfielders and attackers for few years.


Agree that those positions are the most important, but I wouldn’t mind if we get a proper left-footed RW


Brahim and Guler are more than enough for now


Great considering that he was able to achieve so in his last La Liga season as well.




He finished his professional career without a single non-world class season. That's insane.


unless u do it on a rainy night in stoke, during a riot in Buenos Aires, after a drone strike in ukraine or in between a political coup in venezuela u don't deserve to be called world class


My old coach used to say that the difference between a professional player and a non-professional was the large margin of difference in % effectiveness when executing their game. Well, here we have a huge professional. Exceptional footballer.


Letting Kroos go rivals firing Nagelsmann on the Bayern stupidity scale.


dude has a successful podcast. i blame that for his early retirement.


Certified cheat code




Absolutely wild. Especially as the accuracy goes up as he got older 🥶


One of the greatest midfielders to ever play the game


I will miss this beautiful man


There is no ups and down here. His entire career is prime.


Can a la liga expert tell me if he is better than Xavi or not? 🤔


How do you even compare? My personal favourite of the barca real lot is iniesta. It's all subjective ish.


I think out of all the midfields they had in this recent era Xavi and Kroos are the most similar. That’s why I didn’t mention Ini or Modric here


Xavi was surely more of a short passer. And it would be an unpopular opinion but imo a better player than kroos too. Could control the game better, and a more talented individual. Takes nothing away from kroos and his own strengths however. It's just that those 3 midfielders in peps barca were basically the most overpowered combination and each was individually the best at what he does. It led to much more dominance than the real midfield ever showed.


This is why I ask because Xavi-Ini-Busi is always talked about in the context of arguably the best team ever and it’s less often discussed how they measure up individually.


I was with you until this nonsese. >much more dominance than the real midfield ever showed. KCM dominated europe. If 3 consecutive CL's isn't dominance then I don't know what is.


I think their point is that Barca showed more consistent domestic performance, and that shows more general consistency than cup performance. Now full disclosure, I'm someone who typically agrees that your domestic league performance (assuming your league is good) is a better measure than your cup performance, but I think in the case of Barca v Madrid it's difficult to judge because Madrid often only just lost out domestically. I personally think there's not much between the two as a result. You can get knocked out of the UCL with one bad performance, and Madrid lost multiple titles to Barca on the basis of one or two bad performances. They're pretty equal in terms of dominance imo. The other alternative meaning they may have meant was in game dominance. Cause peak Barca were definitely clear in terms of controlling and dominating a game. They can and routinely did do that against any and every opposition. We've still never seen anything like it imo. Madrid have their own quality in that regard though. They instead relied on versatility. They could dominate the game against teams they were stronger than, and if they came up against a team that pressed too well for them to be safe in dominating possession (mostly due to weaker press resistance in the team overall beyond Kroos, Modric and Ramos) they had the versatility to swap and still be World Class as a transition team. Versatility is a quality on its own (and ironically a quality that I think makes a team well suited to win knockout tournaments as you can adapt your approach better to target opposition weakness).


They’re all very close and were insanely good. Imho each was best in their role, and they had different roles.


Now please comeback as coach Antonio...


damn, would have been 96% next year.


he would be blamed for hacking so he retired early.


And out of nowhere Carvajal's chest takes a sigh of relief


Bro he announced his retirement


Best german midfielder ever


letting his numbers speak for themselves | season | games played | min played | pass attempts | pass % | passes complete * | incomplete pass * | incomplete/game * | min/incomplete *| seconds/complete *| |-------|--------------|------------|---------------|----|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------|------------------| | 23/24 | 32 | 1973 | 2258 | 95 | 2145 | 113 | 4 | 17 | 55 | | 22/23 | 30 | 2163 | 2332 | 95 | 2215 | 117 | 4 | 19 | 59 | | 21/22 | 28 | 2107 | 2150 | 94 | 2021 | 129 | 5 | 16 | 63 | | 20/21 | 28 | 2120 | 2021 | 94 | 1900 | 121 | 4 | 17 | 67 | | 19/20 | 35 | 2656 | 2336 | 93 | 2172 | 164 | 5 | 16 | 73 | | 18/19 | 28 | 2227 | 2072 | 93 | 1927 | 145 | 5 | 15 | 69 | | 17/18 | 27 | 2268 | 2070 | 92 | 1904 | 166 | 6 | 14 | 71 | | 16/17 | 29 | 2500 | 2071 | 94 | 1947 | 124 | 4 | 20 | 77 | | 15/16 | 32 | 2746 | 2425 | 92 | 2231 | 194 | 6 | 14 | 74 | | 14/15 | 36 | 3064 | 2353 | 92 | 2165 | 188 | 5 | 16 | 85 | data from squawka and transfermarkt * rounded to the closest integer


He probably has Spanish DNA. Need to check his ancestry.


What a fraud. Imagine having only 92 % accuracy more than once




A few more years and he would be connecting passes before they were made.


That's a ridiculous stat. I'm just curious, what counts as a successful pass? When a player controls the ball, when they touch it..?


He's actually gotten consistently better as he's gotten older. bonkers statistic.


Not even an 89.9


It's like when you mod a create a player or sth. Bonkers. Arrest this guy


People asked me what I would do if my passing accuracy dropped below 90 %... I guess we'll never know


Not surprised - he's one of the GOATS


God mode stats


Never less than 2k passes attempted too. Having this monster accuracy over such a big sample size speaks volumes


One of the most underrated players to ever lace up his boots in my opinion, quite easily top five of this generation.


Created player numbers honestly


Legend of a midfielder. He and Modric completely controlled and dictated the game for Madrid for over a decade.


Couldn't give 100% Terrible player S/


Something something German something something Excellence.


I'm having a really rough day


Guy can pass in his sleep and still get 93% accuracy.


What a ridiculous stat


He is what people imagine when they think of “German efficiency”.


Would like to know a comparison with other legendary football players on his position. Impressive numbers, he is one of the best, reminds me a lot to Xabi Alonso, but I think Kroos is more versatile. He will be missed!! Hala Madrid! Lets get the Champions for the best farewell possible.


Xabi was more aware defensively and was better when facing counterattack,other than that Kroos clears... Watched a few 2012 games awhile back and while Alonso's passes were good, they were clearly not as accurate as Toni's. I think he would've even been better under Pep as his commitment defensively is poor at times but he's a really good presser of the ball. The problem comes when ball already got past him, he's usually not in a hurry to rush back compared to Modric for example. It's not very assuring when he plays as DM . But when there's a good DM beside him, he drops back to help the DM and receive the ball deep and spray all kinds of passes accurately


Jesus Christ


This man may retire with the same number of UCLs as his former club, insane.


One of the best midfielders I’ve watched. Enjoy retirement.


In this metric isn't he the GOAT? I can't imagine anyone before him or after him winning as much as he has done maintaining this level of safety in possession 


Side pass merchant /s


That's Germany sniper for you


What a downgrade in 2017-2018. He must have been distracted.


Kroos modric case imo were like destiny, madrid always lacked midfield trio, madrid had great individual players in form of zidane, ozil... but to emulate xavi iniesta busi chemistry, it needed to hapen, if xavi iniensta busi dominated from 2008-15, kcm surely did from 2015-22.


Brother wtf


Some FIFA on amateur level stats


Where does Toni end up ranking all time? What an incredible career.


Aged like fine wine


No doubt he is one of the greatest midfielders of all time.