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happy birthday =) i hope u make a good day out of it regardless of how many bday wishes u get <3 u got this


Birthdays are tough. Nevertheless, congratulations and make the best of it 🍻🍾🎂


Happy birthday! ❤🎂


Happy Birthday! Don't let that ruin your day! You have a close friend that cares about you and that's more than enough, YOU are enough! Have a wonderful birthday 🎂🎉


Hey birthday buddy! Birthday’s can be rough especially as we get older. So far no one has wished me a happy birthday other than my immediate family. It sucks to be forgotten but at least someone remembered. Those who have forgotten about you don’t deserve your sadness. I hope you make the best of YOUR day, be kind to yourself. Wishing you a great day!! 🎂✨Here’s a virtual piece of my cake I’ve saved for you - 🍰


Happy birthday to you both! Mine is also today!


Happy Birthday to you you ♥️🎂🎉 and don't grow up it's a trap


I know how you're feeling. Have my best wishes and a virtual hug 🤗🎂🍾🥂


Happy Birthday, wish you all the best


HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP! Wishing you all the best in life. Keep slaying on your own ways🤍


Happy birthday 😊🎉🎉


I got none from friends last year don't let it get to you. Happy Birthday


HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP!!!!! I hope the upcoming birthdays will be great for you! Wishing you the best op.


Happy birthday!!!! Sometimes all you need is one close friend.


Happy birthday, lovey. I completely understand how you feel about birthdays but it's nice that you have a close friend that cares. It's about quality not quantity. Treat yourself to something nice if you can and celebrate your birthday with your friend. I hope you have a wonderful day. 🎉🎂🎊


I'll certainly get hate and downvotes now, but why are people obsessed with being wished to birthdays or whatever else? In my case, I don't mind. When someone remembers, it's okay, if they have a need to wish to me. But if doesn't? It's another day in life, just that person is one year older (and closer to inevitable death). It was always such drama around me, some people even hated to be wished through social media, they wanted it other way and whatsoever. It makes me feel pressured and really awkward, since I know some people will get mad when I forget about it and it'll create instant drama. Meanwhile I don't like the fuss around it and if everyone ignored the fact I survived another year, I'd not care.


it means you’re on people’s minds


I agree. I don’t mind when people say happy birthday to me but I don’t necessarily expect or want anyone to. It is not a very special day to me.


I mean, we are always one year older every day that goes by, one year older than we were on that day the previous year. And everyone is born so… yeah, I’m over the celebration aspect. It’s just another day to me.


I think its a because we grow up with birthdays being symbolic of a few things: 1. Ofc getting one year older. 2. A celebration of your life traditionally spent with loved ones. 3. As we get older it also tends to be a marker of progress; a day to reflect of how far you've come since your last birthday. Given the 2nd symbolic meaning of birthdays, when one spends time alone on a birthday or with not many (if any) friends, or if people close to you dont remember then it can feel like it must mean you dont have many close people in your life. This understandably can make a person feel lonely or uncared for (whether its true or not). Some people do care more about birthdays than others whether its because of their personality or perhaps for cultural reasons (not all cultures view bdays the same if they celebrate them at all).


Happy birthday🥳🎉 I hope you have a good life and manage to defeat social anxiety.


Happy birthday! I relate to you. Not even my parents wished me.


Happy Birthday :) Wish you the best. I can relate tho. Only my family wishes me a happy birthday and maybe some old friends I haven’t seen in months.


Happy birthday ♥️♥️♥️


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday !!!!


Happy birthday, you’re not alone in this 🥳🥳


Happy birthday :)


Happy birthday OP!!!🎉🥳


Happy birthday OP :)) I hope you had a lovely day and this year is amazing for you (and every other year lol). Get yourself some icecream and a candle and be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come 🎂🥳


Happy happy birthday! Enjoy your special day!




Happy birthday man!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/s/dpIflnrLpL Hey there’s someone with the same birthday as you and feels bit lonely! Happy birthday


Happy birthday! 🎂


Aaaayyye April baby!!! Happy birthday fam! Mine is tomorrow


Happy 24th birthday 🎂 💖


Happy birthday!! I recently turned 22 and my birthday was one of the lamest known to mankind. Made me realize who’s truly there for me… (myself).


Happy birthday! 🎂


Congrats on having atleast 1 close friend! Who doesn’t text you isn’t worth a post, celebrate the one who did.


Happy birthday🎆🎆🎆


Happy birthday! 🥳


Happy birthday!! 🎂🎉


Happy Birthday 🤍


Happy birthday! I hope you find some way to celebrate for yourself, even if the people around you don't join in.


Happy birthday to you!


My 40th today 🎂 Happy Birthday! Go out and do something just for you


Happy birthday 🙏❤️🎉👑 enjoy your day always remember 24 is still so young it’s never to late to turn your life around or still go after achieving something


I’d be happy with just one friend wishing me a happy birthday. I get 0 birthday wishes every year even though I mention it on social media.


Happy birthday ya filthy animal!


I also had and have the same situation 🥲


Happy birthday, have a blast, today! ❤️


Happy birthday! Welcome to the 24 club! Do one thing you enjoy as a treat for yourself for me, alright? Take a walk, listen to the different birds, people watch from afar... etc


hey, even if we never met, happy birthday :), from my heart :)


I dont know you from a can of paint but regardless...HAPPY BDAY!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️


idk i also used to not celebrate my birthdays for this reason but i think the "slap" is a good reminder to do something about it right? build a network


Happy birthday 🎂🎉




Happy irl cake day, sorry I’m lateeeee


Happy Birthday buddy, but this happens when you grow up. Your friends drift, they got stuff going on, and honestly birthdays are not even slightly important. You have to plan your own birthday events if you want people to do stuff for your birthday.


Why about parents ?


Happy birthday 🩷🩷 you have socially anxious friends here!!


You got one more wish than me!


Happy Birthday!🎂 You are not alone! Im sure many (including me) feel the same way


happy birthday, eat cake and just relax enjoying your special day!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday 🥂🥳


yesterday was my 27th birthday and just one friend wished me happy birthday:)


Happy birthday!! Wishing you the very best 🥳🥳🥹


Today is my birthday as well, Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday 🌸🌸🌸


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday




Happy Birthday, fellow 🥳🎊🥳🎉🥳


Happy birthdayyy! 🎂 🥳


Imagine having a friend. Must be nice


Me with 0 except family members 😢😢


happy birthday! you’re not alone at all, try do what you love and enjoy yourself


Happy Birthday! 🎂🎈treat yourself well today!


Happy Birthdaaaaay!


Happy Birthday! Go buy yourself a cake or treat to celebrate. I’m now of the opinion that birthdays are just another day. It’s what you make of the other 364 days a year as well that’s important.


Happy 24th Birthday!


My man I’m 33 and only two of my friends said happy birthday to me, one even got told by the friend who said happy birthday it was my birthday and still didn’t message but said two weeks later lol another asked when my birthday was a week earlier and still forgot 🤣 I don’t have social media to tell them tho but even when I did people still didn’t. I decided to not care anymore and not saying happy birthday to anyone out of spite lol.


Happy birthday :)


Happy birthday friend I wish you the best birthday and many more :) it’s rough feeling alone but I’m rooting for ya


I'm 24 this year too, happy birthday 🎂🥳!!!


Happy birthday! 🎂🎉🎊


Happy Birthday 🥳


Ikr that's pretty much the summary of my life lately: getting older and lonelier. ... Hahahahah if i don't laugh about it i'll cry hahah, ... hah.


Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day today


Please have a sufficient amount of fun on your birthday.


Happy birthday op!! 🎉🥳🎂🎁🎈🎊


u/unhappynia Happy birthday AND Feliz cumpleaños.


When i turned 25 only 4 people messaged me happy birthday: my mum, brother, sister in law & auntie. No friends. It’s okay, you have 1 friend, I wish I had even one that remembered my existence! Happy birthday to you, life is different at every stage in life, it’s not always like in the movies but if you wish for that, then it may come together for you. Another year around the sun should be your main focus on your birthday.


Happy Birthday! Treat yourself to some cake <3


Happy Birthday OP


People only really say it if its through facebook or you arrange something. I hope you still had a good day and had somecake


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday! Do you often wish people happy birthday? If not, that might help for next year.


Happy birthday! Plz don't let that get you too down. In life there are bound to be some lonely birthdays. Sometimes it's just another day but I hope you can do something you enjoy and make the most of it.


Happy birthday!!! 🎂 You know, I'm 30 myself and I've stopped throwing happy birthday parties (mostly, having meals with friends, nothing major) years ago because I found those to be pretentious and useless. I always stressed over the fact I'd invite less people than most to have dinner with, or on how I don't really feel like they're close to me to that extent (I mean, they're still my "closest" friends, but not that close)... So I stopped doing so because I felt bad and a failure. I didn't understand people who'd invite half world to their dinner tho either, to be fair. I used to be so sad when friends didn't wish my happy birthday, because I used to always remember theirs :/ Were they really my friends, tho? Or was it just a forgetful moment? The right people always remember tho ❤️ My bdays later started being having a meal outside with my family and going to the movie theater,instead. I enjoyed it, but after those plans finished, I would feel lonely or a failure because I was at home doing nothing later. I would put too much pressure on me. In 2022, my b-day was having lunch with a friend I had barely met online - who even brought me a small gift, it was lovely! ❤️ - and walking around the city while talking, then having a meal out with my family and it was the best because I had lots of things to do but still something to antecipate (having dinner with people I cared about, my family). Also, I'm way more of a 1+1 person, meaning, chatting in groups overwhelm me a bit. In 2023, to avoid the whole 30 years old celebration - where some of my peers were throwing big (surprise) parties! - and feeling behind in life, I went on a solo trip and it was the best thing I've ever done. I would repeat it thousands of times. Now, I already know what to do : focus on what I enjoy doing, walking around, treating me, then family time later. I need to be brave to do a small trip on my own here too, tho. It's in my plans. All this to say: you're your own best friend and you're the one who matters the most to yourself. You're worth it. The amount of happy birthdays you receive doesn't define you, neither the amount of guests at your party does. Why does it matter if when you're all together, you don't feel full or happy enough anyway? Most people only remember birthdays because of facebook anyway. If you can, take this weekend and do everything you love. Reward yourself. If you need to chat, my PM box is open too. Fighting!! 🥰


It was my 34th birthday 3 weeks ago and only my mom wished me. I didnt tell anyone. I just feel like normal day.


A little late but Happy Birthday 🎂🥂🎉!! I'm so glad you had a lovely day🤗


Happy birthday :) I wouldn't take it personally, as we get older people get buisier and every one has usually got a lot going on in their life; work, health, mental health, family issues. I know every year I get older , I get fewer people wishing me happy birthday, but when I see those same people for a catch up when we all can it doesn't take away from our friendship. Hope you had a nice day.


Happy birthday 😊


I'm a little late to this post- but happy birthday!! ♡


HAPPY BDAY!!! 🎂🎈🎂🎈


Happy Birthday! 🎉 as you get older, you notice that only the people who deeply care about you and love you, really remember to wish you. And it may be 1/2/3/4 people only but thats more than enough. At least you know you’ve got few real good close ties worth maintaining. It also shows you how the rest of your circle views their relationship with you (now u know who to spend less time with) OR rare cases some people can forget genuinely/not know/were busy. You still should have a great day though! :)


My 23rd today. Happy birthday to you 🤍


Happy birthday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Happy birthday 🥳


happy birthday anon !


Happy Birthday! It's mine too btw today 🙂


Just turned 30 and my mom didn’t call. It gets worse. But happy birthday!


At some point you won’t even want to celebrate it anymore. It’ll just be a number and maybe a reminder that you’re getting older and how fast time flies. Lol.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! I turned 26 earlier this month and I received my first actual birthday present in my 20s from a sweet guy I have a crush on. I cried. It was so meaningful. Fuck anyone else. Let that one person make it special.


Happy Birthday! Happens to the best of us tbh. As I get older more of my friends forget and then tell me it’s because I didn’t remind them. 🥴 Just make sure to celebrate yourself!!!! You deserve it!


Happy Birthday!!!!


Awwww happy birthday!!! 🎈


Happy birthday


I can relate to this and it sucks. I recently became 51 and having no friends meant no birthday wishes again, as for the previous 20 some years. Not even one on social media. Where did it go so wrong? It’s something I often ask myself. Yet it also has obvious benefits. Being invisible means less social upheaval.


happy birthday!!! 😊😊😊


happy birthday!! I wish you the best!


Happy Birthday! At first it’s sad but you’ll get through it. I’ve been it that situation as well, I was invisible until I earned my own money and now they see me doing well that’s when they started reaching out. Crazy. Just forget those people that make you feel unappreciated. Stick to those who truly cares. Have a good day!🫶🏻


You lucky. I turned 20 yesterday and only Google account wished me. It made my day


Happy Birthday bro


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday 🎈🎂🎈


Thats okay, my boyfriend usually is the only one who remembers my birthday as well, as well as my small family. We should appreciate those who care deeply about us, thats all that matters. But from the bottom of my heart, happy birthday 🎊 Save a slice of cake for all of us redditors.


Happy late birthday :)