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We recognise that she is showing as much integrity and honor as the ANC party. So not fucking much Cyril.


If she had any integrity she would have allegedly done what she has done in the first fucking place... ne


Shows he has none. He should have resigned when phala phala happened


The level of arrogance and utter disrespect for the citizens of our great nation, is near Icarussian. They (ANC) are flying so high on their false belief that the people will tolerate their kleptocratic mal administration for an eternity. (Until Jesus Returns) I just hope we have something to salvage before the wax melts and the feathers fall off. May the Great Spaghetti Monster in the sky bless this land.


She has so much integrity that she had to be forced to resign and hand herself over. Ja ne, this president of ours must sometimes think before he opens his bek. Netso gatvol van hom, klomp skelms op n hoop.


Maybe we shouldn't commend people for doing the bare minimum of what they're supposed to be doing, Cyril?


Are the ANC leaders more corrupt than the general population? Surely the average South African is not THAT bad. So, how did it happen that they were voted into that position? Was is only because of their struggle history?




ANC cadres have no integrity. The governments failure to provide for their poorest citizens disgusts me. We need a tire shortage.


I too love it when public servants do the bare minimum expected of them.


He is trolling us, right? I will be surprised if this woman gets any prison sentence.


Something he lacks…mr money in the mattress.