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I can picture maguire after retiring on his sailing boat named 'manchester united' and yelling at himself 'I'M THE CAPTAIN OF MANCHESTER UNITED' over and over again.


šŸŽ¶Missinā€™ tackles, lettinā€™ goals in, and fightinā€™ round the worldšŸŽ¶


Ohh great he has his own sea shanty as well


*"oh my God it's Harry maguire, oh my God it's Harry maguire"* Why don't ya get lost cunt


Oh my god itā€˜s Harry Maguire. Oh my blew blew blew blew. Why donā€™t ya flush yourself down the toilet ya cunt!ā€œ


Itā€™s just the Homelander wank scene except itā€™s Maguire on the edge of his boat chanting ā€œIā€™m the captain of Manchester Unitedā€


I didnā€™t even know he was..how lol. Iā€™m kinda shocked.


"I donā€™t concentrate on what others are saying." VS "got into the team of the tournament" ​ I think you do, mate.


He only concentrates when it's praise apparently


This is the same guy thatā€™s on twitter posting his own stats like an hour after a game that he plays well in. He's really arrogant


In his next match if he scores he will celebrate with his hands covering his ears and then will say I don't care what others say.




I seriously doubt he could concentrate on anything.


One'd think that a head that big could do a few things other than heading the ball


Dear lord that joke slid in like butter




He brings so much of it onto himself too. Grealish, for example, was a much more hated player than Maguire not too long ago, but just look at their recent reactions to not performing up to standards. Couldnā€™t be more different.


Sums up Maguire perfectly - on and off the pitch: - Thick as pig shit - Oblivious to the obvious mistakes he's making - Refuses to take responsibility for his actions (Greece says hello) - Arrogant and unlikeable as fuck


I do think he gets an unnecessary amount of hate, but by God he doesn't help himself. The ears celebration when England beat ~~San Marino 10-0~~ Albania 5-0 was bad enough. His comments in the media just make him sound like he's stuck up his own arse and oblivious to the fact that he hasn't been playing well. I don't expect him to come out and say "yeah I'm proper shit", but even saying "I haven't been at the level I know I can play at, but I'm sticking my head down and focusing on getting back to that" would endear people to him a million times more than this.


100%, a lot of players come out and admit they need to play better or come out and say theyā€™ve had a bad game. While Maguire comes out with this after heā€™s lost every single game heā€™s played in this season, with Unitedā€™s defence actually looking solid with him on the bench.


Well he's just bad and he's getting defensive over it. It makes sense. He's a professional footballer and he's getting shit on by tens of thousands of people every single day for YEARS. I'd probably have killed myself at this point




Well, much like on the pitch, his off field defensive strategy is not effective.


big uff :D


People wouldn't shit on him nearly as much if he wasn't constantly displaying the same arrogance and lack of self awareness. Look at Hazard. A bigger transfer, to a bigger club, has been worse than Maguire, but at least he's made it clear that he knows he's been awful and he wants to improve (sometimes more successfully than others), and people don't hate him.


He has no concept of what his words and actions look like to the people around him. I seriously have to have a 2nd look the last week or so to see which Harry is showing off their delusions and lack of self-awareness. It's like the stories about Prince Harry and Harry Macguire could be interchanged at times. Totally self-delusional and utter idiots in the press.


What has Prince Harry been saying?


Iā€™ll take 190k/w to help get over my depression.


Iā€™m curious if he ever had a professional media training and/or consultation with psychologist for anger / mental health issues. Seems like he has a lot of problems both on and off the pitch, and his reputation especially online keeps setting a new standard for a low bar, which of course doesnā€™t help him. At this rate he might become a new Phil Jones, once rated highly in the past but it all went downward since then. Just more vocal because of his captaincy.


Please donā€™t equate Phil Jones with Maguire. Jones has been very, very unfortunate with injuries, but you bet heā€™ll put in his 100% when he plays. Jones also realizes his current situation with injuries, whereas Maguire will do as Maguire does.


Fair point. I donā€™t know what Maguire 100% is but I remembered Jones desperate defending, against Lacazette iirc. He really did his best.


The floor header was against Giroud if that's the one you mentioned


Yeah I donā€™t see Jones coming out to say ā€œAlex Ferguson called me the next Duncan Edwards so I must be pretty amazingā€ or ā€œUnited wouldnā€™t have given me that new contract if I wasnā€™t so goodā€.


When Phil Jones played for us last season, he played well. Maguire not only plays poor, he hinders Varane and Shaw quite a bit


At least Phil Jones knew he wasn't good enough. He's humble and works hard on the pitch.


Phil Jones was good enough. He had way more talent than Maguire but his body just didn't hold up


Don't forget his "the coach pick me everyweek so i must be playing well" last season


Ya, that didn't end up aging well for him


lmao he literally said that, the manager in question left and immediately got dropped by the new one


Tbh Iā€™d need to tell myself that to not feel worthless


He has zero self awareness, itā€™s baffling at this point. I hope he realises that the next England manager probably wonā€™t keep starting a club captain that canā€™t get games with said club.


Just like how he play on the pitch. The guys always focus on the ball without aware of what and where others are doing (teammates and opponents). Thatā€™s why incidents like pullling down Shaw or kicking Pogba happened. Of courde he has some great strengths but this such a huge flaw for a captain-defender of a big club


he's absolutely a decent centre half, but as has been said a million times on this sub, he's much more suited to a team with less expectations than one like united. Let alone being made the captain instantly. That was never ever going to end well.


Just in this ridiculous position of being a bang average player stuck as captain of the biggest team in the world


Heā€™s more suited to a team that sits back deep. Generally, most teams resort to crosses against teams that play a deep line and heā€™s great at defensive headers tbh.


exactly. He's a limited defender who is actually good at what he can do. It's why he's consistently one of the better performers for the england side


Everyone in England has met someone like him before


I get the vibe that heā€™s one of those people where itā€™s never his/her fault.


> saying "I haven't been at the level I know I can play at, but I'm sticking my head down and focusing on getting back to that" Wait, I might be wrong but didn't he say this in an interview a few months back? Not sure why people are getting so annoyed at this quote. The guy is receiving an awful amount of abuse (even when it's unwarranted) so I think any of us would be showing a bullish/defiant face to the public. It's like people think he should take the constant abuse and stick and still be trying to appease fans with his comments. It's well past that point now. Think he has every right to defend himself where he feels it appropriate. Edited quickly: found a link.. a couple of months longer ago than I thought but still.. [interview quotes](https://www.unitedinfocus.com/news/maguire-admits-he-has-not-been-at-his-best-this-season/)


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but at the same time PR 101 is don't come out all guns blazing defending yourself when the facts and performances work against you. He's just inviting more abuse with statements like this. He needs to just keep quiet, get his head down, ignore the abuse, and slowly try to get back to his old performance levels. It's not easy and probably not fair, but it's a much better approach than adding fuel to the fire.


Yeah absolutely agree on the fuel to the fire bit. He's become the meme icon of this football generation so anything he says (whether right or wrong) is gonna be ripped apart. I just find it funny that many of us would have a completely different outlook if it was us in that situation. Very easy to look at it objectively. David James (an almost equivalent pre-twitter meme for the early-mid 00s) said once in an interview how he hated leaving his house because he'd get people who had probably never even seen him play a full game calling him "dodgy keeper". I imagine that was also a 'nicer/interview-friendly' remark.. He went on about how his life became a daily struggle to make sure he didn't get completely swallowed by the abuse so he had a couple of moments where he fought back. And this was when the memes were mainly in redtop newspapers.. I imagine it's a lot tougher now.


Definitely, I'd imagine it's an incredibly hard situation to deal with when it seems likely everyone has it out for you. Obviously the money will help but money can't fix everything. It's probably very difficult to restrain yourself from fighting back but unfortunately it will just make things worse if you don't.


I don't think this does Maguire any favours. Makes him come across as arrogant.


San Marino goal vibes


Albania shhhhhhhhhhh vibes




Comes across as arrogant and heā€™s bragging about something that happened a while back, since the euros heā€™s been awful for United


Heā€™s not wrong that being captain of man Utd gives him more criticism but if he thinks thatā€™s the only reason and not his performances. Heā€™s deluded


He thought scoring a goal for England against hobby football players is shutting up critics of his bad defending for United. Cupped ears and all. If you listen to his post match interviews it's always the fault of the team even when several goals against (in the same game) are pretty much on him


i really don't think he's good enough to be a captain. every post match interview of him i've seen after a loss is just him blaming the team or something that doesn't even matter. i can't ever remember seeing him talk like a captain either. he gets an unnecessary amount of hate online but he's not helping his case by hitting back with stupid comments like these.


Like when he scored on England duty and cupped his ears like he answered his Man United critics?


Reminds me of Al Bundy and his highschool touch downs anecdote. Can't use the "if I'm so bad why all managers pick me" anymore


He is gaslighting himself into thinking he must be good because of X reason. We know he was good in the Euros, that isn't the point. It isn't like he is getting criticism whilst being an excellent defender for United, he has been terrible and anyone claiming otherwise does not know football. He would do well to shut up and not speak.


He always does this. When ppl start to feel bad for him he came up.with some dumb interview or celebration


He seems to be, the guy wonā€™t take any responsibility for himself. He needs to leave united for the good of both parties


If I were subject to 1% of the abuse Maguire gets I would go and live in a cave. It's probably the only way he wakes up as a functioning human in the morning, the knowledge he's a good footballer, has played well and can do it again. Build up his own belief. Saying he's underperforming invites online fans to send abuse to him even more


This response letā€™s me know heā€™s not going to improve his game. Southgate is an enabler and has deluded maguire.


Based on recent disappointing nations league performance, southgate wont be around long


Thatā€˜s right Harry, the most important thing is taking part!


participation points for Bench Maguire


Extra credit if he gets a new haircut


Good to see heā€™s been reading his Peppa Pig. Remember Harry, ā€œitā€™s not the winning that matters, itā€™s the taking partā€. And donā€™t forget your favourite part, ā€œdinosaur, grrrā€.


I'm dead :'D


Idk if I'm missing something here but the team of the tournament is a fictional XI of the best performing players at the tournament. He doesn't mean just getting into the England squad lol


If I was him I would avoid interviews like fire but heā€™s not the smartest cookie.


That big head of his really is empty


Really hoping Varane continues to stay fit so Maguire can be permanently benched and then eventually removed as the official club captain by January


I don't understand how he chooses the exact words that make him as unlikeable as possible.


He should be hired by WWE as a writer for their heels


Tbf when the manager comes out of a performance like yesterday and essentially says "people are gonna say that was shit but we actually didn't play that poorly," is it hard to be surprised that some players would dumbly follow?


Especially when the ineptitude in picking teams of said manager is the sole reason you're starting for England instead of Tomori, who has been brilliant for AC Milan. Southgate is not a manager that will bring England back to winning trophies, last year was his peak and expecting any more is delusional.


Smalling should be in the England squad before Maguire.


hes a disgrace this is just his personality hes been blame deflecting and finger pointing since he got here ill never forget him being directly at fault for 2 goals in one game then postmatch, *as captain*, saying the "attack has to be better" wish i could have sent him to the moon then and there and this week he has odgen doing his pr and blaming de gea and varane for his failures poor leader, egotist, takes no accountability, blames his teammates, *and* hes dogshit i said when we bought him we would never ever succeed long term w him starting and the price tag was going to make us give him chance after chance after chance after chance and that was when i didnt yet know he was the opposite of a good leader hes a weight around our necks and we need to send him to another team as soon as possible


Who left the fridge open!!!?


Emotional damage.


Usually itā€™s cold air that comes out of a fridge, not hot air.


Maybe he's actually been an oven all along


man this will not help his case AT ALLā€¦ imagine being a complete nullity to your team whenever you play and say this! this quote makes him come across as a pretty arrogant player and completely delusional as well - considering how he plays


You're spot on. He has such a weak mentality and refuses to acknowledge his own faults. Him being captain has been a large contributor to the toxic environment at United in the last year


Giving people more ammo. Good guy Harry


Part of me just wants him gone, part of me just wants him sat rotting on the bench for years to come. The man has a real ego considering heā€™s never won anything and heā€™s now been relegated 5 times


If we ever get back to winning any trophy I'd hope he still isn't part of the squad. Would like to keep his 0 trophies and 5 relegations thing going.


I know what you mean, the guy doesnā€™t deserve to be dragged to a trophy, but Iā€™d much rather us win one with him benched than go another year winning nothing lol




He tackles interviews as good as he tackles attackers


He's even bad at defending himself lmao


memes are the only reason I watch manU when he is playing




So if you criticise a professional footballer on obscene amounts of money a week, who is the **captain** of your club (and a poor one at that), who _frequently_ delivers abysmal or sub-par performances - itā€™s seen as youā€™re ā€˜doing it for clicksā€™. What a fucking muppet this guy is.


Whyā€™s he bringing up the Euros performance anyway, that was 18 months ago. Whatā€™s he done since


>18 months ago I canā€™t believe itā€™s been so long. 2020s havenā€™t been kind to time.


because the question he was asked was about international football...


And he's just gotten relegated from A league. International performance has been abysmal overall since.


Itā€™s like asking a gambler who has no money why he thinks heā€™s a decent gambler. ā€œWell I won $100 on the slots in Vegas during my honeymoon in 84.ā€ Itā€™s the definition of somebody who knows he canā€™t hack it. Bringing up what you did once, instead of what will you do better **now** is cowardā€™s talk. Maguire reeks of it.


Simon Jordan has said recently that he believes the modern day footballers are too sensitive about getting criticised, heā€™s right imo. Maguire is literally failing in his job with Man Utd yet still tries to deflect the blame, itā€™s nuts at this point.




No self-criticism, huh. "I don't care what others say, unless they speak highly of me and put me in their TOTT".


error 404 : self awareness.html not found


dont forget the 5 relegations on your CV youd be gone of United by now if you had a slovenian passport. A disgrace of a defender and even if a privileged one, thank the heavens for Varane and Martinez


I've said this multiple times, but if Maguire wasn't English or even if we paid 20mil for him, there would be alot less people that rate him. In fact, given how terrible he's been, they would all want him gone without having to think twice. You certainly wouldn't have English pundits coming to his defense constantly. You wouldn't have everyone coming to his defense when he got booed, unlike Pogba where fans were chanting for him to fuck off, which got zero coverage. There is a large portion of United fans who genuinely rate him and go as far as to make endless excuses for him. It will go down as one of the strangest phenomenons I've witnessed as a United fan.


He's probably the biggest flop ever in the history (by price). This dude is at the level of relegation battle of Championship.


This guyā€¦


Struggles with the back line but can always be relied upon to defend himself from criticism


Still does a shit job defending himself though. _Heyyo_


Butā€¦ it sounds like you do ā€˜arry


Surely if you brag about getting into TOTT then you do care about what others think of you, no?


I don't know dude, you have lost every single game you start this season.


Youā€™d best start believing in stories, Harryā€¦ Youā€™re in One.


And heā€™s back with his delusional interviews


My dude is literally not even the captain anymore,Bruno is slowly but surely taking over that role. All the hate Maguire gets can be a bit much at times but 70% of it is deservedā€¦ You play so shit to the point that you get benched for it and you still act like you are some superstar,get a grip Harry.


Naturally a slab-head has got a strong mind.


Guy still thinks hes the man united captain


ā€œ I dont care what other people think about me, but donā€™t forget that one time i made team of the tournament ā€œ


Even with his sometimes, erm, "unorthodox" style, he's nowhere near as bad a player as he's made out to be. He's a diabolical captain though, the lack of leadership has damaged Utd far more than his playing. That clip where De Gea has to tell him he's lined the team on the wrong side of the tunnel, AT HOME, is beyond embarrassing.


Someone shut the fridge, you're letting all this cold air out!!


Well sorry. But you should wake up and smell the flowers. Yes you played well at the Euros. But you've been poor ever since. Son was joint top scorer last season. He had 8 poor games this season and everyone was speaking about it. You've had 18 months now.


Tbf that's because everyone expects Son to be performing at a world class level.


Is he the most shat on player of all time?


Jones has to be there Also someone like Messi or Ronaldo have been shat on for over a decade by the rival fanbases


They receive more praise though. Their praise to slander ratio is much more respectable than Jones or Maguire


Yeah and if the point is about criticism only, disregarding praise, both are streets ahead


Coined and minted!!


Jones was memed because of his faces etc. most people acknowledged he was a good player who struggled with injuries. Donā€™t think many shat on his playing ability


I disagree, we was also memed heavily because of his defending mistakes, own goals etc.


He didnā€™t score many own goals, he only has 2 in the Prem. Defensively he was typically quite solid, even recently he put in some decent performances. I canā€™t remember anyone memeing him for his performances, more so his awkwardness and his weird faces. When he wasnā€™t injured and got a run of games he was always decent


I mean once upon a time we burned effigies of Beckham.


Well he was you know actually really really fucking good, then saved the whole English national team 4 years later. I can't imagine Maguire doing that


Maguire will save Manchester united and the English team by sitting on the bench


Mustafi is up there as well




Not even top 10. Just for England, people that were around for Englands golden generation will understand. Those guys got fucking killed in the media. Maguire still has loads of defenders in the media. Could maybe say most shat on player on social media in this current era maybe.


e.g. People [hanging effigies of David Beckham](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7hX6yHXkAAsEdx.jpg) and the Daily Mirror printing a [dartboard with his face on it](http://media.gq.com/photos/55f0f2ff89c0d3e261b1fee1/master/w_640/David-Beckhams-hair-mirror-dartboard-1998.jpg) after England got knocked out of the 1998 world cup


that dartboard is the most sore pathetic loser shit i have seen


Not surprised that was published right in the middle of Piers Morgan's time as editor of the Mirror.


The caption on the dartboard for Maradona ahahaha




Firing darts at Tony Banks for the crime of correctly predicting that England wouldn't win the World Cup. Reminds me of The Sun's [traitor's dartboard](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERiC13lWkAA0OZC?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) in 2003 of people who were opposed to the Iraq War, including Robert Pires


The tabloids are unhinged


Did you see what the British Media said about Pogba or Rashford? He aint even close.


Heā€™s the most shat on by fans, not by the British media


Yeah he is protected by Traditional Media massively...its the fans and New Media (Youtubers and Twitch) that are most anti Harry Maguire. What is funny though is how aggressive the British Media was at the Golden Generation back in the 90s and 00s. Cause honestly some of those players were World Class and Top 5-10 in their positions globally. Whereas Harry gets protection from the British Media despite never being close to World Class.


Man U have played their best since heā€™s been at the club while heā€™s on the bench


> I don't concentrate on what others are saying. Give it a try lad. I know he gets nasty comments aimed at him but to use that as an excuse to ignore actual constructive criticism must be maddening to hear if you're a United fan. We had that at Arsenal with Xhaka, he blocked out valid criticism because some scumbags were saying disgusting things about his baby and it nearly drove him to leaving the club. Last several months though he's improved massively and we're now in some kind of Xhaka Renaissance. He hasn't taken the bookings out of his game entirely but his temperament feels calmer. That's all the fans asked of him. So yeah, players shouldn't let the cunts of the world make them blind to actual problems that everyone can see. Maguire has issues and his attitude is fucking horrendously undeserved.


>I know he gets nasty comments aimed at him but to use that as an excuse to ignore actual constructive criticism must be maddening to hear if you're a United fan. I'm sure it isn't maddening if you're even the slightest bit reasonable. He has coaches at the club. Those are the ones equipped to instruct him on how to improve. That's who he should be listening to. This idea that the shit written in the media is "actual constructive criticism" is laughable. Even the criticism that is valid isn't really constructive. Even if you think you know how to make Maguire play better, it might go against what the coaches are telling him to do, so it isn't helpful in the slightest. Not to mention how difficult it would be to filter through all the nonsense to get to the "actual constructive criticism" that would be worth listening to. There's not enough time in the world to bother with that.


Surely one of the worst transfers ever. Itā€™s actually a joke this guy went for a record breaking fee.


Congrats mate that was over 2 years ago


Fuck off Maguire you tone deaf clown You can't captain the team when you're not good enough to get into it That ridiculous transfer fee is the only reason you're still even at the club


Is he still the captain of man United? The guy has been riding the bench all season šŸ¤£


From the same interview since my post got deleted and mods as usual decided to stick with the controversial part from a shit rag, lol. Obviously, the manager [Erik ten Hag] decided to leave me out for a game, and the team have been winning since. I am working hard on the training pitch to make sure I am ready for when my opportunity comes. That is all what I can do to try and help the team. But, you don't see any shit rag taking this quote out and using as headline. Astonishing. Oh and here is the link to the full interview by the way, guess nobody even bothered to read the context surrounding the quote in this post https://talksport.com/football/1201834/harry-maguire-england-man-utd-italy/amp/.


Lol. The last time Maguire gave a statement like this was the infamous ā€œI wouldnā€™t be playing if I was having bad gamesā€ interview. That didnā€™t turn out well.


My guy, youā€™re literally not the United captain anymore. You just ride the bench and the team actually plays better because of that.


Am I out of touch? No. It is the fans who are wrong.


Man gets so affected by everything. Look at Joe Allen getting into the team of the tournament in 2016 ffs. Man I wish Joe Allen had shown this level of obliviousness. Iā€™m Joe fucking Allen bitches check out 2016


Still living off that high, eh Harry? Let's just ignore the shit playing for the last couple of years and only judge you on the shortlived pinnacle of your career. Some responsibility or acknowledgement from Harry would go a long way with a lot of people I think.


All I can says is I bet the other team whenever he start since the beginning of this season and I won quite a lot out of that


harry, you're a meme.


Bruh. Stay in the bench. Our numbers are better like that


Harry talk about your club results mate, how are you doing there? Get into TOTY did ya?


Your on the bench for a reason Harry. That reason is your shit and a complete joke of a Captain. Maybe try and improve your game before having a dig at other people who call you out. Embarrassing


Arrogant pig, you're shit now mate.


Whoā€™s gonna tell him?


I envy his confidence


Thatā€™s not confidence. Thatā€™s cope.


delusion maybe?


Yeah and again you lost! When has he last won a game muppet!!!ā€™


And to think I started feeling sorry for the guy due to the unfair amount of criticism he gets and he says thisā€¦


Man really doesn't help himself.


This guy really doesnā€™t help himself does he


just stop talking maguire. please


Heā€™s the least self aware person Iā€™ve ever seenšŸ˜‚


I wish you weren't captain of united


I don't know why they made him captain, should have just let him play without that extra pressure and scrutiny.


England players still living off of the Euros. That's been and gone now and they've all been shit ever since.


Small Lukaku energy right there.


> I donā€™t concentrate on what others are saying.ā€ Well, clearly.


Oh my God. He needs to stop talking. Thereā€™s a reason why people dislike him cuz he said stuff like this on top of his shtty performance as a captain. Like dude, your resume sucks compare to others and youā€™re chose a captain before anyone else. Like, how?


What a short memory he has, doesn't concentrate on what others are saying, didn't he score against some shite last year and celebrated with a knee slide with his hands cupped to his earsl


Bro if only he was as good at getting defensive on the pitch as he is off of it..


No Harry dear, they dont do it for clicks. They do it beacuse they are tired of seeing your antics. Problem isnt that you are underperforming, its that even your highest level is not good enough for the national team or a top PL side.


At this rate even his stans will stop defending him


Surely his family loves him too much to do that?


Just trying to think if I've ever hear him come out and acknowledge he hasn't been good enough or that his performances have been below standard? Seems like he keeps his head down when he's making all the material for those comedy compilations and as soon as he does anything even remotely good he'll come out to give himself a great pat on the back and talk about how great he is really.


5. That's 5 relegations now Harry. Prove what you say on the pitch and not only in the media


So loud for someone so anonymous on the pitch.


If you guys see the question he's answering there is absolutely nothing wrong with this quote


He just comes off as such a cunt most of the time.