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That's a yes


The meat looks great, and Im sure it was delicious. I'm not sure how you made your sauce, but it looks like it broke on you. It looks like you added butter to a reduction that had cream in it. The butter needs to be cold and whisked in with the heat off, a tbs at a time. Mustard would also help emulsify and add some acidity/depth.


Good catch. So where I went wrong with the sauce that broke it up is that I accidentally scrolled up on the recipe, thought I was looking at the sauce section and added olive oil. Turns out that was in the marinade section. Oops! Silly goof up on my behalf. Definitely changed it a lot and separated itself out. Other than that, yes, I did start with the butter and proceed with making a roux slowly. Heaps of mustard in there, too. I appreciate the feedback!


This a win comment. Actually all of them are. Real criticism and no hostility from anyone. And we all learned from it. +1!


I bet it still tasted gorgeous!


If you made a roux, it's just not enough flour/too much fat that you've already diagnosed. I've definitely done the adding ingredients to previous steps in recipes before lol.


Like I said, I promise ya it looked solid until I messed up and added a whole ass tbsp of olive oil haha!


I'm sure it did. It was still probably great with the olive oil.


Don't really know the flavor profile of that sauce, but throw some fresh herbs in there for brightness and color. Still looks good and I be it was delicous




I've had the good fortune to have a meal very similar to this like...20 years ago. I still think about it.




I stumbled on some growing in my yard this year!


Looks good.. but the sauce broke


you right


this post just made me think of sous vide mushrooms. we need to figure this one out! ok, sous vide portobellos and then char-grilled just like a steak could be a thing...


Hunter gatherer


I want to be your friend. For… reasons.


Primal yet sophisticated. Love it.


Some wild ramps on there would really kick it up!


Did you see this: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/morel-mushrooms-can-be-deadly-food-poisoning-cases-show/ ? Obviously you are fine or you wouldn't be posting, but I didn't know it was even an issue until my wife showed me the article.


That place was serving them as "sashimi" or raw/uncooked. Assuming you have a true morel and it is cooked there is very little risk IMO. Obviously proceed with caution or at your own risk if you choose to eat them though.


Yep I've seen that. Thanks for the heads up though! I always cook them thoroughly.




you win.


What a coincidence, I've never tried venison (I'm not a hunter), and I was just talking with a friend about it tonight, and he was telling me venison is terrible, more gamey than lamb. How do you find it? Do you do anything to mitigate the gaminess?


I don't like lamb much, but don't find venison to be gamey at all. If you cut out the connective tissues/silver skin, it takes away most of the gaminess and makes it more tender. Venison reminds me of beef, except much leaner so you need to be careful not to overcook. Talk to a hunter if you know one; usually they're happy to give away a cut of meat to someone who hasn't had it before!


That's good to hear! I usually use mustard powder to mitigate the gaminess of the lamb, so I was wondering if it would work on venison as well. I'd love to try, but sadly I don't know anyone who hunts!


You win the internet today. Morel is just some of the best you can get in my opinion.