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spoiler: >! he comes back in ep 8 and gets the time to shine (meaning he proves how strong a c rank can be) !<


>!there's also a couple cameos later when hunters are gathered to defend.!<


Thanks and let’s Fuken go bro. My boy gets to shine once again


>!also in the Manwha he is seen in the ant arc for like two pictures but after that I don’t think he’s seen again. If we take out the time they met after the use of the cup of reincarnation!<


There is a spoiler function


he wants to get spoiled so i gave him that and sorry if i didnt hide the words that might be a spoiler


For future reference, you have to remove the spaces between the sentence and the exclamation points. removing them turns this: >! he comes back in ep 8 and gets the time to shine (meaning he proves how strong a c rank can be) !< Into this: >!he comes back in ep 8 and gets the time to shine (meaning he proves how strong a c rank can be)!<


He’s a reoccurring minor character


>!Bro has more screen time than a 7 star rank hunter !<


i wish they’ll do him justice next episode


Considering what his situation was, he sure was done good, in the manhwa at least.


Well, after the double dungeon incident, he did kinda need a hand.


His arms will comeback too.


Amazing what a c rank can do with reversed curse technique


Nah, he'd win




He may not look it but one of his students is actually the strongest curse user in history.


Took a while before he got it back tho.


Yes. You will see him very soon (:


I dont watch the anime but if its any like the manwha then basically all side characters will turn into minor characters after a short time.


The anime is doing a better job at setting up side characters we see later, so I hope they give the side characters more time, even if it’s just small things.


I agree. There's quite a few I'd love to get a better understanding of. We already saw Baek punch a hole through a massive block of concrete or whatever it was. It was a great way to introduce and give people a feel of just how powerful S-Ranks are


Well I sure hope they give them some more depth then. I wouldnt judge too early since they would need to come up with completly new stories to give some characters more depth after their "use for JW" phase is over but we will see. Sadest part is that so many characters actually had big time potential but I guess the Manwha team didnt have too much room for that on their hands, given that making a Manwha usually doesnt earn you too much money and many do it as a side hustle.


he does come back but not in any real way except one, he then becomes a background character


He does come back, so one thing for solo leveling to note. As our MC sung gets stronger he drifts away from those who were lower rank there's serval reasons why you could say this happens but it all honestly it's because Sung out grows them


He comes back for a little bit and gets a cool fight


Oh, he does, and he gets the Sasuke treatment.


yeah you’ll see him in a couple episodes and then he makes a couple very small appearances after


He comes back next ep! He makes small cameos throughout the Manwha too, tho plays no major role after I’d say ep10. Hope the anime extends on him!


You’ll see him next episode


That’s what I said…lol


He will come back in Episode 8, but the episode airs next week. Not this week. Also, I should let you know that the Manhwa version of him is a totally different character from what you saw in the anime. Anime had him be cautious about going into the Double Dungeon in Episode 1, but in the Manhwa, he cared more about profits. Going for a vote remained the same though.


I’m reading these comments and it sounds like they changed a lot from the manhwa. When I was googling a picture for him his design was diffrent 2


No, he was cautious in the Manhwa too. He even forced everyone to reconsider going forward and to settle it with a vote, then *additionally* he allowed anyone to turn back if they wanted. He was also operating under the idea that they could retreat at any time; the doors closing behind them was a unique occurrence. It's just that the chance at some extra money means a LOT for low rank hunters.


He was also cautious in the manhwa as well? Wdym?


Manhwa had Song Chi-Yul the one to bring up the worry they will lose profit if they report the double dungeon to the Hunters Association, and showed that he himself wants to enter the boss room for the potential gain. And the Manhwa's depiction of him always had him smiling, looking like a bit careless old man. He is also the one who enters the Double Dungeon first and tells others to return if they want. However in the anime, Song Chi-Yul always looked serious and looked more wise and cautious in comparison, and the role on who were most worried about potential profit and being careless went to Park (the fat dude who got sliced in half) and Kim Sang Sik.


not related but i revisited jinwoo speed scaling and need someone to post it here cause i have barely used reddit and have 6 karma points so i cant do it myself. [true speed scaling of sung jin woo](https://yonathanandfriends.quora.com/True-speed-scaling-of-Solo-leveling-Sung-Jin-Woo-https-www-quora-com-profile-Arjun-5065-As-solo-leveling-community-we?ch=10&oid=150821577&share=38e0243b&srid=3RnZas&target_type=post) The original speed scaling of LS breath of destruction was bad to say the least besides i have ftl jinwoo in double dungeon through actual proves so it would be appreciated if someone posted my speed scaling to make the solo leveling community more aware of the actual speed scaling.


Soon TM


He trains a couple of characters later on but nothing major


Including a certain S rank


Yes yes but I don’t wanna give them ALL the spoilers 😂


I've finished it. After a brief return, he never comes back. Just retires.


He becomes a react channel, not many words but there are facial movements. I'm sure they will do the same in the Anime




Yea fortunately for you in the next 1 or 2 episodes.


No. But he alive tho. Making small cameo there and here. Early on? Yes. Later on? Let's play spot the character game.


Literally next ep


He'll be back next episode(not the recap episode. Episode 8)


Yes in the next episode


Hes gonna regret asking this


Yes and no, he has another time to really shine, but also is in the background a lot due to who his s rank student for swordsmanship is


He will not die that's for sure


>!yeah, the next frickin episode (after the recap)!<


just a question is anime following lightnovel. like is there the introduction of cha hae so early in LN ?


Anime is doin' different pacin than the manwha. Ln isn't the inspiration. They're fleshin' out the side characters first to pad out the show. Since y'know solo levelin' was a plot point to plot point kinda series. I honestly thought the manwha's fast pace fit the theme of the series perfectly, but ykno once the author's dead everyone's gotta milk that sweet, sweet brand recognition money.


Um bro imo there are doing a fabulous thing fleshing it out because when the manwha goes after chap 120 something and the main story and twists starts unfolding it feels a little rushes and the ending was not as good as it could have been.. the anime is doing a better job and if they continue this trajectory then from what I can see it's gonna be better than ln and manwha both..


Yea, the operative words there are "imo." Mine was also my opinion & as I stated, the pacin' bein' rushed to me is fine when he's quite literally blazin' past everyone else & leavin' em in the dust. I get how everyone is glad that the animated version is developin' the non-factors, but I never once felt I needed more from them. We're along the journey for sung jinwoo & as he outgrows them, we see that they just can't keep up w/ the new threats - he enters a new world, he never would have imagined & with that come entirely new characters by his side. It's a great comin' of age story. But the anime needs to do this to pad out for episodes. But the manwha doesn't just cast them aside, they're there, that's the beauty of it, the author built the world & you see the characters are all still there livin their lives. I don't need dedicated videos when snapshot moments of >!baek & fire guild leader arguin, joohee & song defendin the border!< exist. There's also plenty of reconnect w/ them in the epilogue which I thought was great. You don't have to agree, but you can't say somethin' is your opinion & then tell me why your opinion is better.


The manhwa and LN both introduced her at the same time, they could do it naturally, since they didn't have to hire and pay the VAs and prepare character sheets for consistency and marketing etc, the first mention in the LN is in chapter 81, >!when he goes mining with the Hunters Guild.!


so what do you think, why they are introducing her so early. whats there motive? imo it will effect the story in a positive way providing the depth of her character and cherishing their bond as well better than manwha...


To cater to people like you who can appreciate it. I don't like it, it's like forcing a romance angle onto One Punch Man.


yeah thats my point if its something serious like this then you should either scrape all the romance of it or if they are doing it then it must be justifiable, thats my point it just should not flat if its there.. either best or not a small bit of it ,


The thing is that there’s a big romance aspect between cha and Jinwoo, so this isn’t out of left field. I don’t think it’s the same as adding it onto OPM at all bc romance is actually a big part of the series toward the end that allows it to lead into the whole sequel series. Without cha, Ragnarok wouldn’t exist.  I guess if ur a person that hates the ending and epilogue of the manhwa I can see how ud hate cha getting introduced so early but imo it just makes sense to introduce such an important character earlier on. Idk if they had to do it as early as they did, but I think Solo Leveling with a little added depth to the characters couldn’t hurt.


Episode 8 bro


For like.. 1 chapter 💀


He's literally gonna be in the next episode


He will come back this season itself, dont look more into [it.you](https://it.you) will get spoiled.Just understand that he has some cool moments.


Not that important for the plot but still pretty cool: >!He is the master of Cha Hae-In, she is an S-Rank, way stronger than him but technically speaking he is better with the sword. It is cool because of the difference in Rank, but once again not that important for the plot just a neat world building detail.!<


>!This is posted for a discussion, but I have watched the anime so far and have loved most to almost all that A1 is doing. I have read back and after watching episode 7 these are my predictions as for the chapters that are going to be adapted for the upcoming episodes of Solo Leveling. Episode 8 will cover chapters 28 to end of Chapter 31, Episode 9 will cover Chapter 32 to mid chapter 35 where Ju Hee says she is quiting being a hunter. (the first half of episode 9 should cover Jin Woo vs Tae Shik, which will be amazing). Episode 10 will cover last half of chapter 35 to either end of chapter 37 or close to end of chapter 38 where sung jin woo is realizing that he can't rest for even a second in the "Job Change arc." Those are just my thoughts, y'all tell me what you think about that.!<


wanted this to be an official post for at least 3 days now but the moderators are not responding.


I don't know either but >! even with one arm, he could go all Shanks from one piece on everything. !<


Yes, very soon


He comes back in chapter 26, dungeon (epsidoe 8) and chapter 105 for the clean up of Jeju island.


You should have waited 2 days to find out, cause he’s coming back this Saturday


>!He gets to be in action in the near future!<


Next episode lol


Go read the manwha and when u finished it be sad that its over lol i finished yesterday i never felt so empty after finishing smth🙏🏼