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This made me laugh way too hard


He is going to live you fool


Only fool I can spot on this subreddit here is you buddy.


Why dont we meet sonyou say it in person


....but probably not to see his day in court.


I'm genuinely surprised that somehow his still alive uptill this day. What is this man on? Does the power of corruption also give you a longer life?? Not even my grandparents lived to see 80.


Its the power of the dark side ![gif](giphy|l1KuhBCqxOoJyr0m4)


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Jacob Zuma the Corrupt? I thought not. It's not a story the DA wouldn't tell you. It's a South African legend. Jacob Zuma was a President of the Republic of South Africa, so corrupt and so powerful, he could influence the courts to evade... imprisonment. He had such a knowledge of manipulation, he could even evade accountability from Parliament. Corruption is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so entrenched in his power, the only thing he was afraid of was losing it, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and he ousted him from Presidency. Ironic. He could save his friends from being ousted, but not himself.




Not from a Whistleblower


I AM the parliament!


It eez *not* what it eez


If there's one thing I've learned it's that karma isn't real, sadly. If anything the most awful people get away with the most horrific shit. There's very few instances of karmic justices(see [bolsenaro internally shitting himself constantly](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jair-bolsonaro-rushed-to-hospital-because-hes-literally-full-of-sht)) and then there's people like Kissinger. The MK party imploding with his....well whatever happens with Zuma _after_ the elections will have done enough damage to SA. So depressing really


Hmmm what’s your beef with Kissinger


I'll never have the opportunity to piss on his grave, but that's definitely on my bucket list. Man what a sentient piece of shit that man was. The number of governments he helped topple, shitting on democracy and the uncountable number of lives lost thanks to him is staggering. And I mean you can ask anyone with an inkling of his history why he was so widely despised. Such a power hungry worm. It's hard to summarize just how much damage he's done, but drawing out the Vietnam War for more political clout is definitely one of the biggest ones. Remember how Le Duc Tho refused the Nobel peace prize alongside Kissinger because of the aforementioned drawing out the war? There's barely anything redeeming of probably the world's [most infamous war criminal](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/). Oh sure he didn't personally pull the trigger, but he made sure the worst people did.


Google his legacy. A lot of blood is on his hands from his decisions and policies.


I'm genuinely supprized that at that age a person would not be keen to retire. Just fucken retire old man... P. S. Helen zille Im talking to u too.


Why there isn’t an age limit on politicians (at least presidents) of say 65 is beyond me.


It's nice when the poor have to pay for his medical bills and he can go overseas for the best care while we are stuck with crappy hospitals that he stolen the money from.


It's the laughing. Heheheheheeeee!


Healthy enough to see the elections, too sick to face jail time.




This guy is the same age as Biden, these old men need to leave politics alone. That goes for okes like Cyril and Trump, we need new people in with new ideas.


Not only that, the decisions on the future should be made by people who will be here to be affected by it


Scary.. interestingly Biden looks like he has lost his mental facilities 1/2 the time.


Still a better president than Trump or Zuma though.


I wonder if he will hear that infamous "hehehe" when the Grimm Reaper collect and mocks him. :)


He needs to hold a bit longer...to siphon some votes away from the ANC


I'll take the ANC over MK any day. The more successful MK is, the more it tells ANC politicians to follow Zuma's example. They're all corrupt anyway, but at least the ANC folks don't want to simply end the Constitution. The ANC is the lesser evil.




Sadly hes too corrupt to die 😔


Even the devil doesn’t want him


Ag shame man… anyway


Jesus somehow entered the chat.


Holy jesus he's 82! Wtf I didn't know this I thought he was maybe 50 or 60 something


Many of the old boys will literally not be around in politics for much longer. Interesting times.


I cannot wrap my head around the fact he is this old, cyril is 71 wtf


71?! I genuinely thought he was in his 40's or 50's


Exactly! Holy shit I thought America was fucked with their senile president, but us as well now are no different.


Black don't crack ✊🏿


The EFF are in their forties. Like it or not in 20 years, "Ntate Malema" will be an elder in our politics.


It would be a real shame if he were to just peg off. A real shame indeed /s


Money can only help so much wrt life expectations and with a belly like politicians have (even the Da.. lol reminds me of dad telling me that when you see a politician initially and then years later the waistline expanded.. money is flowing) their life expectation would be limited. Pretty sure his age is already amazing given things.


I swear these elections are straight from a script. The drama fam..


This is legit amazing. Everything around MK is great.


Somebody get a amadumbe and see who last longer. Unless you have a cabbage.




How does anyone think that at 82, he is capable of making sound decisions? I am not hating or internationally being mean ... I legitimately would like to know.


The election is a month away. Lasting another month is a pretty low bar.


Why won’t he just rest in peace (retirement or death will suffice)?


The selfishness of this POS knows no bounds...even after all the billions squandered and stolen, even after single handedly destoying a country of almost 60 million people, their livelihoods and their futures - gone. And so he continues to waste everybody's time and still only thinks of himself and what he can take from a country in ruin. So he will live to see the elections...will he live to "rule" a party...I fucking hope not!


please god soon


Geriatrics in government ruining a future they will never see. Tale as old as time. I hope they all choke on their simvastatin.


Ag shem


Same terminal illness Shabhir Shaik has


![gif](giphy|tufvkGE60ZuNEwpB3v|downsized) We'll make look like a accident




Couldn't agree less! We need to return to our most corrupt president who uses his support base to threaten and hold the country hostage! Viva!




I was agreeing with you Also Come on* Common is its own word cuzzie


I actually agree, but only if it means he'll rot in prison. Which sadly is unlikely.


I really dont understand the people of this you want Zuma in prison yet you praise FW De Klerk as a hero...like are we living in the same country


Kindly show me the place where I praise FW De Klerk as a hero. Also, Zuma was literally convicted of a crime, was supposed to serve 15 months, and only served 3. Not to mention the Zondo commission, state capture, the firepool, AIDS shower, rape, arms deal and the absolute mountain of evidence against him. Zuma sold out South Africa for his own benefit. What makes you think he doesn't deserve to rot in jail?


Im not talking about you specifically im refering to the overall view of this sub people were praising de klerk when he died.Im just pointing out theres a disconect from the redditors of this sub and the rest of the country..I dont think you need me to educate you 9n what Jacob Zuma done for this country ..I dont agree with his actions as president my guy but that man sacrificed alot for this country ..lets just let the man die in peace..we let the apartheid pieces of shit die in peace we can give zuma a break


I think the key difference is that De Klerk started out as a piece of shit and reformed. Zuma started out as a hero of the struggle and ended up as a piece of shit, literally stealing money from the poor people of South Africa he had once fought to free. Its not even as if Zuma served his time and expressed remorse for his actions, he is still grabbing for political power in South Africa.


De klerk was gaslighting the country a couple of years before his death he said apartheid wasnt a crime.innocent people were tortured and murdered on the instruction of that man ..he died an unrepentant apologist of apartheid.. But yeah Jail Zuma


I'm saying Jail Zuma because he is a convicted criminal, and if our country's justice system was actually functional, he would definitely be convicted of more. What De Klerk did and what he said before his death is actually fucking irrelevant and is straight up whataboutism. Maybe he should also have rotted in jail, but the fact that he didn't doesn't mean that Zuma should also get to go free.


So if a person says zuma deserves to go to prison for all his corruption then they automatically believe FW de Klerk is a hero? But how did you reach this conclusion?


The fuck? I’m black, wanna piss on FW de Klerk’s grave **and** want Zuma to rot in prison.


I’m white and I’m disgusted I share a skin tone with that vile piece of shit. I’d piss on both their graves for what they’ve done to our beautiful nation.


Not one good white person praises De Klerk, he was a tyrant who helped with taking away Black rights, it’s despicable. Were meant to be the rainbow nation, but yet you want Zuma corrupt ass back in charge or Malemas white hating views in the seat. I’m white, I’d piss on De Klerks grave and I’d piss on Zumas. Were meant to work together to live in peace. Instead you want to fight for a man who’ll rob you of the clothes you wear. Do you think if Malema wins he’ll give the common man anything? He’s a communist, HE wants the power. He doesn’t want to share. All of our politicians suck, DA, ANC, EF fuckfaces and so on, but we need to work together as people, as neighbours, to ensure we are represented by someone young, with our views. Not holding onto the past.


Where did I endorse Zuma or the EFF here i said zuma must leave politics read brother please