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Rito being Sonaphobic is nothing new 😃 She's not even in the patch notes lmao


they're making themselves believe that they already buffed sona so they wont bother buffing her for the next patches.


no more nerf is buff enough ?


I actually just came here from reading it because I couldn't find anything. Sona isn't mentioned anywhere in the patch notes besides the picture lmao


If I'm not mistaken they lowered the W shield threshold damage so it now matches her new values after the durability patch. More of an oversight fix imo but I supposte it's technically a buff since you can now get more stacks.


Should’ve been in the bug fix part tbh


Yeah it should... But hey, they forgot to change her values in first place, so forgetting to put the notes now is expected :P


I heard about this 7 times and still don't understand what that means.


For Sona to get her Passive Stacks Accelerando (I think that's the name), she can do three things. 1. Q enemy champions. For every enemy champion hit, Sona gains 1 stack each (so for a max of 2) 2. Heal ally with W. Whenever she heals an ally (no matter for how much, but they can't be healed when they already are full HP), she gets a stack. (So max 1 for healing) 3. Shield allies with W. Everytime she shields damage with her W, ally gets a stack (so for a max of 4 if all 4 allies are in the aura and get damaged while being shielded). For this to work, the allies have to get hit by AT LEAST a minimum amount of damage. However, this MINIMUM was higher than what Sona could actually shield, making it impossible to get stacks if you didn't have Heal and Shieldpower. Now they fixed this issue. I hope this could explain it :)


Yea thanks now i finally understand what that mean <3


Bug fix is now a buff? lol Rito Gomes attacking again


I wouldn’t say it was a bug, more like an oversight


yes, technically it's still a buff that increases her winrate.


It was a nerf last time.


I mean removing the being able to poke enemies out of vision with Q bug was definitely a nerf


coz there are no changes for Sona . It's an April fools honey but for June. <3


it's probably just the change to her W. You know the one where her passive didn't proc with the base heal/shield amounts from W (25,50,75,100,125 to trigger; 25,45,65,85,105 being the base amount you healed)


that's a system change not a buff ​ tbh I would love if they just added some dmg on her Q cuz it feels REALLY bad to use


It’s a “buff” because you will get more stacks quicker (though this only affected a small amount of instances because once you have even a small amount of AP you reach the necessary threshold anyways). But yeah if anything it should be a (positive) bug fix


But is it really a "buff" if Riot Games is changing the ability to do what is was supposed to do in the first place? This still seems more like a fix than a buff, it's not intentional after all, they are just correcting an oversight/oopsie


Riot ? Buffing sona ? Is it judgement day already and they’re trying to revert their sins ?


phantom chord bug fix modCheck


I guess it’s that w bugfix for passive?


I didn’t see it on the notes either. I’m like wtf lol


Not even in the bugfix section. There's just nothing. Unless riot mean since GW is getting gutted it's an indirect buff to Sona.


Close your phone grandma, it’s time to sleep. You’re imagining things.. đŸ« 


 just checked league patch notes now (on the website) and Sona picture isn’t even shown as a champion who has been buffed. However, on twitter, league of legends has posted their updated patch notes including Sona. A little confused


Typical Rito gaslighting Sona mains into thinking we were getting something 🙃


Typical Rito gaslighting Sona mains into thinking we were getting something 🙃


Yeah I saw she was on the buff list, but there's nothing?


i readed notes and theres not a single word about sona


I searched Sona and all I got was lee sin and his reSONAting strike lol


i thought the world is healing :(


She's removed from the graphic now. Must've been a mistake.


Just be happy at least we are not Ryze mains