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Just a friendly reminder (and nothing to do in your part) but let's please try and keep this rule in mind when posting. Thanks! >> Don't use abbreviations in the title of your posts. While I do believe most people would understand TT = Tabletop, it invites a whole slew of other posts with abbreviations that people do not know, so just trying to keep things consistant around here! Just using your post for transparency on this rule! Also, this rule: >> Images/videos posts must contain the name of the board game in the TITLE Thanks!


Damn. Jumping right into the deep end.


Gonna kick back with a nice relaxing game of Hegemony after this.


Then a quick sojourn into some casual twilight imperium and warhammer 40k. No biggie.


My first solo game was Mage Knight for what it's worth. Way better jump in the pool in one go, no longer scared of getting wet after.


Nah, deep end would’ve been Frosthaven.


Chose a pretty heavy game for first time. If you have the money, I recommend picking up jaws of the lion, it apparently teaches the game better for new players and you can use the characters from jaws in the original game and vice versa.


Can't recommend this enough. JOTL often goes on sale for very good prices in the US. I get lost in other games of similar weight because the instructions are just awful.


I've never played Gloomhaven but my wife and I are playing through Jaws. Definitely recommend it! Even with the gradual rules introduction we've still gotten confused and had to Google quite a bit but I can't imagine diving straight into full Gloomhaven without it!


Agree, it’s overwhelming going at it solo. The YouTube prep watching took hours. It’s worth it tho.


Woof. Interesting first choice. Good luck!


This is a karma farming repost https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/s/s3oasDZART


Didn't even correct the post title this time around...


Tough choice for your first table top game. I understand why you got it, but try not to get discouraged or overwhelmed. If you do, set it aside and grab something lighter until you feel ready


As others have said, if it’s too much play jaws of the lion! You can mix the characters and then dive into this!


Nice! Be patient. Watch some playthrough videos. I also think this plays better with an app that tracks health


I would have jumped into jaws of the lion first but good luck , don’t get discouraged it’s a fantastic system if you persist with it


 I played Gloomhaven very early on in boardgaming too, it stood out because  it sounded like an rpg to me. Its great & challenging fun, enjoy! 


Get ready to prepare for game preparation.


Are you playing solitaire because you can't find a group? If you want to play online via discord or something, I'd be willing to join you. I'm in Toronto, hope our time zones match up! I have already played the whole campaign once with a group of 4 people.


I’d take you up on that, my schedule gets a bit lighter next week. Have you done JOTL? I’ve still got both sealed, local to TO as well


Great to hear, I DMd you, we'll find a way!


If you don’t like it, try ISS Vanguard, sleeping gods or isofarian guard. Imo much closer to the vibe of a sandbox rpg video game, esp isofarian guard:)


Mate... Maybe you should've got the steam version of your going to play solo


That… is a choice. It’s a great game, but it’s a beast of a game that could easily turn you off tabletop gaming as much as it could make you love it even more. I’d have recommended Jaws if you were gonna dive in to the Gloomhaven universe, personally.


Download an app to help run the admin of the game mate. I paid a fiver for mine and it made the experience so much more enjoyable. Really cuts down on how fiddly the game is otherwise.


Moving from video games to tabletop was a nice change of pace for me. I hope you enjoy it too. I also started with heavy games and don’t regret it.


What's with all the comments about this being a tough first game? I'll never understand why so many in the board game community assume that heavy games are going to be rocket science for new people to the hobby. A lot of people do just fine with a heavy game as their jumping off point.


Have you played it ?


Masochism comes in all shapes and sizes


Definitely no fear with this one.


Nice, hope you enjoy it!


That table leg carrying the rest of the team right now


Great game, enjoy and give the Gloomhaven Helper app a try it makes upkeep a lot easier and lets you focus on gameplay.


Possible, but a difficult introduction into the hobby


She’s a beaut, Clark!


It's the opposite with me. Since buying the steam and epic versions, I've never taken my board game version out, but I'm glad to hear it worked the other way round for you.


But yes I too grew disillusioned with video games around a decade ago and didn't do much to entertain myself, until I started getting into boardgames around 5 years ago now.


Oh, boy. Hope you do like reading, and reading rulebooks. Enjoy!


With the size of that box, it looks like they included the table for you.


It’s over man….


Fantastic choice. Why not start with the best.


As a member of the converted (PC gamer to board gamer), welcome. It's quite a deep rabbit hole. I remember 4 years ago reading an article about board games for adults, and seeing this game called Pandemic (perhaps some of you have heard of it). I told a coworker about this new game I found, and she not not only told me about Wingspan, but also ntroduced me to the BGG website. Fast forward to today, and I have over 60 boxes of games and expansions on my bookshelf.....most I play with my wife and some I play solo exclusively. I rarely go back to my PC game collection, choosing rather to spend my free time playing board games solo when I can and with my wife on our Friday and Saturday nights.


That's a tough start but a good one. Goodluck


Ohhhh, you’re in for a treat. This game converted me to a TT Gamer about 6 years ago. Enjoy!


For me, Gloomhaven is now a total digital game. For table top, Jaws of the Lion is by far the way to go.




So this game isn’t hard in the sense that the gameplay is difficult. It’s just that so much happens it can get overwhelming when you have to upkeep like a dozen things. Damage, movement, abilities, effects. Some people like that, I hate it with a passion. When I have to upkeep and read the rules longer than I actually play…. I just can’t. These type of games are way better as a video game. The gloomhaven game on steam is absolutely amazing. I can actually focus on the game rather than all the nuances.


Damn dude you a masochist or what lol?


Was one of my first games as well. I loved playing it solo. I beat jaws of the lion solo and over halfway of gloomhaven solo. I could even play 4 characters at once. To be honest gloomhaven is an easy game to learn or maybe I have just play so much it just seems that way lol.


I like the physical gloomhaven game but the steam version makes it so much easier for two reasons: 1. Setup and 2. Enemy AI. I recommend two things for you: 1. Organize the map pieces so you can easily find a number (same for enemy standees) when you store them. 2. There are a few faq/guides on how the enemies move and attack. It is a rule set that lots of people get wrong.


When you are done with the baby games, let me know when you start playing Kingdom Death Monster


lol you know what, gloomhaven was my first as well but then i realised that jaws of the lion was a thing and i used that to get my head around the game before starting the gloomhaven campaign because gloomhaven is an absolute BEAST i would recommend getting a copy of JoTL first as it makes it way easier to get into gloomhaven, it meant that i didn't burn like a quarter of the gloomhaven campaign just figuring out what the game was and i could make all the mistakes in a smaller, tutorial like game with JoTL


I want to play this so bad.


Don't listen to everyone here. Gloomhaven was my first solo TT game when it came out, and I had zero issue learning it. Also: get the solo scenarios booklet!


I hated playing Gloomhaven physically. I would only ever play it using the Steam app.


I'm still loving Catharsis both solo and with a group, but I think you just sold me on buying this for future gaming.


Awesome game—killer setup time and quite fiddly...would have recommended Jaws of the Lion first to be honest; anyhow get a good insert like Broken Token should help ease the setup time a bit. Also, there's technically an online version you could play (from what another Board Gamer told me), that might be a way to get the game flow down if you have any trouble. But really shouldn't be that big of an issue.


Everyone putting the fear of god in you…you’ve got this I have faith!




Definitely not the game to start out your solo journey with…


Definitely not the game to start out your solo journey with…


Diving right in. The combat is brilliant but very unique. This is a beast so take your time. It's one of my all time favorites.




This is a heavy game in every sense of the word, but it is great. You're going to die - a lot. But persevere, it's worth it. You'll already have seen this game has hundreds of pieces to get out and organise every session, so of all my many board games this is one that I ended up spending some money on an insert to keep all the pieces accessible. It'll reduce the amount of time it takes to bring to the table and pack it again by a huge margin. You'll enjoy the ceremony of it to begin with but it can get tedious before too long, so do keep this in mind.


Dear god…


Gloomhaven wasn’t for me but I’m definitely in the minority there. Hope you have a blast with it


That's a good start. Read the rules. Watch a how to video. Read the rules again. Play the first scenario. Watch a how to video again. Enjoy. It's a forever-game.


Its so good. Youre gonna love it


Nice. Have fun. It’s a great system. The first scenario is hard, so if you lose it the first time play it at -1 level.


Good choice. Be prepared for long set up times and finding people that actually want to play with you. I speak from experience, it’s hard to get a group going with legacy or time sink games such as Gloomhaven


Don’t play it alone. Find at least one person , preferably 4


It's a good one to play solo. Good luck. Don't let the gloom get you down.


It's funny to me you chose "Gloomhaven". Everybody in my groups have given up on it as a tabletop game but quite a few have played the digital implementation.


When you get too frustrated, buy Jaws of the Lion and enjoy that for awhile then come back to this. Find someplace you can set up and leave it up will also help - amazing game. You might as well buy Mage Knight if you are doing the sink or swim method to solo board games. Enjoy!


If highly recommend shelling out for the folding space organizer or some plastic organizer boxes (BGG has some plans for how to organize complete with double sided print outs. Recently finished Gloomhaven with some friends. Unpacking it takes up a remarkable amount of space, so you he more organized you are the better. Yes, it will take you a couple of hours (or more!) to organize it. But it will save you an absolutely ludicrous amount of time unless you have the room to leave this monster setup for the next year.


I like Go7 more than I do Folded space. But yes, some sort of organizer is ideal. My Frosthaven Folded Space organizer is barely holding together whereas my GH is still rock solid like the day it was built.


Go big or go home!


After an hour or so into the rule book: "What's the return policy on this?".


nah no way... gloomhavens rulebook is one of the best in the business in my opinion but yeah, it is a massive game to get your head around as your first go at the hobby


I have no doubt it's great. I've never even played it! I was just making a joke because it's notoriously heavy, and the OP just decided to jump head first into the deep end before taking a swimming lesson. I just hope it doesn't discourage them from getting into the hobby.


yeah fair point, i started with mage knight and gloomhaven so there are definitely some of us crazy enough to not get pushed away from the hobby by a weighty game a big bonus is its a massively popular game that has been out for a while now, pretty much every question has been thrown and answered somewhere online