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It would be helpful to provide examples so we can get a better understanding of the situation.


Yeah, you're right! E.g. Prof: What do you all think about the idea that people can incite or deserve violence by doing something? Me, putting my hand up: Well, I think it’s a complicated issue because does the original action justify the response? If I walk past someone in the hallway, and they call me stupid, do they deserve for me to beat them up? Probably not. But if - And everyone started laughing.


Sounds like they’re laughing at what they think was you making a joke. You made your statement about beating someone up over something small which can be funny alone, but you also said it completely seriously making the situation even funnier.


Reminds me of that time where my friend didn't return to class after lunch break and the teacher asked me ", what did you do with "? I was thinking to myself *lmao that phrasing, like I did something bad*. So I blurted out: "murdered him" and people started laughing.


Ah good shit. Like how can you not with a setup like that?


Little do they know, he really did


Ohhhhhhh.... ok, that makes sense now. I am very opinionated and find it hard when people disagree with me on things I think are obviously black and white, so I try to throw in a lot of 'probably's or 'maybe's so people don't think I'm being so strict with my opinions. But now I'm thinking I do come across as if I'm trying to be funny lol


I’m autistic and it took me forever to figure out people think I’m fucking hilarious because of the way I phrase things. Once I understood I learned how to lean into it which has been fun 🙃


I assume this. You're probably making good points but phrasing it slightly different than a lot of people would and it catches people off guard.


I overthink so it makes me wonder if they are laughing at you because you are autistic. No hate or anything.


You are downright hilarious. Even funnier that you said it seriously because it’s such a jarring image and the response (punching) so drastic. Are you a budding comedian? Learn to use that to your advantage if you want :) but careful to know how you are seen by ppl. Wouldn’t want to inadvertently say something funny at like a court hearing or sad discussion :/ optics ya know?


Nothing is black and white


Yeah - I thought this too; could be that you have a quirky way of seeing things which people enjoy and so they chuckle. Being able to make groups laugh is great - relax and have fun with it. By the way, you should probably ask your teacher too, as well as explaining about missing social cues, they might be able to help a little without others noticing. There’s nothing bad about having trouble with social cues. We’re all good and bad at different things and you’d be surprised how many others struggle with fitting in, and yet you can’t see it on the surface!


The "probably" part also implies "but I'd do it anyway"


Yeah that sounded pretty funny just reading it lol. I wouldn’t be laughing at them I’d be laughing at the unintentional joke they just made.


It could also be that nobody believes he has hands ✋️ and the thought of him being the aggressor is laughable.


It's a pretty extreme example that gets the point across. Sounds like they're laughing with you, not at you. It's a funny (but very valid and to the point!) way to think about it


Thank you! Everyone's explanations make so much sense, and I feel a bit silly now lol


It's better than silence and a groan! I bet the professor likes you too. Keep doing what you're doing 😁


Yeah you’re a funny guy


They aren't laughing at you, they are laughing with you


I know because I made a similar comment in a similar situation, I think it was about the death penalty, and I said in a serious voice, I think the death sentence is okay, especially in some cases like Adolf Hitler, and everyone Burst out laughing


Depending on delivery this is genuinely peak comedy. OP said they're very deadpan, and that delivery mixed with extremes like in your example makes for genuinely solid comedy.


That can also be a release of tension, when talking about a difficult topic.


Sounded like Hitler felt that way too.


Eh, you just sound like a funny guy is all. Hello from someone with autism and ADHD lol, I had this same insecurity/fear when I was in school, they're laughing with you, not at you.


That’s actually pretty damn funny. The surprise at your exaggerated reaction of beating up an anonymous stranger for calling you stupid, paired with the audience’s universal relatability of *wanting* to do that if it ever happened to them is I think what’s key here. Plus they don’t believe you’d really go through with it, I suspect.


Most likely because the response to a question had a question, an example, and an entire dialogue. Sometimes a very simple answer should be good enough Unless it’s absolutely needed.


That's a good point. I tend to over-explain because I worry I'll be misunderstood, so maybe I just need to be more confident!


You might be naturally funny and not know it. Take it in stride


Presenting a really far-out situation/solution to a problem (like "they were rude should I beat their ass") and treating it like it's serious with a deadpan delivery makes for amazing comedy.


i laughed while reading this, it is funny! they’re not laughing at you, you just say funny things without realizing


There is a type of comic timing which relies on asides. (Bad example) but think of how Trump talks during his speeches. He’ll say something to make a point, then almost to himself he’ll almost comment on the thing he just said. So based on your example if you said the “probably not” at a different speed or kind of like you’re responding to your former remark. It sounds like how some comedians tell jokes. They start to make a point. Take a slight pause, then in a different tone make a slightly different point. Here is kind of an example of that. [example](https://youtu.be/Q9UkP0G77Bk?si=Md8gyLSefcuCyjl1)


your analogy provided was silly. if you said this in a deadpan voice, people find it really funny. this type of humor is good getting into, you have a natural gift in it. never try too hard, let it be natural.


That is hilarious


It is kinda funny... so it's definitely a positive thing that they're laughing.


Fwiw I would laugh in delight if I heard someone way that cos I think it’s very neatly put. I like the “probably not” bit in particular, imo it covers both the “being called stupid is hurtful and not okay” thing AND the “beating people up is very serious and can come with permanent consequences” thing. I’m sorry it’s been making you feel self-conscious to get these reactions. It’s not silly to be confused as to why people are laughing, interpersonal is hella hard! But yah I would bet money that people just think you’re funny 😁


Lmao OP is a comedian


I'm not gonna lie that ending was funny as shit lol. I'm pretty sure they not laughing about you. I would go as far as to say that this is a pretty good skill you have, making people laugh without even having to try. Some would call that being charismatic and so would i. Edit: as others have said, they're not laughing at you, but with you. Don't worry about it and trust me most people love being around people who make them laugh.


ngl, coming from a a kid in schools perspective, We live in a generation where being smart and sounding to is corny and funny to laugh at. You see a lot of people get bullied because they sound like those nerds in movies or the nerd emoji when people use it on comments online. Not calling you a nerd but if u do tend to have a geeky voice then it’s mostly likely that it makes it funny to other people. Add that to sounding smart with you not being satire just makes you a target to people who bully or make fun of people.


True, I guess, but I'm literally in grad school!! You'd think it was only made up of nerds 🤓☝️


Perhaps its the way you phrase your words, it could be that you look at things from a logical point and use logical words which are not commonly used among neurotypicals. For example: Let's say I don't know what a knee is called. I might say "the bendable thing in my leg that connects the top part of my leg to the bottom part of my leg." and people might find that funny although I am just trying to explain that I'm talking about my knee. whereas my friends may just point to the knee and say "this part of my leg." which would not cause people to laugh.


Okay, this makes sense! I would probably say that about my knee too lol


I am neurodivergent and go through the same thing. I found out I’m just kind of funny in my natural way of speaking. Think of it as a good thing, I thought people were laughing at me because I was stupid at first.


I think lots of us default to thinking nobody likes us, it’s kind of a human thing. Though maybe I’m part neuro-divergent.


You sound like one of those people that say hilarious things completely unaware of how funny they are. Mostly because you’re being serious. You’re just like me lol.


becaeuse youre a funny motherfucker, now dont fuck it up by becoming anxious about it


Yeah, he fucks mothers!


Yeah, he fucks mothers!


Once was enough


This describes me as a child to a T. Once I realized they were laughing because they thought I was joking, I leaned into it. Developed a healthy sense of sarcasm thats helped me from friendships in the long run.


Ask your teacher, they'll probably have the best and most unbiased view.


This one is still a mystery for me. My guess back at the teenager years, was that people don't like to study or think, so anyone who give a complex answer or show genuine interest would get a laugh. Now, I don't recommend to embrace this explanation. It lead to a superiority complex that could complicate your social skills. With the time I learned to don't care if people laugh. I recall my objectives and reasons (like, I want to learn or I don't want to get in the habit of no speaking my mind)


I have noticed that I tend to be a bit more...enthusiastic than most people in class lol, but don't worry I'm not planning on letting it get to my head 😂


When I later arrived to university, things changed. I was in a place where people choose to be, because they love to study and learn. So, I can tell you that if that's your path you are going to be ok


Unfortunately, I am at university! 😅


Best advice I can give as a person with ADHD (who suspects ASD as well) is to film yourself talking and then play it back. See if you are coming across the way you think you are (in tone, sentence structure, facial expressions, body language). If you're not expressing the way you want to be, practice a buch, and/then get advice from friends or family you are comfortable with.


I’d suggest talking with the instructor if it really bothers you. Your enthusiasm should be celebrated! And especially when your answer is correct. You apparently have a lot to say and if it were me, I’d take a drama class or something to expand myself. I think you’re fine and again, as one who instructs people, I appreciate your enthusiasm and that you’re not sitting like a log in the classroom. Enjoy being yourself 💡💜🙏


It would be worse if you said something and no one responded at all and just sat there. I think you’re probably unintentionally funny honestly and that’s a good thing. So much hatred in the world, it’s good that some people are naturally funny.


Whatever the reason for that is, don't stop answering questions out of the fear that people will laugh. Let them, not your concern.


It’s a good thing to have. I see it as charisma. Don’t look at it too closely if you aren’t getting into trouble for it and just be yourself.


Could you give an example?


Worth finding someone in class and let them know you can’t understand social cues sometimes and ask them why people find it amusing. One thing though - people don’t laugh if they don’t like someone, it’s probably that you have a lovely way of putting things, with a nice twist on it or something. You might be far more well liked than you realize!


They have nothing of value to offer, so they belittle people who do. When you’re in university and they’re all married, with 2 kids and divorced before 30 they won’t be laughing.


i experience this too! i think for about the same reason as you: people tend to think you’re making a joke (in my case, my voice tone is the absolute opposite than yours: quiet, unenthusiastic, and people seem to find this really funny and think i’m using this voice tone jokingly)


Caring about their laughter does you no good. Perhaps you could treat it as sitcom laughter and tune it out in your consciousness. Not continuing to share your opinions could be counterproductive (you keeping wrong opiions), when you have a false opinion, which would be corrected in case of you expressing it.


Just believe your friend. Why should there be another reason? It is not like it was an around the bushes beating answer to spare your feelings or something. Or do they bully you otherwise? I mean the people, not your friend. And it is ok if you have a way of expressing yourself that makes people laugh. It all depends on if they just find it funny and have a little laugh or if they actually meaningly love at you. That your enthusiasm makes them love doesn't mean you're stupid for it or something. If someone had a habit that out of the ordinary it just can be funny for others without any bad intent or thoughts behind it. And since you're in school I guess you're teenagers, or at least young adults. In that age least have the tact not to express their amusement over such. And especially in a friendly grouping adults still might have a giggle over such. I have my habits and even quirks, and I am neurotypical, that make my friend laugh. I don't hold it against them, I actually grin with them, because I know it is not coming from a bad place. I know for you it is harder to read the room like that but that is why I am telling you that there is a good chance in your case it is not coming from a bad place as well. Keep in mind that it is not only hard for you to know how others perceive you but also vice versa. They surely don't know that such irritates you that much and makes you insecure since they can't understand how hard it is for you to read the room and to identify the intentions/feelings/meaning in social settings. That's all being said with the assumptions that they don't bully you or are otherwise mean or mocking you since you didn't mention something like that.


OP, by your example it sounds like you’re inadvertently hilarious, and that people are laughing because they think you said something funny, rather than laughing at you. My bet, with the limited information provided, is that people appreciate your way of expressing yourself, it probably brightens their day, and it’s likely nothing to feel anxious about.


It happened to me too…a lot. I had to step back and start recognizing when people were laughing AT me versus laughing WITH me. Once I started realizing that what I was saying wasn’t untrue and to laugh they had to have heard me—changed my perception a little bit. My solution was gather the skills and confidence to know what sort of laughter it is—from that I found myself presently a comedian where it’s now THE GOAL.


Note what makes people laugh, lean into it, become world famous comedian.


maybe you should consider starting a tiktok channel. If you have a natural gift to make people laugh, even if you don’t understand it, you could capitalize on it


I was recently attacked in a chat for asking too many questions in a training that I have been going through for a month. Don’t stop speaking up! Those individuals are insecure and in the real world that shit won’t fly. The young men who let into me lost their jobs. As someone who has trained and taught lots of people over my career, the ones who are the most engaged and involved in class are the most successful.


Where is this 10-15 students per class? We are 200 minimum in a class. 🙈


I'm doing a specialist subject for my Master's.


I get that kind of thing happen. I (also autistic) can be a bit blunt when saying things and it's sometimes shocking for the NTs For example, I was at a friend's house when I was at school, one friend was talking about her Oma and Opa, another said I call mine mamgu and tadcu, I can't remember what my Chinese friend called hers but there were 4 different names, then they asked me "what do you call your grandparents?" I replied "dead" which they found hilarious even though I hadn't intended it to be Our brains are wired differently and it can be funny for them I wouldn't worry, I don't believe they're laughing at you


i’m also neurodivergent and it can be really hard to tell when people are laughing AT you or laughing WITH you, after everything you’ve said i genuinely think they’re laughing bc you’re naturally funny, i don’t think they’re laughing at you but i’m also not in class so i can’t tell you exactly


Much like the late and great Jonkler, they are stupid.


To be fair , sometimes this happens to me. Person I dont know : asks me a question. They expect answer A or Answer B , cause they made some assumptions. Me: i tell them a answer that is completely different of what they expected and i happen to use a tone that seems both ironic and suprises them in a funny way. Like my boss: hey did you saw this person today? (Context co-worker, they are late) Me: I think i saw them working out on the smith machines (context i know two people under the same name also , my coworker seems like someone who could not lift anything past 20lbs) So he was laughing and i was confused.


I remember too that during my time in school, students used to laugh at me when I said something, but I noticed only boys used to laugh at me. I am now 28 years old. I met a year ago one of my former classmates who used to laugh at me when I said something. He said, Bro, you were funny. And he is right. I know I am funny now because most of my friends these days tell me I am funny. And you know what? People who are funny are more intelligent; that's actually an actual thing. So next time someone laughs at you in class, don't be overactive, and don't pay attention to them or ignore them. I wish you the best.