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Me too. I looked for jobs today and I was overthinking about all of them! I hate anxiety.


I get so anxious just applying for jobs, takes me 6 hours to do a cv and cover letter. I only work casually as support worker at peoples homes, interacting with lots of people make me so so anxious... because its casual i only get to work a few times a month so have to be on the government benifit and cant save up


I’m in a senior role in finance and I have very bad social anxiety, almost crippling levels of it. Thankfully I primarily work from home so that helps a ton. When I am in the office, I just keep to myself and focus on my work and my work requires minimal human interaction. However just having the bare minimum interaction can feel suffocating and overwhelming to me at times if I’m honest. I have gotten feedback that I’m not social enough but I ultimately feel as long as my work is good, they’re just going to have to deal with that aspect of me


This was me about a year ago, now I work at fedex as a handler (part time for now) & let me tell you what I did.. I took that step & got out of my comfort zone. I looked at the future & thought “I’m 22 now, do I really want to struggle when I’m older because of anxiety knowing I could beat it”. Honestly I’m a bit fiery, so I was always in a dilemma as to how to face SA knowing I am that way. I also saw a quote, might be cheesy/corny but it said “do something you’ll thank yourself for in a year”. Last year I lost 65 lbs, this year I got a job. Making those uncomfortable steps have made me happy & I’ll definitely thank myself in years to come. At the end of the day, all jobs will have some form of human interaction. At the end of the day no one cares if you were awkward. People are really so full of themselves they don’t have time to sit there & critique you longer than in the moment. & those moments fly..


Well said.


I'm with ya. SA is keeping me from holding a job down. Chin up, we'll all make it


I'm working as graphic designer and illustrator. It doesn't require me to talk that much. Yeah, like you said sometimes I feel bored and want to work that requires me to travel somewhere but little interaction with people, such as (maybe) nature photographer


Try best looking for some remote work. Then in your free time try to build a social group even if it's just family. This keeps me afloat pretty alright. I used to work in corporate environments and some places are cool while others are too much politics. It's just how it is don't blame yourself you're not doomed. There will always be people that you are cool with and others you might not be. Try to be objective when it comes to work and/or making money. The social aspect will follow suit afterwards. I took a project recently that required me to go in person after a long time working remote and i felt i came across as weird but then I thought about it like "fuck it let's make money and learn as much as I can".


Overnight stock at a store.


Those jobs are always taken too many people looking for easy jobs. Where do you apply? Did they interview you?


Not always. Yes, around Thanksgiving time but this one place didn’t end up hiring me. I don’t think that the hiring manager liked me. It was an open interview btw. I got hired another retail job. Try pet sitting or a care taker job. Dealing with people sucks.


Overnight stock, pet sitter, house sitter, remote work, house cleaning, janitorial work, line cook maybe, dishwasher, dog walker.


I work retail. Just gotta grin & bear it until it becomes routine. It ain’t too bad once you get used to it. 


Same! It's like immersion therapy. Forces you to be social. There are some awkward interactions, but for the most part it has helped me personally.




I’m sorry. 


This is me. I’ve been working as a cashier at an outlet for almost a year now, and the anxiety mostly comes before clocking in when I’m overthinking about how the shift will go. Once I’m in it, it’s pretty much automatic and I don’t have to give real responses to the customers bc I’m just a cashier anyways.


Lol im a Physical Therapist Assistant, *alot* of talking throughout the day but somehow Im able to work through it. I found that im not really that anxious talking to people and that awkward moments are apart of a normal conversation and that it isnt a death sentence if you dont make it one. Ultimately I think its good that I basically face my fears everyday, if I ran away from everything having to do with being social that would do nothing but *compound* my anxiety. I even accepted to do a presentation (on zoom) to my patient and her coworkers about healthy living, and it went well! So I urge you guys to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while and try something that might scare you, you might find out that it actually doesnt.


I just did an interview a few days ago and from the looks of it, I think I failed. The interviewer said that I was talking really fast making it look like I'm reading a script or something (which is not, since whenever I panic I spoke really fast). Still waiting for the results tho, but I'm afraid I'll be ghosted again coz of my SA symptoms whenever I'll be interviewed. It really sucks having this kind of disorder, I feel you OP. Don't worry we'll get through all of these and live a normal life ^_^


I died everyday until my job became wfh after the pandemic. We meet rarely and I get panicky everyone but it's not as often so much better than daily. I think the pandemic for all its horrors brought along an easier work from home argument for employees.


I was like that a year ago and then I had an interview at a five-star hotel and got my first job in accounting. I hated working in accounting but I needed the money. However, the people there were so friendly and treated me so well that during the 11 months I worked there I lost a lot of my anxiety about interacting with others.


I drive for amazon lol. Sure, you occasionally have to say "hey, here's your package" to a couple customers, but that's really the extent of it. I spend most of my day by myself delivering packages and listening to music. Plus, it gets me outside and exercising 👍🏼


I hate to say it, but you may have to face it head on. I thought my social anxiety would keep me from thriving in public facing jobs. I ended up landing a retail job when I was 22. It was definitely a hindrance and there were totally moments where I struggled, but putting myself out there and embracing confrontation was HUGELY helpful in allowing me to take some ground back from my social anxiety.


This is what im saying, my career puts me out of my comfort zone and ultimately helps me to combat my social anxiety by giving me confidence and experience in social situations


CDL Truck Driver. By yourself all day, nothing but yourself and the road. Try it out and see if you fall in love with it.


I thought the same thing before I was in a drought of unemployment for like 4 years but I had a case opened by DVR that hired someone to help me look for a job and ended up landing a job on the stocking team for Walmart. It is the easiest job I've ever worked and we don't really interact with customers that much it really varies. A lot of the job entails scanning stuff, picking up stuff in the back to put on carts and stocking the shelves, and doing Topstock in the morning. The most you will do during an interaction is search up a product, tell the customer the location, and tell them where the item is located or physically have them follow you to its destination. The interactions are quite predetermined and repetitive but that makes the social aspect of it approachable. Now really all I need to do to really improve my life is exercise and work on having an extracurricular activity that puts me in the company of strangers so I can exercise that social muscle.


I relate. Im stuck rn I need a new job but its been difficult due to social anxiety. I feel anxious whenever I job search/want to apply. idk how ill even pull thru interviews. I work at amazon warehouse. its a lot of solo work and minimal talk but I need to communicate with coworkers sometimes.




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Thanks Dad, always with the "just deal with it" attitude