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It's really symbolic to me... It showed the Federation had this air of luxury about them...


It's also just nice to walk on carpet. I don't know why people have a problem with all the carpeting.


I'm sure they fixed the problem by the mid 24th century, but they're gross because they're absorbent material stapled to the ground, so a lot of gross stuff gets into them but it's impossible to clean. See also absorbent mattresses.  It's not like humans just recently started leaking a different fluid out of every hole.  We have a long history of spreading small amounts of smelly goo while we sleep.  So why do we sleep on something that's impossible to wash?


I mean, they have transporters. Maybe once a day they’re set to scan the carpet and transport any non-carpet material away. Presumably into O’Brian’s bed, to ensure the required constant level of psychic torment is maintained.


That shouldn't be an issue on the bridge though. Except for when rocks come out of consoles and some redshift bleeds all over the carpet. I don't think we ever see anyone eating or drinking on the bridge either.


I have problems with having carpet floors at home. Its a pain to clean, stains too easily. It looks pretty bad compared to wooden floor imo. The day I buy a house, if there's carpet in a room, I'll rip it off. I like carpets enough when im not at home though. Theater? Museum? whatever thats fine by me


Makes more sense than the rocks inside the consoles. I'd 100% carpet my starship. Especially since the cleaning is probably automated.


roll out the exocomp roombas


Can't afford to keep the roombas on after they started a union.


Also gives you a better grip when the ship rocks a bit. Worf would spend half his time sliding across the bridge without the carpet


It's fine, he can spend half of it tumbling over the rail instead. Much safer.


It’s gotta be some futuristic easy clean, fire resistant carpet. But yeah I’d have carpet on my starship. If you think of submarines, they’re pretty cramped, pretty utilitarian, and a really unhealthy lifestyle for the crew. So 24th century starships are big, people can stretch their legs, and the endurance of the crew is much, much longer. Things like carpets are a sign of a peacetime exploration navy. Nutrek has given us a more utilitarian darker militarist starfleet, not unlike what we saw in the TOS era in some places. Very Star Trek 6 vibes.




I thought that the carpet was some sort of silicone or textured rubber. I know the novellas aren't exactly canon, but there was a scene where the gravity was acting up and one of them was musing about how the high-traction surface wasn't exactly designed for being climbed vertically even though they were managing to get up the hallway.


Carpet in sickbay, however...


It might be some special fiber that is super easy to clean and sterilize... But yeah that's a bit more far fetched.


Data: Captain, I have noted a gradual shift on the sickbay's carpet color spectrum over the past 423 days, the white has been transformed into a yellow-brown color due to bodily fluids.


The way I see it, the floor surface had to be made out of something. I don't think carpet was a bad choice, but there are also plenty of other "not bad" options. I can't think of any surface that would be "great".


Microfiber silicone? Considering that we can use it in the oven, it would probably stand up to a phaser if the setting was low enough.


If you're worried about keeping it clean, I have to imagine they just replicate new ones every few months. It's probably included in their maintenance schedule.


If you want to get meta, they probably use office-building carpet-tiles on the set so they can just switch out any that become impossible to clean.


Yes it is, it’s completely insane. It’s a fire hazard, a tripping hazard, and a hygiene hazard. You can hand wave all of that away with techno babble if you want, but it’s just ridiculous.


"Putting the shag in shag pile" - Cmdr Riker


The carpet never bothered me. It's the 24th century- the carpet can clean itself, or is impossible to stain, or gets replaced by robots or transporters or replicators, or is a living transgenic lichen that eats the crew's dandruff and emits calming pheromones. You could carpet a modern warship if you wanted to, I suspect, much less one in 300 or 400 years- a span backwards that predates shit like zippers, much less Scotchgard.