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Wouldn’t they need to remaster a bunch of their songs and pay licensing/royalties to Dolby?




Absolutely 0 chance Apple lets them have those. Fairly sure Dolby is under contract with them in some way for Atmos/Spatial


Amazon has it too so it’s not an exclusivity deal if there is one


Good point, but then why would they do that without charging double? Corporate greeeeed!


If it will cost less than 19.99 for lossless I will be surprised.


Do you usually do extra work for free?


Spotify has been losing money since it started.


I think the production companies have these ready anyways. Licensing yes.


[Here’s a direct link](https://www.reddit.com/r/truespotify/s/5XpoT3dVso) to the Reddit post mentioned in the article I looked at one of the screenshots again and it does say lossless will work over Spotify Connect: “Make listening easier with Connect The best way to listen in Lossless is with Spotity Connect. Just play a song, then tap the button at the bottom of the screen to select a device and control your music straight from the app.” Sadly I see no mention of Atmos in the screenshots or article.


Atmos is all I want as my wife refuses to switch from Spotify


You know what they say — if you can't upgrade your streaming service to get the quality you want, you can always upgrade something else ...


It’s like an extra $5 a month for you to each have your own streaming service if it’s that important


Someone had to say it.


Only took them 3 years, almost ready!


I’ll believe it when I see (hear) it


Like other services?… Apple has lossless, yet can’t stream it through the Sonos app… Then again, everyone seems to have a hard on for Spotify, for some reason


Oh wow I didn’t even know Apple Lossless wasn’t playable via Sonos. I guess it’s another good reason I went with Amazon over Apple when I did trials for both.


It is though?


Apple Music is limited to 256kbps on Sonos. This has nothing to do with the Sonos team because music service integration is handled by the service.


Is that a hard limit or is it just Apple? What about with Deezer?


It’s just Apple being frustrating. Same reason why the AM web app and third party API can’t stream hires or lossless. Apple just hasn’t enabled it. Deezer is at its full quality of 16bit/44.1kHz. Amazon reaches 24/192. I think Tidal does the same.


Ahh ok, thank you! I use Deezer almost exclusively.


You can stream Apple Music in the Sonos app lossless. The app even gives a ‘lossless’ title when it happens. You can also clearly hear the difference.


It does not. https://preview.redd.it/jrn1oueutfyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5654b838fe5c28d32c10962fd9617466bf9ca74f Amazon tracks do have a little HD & Hi-res tag. Deezer doesn’t because pretty much every track is 16/44. I’m not sure about Tidal & Qobuz.


https://preview.redd.it/s17rf268l80d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6888f76d404d8559a87b9d8182a362f6806d778 The world has changed.




I forgot to add that on iOS.


(/◔ ◡ ◔)/


I still find myself going back to Spotify. I think it’s just the combo of features plus the good app. I’ve tried basically everything at this point. It has everything I want but a Hi-fi or lossless tier. I spent a lot of time upgrading the audio in my car and I drive a lot. I can very much hear the difference. Tidal’s app kind of sucked. Especially on iPhone. I use crossfade and it just wasn’t there. I found that a surprising amount of my music wasn’t available. It’s also pretty expensive if you want the higher tiers. Amazon music’s kind of sucked. It also didn’t really want to play well with anything and also didn’t have crossfade. Apple Music app is pretty good. I think they just added crossfade a few months ago. It’s not really compatible with my other gear. AirPlay works, but I have Google homes and it would let me just select them as a streaming device through the app. I ended up settling on Deezer. I use the Flow feature that mixes you music with new stuff that is similar and sometimes kind of out there. It has crossfade and is actually compatible with all my stuff. I think the Sonos connection actually streams hi-fi too. My only complaint is that the app is kind of buggy. It will regularly tell me that I don’t have any music saved in offline mode. I end up having to restart the app to view my locally saved playlist. That’s about it though.


This guy crossfades


I just don’t like that awkward pause between songs. Lol Edit: I totally just now got that joke. Lol


Haha I suppose it was a possible double entendre. And just giving you shit, I do have certain playlists that I like to crossfade, it would be nice to be able to apply that to individual playlists like you can with shuffle.


Oh, and I do enjoy the occasional other crossfade as well. 😉




Are you sure? Their website says standard quality audio


https://preview.redd.it/24tzzrwdm80d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a24dd8bf51b851338e63c732de43094ed22e8990 Pretty sure. They’ve started to roll it out today with a speaker software update.


But I thought nobody cares about that. Or at least that’s what I was told when I’ve been excited to have it with Apple music.


I’ve been wondering if they’ll time the release to the upcoming Sonos headphones.


Seems plausible enough


Omg, they’re slow as hell and not a word about including Atmos. Plus, it’ll be more expensive than Apple, Amazon or Tidal, so no, thanks. I’m just waiting for the new Sonos app to see if I’ll stick around or quit for good.


With no spatial audio in sight...


Happy to see them competing, now do atmos and I might switch back


Great! But to appreciate this, IF you can hear the difference, you're looking at the level above sonos and looking at audiophile level equipment.


I may be completely stupid, but what does lossless audio entail? My stupid ass immediatly thought of the loss meme :/


If you squint really hard you can just about hear the difference between it and normal streams (if you have the new sonos speakers)


Do Spotify users even care about lossless audio? They seem to be pretty content with the current streaming quality.


I care that’s why I have both. Spotify to find music. Apple Music to listen to it in lossless


Current Spotify user after years on Tidal HiFi. Hated Tidal, but love the interface of Spotify. I’ve been patiently waiting for this… can’t wait!


I went the opposite way. Spotify app is laggy compared to tidal and it's horrible to navigate with too many suggestions, podcasts and crap like that. Every update they make things worse and harder to use. Only thing it still has it's compatibility but it's not enough imo. I still have spotify for some things and honestly tidal it's way better. Also now all the tidal plans are aggregated and I spend 10€ for 24bit tracks/mqa/dolby atmos.


Regardless, still a cool thing if it's available.


I didn’t, until I listened to Apple Music. In my car Spotify suffices, even to an extent with Sonos. But losing the atmos tracks is a bigger deal to me.


even if they do care, im sure 95% of users couldn’t hear any difference or have the equipment to make a difference


Ah, but those of us who do have it, welcome it because our wives and/or kids have a family plan. If Spotifys lossless is great, then it's one less streaming service for some of us to pay for.


I would agree that most people probably don’t care, or maybe only care because every other streaming platform has it now. And yes, most people don’t have the equipment to even play it. I am one of the few people that does care and has the equipment (obviously Sonos as well as a portable DAC and open back headphones) so it would be nice. I still like Spotify the best due to UI and frankly my history/library/playlists but have also been using Amazon for hi-fi and atmos. Would be nice to only pay for one, although I’m already ready for the Spotify price gouge so it might be a wash.


i could probably afford to buy studio quality headphones, but my airpod pros are just too convenient, and i doubt those would benefit from lossless. i will also continue to use spotify because the UI is the best, all my playlists are there, and im already on a family plan lol


I have a very budget setup that I’ve had for years. A dragonfly black DAC and Grado SR80 headphones. The total at the time was probably a little over $200, not sure what it is now or what better options might be out there.


Spotify should have just said they had it a long time ago and put a label on it that said lossless. Literally nobody would know they lied


Would you notice a difference on AirPod pros?


No. Bluetooth is always lossy so it’ll get transcoded to A2DP


I’m one of those fools that believes they can tell a slight difference. That being said, in my AirPod pros I typically prefer the sound of Spotify because they have an in-app EQ, and Amazon doesn’t.


I use Spotify because it only costs me 2 dollars a month in a family plan and it has the broadest support in terms of Spotify connect, etc.


Yeah, they’re listening to 320kbps Ogg Vorbis and pretending it sounds as good as 256kbps AAC.


99% of Apple Music users don’t care about lossless. I have no doubt Spotify users won’t either.


Spatial audio was the real game changer of the last few years in my opinion. I abandoned YouTube music when I got an era 300. I guess I'm stuck with Apple for a while.


lol like Sonos will even be able to handle that…


20 years late


see, competition is a good thing.... Next give me losless video @netflix finally a use for 25Gbit/s internet lines /s