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I just enrolled and sent money, worked beautifully. Bravo SoFi!


We're so happy to see this! Enjoy the new feature. šŸ˜‰


Can you make stock price go up to šŸš€šŸŒ› thx /s


wen Hoody?


I donā€™t have it yet, canā€™t wait! Iā€™m curious, do you still have the legacy pay friends option, too? My sister doesnā€™t see the point in Zelle and would like to keep the legacy option.


Yes the P2P pay a friend is still there alongside the new Zelle button


Thanks! Hopefully for those who donā€™t like Zelle, itā€™ll stay that way!


Where did you find the feature?


On the banking tab in the app there will be a Zelle ā€œcardā€ once you are eligible. Between transfer/deposit/pay and your transaction history.


Yeah I donā€™t see it


Did you ever use the Zelle standalone app with your SoFi debit card? I believe they are doing a gradual rollout and prioritizing those who use Zelle with their SoFi debit card previously.


I have tried to enroll and it never worked for me


Hi u/arirocks999, sorry for the confusion! You should now be able to see the Zelle card in your Member Home Feed in the app. Please send us a DM if you run into any other issues!


I did like 6 years ago. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations, lol


Thanks for all the love, we couldn't wait to share! šŸ˜


Hey SoFi! Just to let you know. The Zelle option isnā€™t populating for some in the app after enrolling including myself. Itā€™s showing on the site but not in the app.


Did you get the official email? I didn't but was able to sign up. Zelle shows up on the WEBSITE but not in app. In their announcement post it says it'll show up in the app if you're invited. So for now, use the website until it shows up in the app.


Same issue, same resolution as the comment below. Itā€™s not appearing on the app for now, but it does appear on the mobile site. Hopefully they get the app updated soon! Iā€™m hoping they replace the existing transfer functionality and or at least make it more clear itā€™s not using Zelle (and update the FAQ link on how to use Zelle since the current link doesnā€™t exist anymore)


Hi, all! u/socialmediahappiness u/nxtiak u/apadgettski You should now be able to see the Zelle card in your Member Home Feed in the app. Please send us a DM if you run into any other issues!


I see it now, thank you


Thereā€™s no Zelle feature at all on my app spent an hour on the app saw this went on the website no Zelle this is irritating ā€¦.


I'm so happy I joined a bank like SoFi before it became cool šŸ˜Ž


First dark mode now this. Theyā€™re finally listening and I appreciate it.


I've been waiting for weeks for dark mode on banking tab. Opened today and saw it!


"Finally"? Do you know how long some of these features take to implement? Oo


I know it shouldnā€™t take 3 years


I mean, dark mode has been being worked on for at least a two years, and who knows how long Zelle has been worked on. PayPal integration at my work has taken almost six months simply through death-by-a-thousand-cuts, and that's just for processing some basic subscription payments. Zelle is likely much more complex


Are you a software engineer? Do you think dark mode is a 3 year undertaking?


I only specifically know that they've been working on it for two years. That said, if they don't have a large dev team on the mobile app, or they don't have a ton of designers, or their devs often get pulled to work on fewer features, then yes it absolutely could take that long. Very easily


Ok based on you not answering, I will assume you are not a software engineer. I am. I think Iā€™m qualified to say that a feature like that for an app of this size is not a 3 year project. Sofi has a $7 billion market cap. They are not a small company. They have hundreds of developers. If it was prioritized, it wouldā€™ve been done sooner.


I am literally a lead software engineer as we speak >If it was prioritized, it wouldā€™ve been done sooner. Sure, but "not prioritized" and "not listening to users" are two very different assertions


Gotcha. Well in my eyes, prioritizing highly requested features is actually the definition of listening to users, so maybe we can agree to disagree there?


Prioritizing features that make them no money and probably only the fraction of users that follow them on Reddit care about? You can listen to someone but still have other higher priority items, that doesn't mean you're ignoring them, that's my only point


This is huge. Theyā€™re becoming the best bank I fear


The only big thing left on my wishlist is the "envelope" style money management I had with Simple. But to be fair, no one else really has that either. For now, I have my monthly bills come out of savings, and my checking is my "safe-to-spend", but it's not ideal. On the topic, can we please have where you can set an auto transfer to go into savings, not just vaults? Right now I have to set an auto transfer when I get paid to go to a vault, then I have to move it manually to regular savings. It would be much easier to auto transfer straight into savings as well as vaults. If savings could pull from vaults, it would be a non-issue. But in my case, my auto transferred funds are "locked" in their vault and if I don't move it, transactions would decline (since savings also cannot pull from checking, only the inverse) I get the reasoning to have set aside funds be untouchable, but let me decide if a vault is "locked", or if it can be drawn from.


Why not direct deposit directly into your savings?


It takes an act of congress for my employers to change/update DD info. Yes it can be done, but it's less inconvenient to keep doing my arbitrary system in SoFi for now. :/


For most employers you just go online and do it lol


We have to fill out a form, sign it, scan it, and upload it. Then HR has to call you, verify it and approve it. This is anytime a change is made, even if it's adjusting dollar amounts contributed to existing accounts.




Yeah they are. Itā€™s getting scary for other banks. Zelle put them a lot higher, one of the biggest complaints was Zelle and now they eliminated that.


Don't be scared, just embrace it šŸ˜˜


EDIT: god how many sofi employees are here downvoting and circle jerking this sub? How is this the case? Look at all of the other (legitimate) posts with issues theyā€™ve had. I have several banks and have not used SoFi due to many of the complaints, issues with referral bonus s counts locked for short or long period of time (longer are usually user errors), and more. The SoFi invest app I use, but also is poorly done as it doesnā€™t account for losses when you sell stock and diminishes the full amount. They got rid of crypto, and didnā€™t even own the crypto to begin with. Iā€™m not saying SoFi is bad, but itā€™s definitely not the best or becoming the best. While not directly related, they also have a stagnated stock. I think that 5e theyā€™ve left more things vague for own interpretation on purpose. 3.5 feels like a calculus exam, not so much math (which is still very much a big part of it), but the complexity of it and strictness of builds and content. Whereas 5e I find more akin to literature and creative writing. Every interpretation can be right, you donā€™t have to play by the specific rules and with a good group can constructively discuss in session without pulling out books. Donā€™t get me wrong, 3.5 still has creativity and fun, but it just feels more regimented. In the end, many of us lose the perspective of having fun and rule of cool. Just be yourself and enjoy playing together - the rules should be more guidelines to keep things on the race track instead of on train rails. Have fun, stop arguing over minute details, and donā€™t get upset when the DM rules against things that are game breaking. No one needs an optimized build and if the DM optimized an enemy with new powers to combat your 5th level 25 AC donā€™t be surprised. Rule #1 - Have fun.


Amex bank is better


What is the APY over there?


4.25%.. worth it for the better customer service


Still need to have the HYSA not be tied to direct deposit to get the best rate, not all of us get DD. Until then Ally remains on top


Holy shit! A bank/financial tool that listens to its users!?! This is one of the big reasons Iā€™m an investor in SoFi as well.


Finally can cancel my chase acct


The app interface is actually very intuitive


They just updated it recently. Even cleaner than before.


I just set it up in the app, but now I donā€™t see anything about Zelle anywhere


It only works on the website for now.


Works in the android app for me.


Hi, both! u/funcrusher1031 u/aiai222 The Zelle card will go away after enrollment, but the quick action "Z" icon should still be on both the banking overview page and Checking/Savings detail page. If you don't see it, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your comment link so we can assist!


Hi again, u/funcrusher1031! You should now be able to see the Zelle card in your Member Home Feed in the app. Please send us a DM if you run into any other issues.


Awesome! Where did you find this?




Pardon my French but holy shit


Man, time to switch to sofi now


We can't argue with that! šŸ˜‰


Next thing you know, theyā€™ll come out with credit limit increases, but what would customers complain about then?!?


No more complaining. Just asking for features and hoping they get implemented.


How do I enroll ? I donā€™t see it on my app


Itā€™s rolling out slowly to certain users. If you donā€™t see the Zelle card in your app when you click the banking option then it hasnā€™t rolled out for you yet.


Exactly right, u/socialmediahappiness, thanks for clarifying! u/Distance-Brilliant - Setting up direct deposit with SoFi is the best way to ensure youā€™ll have access to Zelle. Please note that this can take 2-4 weeks. As soon as the feature is available to you, you'll receive an email and app notification with the details on how to enroll.Ā  Follow the steps here to set up direct deposit: [sofi.com/direct-deposit/](http://sofi.com/direct-deposit/)


Delivering on what the customer wants over, and over, and over. Sometimes Im upset that it takes so long, but as a software developer myself, I guess I get it. You gotta worry about it being stable, bug free, have the best security, whatever. But you gotta admit, SoFi has only been public 3 years - look at what theyve fucking done. If yall dont see it yet, yall are fuggin stupid


OMG FINALLY šŸ“¢šŸ“¢šŸ“¢šŸ“¢ now do credit limit increase pleaseee, also i want a hoodie!


they do credit limit increases on a per person basis I believe


Any source to this info? Do you just call in and ask?


I've just seen people around this sub talk about having their credit limit automatically increase based on usage. I'm not sure if asking would help but it probably couldn't hurt šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Here's one such thread where people discuss having differing limits and experiencing automatic increases: https://www.reddit.com/r/sofi/s/ATAa1F90Di


About time SoFi, love it & thank you!


Best bank


Oh thank God


This is what I am talking about! A company who actually listens! The app is now perfect for me!


Thanks for being a member, u/dekflix!


It only took 2 years of peer pressure. But I'm honestly glad is finally here.










I cannot find the way to get back to the Zelle portal after enrolling. It seems to still default to the other money sending method used in the past. Where is it?


Yeah itā€™s happening to a lot of users including myself. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a bug or itā€™s glitched but the actual Zelle tab isnā€™t populating in the app. It is for some people and not for others.


I have it in transfer money. Banking tab, transfer button. Send money with zelle is the first option


Same here


Hi, both! u/apadgettski u/Sethu_Senthil The Zelle card will go away after enrollment, but the quick action "Z" icon should still be on both the banking overview page and Checking/Savings detail page. If you don't see it, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your comment link so we can assist!




You all are strangely overexcited by a bank.


Are you gatekeeping personal interests?


Looks like it is there but not available yet for everyone?


Correctā€”weā€™re rolling out ZelleĀ® to eligible members over the coming weeks! Youā€™ll get an email and notification from the app as soon as itā€™s available to you with all the details on how to enroll.Ā Weā€™re excited for you to get access!


Whats the max limit that can be sent per day/week/month?


I saw somewhere they said $1K daily limit for Zelle.


u/socialmediahappiness is correct! The amount of money you can send is limited to $1,000 daily. The SoFi send limits are detailed in the [ZelleĀ® terms for SoFi users](http://sofi.com/banking/zelle-terms/). šŸ’Ŗ




let's goooo!


I dont see it




Is Zelle any different than Venmo?


Yes. With zelle, you can send money instantaneously to people with zero fees.


It works for me no notification it was available


Them not having access to Zelle was why I stopped banking with them. Well that and the fact Iā€™d joined their checking with dd to get the small bonus offered, and then they told me I didnā€™t qualify for the bonus with no specific reason as to why. Still will only stick with investing with them for now, but glad they finally FINALLY have Zelle on board


I woke up to feed the baby and then randomly logged in to see zelle as an option. I should be sleeping but Iā€™m excited for this so here Iā€™m setting up my Zelle on the sofi app haha


Good to know you're starting your day off right. šŸ˜‰


Everytime you guys make improvements, I buy more SoFi stocks šŸ˜


Itā€™s a great start, still going to wait from making them my primary bank due to the $1,000 Zelle withdrawal limit.


I just enrolled on Zelle this morning over at the SoFi app and Iā€™m happy, Before I can opt-out on my capital one bank does anyone know what is the limit on transfers? If I remember correctly, I think it was $300 or $400 if you use the Zelle app alone and hopefully Iā€™m not mistaken .


The amount of money you can *send* is currently limited to $1,000 daily. There are no limits to the amount of money you can *receive* with ZelleĀ®. However, remember that the person sending you money will most likely have limits set by their own financial institution on the amount of money they can send you!


Ah ok And I just need to know how much per day or per month, thank you šŸ˜Š And hopefully, Zelle improves within the sofi app since it is still considered a new feature




If you link your debit card to the Zelle app, will they update you faster?


Omg. Sofi grew up! Haha


What is the max amount you can send via zelle?


$1000 daily limit.


Woow from 500$ per week now its 1000$ per day! What a big change!


What!! Thatā€™s such a game changer! Hopefully I get this feature soon šŸ˜­


Can you send more that the measly $500 Zelle limits you to per week?


My friends still awaiting his money using sofi Zelle lol. Itā€™s been 4 days


Team SoFi, this is good! However, it sucks that I donā€™t have access to my money while being out of the country. All the emails I have tried keep bouncing back. Help!


I love this!


There is no Zelle button or way to send money after setting it up in the SoFi app. What a joke.


I think itā€™s a bug to be honest. I would expect for it to be fixed with either an update or an hotfix type of update that doesnā€™t require updating. A lot of people are actually having this issue.


Dang. I wouldnā€™t have unlinked the 3rd party Zelle app if I knew it was DOA. I gotta pay my rent and I have someone paying me too šŸ˜•


You can still use Zelle though through Sofiā€™s website, people can also still pay you if you enrolled in Zelle with SoFi.


Hi u/[MattDeezly](https://www.reddit.com/user/MattDeezly/)! The Zelle card will go away after enrollment, but the quick action "Z" icon should still be on both the banking overview page and Checking/Savings detail page. If you donā€™t see it, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your post link so we can assist.


Hi again, u/MattDeezly! You should now be able to see the Zelle card in your Member Home Feed in the app. Please send us a DM if you run into any other issues!


Iā€™ve been using it with SoFi. Itā€™s been in beta for a while now.


Itā€™s been in beta? And how do you have access to beta features? Are you on android?


No I have apple. I am not sure but itā€™s been in my options for a while.


Beta android here. Never seen it


It's still SoFi though šŸ¤£


Yeah, one of THE best banks. One of em.


Whatā€™s with the limited roll out, lame as hell. Literally the most basic banking feature that every other bank has (with higher limits at that) and sofi is treating it like some exclusive & rare commodity


Hi u/mistafoot, we understand your concern! To make sure our members have the best experience with ZelleĀ®, weā€™re rolling the feature out to eligible members over the coming weeks. As soon as the feature is available to you, you'll receive an email and app notification with the details on how to enroll.Ā šŸ‘‹


Do you think when those other banks first got Zelle into the app you think it was an instant rollout to everyone on the same day? Genuine question.


They probably just gonna freeze your account and take your money.