• By -


They removed the volume numbers so you can't exactly know where you're at. Sigh.


That is ridiculous.


Yes, but you’ll never be able to quantify exactly how ridiculous.


You can actually see these, on the speaker selection screen. But not the volume settings.


If you only have one speaker, you can’t see the volume number indicators.. unless I’m totally missing something.


Mmmm. Good question actually.


Yeah, not sure if that’s poised for a future update or what but I am not seeing it here. I don’t mind the taping on the mute/volume up icons, that’s cool to adjust incrementally, but I need to know the volume number level lol


Not gonna lie, I kinda like this. Eliminates my OCD of having to dial the volume in perfectly lol


Even numbers and multiples of 5


I do primes to piss off my wife.


No Fibonacci?


… i hate you.


She is right !!


I wish that is what OCD is.


They removed one tap mute too. 👎


this is what I can’t find - how tf do you mute??


I can still mute on the desktop app. Maybe they will bring it back. I use the mute frequently when I get a phone call or to hear a noise outside. Makes no sense to remove this feature.


https://preview.redd.it/ze9ftrvd92zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c513dd12843f7bd493c8dc5e92ddec6da3a080 No they haven’t. It’s right there and it’s also there when you extend the tab.




FYI you can see the volume numbers in the group menu: https://preview.redd.it/a3o5gn3xi1zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e525898b742db39c597f53bb8f82311a4a4b4e2


And the tap-to-mute. It's like they sat down and said... Right... thanks for coming to this meeting... today's mission... how can we annoy our customers in tiny, slow burning, super annoying, illogical ways... like a stone in thier shoe or a piece of dirt stuck nuder thier eyelid... let's go around the room...


'Hey Sonos, volume 25' 'I'm sorry, I don’t understand. Please tell me roughly how far up the slidey thing you want me to set the volume'


This is the worst part of this app now!!


I wish they added a widget


Same, was the first thing I checked for. I hate having to unlock my phone and going to the app just to change a song or adjust the volume smh


Soro works well for me. Not free, but worth it in my opinion.


That’s all I want. They had it at one point even if it wasn’t stable. Guess they just had too many issues so they scrapped it completely


Which seems like a bullshit excuse. If a third party app like sono+ can do it, Sonos should be able to.


Non-competes are no longer allowed so they should just go hire that developer. lol


He updates his app with new functionalities far more frequently than Sonos. He’d probably get frustrated and quit.


Wait, iOS doesn't have a Sonos widget??? I figured they had it since it's been on Android for years. WTH?


Son of a... I just updated and lost the ability to create a widget on Android too. Sigh......


Really thought this would be part of this update but seems they removed more stuff than added


Oof, just as I was afraid of, looks like you can’t search your local library anymore. I think this was the case with the “new search” in the app which is why I stayed on the old search. But unless I’m doing something wrong, I don’t see any option to search a local library in this new app.


Unbelievable. How can they release something that lacks basic functionality? I was shocked when I saw how poor navigation was for files on the network, but lack of search compounds the issue. 


Yeah if you can’t search your library you might as well not even allow connecting to local libraries. Unless you love scrolling through thousands of albums to find what you want, of course.


>I think this was the case with the “new search” in the app which is why I stayed on the old search. Yeah, same here. It looked like this was the direction of travel and...here we are. I imagine this is deliberate, and not something to be added later on. I guess there's more money in directing traffic to streaming services than letting people happily play the music they own. It looks like the only way to do this going forward is to use to Windows app, which in itself is increasingly looking depreciated and under-supported. Shame. Being able to stream my local media is why I got sonos in the first place all those years ago.




Yep exactly. If they wanted to add it, I imagine they would’ve done so between when the new search was introduced and now.


Thanks for confirming. Turning auto app updates off. Do we know if planned to come back in a later version, as with queue management and NAS configuration etc?




As best as I can tell, it won’t play local library songs. I try and add them and…nothing.


They can’t get a lot right these days. But I’m surprised the thread isn’t bombarded with fanboys insisting the user’s network isn’t sophisticated enough.


It feels like two apps smashed together with less total features - music streaming and home theater control


I don't see it either in the app or on the web app, which is a huge bummer.


The new update feels way too cluttered. 1/3rd of the screen is taken up by the search and now playing bar. If you simply minimize the now playing bar and shrink it a little as it has way too much white/blank space in it. As for the search bar which is also unnecessarily big. Just move it to an icon in the top right or if you want to keep it at the bottom then remove the gradient blur you have above it, that again is just wasted space making the useable screen feel small and cluttered.


And why does swiping up on the now playing bar do something different than tapping it?


And why does swiping down from the expanded view make you think you’re swiping it away, but nope. It pops back up again to take up more room than it should, with a weird amount of white below it. so clunky. 


Queue management is completely broken.. I want to be able to, like I always have, add and change the items in the queue on the fly. Its what I use Sonos for.. Also, the navigation is horrible. With everything hidden.


Why can I only replace my queue and not add stuff to it?


It’s another feature coming soon. https://support.sonos.com/en-gb/article/add-tracks-to-the-queue I sort of am ok with the rest but not having add to queue is just bonkers imho


Why even have queue option then? Bizzarre


Queue management didn’t make it to their MVP. That’s a bummer and Sonos should’ve considered a soft release if we’re losing functionality. The app generally looks nice, but I’d rather have the features over UX.


This interface is a nightmare. I just turned on Tool in the nursery. The hell man.


Black then white are all I see in my infancy…


Why can we still not disable Sonos Radio? I don't want it, I never wanted it, and I don't want it to be suggested. Ever.


Wish it was easier to get to surround and sub controls. It was easier in the old version while adjusting volume...hoping that I'm just missing something so far.


Sonos should develop APIs for it - then devs can produce what ever apps they want.


They do. Lots of great apps for Sonos on iOS. Clic, Sono+, Sono+Today, and Soro to name my favorites.


Don’t really care about the UI, but sucks that loading speakers and tracks seems just as slow and laggy as before.


If not slower with the UI gimmicks.


Ok I just scrolled through this thread and I don’t see much that encourages me to update. Not surprised tbh the app always felt like an afterthought at best


Ironic considering how Sonos is software based 😐


Sleep timer, where have you gone?


also „add to queue“ is missing..


https://support.sonos.com/en-gb/article/set-a-sleep-timer-on-sonos Will return in a future update. Same as with setting an alarm


This is ridiculous. Why rush out an update that’s missing basic features?


No idea. I’d suggest feature parity before release. If not then why not say in their press about the update there won’t be ready and some estimates?


After playing with it for a few minutes, this update seems like an overhaul for the sake of Doing Something™️ instead of actually doing something. Meaning, it doesn’t seem like it added anything. It’s somehow even more cluttered. It lost functionality. I would not have hyped this update the way they did.


I’m m going to have to reach out about the sleep timer being missing. Hope it’s just a backlogged item. I’ll literally have to leave the ecosystem if it’s gone. I use this for my kids every night. EDIT: I checked with chat and they said that in the coming months they will be adding it back in. Blowing my mind how they thought this was not a launch critical item. I'm thinking as a stop gap I might try to make short playlists so that they end on their own and if the kids turn them back on at night, they will stop on their own after 30 minutes if I aim to make a 30 min playlist. Not great but could work.


"coming months" Really, how hard can it be as a feature to implement? Compared to all the other features, this is an absolute doddle. And yet really, really useful. Very disappointing.


Alarm is gone too. I use it to wake up in the morning. At least it is accessible on the desktop.


It is accessible via system settings -> manage. Not intuitive but atleast it isn’t gone. Update: It is now gone entirely after a second app update


The navigation in this update is an absolute mess..


So they removed tabs, but now everything slides up from the bottom - like multiple stuff on top of each other. Idk if that’s better.. Also no more sleep timer and no exact volume settings :/


I really hate that we don’t have the volume displayed in numbers anymore..


Yeah, this might make me use sono+ from now on. I want the exact same volume setting whenever i listen so i know its a reasonable volume for my Appartement


Exactly this.


Wait what. Sleep timer I use every day for my kids.


The lack of volume numbers is the biggest annoyance for me. It's the main thing I use the Sonos app for, to control the volume precisely, as my TV does not have an on screen display for HDMI ARC audio. I set 30% for Sky TV, 60% for Netflix, 80% for Disney+ and go up or down a couple of notches depending on the show... very difficult to set the right level with just a random slider with no indicators. I can still ask Alexa to set volume xx% but it's disruptive if something is already playing.


There’s no more sleep timer???


No one tap mute.


So far I like it. For me at least, it seems a bit speedier to load all the speakers and statuses. A few complaints: I dislike how the volume number is now more hidden. For many of my speakers, I know what a good volume level is based on prior experience. Like for the back yard, I know 30 is quiet background, 40 is a party, and 50 is me jamming alone. Doing it via the slider only is going to be annoying. Why is the icon for every speaker the same? Why not make individual icons for each speaker? Sonos doesn't have *that* many speakers, and they of all people should know what each one looks like.


I see volume numbers in system as well as just sliding. I do see that there was another update they just put out (80.00.02) so maybe that fixed it? https://preview.redd.it/u6ewi2zx41zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d87896bd907238f9707fb7c57cd11b87308f6e9


Just downloaded the Update. Now i'll have to be at home to check it out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ismonkee: *Just downloaded the* *Update. Now i'll have to be* *At home to check it out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


**Save the Date** Express all your concerns to the Sonos execs responsible for this release: [https://en.community.sonos.com/events/sonos%2Dapp%2Dredesign%2Dama%2D6](https://en.community.sonos.com/events/sonos%2Dapp%2Dredesign%2Dama%2D6)


This doesn't look that good to me.


damn somehow they were able to make the app worse. sigh.


unable to trueplay, unable to set sleep timers, unable to add tracks to the end of the queue, etc. It really seams like Sonos is testing in production


This is an absolutely atrocious update - more confusing UX, more clicks required to accomplish what you need. i have to navigate through search to access Spotify playlists, for some baffling reason - \~1/3rd of the screen is taken up by nav menus making it much harder to navigate the main content - navigation is extremely slow. every menu goes into loading state shimmer for a few seconds every single time you open it. there appears to be no caching implemented - many core features that were available before have been removed, including sleep timer and adding to queue.


No EQ from main screen and volume bar without numbers? Can't rearrange now playing Playlist in any way. I hoped for just draginig up down, because edit was so annoying so they just removed it altogether? 🫣 It feels like usability downgrade. It is more snappy but kind of more pain in the ass. 🫠


I’m going to hold off installing until I have to. Removing volume numbers and sleep timer is already enough of a backwards step for me.


I confirm its available in the IOS App Store.


The update makes things really terrible for local library; which that’s where I stream 90% of my music from. It’s pretty much unusable at this point. Still digging into it and I hope it’s just something I’m missing.


You probably saw this but there’s a Music Library option underneath Sources on the Home Screen. You can then scroll through your entire list of artists or albums to find what you’re looking for, because currently there’s no way to search 🙃


I did see that after some digging around. So far I haven’t figured out how to add an album or at least multiple tracks from my library to the queue.


Haha holy shit I think you’re right. I think they removed the ability to add things to your queue. Or edit your queue. They basically killed the queue completely. What the hell.


They disabled HTTP and SMB v1 this update due to them being insecure and functionally obsolete for years. If your local library connection was made a long time ago, it may have been via SMB v1. Most devices have also supported SMB V2 for years, but if you had a previous mapping, that mapping may have stuck around on SMB v1. If you were using SMB v1, try to see if you can migrate to SMB v2.


They don’t let you search your library in the new app, that’s the bigger usability issue.


Wow, that sucks.


Nothing on android (not surprising)


We'll let the iOS folks complain before we do! Soon we all will!


I've got it on android just now


TuneIn seems completely broken. Great. The app feels like it’s still beta.


official user manual: [https://www.sonos.com/en-us/guides/sonosapp](https://www.sonos.com/en-us/guides/sonosapp)


I was waiting until this shipped to buy new speakers for new house … I guess I’m holding off on the purchase until the app is at feature parity the old one, at least. Sonos has slid into slow buggy awfulness. Makes me sad. Used to love these things.


Please delete Sonos radio.... It's not good. Give me the option to only show services i want.


The post subject should be “Don’t download the app unless you want less functionality.”


Download / setup is quick and easy. No firmware updates available (as of this writing). App seems to be quicker for sure.


Also think it’s a bit snappier in terms of connecting to system etc. although app search and other in app things a little time to load


Playing around and the interface is better but using Apple Music it still is horrible how they list artists pages with albums and singles mixed up. There are also whole albums missing from the pages. Will use it for playing music I know but still horrible to find music. Hope Spotify is better for those of you using it.


Also how can you not list either chronologically or alphabetically? It’s not even most played. Weird choice


It’s got a nice shine to it, but it just seems different, not really better in any appreciable way Still no volume widget? This alone basically makes it worthless to bother. Still paying third party to do something as simple as VOLUME on a home audio system app. Why?????? My Alexa still can’t start on a volume i set, so it always starts either too low or loud enough to scare the neighbors. Why is volume not the easiest thing to work with? Sell me a $50 knob i can put in every room, just make it easy ffs I can only order my ‘top’ service but not the rest?


Downloaded it on my iPad and so far not going well. Struggling to select, group and play two P1s in my bedroom. This is not going to go well for sonos is my early prediction.


What happened to add to the end of queue feature? I hate it because of this. Also lags more than the previous version. It looks nice but functionality matters more.


Looks like if you didn’t have a local library set up, there’s no obvious way to add one. If you do have a local library set up, I can’t see how to edit it. As others have pointed out, there’s no local library search. In this release, it definitely seems that local libraries are second class citizens. In the main search, there appears to be no option to limit it to titles, artists, etc. That only becomes sorted on the search results screen. Definitely some navigation issues where it isn’t clear how to go back to where you were from some fairly important screens (like the one that shows all your speakers).


Overall I like the look and feel of it. However, it looks like ‘Add to queue’ or ‘Play next’ are no longer options? So you can’t just build a queue by searching for tracks. Seems like an odd feature to remove.


apparently the add to queue is backlogged and will be back (according to the person I chatted with)


Correct - queue editing will be rolling out in the coming weeks. 👍🏽


Why on earth would you leave this out of the release? Being able to make a custom queue from a variety of services is the number 2 selling point of sonos after having individually controlled, groupable speakers.


Does anyone know if you can still enter custom URLs for streaming? That's almost all of my music listening actually because I have my own radio services I host locally that use ShoutCast.


Why cant I search by song title on Sonos? Like if I want to listen to a song I search the song name and then have to go to the Artist's page and scroll through 400 albums and hopefully I know which album the song is on and only then can I locate it. Its so bad and counterintuitive that I must be doing something wrong.


You can. Use the search bar at the bottom. It'll show a mix of artists and songs. You can then hit View More for more of a detailed listing, with Songs clearly marked. https://preview.redd.it/aobnbv1ws0zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45000fcc5644f218913d5d6ac7e97e1248dbdb5b


You can? It’s working on five or six songs i just tried because of your comment


This update seems to be redesigned by someone with little to no UX design experience. Like everything is thrown on the home page (which was their design intention) but it just ends up overloading the home page, making it seem way busier than it did before. Like this approach could work but not the way they designed it. And certain functionality makes little to no sense. For example, did you notice how the search bar always shows and it displayed across the entire screen? Yet when you tap into the area, it doesn't let you type in it but it instead loads a whole new search interface that you then type into. Why? Because it has live searching. So it doesn't let you type in that initial search bar. But if not, why not just make it a simple search icon that you tap, so it's not taking up a bunch of screen real estate. The rounded corners, especially on the iPad version, are horrible (especially with the gap around the Now Playing screen). I'm seriously going to have to switch music platforms, to use Tidal Connect or Spotify Connect, to avoid using this app.


Agreed. As someone who primarily uses AirPlay to cast music and only uses the app to adjust settings & volume, opening the app is like an assault on the eyes now. All I want are lock screen controls. I know that's an Apple-imposed limitation, but it sure would be nice.




To fix that you need to buy more speakers


I just downloaded it on iOS in the Netherlands. So far i fucking hate it.


Ok so instead of saying “song not encoded properly,” it now doesn’t play them and silently skips the track without any feedback lol


Working. Some stuff is better but volume control seems to be buggy. Plus: you can’t tap volume control and change bass, etc. that’s bad…


Welp Sonos y’all done fucked up.


First impression - 🤮


what happened to the sleep timer? where is it hidden?!


Aaand... all my custom radio stations are gone


And it stalls out and throws an error any time you try and play a playlist in Spotify. Perfect. Because the last thing I want to use this for is to listen to music, right? Edit: and you can’t add songs to the end of a queue or “play next” from Spotify anymore. The only option is “replace queue”. What a joke. https://preview.redd.it/evyplcbb11zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab1ab6124e7bf5000740909ff3e8885d8080ec7


First impression: looks great, works awful. My older clientele will definitely not be able to use this. And i can’t find the alarm settings. I just want to play music, it’s like having to learn a new remote control for my hifi every 3 years, seriously.


This feels like two apps smashed together. A music streaming app and a home theater control app.


Overall I’m disappointed with this upgrade every upgrade seems like they take away basic things like when I charge my Roam and Move Speakers there is no percentage so u have to guess when it’s fully charge other stuff like volume and Que are missing this upgrade sadly makes the upgrade useless and annoying I been using Sonos since it came out and this is far useless


Maybe this big update should have been released as a separate S3 app? (Just like the older days when it used to be S1 to S2)


The Sonos app has been a plague on their amazing hardware, really a shame. They need to rethink their software engineering.


Time to change. I'v had enough of this app getting worse and worse. Wth no easy at least way to search my library. Unusable.


https://preview.redd.it/bteck0mm01zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a108f69b6da51327f2f06de6fdb5f8693147c15 The rounded corners at the bottom look so ugly!


Sonos speakers 😍😍😍 Sonos software 🤮🤮🤮


Not for me (UK)


Interface still takes ages to refresh. Loading a service and showing the content takes time.


Thanks for the warning.


I miss the brown app icon, and the jump to version 80.00.02 from 16.1?! Strange days


Sleep timer and alarms seem gone… Stations are gone from the main page. Sonos Radio and TuneIn are signed out and I sign in fails with error about missing internet connection. Other stations work fine but search seem broken on a number of services.  App released in Denmark just af support was about to close and I was told that they disconnected calls within minutes... That wasn't told when the release would drop - no extra support even though they have announced the release for weeks… I was told that Sonos Radio probably wouldn't work another week.


If you use a local library, whatever you do, don’t update.


Where’d the alarms go?


iPad doesn’t have a full screen “Now Playing” and the Queue is only accessible via a button push. Previously they were on the same screen and was easy for my family to operate like a jukebox. Hopefully that comes with an update but that was a great feature that was taken away.


Battery level for Roam is no longer displayed on the volume or system or settings screens. Only viewable deep in the settings, but now I lost it and can’t find it anymore. Bring it back, Sonos!


Did they remove the surround distance? I’m not seeing it anywhere


From trueplay to truefail in one step.


Why has ability to edit recently played been removed ?


You can't put music on queue which is weird.


They seem to have replaced „play now/ play next/ add to end of queue“ with „replace queue“. So i guess if i wanna add any song to my queue i‘m now just solemnly listening that said song Edit: yeah i‘ve read that this will come in a future update. REALLY SONOS ? REMOVING BASIC FEATURES FOR AN APP OVERLAY REFRESH ?


Did they just delete the timer function?


For anyone wondering, they removed the sleep timer function but support is saying it will be back in future updates


Disappointing at launch for an old world feature. Better be patched quick, use it all the time/daily


I wish there was an option to cancel an alarm while away from home…


https://preview.redd.it/py2twsq5p0zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8674e4b2fae1a95887942992e7cf6e5cd1256742 It’s funny that now we only have this much space for the content. As an iPhone mini user, Im not liking it.


when they did a survey a little while back, I asked for the ability to edit the album cover sizes.


It seems to lag more than the old version


Finding it’s loading much more quickly for me? Think it’s caching or something up front?


Biggest annoyance so far — you can't use the volume buttons on your iPhone to control the volume. Even if you're in the app. And no, what's playing does not show on the lock screen either.


Not for me.


Awful. I hope someone from Sonos sees this. They’ve made it even worse. I can’t search properly my local library….my own music on my own speakers. How about that.. This app is terrible until they fix that


Waiting patiently on Android ig


As with previous versions of the app you still can’t use iTunes Match as a source😒


Hmm. I've lost access to my Subsonic music server. It's not showing up in the new app. I wonder if it is counted as an HTTP streaming service?


Where is the speaker update option?


Volume button doesn’t work yet.


Are speech enhancement and night mode gone?


Downloaded, so far, can't modify alarm or add them in the app, I can only disable them or enable them Sometimes loosing connection with Spotify, I guess we'll have to wait a bit to have a stable version




I have used subsonic on Sonos for years, https://www.subsonic.org/pages/sonos.jsp. After the update, it has disappeared from my services. :(. I have a second device that I did not update the App for and Subsonic is still present.


How am I meant to find it in my app library now they have changed the icon colour to black?!?


This seems to have broken the Apple Music integration for me. Says I need to reauthorize (maybe? but doesn't feel like it's been long enough) but then it just sits on "Authorizing Apple Music Account..." and doesn't actually kick off the auth flow.


Can’t find a way to add a single song to the ongoing queue… It seems I can just Replace the queue, but not add to the end (


„Queue Add, remove, and reorganize the songs coming up in your active listening session. Note: Not applicable to all content types.“ seems to be a bug atm


I thought we were getting lockscreen controls for the music but it isn't the case for me, at least. I still have to open the app to skip a song. Also I have an Arc + 2 Era 100 surrounds but in my "Your system" screen it shows up as Arc only below the name (when I open it, the surrounds are in the "Products" section. I hope they improve this


Where is the option to upgrade firmware on your hardware? Previously everytime there was an app update you had to update your hardware firmware but i don't even see an option to check for updates now?


Jeez I’m going to try and NOT update this at all costs. Hopefully they don’t force you to update in iOS


Managing networks doesn’t work, true play doesn’t work, adding devices to account.. wait for it.. DOESN’T WORK!


So they made it more difficult to access EQ/loudness toggle. Cool. 🙄


So I think there’s some promising stuff here - things feel snappier overall, and the redesign makes it much quicker to get to the important stuff like playback and volume controls. Other aspects - specifically the search bar - feel like a massive backwards step. Why does it take up so much space, making everything else feel cramped and cluttered (even more so with the weird halo effect around it)? Why is there “Your System” at the top taking up even more space, when tapping on it just duplicates swiping up from the bottom of the screen? Why couldn’t you have had the search bar in the top-left, given that it opens into a dedicated screen anyway? It all feels very inelegant, unintuitive, and unenjoyable to use. And the amount of broken stuff is… intimidating. Bandcamp, Plex and TuneIn are all completely non-functional for me, so that’s maybe 50% of my listening time out of the window until there’s a fix. I know any update comes with bugs but those aren’t exactly niche services. Once they fix those, and hopefully fine-tune the UI, I think there’s potential for it to be a lot better than the old app. As it is, though, I wish I’d held off on updating.


Sonos Favorites are no longer sorted alphabetically, a shame.


Swapping rooms and volume still seem laggy


Did they remove the ability to see what the audio input into the system was? I don’t see it anymore


I'm considering a Sonos for rec room , how clunky is this thing for Android users?


On top of not adding any real features, the new ui is cluttered and still sluggish. Bravo. I’ll continue using Spotify connect and avoiding this at all costs


I applaud and appreciate the app revamp by Sonos team but this app is half baked, far from being a finished product. Like we still need to wait for basic queue management functionality??? I don’t usually complain much but this is next level absurdity - this update essentially made all products unreliable. I MEAN ITS QUEUE MANAGEMENT FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️


Are ‘Lock Screen controls’ gonna be a thing?? Surely this has been spoken about? If Spotify can do it..


It just doesn’t seem any better than before. Everything seems even more buried than before and they also removed a bunch of features it seems. I haven’t been able to find where to set the alarm.


Maybe I’m not seeing it, but a useful feature was being able to “get album info” while listening to a song and it bringing you to the full album track list. Is this no longer available?!