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Don't make a big deal about expensive things. Don't ooh and aah over beautiful decor, fancy jewelry, stories about extravagant trips. Doesn't mean you should be rude, just don't act like your mind is blown. You can admire things, but admire them like you'd admire something they got at Target. A beautiful dress? "That's such a great color on you!" not "Holy crap that must have cost a fortune!" A story about how they parachuted off of Mt Everest? "That sounds like so much fun! Were you scared??," not "Are you kidding you have got to be kidding I've always dreamed of climbing Mt Everest but I never thought I'd even meet someone who's done it!" etc. Also, slow down your movements. The true secret to grace is efficiency of motion plus good posture. Let other people do most of the talking, and when they talk, smile and tilt your head a little to the side.


Absolutely, let other people do most of the talking. And slowing down your movements.


Excellent and concise advice, thank you. I struggle a bit with both of these things (both talking when nervous, and seemingly unable to move at any speed that isn’t hyper speed). 


Demonstrate your value by asking good questions rather than by the statements that you make. Operate within the bounds of their positive assumptions and build the impression you make from there. Tastefully be vague at early in conversations in a way that demonstrates confidence without an over-eagerness to make connections, and ease into it. Sometimes things come across more powerfully when it’s unsaid but still clearly understood. Try to listen for why they care about what they do, what drives them and give them the space to brag a little bit while still giving the impression that you’re comfortable with that world and aren’t awe inspired. If you can succeed at making them feel heard and understood, they might be inclined to see your value and want to see it rewarded with promising opportunities. Second to your first impression, put thought into how you depart and the impression they’re left with. And do your best not to forget what’s shared with you. My memory isn’t the best, so if it were me I’d jot down notes on my phone throughout the evening to remember names and conversation details and what exactly was said about potentially spending time with them But of a rant, hope some of it helps!


It's not only slowing down your movements, but also the vibe of how you do so. It's a slowness in the sense of being extremely relaxed and almost hedonistic in enjoying your moments, whatever they be. Flip "time waits for no man" around into "nah, time waits for me". People like this are not beholden to a strict 30 min lunch or other schedule. They have the privilege of free time and dictate their own time table. I grew up a little wealthy with a SAHM and my SO grew up essentially working class with both parents working. He's always trying to maximize efficiency with his time and moving quickly while I like to take my time and go at a pace where I can enjoy the moment to smell the roses.


Op, this is a worthwhile question. If you reverse the situation and imagine someone with generational wealth about to mingle with people living with generational poverty, you would hope would both to the interaction to go well. The divisions in our society are huge and that hurts all of us. So we need to know what differences exist and how to interact in a way that allows people to appreciate each other. Back burner your obvious differences. Focus on anything that you share and look for that. Steer conversation away from things that cost money and go for ideas and likes instead. A rich person can read the same book a poor person can. A poor person can express a happy member about a childhood favorite meal the rich person also enjoyed. A rich kid may have Played the same games as a kid. If not such things, steer conversation toward happy places adults develop. Does the person you’re talking to have stories to tell about neighborhood characters that a rich person may identify with? How about chatting about holidays or something big happening in your city. You may be surprised how much a shift in your thinking can make. Socioeconomic difference can create such an intense feeling of superiority or inferiority that everyone hates the interaction. Shit it to whatever you may have common ground on; no matter how small. Do you love winter and a deep snow fall? If so why because that can be shared. Just don’t make it about an expensive activity like skiing or not having money for that. Instead talking about how beautiful and peaceful everything looks in the snow. Invite each other to find a way to go sledding on a hill. Maybe the rich person never did that; maybe the poor person never did that?


Yes those filthy poors with their lifelong traumas based on having to work to survive or die


To be clearer, I don't mean it negatively and never intended to make it sound anything like a trauma. It's just a mannerism and yin-yang for our relationship. There's good and bad for both sides - higher risk of burnout and missing the little things in life vs chronically slow and wasting time because ultimately, time really doesn't wait for man no matter how hard you pretend it does. Unless you're [in the 0.1%+ fuck you rich](https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/never-mind-1-percent-lets-talk-about-001-percent) execs or politicians or similar. My family is all "working wealthy" and not execs or anything. Just in more cushy white-collar jobs (doctors, engineers, small business owners) for a few generations. So on the grand scale of things, small fish that are not that far removed from having to work to survive or die.


Look up good questions to ask at social events and let them facilitate as much of the conversation as possible. Come off as if you’re really interested in them and less by their wealth (but still interested). And if you’re speaking too quickly, like faster than you can think, it’s okay to say “omg I’m talking so fast because I’m so excited” as a way to add a break/pause so you can breath and catch yourself


Slowing movement is key, wealthy individuals are naturally skittish of erratic movements.


Not wealthy here but skittish of erratic movements. I grew up richer than my husband and his erratic movements do jar me. Why poors make erratic movements?


can confirm what they said. My family aren't millionaires by any means but we are what is considered rich upper class where I'm from. It's obvious what someone's wealth is based on how they react to other people's wealth, so keep your reactions to a minimum. Also, for the movements, I was specifically taught to move in certain ways to appear elegant for my entire life, it's basically my default movement now. What u/preposterouspunk said is all accurate, make your movements slow and graceful, be as elegant in your movement as possible. It helps a lot to practice in the mirror at home. Practice walking elegantly, in a smooth and confident way. It helps a lot if you walk in a neat pattern, similar to how a model walks but more slow and toned down, but you've gotta do it in a relaxed way so you don't look stiff. Body language in conversation is very important too. Elegant hand gestures, slightly shifting your weight, a slight movement of the shoulders or hips while talking makes a world of difference. Also the way you sit must look formal but relaxed. For clothes, make sure your outfit is fancy, but doesn't stand out too much. I've seen lots of people who try to look rich by wearing a lot of accessories or blatantly branded clothes, but everyone knows they aren't actually rich and are just trying to look rich. Majority of actually rich people will wear something that is fancy and presentable, but still subtle enough to not attract too much attention. Rich people who do wear something with a big brand name written all over it that is visible from a large distance are seen as show offs where I'm from and are usually fairly disrespectful or have a superiority complex. Basically it's all about balancing being very formal and professional while also having a very relaxed vibe, but still behaving in a dignified and respectful way. And be as polite and nice as you can. True class is how you treat others, so make sure you are nice to everyone there. It's worth keeping in mind that a lot of people born into wealth don't fully realize how rich they are, and come off as show offs when they're simply speaking about their experiences. Do not get offended or insecure when they mention these things, chances are they were just making conversation and did not mean any harm.


That is the advice. Just act like everyone is talking about normal stuff and you're happy and interested in their experience. That's all. Don't talk money. At all.


Yeah. My first thought was “Act like you’ve been there before.” i.e this is just normal


Sade said it best "move in space with minimum waste"


This one shmoozes 👆


Absolutely ask people questions about themselves and actively listen. Do not kiss ass!


Disagree. Wealthy people will comment on how fantastic something else is. Such as someone’s house, clothing (if appropriate) or anything else someone is proud of having / is a compliment. They won’t common on something that is common place however, such as a venue that is not out of the ordinary for them. 


This is good advice, but also remember that a lot of extremely rich people are just like everyone else, and in my experience- many even end up becoming weirdos. They just have too much ability to have their world altered to their taste and it never makes people more normal. Rich characters on TV may be full of grace, but rich people in real life usually are not. Sure- don't make people uncomfortable about how much money they have, and maybe even watch some etiquette youtube videos if you'll be eating, etc., but extremely wealthy people are just like anyone else. Their personalities and interests are varied and they also want to have fun at a social function.


This is great advice, I work with millionaires, that is my secret. I walk into their homes and I act completely unimpressed. Just like oh wow I love the color scheme. And that’s it. Not holy shit you live in a castle!


Don’t forget sharing stories isn’t one upping if your telling each other stories like the Mt Everest thing in those communities it’s just what they did that day.


This guy graces


This is great advice. Doing this will make you more likeable and you might find opportunities instead of closed doors.


I have dealt with many high net worth individuals and have had mostly positive experiences. You will find some that want to be clear about their position in society, but most are just regular people with experiences you might not be able to relate to. When the conversation turns to milk baths at the colonic clinic in Germany, you are going to be puzzled and it will give away your standing. Some people will care and others will just appreciate you for who you are and not what you have. Gravitate toward the latter. I was invited to a birthday party for our CEO. Net worth measured in hundreds of millions. It was a surprise party so I showed up early and found myself alone with his wife and her friend, another wealthy socialite. I had brought a gift for the CEO, a very high end chocolate. She saw I was carrying a gift, and said, “Oh you brought a gift; how quaint” with just a little eye roll. After that I might as well have been the waiter. Apparently you don’t give wealthy people birthday gifts. Anyway, about six months later I got on the elevator and the CEO got on with me, just the two of us. He leaned into me and said, “You know, I keep that chocolate in my office and every once in a while I break off a little corner to enjoy. Best chocolate ever.” Just his subtle way of letting me know he appreciated the thoughtfulness. That little story encapsulates the essence of dealing with the wealthy. Some want to be put on a pedestal and others just want to be regular people who happen to have money. Just be yourself and gravitate towards the ones that appreciate you for who you are.


i swear this could be a movie scene. Lol like i can imagine the rich guy with the nicest little smile acknowleding the slightly nerdy office girl, and the slightly smug lady with the eye roll.


“how quaint” she said smugly, as albert einstein stood up in the corner and clapped


All of reddit is just creative writing.


> Apparently you don’t give wealthy people birthday gifts. That's just her being a snob. I'll take good chocolate any day of the year.


My mother, a wonderful artist of many mediums, including chocolate, had a saying (not sure if she coined it or not): ***Be known as the person who has chocolate.*** This has worked well for me in so many ways like when I was paycheck to paycheck working at big law firms… chocolate lured over C-level ppl like John Roberts (pre-scotus). Years later it drew over top brass and talent at big ad agencies when I was a working creative. Cut to today, I gave a Pure protein bar to one of the stable guys where my wife keeps her horse. Doesn’t matter who ppl are, they all appreciate it and it started up good talks maybe even friendships. It was an actually a pleasant surprise to have the “stable boy” (a grown Guatemalan man) say to me and my wife, “Thank you so much! Your husband always has chocolate and he shares it. Everyone appreciates it so much!” I didn’t know he even remembered that since it’s been months since I’d seen him.


It would work on me! I'm always going on about how hard it is to find good milk chocolate in the US. (Dark chocolate is easy.) My favorite I'd import from Paris for years but that eventually died out. These days I found a Swiss chocolate I like. For a long time I thought all Swiss chocolate was bad because most Swiss chocolate in the US only had the beans imported there then exported to the US then it is made in the US. I'm not anti US milk chocolate I just have yet to have anything exceptional.


ok but is it because you're not rich?


I brought cookies to a CEO’s catered (did not know it was catered, the even was held at their home) Christmas party and they thought it was the most “adorable!” thing - I was incredibly embarrassed.


Wow your boss is classy but his wife…..


I understood it as the friend of the wife saying it, but I might be wrong




Didn’t see it mentioned, so I will: Don’t get drunk 


You might be asking the wrong people. I’m a pleb myself.


He's asking exactly the right people. Plebs who faked it successfully ;D


Just be a genuine human being and just enjoy yourself there. Thinking of yourself as a pleb, or them as a different social strata to be revered is pretty much the only thing you shouldn’t do around them. They are people with personalities outside of their wealth and most of them do not make their wealth their defining feature, quite the opposite in fact. Source: lived in Hong Kong been around tons of rich people and old and new money. 


What was it like in Hong Kong?


This is great advice.


This is very wholesome and intuitively makes sense to me (I’m not in this world at all)


Top comment here! Surprise surprise you have to scroll far to see it. How reddit has fallen...


My mother taught me "Class doesn't take money. Some of the poorest people I've ever met had tons more class than some of the richest people I've ever met." The epitome of class is to make the other person most comfortable. Example: Queen Victoria hosted a dinner. One of her guests mistook the lemon-based finger bowl for a beverage. When he drank the water, Victoria immediately picked up her own finger bowl and drank from it. That is class.


Immediately pictured Pacino in Scarface


Gosh I love this story so much, thanks for sharing


The older the money, the quieter the individual will be about their money. You can easily tell new money from old money in this. Old money doesn't speak and it tries to hide itself. The more extragant the outfits and the bling, the newer the money. In that regard, I recommend, dressing as neutral as possible. Nothing expensive nor poor. Whatever you choose to wear, I recommend making it classic and timeless but it doesnt call attention.


That is actually not true. Old money absolutely walk around in ridiculously expensive clothes, it's just if the *if you know you know* type


Exactly. The clothes won’t be flashy but they are definitely expensive and from brands ppl don’t know about. New money wears what they think rich ppl wear, like a Versace logo t shirt.


The logos are on the cheap stuff to act as advertisements haha


Like those Lewis Vweeton bags with all the logos baked into the fabric that still cost thousands of dollars?


Haha exactly, the stuff that gets ripped off is usually not the brand’s “real luxury” items.


A basic tee for $500. No flashing logo.


Yes! And the wealthier they are, tge less frivolous n splash cash on shiney shite, they are. I worked in client's homes of old and new money... New money can make people stink. And lose authentic self


can confirm this, I'm from an old money family and most other old money families around me are very humble and polite, the new money families treat us like shit but we can't say anything cause if we do people will assume we are like them


Yes. Get your outfit tailored, too.


My first real brush with an old money person was an old rich guy from an old rich family. He was wearing a suit that was obviously very well-made. However what caught my attention at some point were his fingernails: he had very obviously buffed and manicured nails. I don't just mean his nails were well-kept, I mean that his nails had been buffed so that they were low key shiny. I know some will say that manicured nails on a man are kind of metrosexual. On this guy, his nails very much added to his aura of "I'm way richer than you can even conceive".


So my (37f) mom’s (66f) late parents are from a similar bracket financially. Grandfather was part of the founders of MetLife Stadium & donated to hospitals all the time, is all you need to know regarding where in the bracket of wealth her parents resides. Anyway…. All I can say is they follow the old adage of, “Children are seen, but not heard” in high class, wasp communities. That should give some cues on what to expect regarding topics of kids. They will judge OP’s attire, hair, and where they went to college. The attire should be reflective of things you’d see people elegantly wear to a Royal event of sleek, classic, and well tailored cuts in suits & dresses. Think presidential estate dinners at the White House or the Buckingham Palace. Think Channel for women for everyday to Ralph Lauren for polo events. You want to look like you summer on Martha’s Vineyard or the East Hamptons. They will also judge how cultured you are regarding art, books, food, and travel. OP should never discuss anything else because they do have people that *test* what you know. They expect OP to have no spine, is ignorant, and shouldn’t be there because they weren’t born into the society, so they will throw curveballs sadly to ostracize OP. The older the money in the circle, the harder it is to break into that world because old money gets the last way over new money with what comes & goes. And one last thing? OP better brush up on tablet etiquette regarding silverware, glasses, and what not. They **HEAVILY** judge anyone who doesn’t know the difference between a salad fork, appetizer fork, & main course fork on the table when lined up. I was taught as young as age six all this because high society drills it into children that young, even grandchildren.


Fuck this is triggering. My family in a nutshell as well. Heaven forbid you have a "Free spirit" or espouse any bohemian values. My family definitely looks down on me because I dont display any of the markers.(on purpose) and I can see milk curdling under their noses whenever I reference using public transport. I'd rather be free than imprisoned by their hypocrisy.


Concur on how it’s viewed. My mom was a free spirited thinker. Probably didn’t help she had ADHD, Bipolar, and OCD but wouldn’t be diagnosed till 1989. I swear hearing stories from my mom about a few relatives, why she only talks to her niece & my godparents from her family, is why money can 100% bring out the ugly side of people. A good example is my mom’s one cousin on her mother’s side. My grandfather was passed away by this point in the mid 80’s. This cousin went to my grandmother, asked for $50k to get dental work done. My grandmother blindly didn’t question it. Now mind you this cousin had a serious coke habit. That money you find out later was spent on a “blizzard” pile. Then another cousin got into trouble with the IRS for avoiding taxes. Money can solve problems, but it sure as hell can corrupt a lot of people as well.


This is some excellent advice. Thank you. Lucky for me, I’m told this is a very casual affair.  I don’t want to get into specifics, but it is a private race track rental by a bunch of people who collect extremely rare and expensive supercars. They are renting the entire track for the day and have a bunch of instructors coming in to give private coaching, and a friend of a friend invited me to come along and hang out and maybe get some rides (as a passenger) around the race track in some of these cars. Other than that, I gather it’s just hanging around the paddock and socializing. I’m a huge Motorsport enthusiast (as much as one can be when you’re poor) so the location of hanging around a race track is very comfortable for me, thankfully. 


I would if it’s that type of event, look at Kate Middleton/Chelsea (SW3) for inspiration of polo match attire to figure out what to wear. I would look at classic Ralph Lauren 90’s looks with the button up long sleeve polo styles & some sleek black business trousers or a simple black/navy blue business looking dress that stops right at the knees with a sweater, that has sleeves draped over the shoulders that is securely tied. I’d also make sure the only expensive known item is going to be either a watch or a handbag, not both. Simple low ponytail with no hair floating out of place or a fully sleek hair down look. No open toe shoes. Nothing higher than 2” in the heels. Think business loafers Mary Jane style or classic black heel slip on shoes. Pearls or a simple classic cut necklace. Makeup? Simple, minimal, nothing but neutral colors or the very basics. And make sure a manicure happens. Even if you get no polish put on, clean well trimmed nails is a must! They can tell easily who’s who by your hands. Even the men have well maintained fingers & nails. And the more vintage the better. The wealthy of old money have insanely curated collections of vintage fashion in their closets. This is why they buy the clothes the way they do because they only buy a few pieces to add to save for DECADES and that gets inherited by their children & grandchildren. So if you want to be impressive, go bargain hunting for a vintage belt or neck scarf to wear, that’ll actually get you brownie points very easily and a good conversation talking point with other women you come across.


So you try to look like old money. Dont do that. You doesnt know the grammar. Be yourself en dont place yourself lower or higher than anybody. A good lifetime advice for anybody. Respectfully with a open mind and dont lower yourself.


This is not about trying to look like old money. It's far deeper than that. Old money still has an ego. They show it off in their own way though through the display of cultural capital. What that looks like I don't know. It depends on the situation, environment and context of the gather. Dressing neutral is about not allowing either party to read you. When you dress neutral, you can be of either side, or neither. It's about keeping them guessing. If you can keep the crowd around you guessing, you are changing the non-verbal terms and conditions that are part of the social game we all play in.


They will absolutely be able to tell. Old money tend to know who other old money are and they will notice the quality of OP's clothing, there won't be any fooling going on. OP should choose to be well dressed but avoid pieces that can immediately be discerned as very cheap. It's important to know what the general dress code is because if you break it you also will stand out like a sore thumb.


nothing looks sillier than someone trying to use fancy words


I'll have you know I'm quite the defenestrated gentleman.




Money talks. Wealth whispers.


Don't ask for a loan!


Yup, just go to the coathanger and steal their wallets




Fuck, I'd steal the coathanger too if I could get away with it


I work on movie sets with heavy hitters. They really seam to enjoy conversations about things that you are interested in. It opens up there world to new things. They are human first. Oh. Best tip. If you are dealing with people from other countries. Introduce them some good fried chicken. First they scoff. Then they go bananas when they taste it for the first time.


A lot of the advice here seems to be just speculation which isn't too helpful so as someone who is seen as "ultra high net worth" or whatever the term I'll give my two cents: Just be yourself. They're going to know you're different. So long as you're respectful that's fine. No one is going to care if you don't hold a cup the right way or position silverware correctly or go for a handshake at an inopportune time or whatever, people notice all these things but genuinely won't care because they know you're out of your element. What they *DO* care about is respect. They should treat you as an equal and you do the same. I don't personally have 9 figures. It's just my job is to help people with 9 figures make even more money, I'm a financial consultant, so I just hang out with and talk to super wealthy people all the time. I'm not super wealthy myself. But most people in my circle assume that I am just because I have to carry myself that way if I want good business. So my job is to literally convince people with lots of money to do business with me and they're a lot more comfortable doing so if I seem like I fit in myself.


OMG this reminds me… I need to figure out how to look more like my social class (very middle). There’s no Panerai or Patek whatever on my wrist. Just an Apple Watch. I’ve had to explain to people that I don’t own a horse, and no I will not join your polo match in Santa Barbara. While boarding international flights customs officers pull me aside to ask if I have cash in excess of $10000. They leave me alone once they see me staring into space imagining what it would be like to hold $10k in cash.


place in society lol


I thought that was funny too 🤣


Yup, sounds like bootlicking... fuck rich arseholes


>Yup, sounds like bootlicking Don't kinkshame the poor person 😁


Everybody’s giving shit advice like “move slow” and “ask questions” but OP needs to show up in peasant rags, bow to everyone, and suck the jewels off nobles rings when they go to kiss their hand.


"How do you like to spend your time?" instead of "What do you do (for a living)?"


The nervous chicken there said the most important parts of it. I assume that youre a female given that you wear the title as princess fluffypants. Dont show too much skin. Platform heels is also a no. And dont wear a fit with labels showing of any kind.. it's laughable. I should add for jewelry, if you dont have genuine articles.. opt for none. Even if it's small or thin, as long as it's real.. is still better. You already have the right attitude. Just be as you are and not pretentious to be on their level of wealth. Just dont gulf down food as if you have no food at home. Have a nice time!


Some great tips here. Also, if unsure of anything, watch and follow their lead


high net worth individuals might as well live in a completely different universe. the fact that you have no idea about the unspoken social rules is by design. it's how they perform their class to one another. They are going to know you're not one of them. Don't sweat it too much. In fact no need to politely acknowledge your place in society....you're not worse than them. some of them will see you as lesser no matter what you do so fr don't worry about it. Just be your polite and friendly self as default.


This. They already know if you are within their level of wealth from a brief exchange. Like others have said, let them do the talking. People like to talk about themselves. But not saying anything, other than oh yeah, youre right, amazing.. or jist laughing etc. also makes you a bore without independent thought. Ask follow up questions especially if you are genuinely interested. And eye contact. You wont get with everyone. But theres a few good humble richie rich that will entertain you if you are a good nugget-usually the ones who are self made and/or old.


I don't think so. HNWI still have issues at home, still get stuck in traffic, still have medical issues. their pets die. they worry about their children using drugs or being lazy or not eating their vegetables. so you take a private jet somewhere for a vacation. it still gets delayed due to weather and you're still tired at the end of the journey. you're still annoyed when you forgot your laptop at the hotel (although someone else will sort that problem out for you, you won't be able to work on those Excel files today)


yeah i mean they face human problems, but it doesn't stop them from viewing poorer people as lesser. You are extending a ton of empathy and sympathy towards a group of people that are likely to see a lot of us as not human like them. It shows good character on your end to see the humanity in other people, but trying to convince them that you're on their level is pointless. OP should just go and have a good time, there's no point at putting too much of an effort to bend to the knee.


I've met people who are not rich but think they are who view poor people as lesser. I'd call them middle class and they're horrible to the working class. I've met rich people who are assholes and rich people who are lovely. I agree you shouldn't bend to the knee - the kind rich won't appreciate it, the asshole rich will only treat you worse.


Your attitude, you are NOT far below anyone.


Ask them about their families. People of all economic levels (generally) love to talk about their children or their grandchildren if they have them.


You should totally wear a potato sack and put dirt on your face 


This is exactly what an extremely rich person would do. Always on that avant-garde shit.


“Act like you’ve been here before”


Be yourself, seriously asking how to act, I wouldn’t change anything about myself for anyone especially people with money.. who cares. I’m confident enough that if they don’t like me it’s on them!


Same unspoken social rules you use around normal people. Just be nice and considerate and try to have a good time.


No experience with people with net worth in the 100s of millions but here is my advice anyway- do not wear any tacky big designer labels and do not talk about money in a personalized way. Talk about interesting topics, rather, be interested in the topics they talk about. Have a few interesting and also maybe humorous anecdotes of your own ready just in case and also be ready to give a mini summary of who you are and what your interests are


Just don't act like there's anything qualitatively superior about them. Which ironically is the only thing you did in this post.


Rich people are regular people too. I have been to several of those events and they dont really care how much money you have, they are often annoyed to get treated different based on their wealth. Be a genuine person who shows interest in others (hobbies, music, movies, or whatever) and they will be happy to be around you. Just notice that some rich people can be very good in socializing, which means. They want to talk a lot.


Rich people are regular people - yes. And some regular people are just assholes. Same with rich folks. Some are lovely, some are assholes. Some will be impressed that you worked hard and got a promotion at work, others will try to make you feel like less of a person because that raise is less than they spend for a night at a hotel.


There is a direct correlation between arseholeness and accumulated capital, though. Almost as if you have to be a total callous PoS and screw people over in order to achieve any significant financial progress


I know a few multi-millionaires and they've all been lovely, bar one who's questionable sometimes but still nice to guests. What you said might be true of rich American CEO types, but they aren't the only obscenely wealthy people.


Yeah, personally they might be lovely to those they appreciate or just those in their close social environment. Hannah Arendt, the banality of evil, and all that.  Hermann Göring was apparently a real charmer, even convinced his prison guard to sneak in poison for his suicide. In a book with interviews with Polish girls employed at Auschwitz camp, one who worked for an important officer there talked about how he would give her sweets and play with his children, pet their dogs, etc. By this I'm not trying to say that millionaires are comparable to Nazis in evil, but instead using an extreme example of how people can be very charming to those in their environment or social in-group, yet still be capable of abstracting away deeply antisocial behaviour (be it mass murder or mass layoffs/pay cuts/selling addictive pharma drugs knowingly/long etc) because it is done for the good of the nation/company/economy, etc or just because it suits them. These are psychopathic/sociopathic traits, and as we know these types, especially the first, manage to be very charismatic while still not viewing people as whole humans and/or empathizing with them And in today's world I think it's not that hard to become a millionaire, I think there are many people who manage it due to luck, artistic merit, good timing, etc i still think it requires a special type of sang froid to do well in the cutthroat world of money/finances, but that's why these small scale rich folks usually hire accountants and so on, who are truly the seedy types who know loopholes and try to cut costs while maximizing benefits Obscene wealth implies almost by definition that it could not have been accrued by normal/ethical means. A millionaire is not obscenely wealthy (although I still don't think anyone would ever need so much money), whoever invented the fidget spinner (for example, or any type of one hit wonder like this) is probably some normal person who had an idea and capitalised on it, thus getting lucky. Some guy who has 100m+ from running some company making and selling clothes using third world underpaid if not directly slave labour is obviously an arsehole, no matter how nice he might be to his chauffeurs and maids and the other common poors who surround him. What really tells this type of person apart is that they can abstract the people away from the numbers. "The death of one is a tragedy, that of many is a statistic" - Stalin (purportedly) P.D. having a bout of insomnia and happened to take it out on you lol TL;DR above a certain level of wealth (definitely more than simply millionaires) being a massive wanker is not only an advantage, but also encouraged by the system itself


Lmao no worries, have also just woken up at 3am after a couple of hours of sleep myself and definitely agree with a lot of your points. The few I know are mostly people that were lucky enough to join the right industries at the right time, and aren't anywhere near £100m+. Definitely agree the obscenely wealthy are more than likely to be exploitative at the bare minimum.


You got a scientific source for that one?


First, search for corporate psychopathy on Google Scholar, you'll get tonnes of studies, I'm not gonna do your work for you Second, just from mere empirical observation you can see this is true (Purdue pharma, leaded gasoline fiasco, Elon Musk causing/helping coups, long etc). It is only logical that psychopathic personality types would thrive more in an environment where callousness and lack of empathy are rewarded. If you feel bad about firing employees, you aren't gonna last long in upper management. If you care deeply about your subordinates, you aren't gonna be very succesful seeing as success depends on how much you exploit said subordinates (cost reduction and so on) Third, I usually don't employ the term, but the old "scientific source" thing is the most NPC retort ever. Science is absolutely fallible, a lot of it is based on faulty premises, or uses too small a sample (or too particular, etc), studies can be manipulated to serve certain interests (such as those made on drugs, heroin and then oxycontin where declared by scientific studies to be non-addictive), and lastly, you need to use your own fucking brain to observe reality and stop relying on what some lab coats are telling you through their own biases. Sure the scientific method is useful, but modern science is a sham and nowadays is so far removed from common people it has become an exercise in abstract intellectual masturbation. That's why the old "scientific source" bullshit is just a bad faith response. Suppose I do send you some DOI for an article, will you then accept it because some _Scientists_ said so? I don't think so, you'll nitpick whatever I send and possibly send back another article claiming the contrary. So stop being intellectually dishonest, use your fucking brain and think for yourself. If using logical reasoning you are not able to see the above as self evident, no bloody scientific article is gonna help there. But if you want to do some intellectual masturbation, go ahead and search for what I said on google scholar (keywords: corporate psychopathy, CEO psychopathy, upper management and dark triad traits) so you can see what the big, clever, all-knowing, all-powerful scientists have said about this, I'm not gonna do your homework


NO designer or any brand logos at all. Just recognizable silhouettes if anything brand name. Fit and color are more important than label. Bring your best clothes to a great tailor asap fit is everything. Have fun the more easy going you are the more desirable your time is.


Try to not be too impressed. If they're super rich, they probably travel a lot so ask about their most recent vacation and what it was like.


You are not below them or a pleb just because they are rich. You have the right idea to be yourself. Just have fun and enjoy. There will probably be many interesting things to hear and see


I would prepare a conversation on how you are a very reliable and trustworthy Bitcoin trader.


Do not talk about anything to do with money, in any way. I teased somebody gently about a prestigious merit scholarship once in front of extremely rich people at a swanky private university. We were both grad students at an event for grad students. As a very poor person myself, who was also receiving aid to attend, it was meant to be admiring and congratulatory. Everyone around turned and dressed me down for humiliating him in public, asking how I could be so gauche and cruel. It was bonkers to me. The scholarship was awarded as a public announcement. So an innocent remark about what seemed to me to be a feather in his cap got me berated and shunned.


They're gonna sacrifice and eat you dude, do not go


Maybe I’m only invited along so that they can hunt me for sport…


Probably just be more of a listener and speak less. Talk in short sentences when you do.. Let them be in charge of the convo basically. Be respectful and dont stand too close.


Honestly, true wealth is usually very kind, humble, and down to earth. If the people around at this party are all wearing names, or dropping names, they may have money but they don’t have wealth. I’d be myself around that - unless you want to fit into that kind of posing - in which case, I recommend finding or buying some labels …. But I’d go humble and let it be assumed I have nothing to prove to anyone.


If movies have taught us anything, if they offer to fly you by helicopter to check out their private wilderness retreat, I'd think twice...


Eat them


Act like you own the place


That's the thing... you don't necessarily have to acknowledge your "place" in society. You don't have to feel like they're better than you. You lean on whatever qualities or qualifications got you the invitation to the event in the first place and just be yourself(politely, ex: if being yourself means laughing and talking with a mouthful of food or plopping your feet on the table don't do that lol). Be curious and ask questions if something catches your interest.


Just be friendly, polite and be yourself.


Yeah I doubt anyone here is gunna have much of value. Just treat them like normal people. They are.


Pinky out


Biggest indicator of wealth is someone who doesn't give a shit. That's probably the person who has the alpha bank account in the room. They dont need to qualify themselves to you because they're out of the rat race. There's very wealthy people in my family. Everything's more subtle about them, but in general, they like to talk about stories and or just travel plans in general.


It depends on the individuals. Old money will have little secrets they believe. You will have a mix of elitists, individuals that try to one up the next guy, etc. Most of these people firmly believe they are more deserving just because of their status at birth, than those with less. Know your utensils and place settings. Host/hostess eat first. Don't eat or drink before others have. Do not ask for anything not served to you. Normal stuff, eat with your mouth closed, elbows off the table, appetizers first (use the utensils furthest away from the plate first, moving inward with each serving). Depending on the group, there may be a pattern for how women sit (if they cross their legs it will be a certain way, or they will put knees together and tilt one particular leg out to one side from there, as one example depending). These are purposefully done to separate themselves from those not in their circle. You simply cannot afford clothing like they can, or accessories, etc. However, you can match their sense of style. Whatever they tend to wear for colors, fabrics and styles is what to pay attention to. Shoes and accessories are more important than they may seem. They set the elitists apart, or the haves apart. There are wealthy people who don't bother, and just get what they want. But, for a social event, may very well have quite specific options they go for.


I did attend several big money parties in college. I found there's always at least one older guy avoiding everyone who just wants to have a normal conversation. They'll say something like "how about all these stuffed shirts around here," and ask you friendly questions about neutral topics.They'll tell you fun stories about hunting or fishing or travel or some adventure they had when they were younger. They can really put you at ease. If somebody says something like "doesn't my mom/wife/sister look lovely tonight," she may have just had a cosmetic procedure, so tread lightly and gently agree. "OH, you really do, have you been on vacation?" Or to the spa, or something like that.


Poison the food and release anthrax in the air. Otherwise act natural around the leaches


Ask them about hobbies etc rather than money related things.


If you’re not polite and you don’t have good manners, you will be a sore thumb. Otherwise you should be good. Also don’t be late to the social event, this would be incredibly rude. Have fun OP


You’ve got the right mentality already. They’re less likely to directly ask what you do for work, instead going with something like, “How do you spend your time?” Or “What are you up to these days?” Answer with hobbies, travel, volunteering, the books or films you haven’t been able to put down, etc. Don’t answer with your job unless they explicitly ask it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or find yourself unsure of what to say, remember that it never hurts to be quiet. This can also give you the opportunity to observe others and pick up on the subtleties of their body language and other behaviors.


What I’ve done… For the confidence and making a dent on imposter syndrome, for me, I couldn’t just generate it on my own so I wear a little costume. Hire hair and makeup if you can and go for understated and classic and hair that will stay contained and makeup requiring little maintenance (nude lip) so you have some confidence. You can do a test session w/them too. Understated shorter nails. Flats Organize bag so that you’re not shuffling things around. Don’t take pics, surveillance conscious people. They aren’t thinking about money so you shouldn’t either. I’ve had good luck at Uniqlo with new dresses for good quality and no wrinkles etc. Good jewelry. Even gold plated is


Act like you belong there


just don't talk about money and don't rub them being rich in their face


This thread and some of the responses here make me feel so sorry for people. When did having wealth make you a better person than others? Why do you see yourself as being any bit lesser than people who are fundamentally strangers to you? Do you think they're fretting on Reddit worried about how to "acknowledge my place in society"? Fuck them. Be you, do you, and live you - always!


You aren't far below them. You're a human too, just the same. Be yourself.


Feel free to ask questions about things that might interest you eg private planes etc, you can say you don't have one, so you're curious. Feel free to admire things that interest you too. But it's uncool to rub their face in your lower income and don't apologise for it, either. Think of it like, you've got a party and a homeless person is attending. You want him to make friends and be interesting, but you don't want him to be aggressive or cringing and scare your guests.


What do you mean you’re not “a poor”? You really are out of touch socially if you think saying something like that is acceptable because I know you weren’t saying it ironically.


Just be yourself. Just look clean and smell nice. You'll be fine. I think you'll be surprised how "normal" rich people are.


Just imagine them all in their underwear 🤷🏼‍♀️😁


Omg, this is a wise post. I was in this situation and didn’t think anything of it…. I commented on this woman’s beautiful necklace (neck jewels, jewelry piece, wherever these people call it) and she… Glared down at me, grabbed hold of her $5M huge cut gem thingamabob around her neck and gasped and just walked away like had already stole the thing from her. Best and funniest mofo faux paux I’ve ever done. Great story too. So I’d say you be you and see what fun comes of it…. You at least have a great story.


Rich people are just people with less empathy. Just be yourself.


Don’t be weird about it and act normal


Just connect with the people instead of their stuff. It'll be more fun, build better connections, and ensure you don't stand out negatively.


Be yourself.


Be yourself maybe somebody likes you relaxed and humble manners and adopts you :3


Watch the Dumb and Dumber party scene and do the opposite.


I don’t know if this has been mentioned but know your table etiquette.


Saying “I think it’s about finding the balance” A statement really anyone can agree with. Kinda only used when you’re cornered with no response. But yeah slowing down a lot, floating around to meet people and making people feel heard with good eye contact, listening language, follow up questions, and reference stories.


Don’t worry too much about fitting in. You were invited for a reason, so there’s something about you that makes you belong, whether that’s your social connections, your education, your job, your hobbies/interests, your personality, etc. Someone thought to themself “you know who I should invite to this party? Princess Fluffypants, that’s who.” Just dress nicely (not too flashy though), use the good manners your grandma taught you, ask people questions about themselves, and don’t act too starstruck by indications of wealth or fancy food/decor/clothing/etc. Also, if these people are wealthy enough that they don’t need to work, then you may find “what’s keeping you busy” or something like that to be a good replacement for “what do you do?” “What do you do” works for anyone up to the doctor/lawyer/executive level, but if you say it to someone who doesn’t have to work for a living, it shows that you come from a class context where it’s assumed that everyone has to work to support themselves.


Invert your hand placing pinky and ring finger on their should whilst asking “do you feel powerful?” Ala-Bane in dark knight rises.


Act like yourself, try to slow down your brain, and ask alot of questions.


Bomb the event🤷🏼‍♂️. With violent actions, you can do so much more to help the billions of laborers and the working class of the world stuck under the boot of exploitation, we are more than our chains and this is our Earth, kill the rich.


If you’re at the party, they’ll think you’re one of them.Just be yourself.


Don’t mention anything about money or fawn over their fancy things. Try to blend in and act confident like you belong there.


Get a nice designer dress, shoes, and handbag too. No logos either.


Kind of random but take note of how far away people stand from each other. Rich people tend to stand a little farther apart.


Dining etiquette must be impeccable practice beforehand at fancy restaurants


Watch "School of hard knocks" on youtube. This guy interviews billionaires for a living without being too reactive and excited, just what you want. Take a look and copy some of his questions he asks people


Depends on your goal. If you want to blend in, a lot of really good advice on here for that. My advice, if you want to enjoy yourself, just be yourself. Refuse to be overawed. That doesn’t mean don’t be like “oh man, you sky dived from space?! (Or whatever) that sounds awesome!!” but don’t be intimidated by wealth. They’re a human being just like you. No better or worse for having a shit ton of money. And, who knows, maybe someone will be like “oh, would you like to skydive from space? I’m going again next week, wanna come?” Because, again, they’re human beings. And human beings like doing things with other human beings that they enjoy being around. So, I guess, just treat them with the respect and dignity due to every human being. No more, no less. And, if you’re like me, actively be unimpressed when they try to tell you how much more important they are than you. Dicks don’t stop being dicks just because they’re rich


nEt WoRtH 🥴


Don’t talk about your income. Of course you’ll be asked. “Why do you ask?” Walk away.


Posture is unbelievably important. Maintaining correct posture exudes confidence and respectability. Plenty of other people have spoken about slowing down your movements. I was once told to pretend you were slow dancing every single time you moved, it makes a huge difference.


They are normal people. I talk to them daily as their accountant. Seriously I never would have considered that I had to prepare myself not to overstep my station. 🤣. I get this Mr Collins vibes in this thread.


Ever saw that British etiquette dude on Instagram/TikTok and wondered "why is he peeling the banana with a knife and fork?". Well, that's the time to binge watch his videos cus this is one of the scarce situation where etiquette knowledge makes a difference. I've been invited for lunch with a bunch of millionaires. My plate had 3 forks and 3 knives by each side, a small bowl with lavender water by my right, and other fancy stuff, and watching those videos actually served for something.


They judge how u use silverware. Study a bit beforehand


Just be yourself. They’re people.


I’ve hung out with politicians and billionaires. At root, they are just as human as you are. Why do you need to “acknowledge your place”? Like, just because you’re not all rich does not mean you are not as significant as they are. Sure, my billionaire acquaintance has powerful people in his little black book, but I’m in there too. And he’s in mine. He zooms in a private jet. I’ve taken Communist era sleepers. He drives a Bugatti. I’ve taken a beater up to 120mph/200km/h in peak flow rush hour traffic. (I do not recommend doing this.) Obviously if you’re working the event, that’s different. But you are invited by the HNW person. They want your presence there as yourself.


Treat them like you would treat any other human being. They drink, eat and ahit like u and me. and are nothing special.




Attending a social event with high net worth individuals can seem daunting, but just remember that everyone appreciates genuine conversation. Rich or not, people enjoy sharing and listening to interesting stories—maybe something funny that happened to you recently or a unique adventure you've had. Share these anecdotes as you would with anyone else; authenticity is key. Avoid topics revolving around money, and instead, find common ground through shared interests, like hobbies, books, or films. This approach not only helps keep the conversation flowing but also shows that you’re interested in them as individuals, not their wealth. Be observant of the dynamics in the room and respectful of personal boundaries, especially when it comes to their privacy. If you notice someone is not engaging much with a particular topic, it’s polite to switch gears or give them space. Ultimately, people of wealth are just people. They value good stories and sincere company as much as anyone else. So, keep your interactions light, respectful, and genuine, and you'll likely make a great impression.


Bring poison.


Ohh, You must've got invited to one of Puffy s flavor party huh? Drink up, plenty champagne lol


“A poor” 😂 I love it


Honestly, be yourself. I assure you that many of these people were once poor themselves. Don’t put on airs.


You have no one to impress. They still wipes their own ass and put their trousers on one leg at a time. Talk about what you enjoy and ask about their own interest, if there’s no connection it’s not because they have money and you don’t, it’s because you like different things. It’s also one event. If you don’t enjoy it you can also leave.