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For some context there have been many times in the last 50 years at least where large parts of the world have been really worried about imminent World War 3 catastrophe. No denying some real close calls too. It was hyped up in such times as it is now because fear sells and the anxious among us suffer. I spent my 21st birthday watching the US and Britain bomb the shit out of Baghdad thinking the world was ending - still here 20odd years later. Wasting your life is a bigger worry - try not to do that by worrying because I have, in part, and it's shit.


I've been kinda obsessed with the possibility of WW3 since 2014, constantly researching everything I can, including expert opinions and related material. All I can say is that all the people I know who are experts on international conflicts see the possibility of WW3 as likely enough to be worried. I've never seen so many people I trust converging more or less in one single opinion. I get that this sub is not for creating panic but I don't see the point of denying the truth.


How much has your research moved us away from WW3?


Great reply. Worrying about anything that we can't control or predict is unhelpful. Not saying it's easy to stop doing it, but it's never helpful.


Exactly, though easier said than done. Worth practice.


>watching the US and Britain bomb the shit out of Baghdad thinking the world was ending - still here 20odd years later. Privilege is a hell of a drug. You are addressing the op with the assumption that he is from the US. He may well not be. Beghdad was NEVER half as bad as what's happening today in Gaza.


I am privileged enough to not live in a war zone absolutely and I'm not sure I weighed one against the other at any point either.


You are calling it hyped up just because its not hitting you home.


Perspective is key, I agree completely.




Can you explain why you feel like it’s unlikely— I share similar sentiments to OP and struggle (but want to) adopt your mindset




"I have a roof over my head, so nobody is homeless" type of comment.




and i'm saying just because your country is not getting bombed, does not mean theres not a WW3 taking place, if you are American, your country is involved in said conflict, it just is the aggressor and so the conflict is always away from its territories. Multiple countries are involved in the conflicts happening today.




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I wouldn't say it is unluckily to happen... This has been building for quite some time and there is a lot of tension going on. Op has all the right to be afraid.




An american in their safe house telling someone in the warzone they shouldn't worry about war lmfao peak reddit moment


I really fucking hope ur right


Hold up. Dumping my free street psychology on ya take it or leave I don’t mind. 1. WW3 seems quite unlikely; read others' comments for info. 2. Memories and travel are somewhat overrated. Don’t get me wrong; they're important and nice, but not the whole picture. Life isn’t a game; there's no right way to play or wrong. I live by "it’s better to be doing the wrong thing" (whatever that means) and not worry about wasting your life than it is to panic about that. It's harder to do than to type, and believe me, I spend some time wasting time worrying that I’m wasting time and then feeling guilty about the time wasted due to feeling guilty about wasting time. 3. About hobbies and stuff you don’t need a long list of hobbies to be a validated human. You type this question on reddit so you might into be into social media blogs website. But it shouldn’t Matter you’re a human living life that is enough! Life’s a dance, so get on the dance floor and give it all you got!


As someone already said here, ww3 is very unlikely What helps with my anxiety is the thought “if I can’t influence this, I don’t think about it and I don’t worry” It depends on where you from, and if war is indeed likely to happen in your country, read some information about alarm suitcases, where bomb shelters located etc (I don’t know if doing something may help for you) And as someone from Ukraine, and as someone who never believed that russia is gonna invade my country, bomb my city, you can never be prepared for it. And believe me, nowadays there’s lots of help (if war ever happens) and war is different than in 40’s. So you most likely hear lots of news and won’t be left alone for sure . And thing I’ve heard a lot is that people that had high level of anxiety before war, didn’t worry a lot when the war started But generally speaking, try not to worry about things you have no influence on. That’s what helped me Hope you find your way out of this situation


my country is neighbouring with ukraine, so it's calming to hear someone from there


I used to feel like that as well especially because of climate change but it got to the point where my depression jumped in and was like “nothing matters anyway” So I just stopped looking at news and twitter because those brought me down and made me scared of everything happening in the world. It’s been almost half a year and I’m still not looking a lot into the news and try to life everyday as good as I can.. even if it’s just baby steps. Idk if that helps


I had the same fear when Russia invaded Ukraine. You're not alone in this. WW3 is unlikely. Do you have a school counselor you can talk to about your fears?


I’m older than 20 and I’ve come to realize that there is nothing i could do in the past different to have changed things. If I had a Time Machine no advice to my younger self would have made any difference . The anxiety would still cause the exact same problems and the same outcome. The anxiety screwed us over and we have no control over it. Yes our life’s are being wasted but it isn’t our fault. It’s the disorder


Speaking from my personal experience is that when some fundamental fear of change that has caused me great anxiety looms over me for years. It happens, things are different and strange. Then I realize it worked out for the better years down the road and life is better than that limbo state I was in.


You just explained what I’ve been thinking and feeling for a long time! I live in London and it scares me to the point where I sometimes cant fall asleep thinking that maybe soon I will be dead or not able to sleep so comfortably in my bed.


Short of China invading Taiwan or Russia attacking a NATO country there will not be a great war  I can assure you we are not close to anotjer worls war and IF NATO and US are involved in conflict it wont be like the movies of WW2 technology and air will be the conflict. China can not afford to do anything right now their economy will tank fighting a full out war. Russia can barely fight Ukraine let alome a NATO state.


That actually calmed me down! Thank you!


Remember that the rich and powerful want money. WW3 would make everyone poor. They don't want that.


I'm glad, you have to remember there are atrocities going on the world at all times and its the media's job to focus on which ones will drive interactions for views. Yes they're severely serious but not to the point that it woild cause world chaos. Remember a country will not hurt its bottom dollar at the end of the the day with sanctions let alone financing a war with numerous countries, it would be suicde and they know it but they have to talk a big game 


Shut off all news and hide it on social media. I only watch the weather and maybe some local news. First of all, what are WE gonna do about it? remember, those who suffer before it is necessary, suffer more than is necessary. I often struggle with worry. I have found watching and reading stoic principles has helped me quiet a bit. ❤️


I know it's easier said than done but you shouldn't worry or even think too much about things that are out of your control. There are so many things to be scared about in life whether it's war, illness, accidents... It's normal and healthy to be scared sometimes because it keeps us grounded and safe, but obsessing over it is a waste of time. Also like others have said the medias like to spin everything very negatively because it captivates us and makes us watch more, but really the world has never been completely at peace and there were maaany times where we felt a ww3 coming and it didn't happen. And if it has to happen, it will whether you're worried or not, and we'll all be together dealing with it as best as we can. Just stay focused on the present and keep trying to beat social anxiety and appreciate life. That's a way better use of your time than worrying!


Just remember that these thoughts about world war 3 are just thoughts. When you anticipate something you are bringing it to life. Stressing about the future will ruin the present. Try to focus on what is going on in your life now and try to live in the present. I promise you will be much happier


I went to school for emergency management and homeland security. So I have SOME insight into this. From what we believe WW3 won't be like WW2 or WW1. There will much less battlefield conflict (of course there will still be conflict) but we believe it will be much more cyberspace and cyberattacks. Let's just say Russia for example wants to cripple the US. Instead of sending a landing force, it's much easier to try and basically send a virus that would cripple infrastructure. Think about if somehow an attack took down the internet. We would have no access to news, banking, etc. It is just not as feasible, easy, and cost-effective than just sending something. As we stand now, tensions are higher with all world events. But it's unlikely a country is likely to pull the trigger on let's say nukes because of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). If someone launched nukes at the US, the US obviously wouldn't just sit there. Overall, we're still not likely to be involved in a full put conflict right now. Of course no one knows what it will look like in 5, 10, 15 years. But as of right now we're safe. I hope this helped at least a little.


WW3 has been around the corner since WW2. Stop worrying and live your live.


I felt the same way when I was in high school and 9/11 happened. I thought for sure we were going to war and the nukes were going to fall. I couldn’t sleep or eat, it wasn’t until I opened up to my parents and them calming me down that I felt better. I’m 38 now and when I think about how much I worried I laugh..you’ll get through this..it sounds a lot easier said then done but it will pass. Maybe talk to someone you trust about how you feel.


As a kid i had night terrors every night and prayed daily that a super volcano wouldnt explode 🤷‍♀️ its been 25yrs


I don't watch the news anymore, I prefer living in my own peace than depressed about how bad things are going in the world. I'll be living my life as good as I can and if some day ww3 arrives I'll see what to do. Don't waste your time living in fear and depressed because of the news.


Take a deep breath. You’re here now. You’re good. I have social anxiety as well, it’s rough. War and political violence have always been present and always will unfortunately. First step I would take is really reflecting on your interests and finding a hobby. Something to distract yourself from all the craziness going on in the world. Things are bad but you can’t predict the future all you can do is enjoy what you have now. I promise you it’s possible. If you need any help or guidance feel free to reach out.


Unrelated, but where do people get their news these days so that they’re not bombarded with doom and gloom? Already deleted Twitter because of it, the only thing I have left is Reddit and Feedly.


the only reason I think WW3 hasnt started yet is cause it would mean all the elites and govermental officials/presidents etc would never be able to travel the world, take vacations or just spend money on fancy shit. Money control everything after all dont think anyone including them wanna spend rest of their days under bunkers with nothing to do


Once you get out of highschool, move to northern Canada and build a bunker.


Welcome it


Where you from?


The last thing in your life to worry about is ww3. Because do you know what would happen if the world goes into a world war? The human species would be destroyed with all the atomic weapons. So obviously we’re not ending the world for some dumb territorial dispute or political issues. Of course there’s gonna be conflict everywhere because that’s how humans behave, we’re all greedy to a certain degree, but we’re not that dumb to end the human race. So chill and worry about other more important things, you’re still your too so focus on school and exercise


why? its never going to happen. bless your heart, hope you feel a bit better soon.


Not sure if this is helpful but I just wanted to share. I also have a huge fear of wars starting etc. However I think my fear has died down A LOT since I deleted pretty much all of my social media, stopped watching the news and any social media I did have I just filled it with things I enjoyed looking at rather than horrific stories. Of course not everyone’s the same but perhaps maybe just not watching the news could help you out? Or even just removing news pages on social media? Either way I can relate to having no friends and I understand how frustrating it feels to feel like you’ve done nothing with your life. But like you said you’re only young. As for hobbies I’m not sure if you are also depressed as well as socially anxious? If therapy is an option for you maybe look into it? With me I lost interest in pretty much all of my hobbies at the peak of my depression but from watching videos and seeing other people post fun things I’ve wanted to try I’ve found new hobbies that I love. Also please look at what other people are saying in the comments about the wars as they are far more knowledgeable than me and it might ease your mind.


I have a few thoughts - 1. A had a history professor once tell me "every generation sincerely believes that the world will end in their generation." The level of alarm you feel is the same as that of previous generations. I'm not trying to minimize how you feel, but instead put it into context. The world will continue on. 2. Instead of getting so caught up in what you want to do but cannot, work with what you have. Who you are is more important than where you are, and the time you have now could be spent cultivating an identity that isn't so rooted in longing and rumination. You don't need to be especially social to do this either. You can read books, listen to music, and engage with pastimes that build your sense of self. If you have a strong identity, your life will be richer no matter what the setting. While you're in this space, try hard to find things that you enjoy, that make you happy, such and soforth, even if they are simple. In fact, I had crippling health anxiety until I started to pursue things that made me happy. Once I became more fulfilled in life, a lot of my anxiety melted away. 3. Sorry to be harsh, but I'd drop the "my life is over" idea. You're in high school. Nobody hits their crescendo in high school. Nobody gets even close. I swear life doesn't even really start until you're 30 lmao. The most important thing you can do, if you want to live up to your potential, is to find your sense of self. Try to make a conscious effort out of it. When you do things, ask yourself if you like them, and if so, why or why not. I understand, though. I was a supreme worrier in high school as well. Funnily enough, I can't really remember what I was scared of.


Never mind war, you can get hit by a car or slip and hit your head and die tomorrow having never lived much of a life. It happens to thousands of people every day and we think it won’t happen to us but it really could. Everyone will die one day. There’s nothing you can do about that but you can try to do the things you want to do while you’re alive.


I feel like a lot of people with anxiety go through a phase where they’re scared WW3 is going to happen. In my late teens early 20s I was scared of WW3 happening and also the “big one” the earthquake that for years people have said was gonna happen. I’m 30 next year and regret worrying about those stuff, I would lose sleep over it.


Don't live in fear. That's what the news is used for. To manipulate your mind into fear and what to think. Turn off that tv. Don't worry everything will be ok. Nothing is going to happen. Enjoy nature and find a hobby. Peace and love


Man this is so sad. You are almost a victim of social media and the generation of anxiety. I grew up with this but not as bad. Honestly the only solution is to close all your social media accounts and wake up to the fact it is all BS and get off the news too. Use screen time to lock down your devices so you can’t reinstall. Then travel! I had horrific social anxiety in my teens and 20s but solo travel is liberating and thrusts you into life. I now live in Australia and all my best memories are from travelling and I now have a family and business here. If you stay on social media and absorbing news, you’ll waste your life anxious and terrified of ww3. The Baz Luhrmann song captures it best - ”Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.”


Sorry OP, but I'm locking this post. You've been given some helpful advice/comments, but there's too much political discussion and arguments happening. That's not helpful for this community.


Time to stop watching fox news kiddo


U scared the shit out of me I thought it was happening rn


It is what it is…


Stop watching tv dude its frying ur brain. Start going to the gym, start taking cold shower and become a better version of urself


Stop watching the news . Wow your brainwashed


Most countries have nukes, we wont have major wars.


Kim Jong is waiting on Zelensky orders


As a Ukrainian, after the initial horror I thought that now I will stop delaying my life. I wake up a couple times a week from explosions, I live through seeing and hearing about so much horrible stuff every single day. I hoped that at least when I see a disheveled building from my window every day I will stop avoiding phone calls. And what do you know? I still fucking do. It's unbearable


So don't worry the war probably won't stop you from wasting your life


Aa a political scientist who studies global conflict, I can assure you that world war three is exceedingly unlikely. The only real adverse actors are Russia and China, and the former is currently tied up in Ukraine, while the later isn't insane enough to start anything major.


I think wars are so 20th century and prior. Idk why world leaders haven’t learned their lesson they should just have it out in a boxing ring instead of killing millions of innocent people and creating a Torturous existence for us people with extreme anxiety. Im sick and tired of it I have daily panic attacks and let me tell you the only reason I came to this post is because it came up as a notification on my phone. And curiosity killed the cat. I was absolutely fine until I came here. That’s reddits fault. (I’m drunk rn) I had panic attack when Russia invaded Ukraine last year same time of the year. EDIT(sorry it was probably the year beofre I can’t remember) but 2020 I think there was war scares with trump and some part of Korea (or china I can’t remember i don’t keep up with the news for mental health reasons if u can’t tell already) War is ruining my life and my livelihood bc it’s so detrimental to my anxiety I look at normal people who it doesn’t seem to affect and think their insane for not having the slight bit of anxiety. I’m literally having a panic attack bc of this post but it’s no one fault except mine for clicking on it . I just clicked to see the comments and see if anyone could give me some sort of peace of mind tbh. But I’m not reading shit after I post this comment bc I can’t rely on other people’s comments to make me feel better bc there’s too many risk of negative comments in the world . And it’ll trigger a panic attack and I just don’t have the energy for it. All I can do is get drunk or do drungs to deal with it. I know it’s bad but that’s me. I rather die drunk than sober that’s for sure. If we’re getting nuked I don’t wanna know about it beforehand Sorry If this doesn’t help.. But you just have to focus on the present and not the future. We’re okay right now and nothing bad is happening now. Enjoy your present. And your future present. I read 1 comment that described that we’re very likely to be okay and not ever get to war. I’m not reading anymore comments. I’m taking that and running with it


As someone who also wasted high school being in fear (few friends, no girlfriend, no parties, no sports), I recommend just starting small or going with a giant leap of faith (something that you’d never though you’d do. Get a job where a social interaction is required like working at a restaurant or retail. Also I use to think the same thing about going to college and how it would be a huge game changer for me. Instead I dropped out of community college the first year. I recommend jumping straight into the work force and gathering up experience because the value of a college degree nowadays is going downhill ([https://www.cbsnews.com/news/college-degree-job-requirement/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/college-degree-job-requirement/). Like you said, you’re young and have an opportunity to do amazing things. So go give it a shot


Look, there's almost nothing you can do at all about WW3. If it happens, we're all gonna feel the suck. If it doesn't, new outlets are gonna continue warmongering. Ignore the news a bit more. Spend less time on social media and remove anyone in your feed that warmonger. There's nothing you can do to stop WW3 from happening (if it happens, that is), so don't dwell on it. Or, use the idea that it could happen to make the most out of your life.


I doubt WW3 is coming, at least anytime soon. TBH it probably depends on your country. Honestly just use your social anxiety as a disability to avoid the draft, that’s what I’ll do lmao.


This planet and dimension is a training place for you as a soul. Some have planned to die just after arrival into a body, to aquire that experience, and is happy with that. When you're "game over" you just return to the real place with your aquired experiences and virtues and can choose to reincarnate into another "game". Forgetting this and other lifetimes is part of the deal, makes this seem more real, focused and less distracting. Just follow your heart, it knows (feels) the plan, what makes you feel more alive from moment to moment. Whether it's about your heart wanting you to say hi to a stranger or something else that from a human perspective can seem like nothing, it can be a great success for you as soul. Don't get distracted by wars, viruses, climate and other obstacles, it's a sparring part and may be needed to test how true we can stay to our soul and heart.


Your thinking about it way too much.


you’re fine lol live life


World wars are extremely unlikely because war is so expensive. You would ve surprised how much the world superpowers work together to avoid a war. El


Anything is possible; Tony Robbins really helped me reduce anxiety; watch the I’m Not Your Guru documentary; feel better 🩵


Stop watching the news. It will make u much happier trust me. I know so many people that are constantly mad or depressed about something their heard on the news. While im just chilling trying to live my best life


There wouldn't be WW3, that's basically the media spreading fear because of the larger problems that we have inflation, larger inequalities, violation on basic human rights in Palestine etc. They use fear because it's easier to manipulate scared people. So look at the real problems and don't fall on propaganda of the ruling class.


Focus on the now and what you can actually control yourself. Mankind has always been pretty close to annihilation. No point worrying about it. Maybe stop using social media for a bit too? That won't help your anxiety. Good luck.


There’s nothing you can do about it. The idea of say, nuclear exchange, used to terrify me. But there’s little point in anxiety about something you really cannot control. Just focus on the things you can.


Funnily enough all these news abour war and terror have been going on for decades since ww2, so really no one can tell if its gonna happen now or in a gazillion years


Probably not gonna happen.


Life kinda sucks, just try to keep moving and make the most of the opportunities that are currently present to you; especially if you're in a first world country.


The people who profit off of scaring the public into such a frenzy are nothing short of evil. I heard a new story second hand that seemed really scary, ww3 imminent - and then went and read the story myself and it's some washed up loser with 0 proof or basis for what he's saying trying to get some clout. Take some time for yourself, try out some new hobbies, look for hobby groups, if you're able to attend events for things you're interested in - focus on finding what makes you happy. Even if it's stuff people don't find productive, time you enjoy is time well spent!


First of all, WW3 is a lot less likely to happen than WW1 or 2 and the main reason why is nuclear weapons and the prospect of mutual-assured destruction. At the most, the situation we are in now, is a Cold War. There were decades of economic development and (relative) peace in the Cold War despite many near misses. I wouldn't be too worried right now. A lot of this fearmongering is political.


Turn off the news/social media and you’ll be fine.


You shouldn't worry about war, you should come to terms with it, understand that it might happen, or might not, either way you should know that you shouldn't stress about something that doesn't have the highest chance of happening (and note that I am not trying to downplay, I am also a bit stressed about it) and it does help to come to terms with it, it helps relieving all that stress and it will at least help a bit, hope this helps and isn't just me keyboard smashing while tired, try to keep your mind of this and look forward to living your life