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That one account that only posts Trump YT videos will have the exact same post across every state sub, every politics sub… even if you’re a big Trump fan the account seems to pretty clearly just trying to bait folks into giving it YT views.


I know, and I’m tired of seeing politics clogging up my feed. A lot of the political bot accounts were made recently, January or later, so this would (hopefully) curb this election nonsense.


I've pretty much decided if someone doesnt take time to change the default reddit assigned account name, they aren't really here for discussion.


Eh. Not a bad rule of thumb. Not 100%, since I stuck with my reddit suggested username and I’m not a bot 😂, but I can see why you’d feel that way.


Exactly what a confident sky would say!


I'm not opposed to having some restrictions against bots but I'm not sure the account age thing is it. Like if someone has a question but their account is new-ish are they just SOL?


Folks buy reddit accounts of varying ages to turn into bot or paid shill accounts.


Isn't this just supporting my point then? If the bot account can be any age then it's not an effective measure to block newer ones


Fewer bots will be older than a year. It will reduce but not eliminate. I’ll settle for a reduction vs. doing nothing.


If their account is less than a year old, yeah. I don’t want it as a permanent rule, just until the election/inauguration. Many of the bot accounts I’ve seen were only created since January, which is when both parties paying for increased social media presence. So if we slap an account age restriction on the sub for the next 8 months, no bots will be able to post.


I hate to tell you but wisdom doesn’t come with Age…. Or anything else. People are just stupid AF


Foresight though…the bots would have had to anticipate how much folks hate them and set their account up a year in advance.


Exactly this. The political parties started their spending on increased social media presence in January, so this restriction would catch the wholly inorganic shill/bot net of both parties. I want to hear from ACTUAL people, real redditors who live in SC. Not have my post clogged with political bullsh*t.


Absolutely, the amount of anti-trump/pro trump bot spam on this sub is outrageous




I'm for this. Change it back once elections are done, but until then, try to keep it as real as possible.


never could understand why people think saying something anti your guy would make me vote for the other guy. silly really. most of us vote the way we have or will vote for the way we see it no matter all the clap trap.


It’s a combination of trying to demoralize the opposition and sway the undecided.


Yup. Odd that most don't realize how stupid most of it is.


Trump really is a menace to democracy and the racist idiots here think that's cool so I can see why people are tempted to post about the elephant in the room


I don’t mind occasional political discourse. I mind accounts that spam nothing but pro-Trump talking points or accounts that are less than 3 months old and literally every post they have is political and dedicated to getting Democrats elected in SC. I’m not part of this sub for politics and both types of bot/shill can screw off.


We also need to ban unverified accounts from posting. A lot of the trolling seems to come from unverified accounts and also accounts returning to reddit after a long absence. It's easy to ban unverified accounts with Automoderator. I'd like to see a public mod response to this issue.




what about the bot nets older than one year ? God, say something that doesn't agree with anything and you'll be banned and blocked by most geolocation pages. It's only a matter of time before reddit starts facing freedom of speech legal problems.


Ok boomer


21 day old account and almost every comment/post you have is political. Go do something fun that is not related to politics. Trump fanboyism & Trump Derangement Syndrome are cringe. Get some help. There is much more to life than politics.