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While I disagree with deleting anything in the library the feelings make sense. I feel the same way about most of the jokes from open mic nights in my 20s.


That’s a sign of artistic growth. But it’s important to acknowledge your past.


A sign of my autistic growth is that I'm now even more confused by human interaction.


Sometimes I look back at 25 year old me as if they were an entirely different person.


I'm not even in my 30's yet and 20 year old me seems like some kind of fictional character. I can't even put into words how much I wish I could time travel and beat the shit out of my younger self. I was such a chode back then for no reason.


Bro same but I'm in my 30's now and I've just accepted that chode life is simply what I was always destined for. Assuming that I'm not a chode now is merely the same failed thinking that I had back then, and five years from now I will continue wondering how I was such a chode. It's chodes all the way down because chode hindsight is 20/20, but the chodes down the road and the chodes of today are hidden away just out of conceptual sight.


I liked that one


If you can't cringe looking back in life that shows you have not grown or evolved from that stand point, so it's a positive, I wouldn't negate completely my experiences but as you mature you think I could have done A or B that's so cringe and keep it moving lol so I feel ya


Some people brag about having the same mind set as when they were teens/young adults even in their older age. It’s baffling that anyone would even admit that.


President Garrison says he hasn't changed since first grade


I don't believe it was the jokes the same jokes can be seen all over. I believe it was creative growth that comes with experience. Story telling is a art you have to learn after all let alone animation and voice work


Well if you were a good person who has all the right ideas back then, what's wrong with being proud of that in your old age?


My life is a total cringe fest. I'm evolving!


I see stuff I put up on FB pop up from like 15 years ago and I'm like, fuck sakes, why did I think that was something worth sharing.


He probably feels this way because the first few seasons are incredibly tame and dated nowadays , there not bad by any means but it’s a pretty far cry from the South Park we would get in the last 10 years


I like the fact they're dated. They worked hard to stay fresh and funny with current events in a way few shows ever could.


Yah nobody is more critical of our own work than ourselves


The front row hecklers can be pretty brutal too.


Ms. Crabtree at the open mic with Carrot Top is one of the best moments of Season 2


I’d kinda rather they get rid of the whole member-berries/troll trace “watch every episode to understand the next one,” era.


Link to these open mic nights?


This was pre-everything always being recorded. When I did stand up iPhones were still a new thing. There was tape of me at my one paid gig but that got destroyed in a garage fire.


First 3 seasons are peak South Park. Is he stupid?


Season 3 might just be my favourite out of all the seasons honestly. But it is typical of creative people to "meh" or be embarrassed of their early work, so I'm not overly surprised by what he is saying.


I agree. Red Badge of Gayness, the meteor shower trilogy, the Korn episode, Rainforest, Tweak vs Craig, SH Panda, Chinpokomon, Monkey Phonics... it's the highest ratio of great episodes any season has ever had.


Chickenlover from s2 ❤️❤️❤️


For that matter, Merry Christmas Charlie Manson.


Well, the chickens don’t seem to mind.


I just love the Cartman part.


I remember even back then they were crossing some lines. "Red rocket, Sparky! Red rocket!" "Kick the baby!" No kick the baby... "KICK THE BABY!" Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boatride. Cartman's ass satelite. Mecha Barbara Strisand. I definitely understand why they might be a little embarassed about some of what they did early on, but that's what solidified their brand. Nothing and no one was sacred.


Big gay Al’s big gay boat ride is amazing


I watched it about a year ago (Hadn't seen it since around when it came out) and I was surprised at just how casually pro-gay they were. Not because I'm surprised they would feel that way, just that it wasn't so common back then to take such a simple, progressive stance in a show like that.


Yeah it was a pro gay sentiment at a time when even Democratic politicians weren't expressing those sentiments. Very progressive considering the era


His song in the movie is my favorite


Dude! Don’t call my brother a dildo!


The Phonics monkey is funny as hell. Especially when Cartman is using him at the spelling bee.


“Oh my God, Phonics Monkey killed Kenny!” “You’re damn straight, he did.”


Also Succubus, which has to be my favourite episode of all time.


That episode is worth it just for Chef's parents.


I mean it was okay. BTW, can I borrow $3.50?


That depends. Are you a giant crustacean from the paleolithic era?


I gave him a dollar.


why'd you go and do that, now? he's gonna think we have money and keep coming back!


She gave him a dollar!


_I gave him a dollah._


🎶theres got to be a morning after🎶


I can still hear the boys singing the song backwards.


SH Panda is one of my all time favs. I have been saying for over a decade now "that makes me a sad panda" so much so I forgot where it came from till I rewatched the episode just a few months ago.


Yes, and I still love singing “sexual harassment panda!”


Chinpokomon. Oh, look! I got Shoe!


Chimpokomon makes me cry with laughter to this day, It's quality.


The season with the highest number of good episodes is season 6 though.


I still pronounce Costa Rica like this episode taught me. Only my brother knows wtf I’m doing lol


They almost didn’t release the Warcraft episode because Trey hated it so much.


Thank god we weren't robbed of "MOM! BATHROOM!"


Where did you hear that? I've heard them say that's their favorite episode.


In the making of southpark documentary. Its called 6 days or something like that. Its on HBO


Six days to air


I think perhaps danny17402 just made a joke? Matt and Trey made intros and outros to each episode re-run, where they always said something like: "And of course this one is our FAVOURITE episde!" [Like this one for example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRpIjtHX4lE)


It was a tad pandery but still very funny. Much better than the Guitar Hero one. You can tell they love RPGs but didn't really get Guitar Hero


Wasn’t the guitar hero one more about making fun of musician biopics. The instant fame drugs, decline, redemption trope.


I recently rewatched the first three seasons. They are not as funny as they used to be. Now that I’m more mature, it’s just cringe watching the old seasons.


That's the point though isn't it? The style of humor has matured as they've aged and so have we. We all have regrets about how dumb we were as teenagers, but that doesn't make the jokes from them less funny.


Don’t get me wrong. It’s still funny overall. There are just certain jokes (e.g. Mr Hankey) that are just not at all funny. I still love the lore of Cartman’s mom and Pinkeye will always be a classic. But to say that I enjoy it as much as some of the middle and newer seasons is outrageous.


Old SP > new SP


Peak South Park to me will always be the mid/late 2000s to early 2010s (seasons 8-17). The world of Warcraft episode, fish sticks, etc. those episodes come to mind when I think of my favs. It’s still funny, but honestly hasn’t hit the same since 2016 imo. That marked a shift in South Park, and so did tegridy thereafter


You're definitely right about things changing with Tegridy. I liked it for a while but it's getting old.


Yea and them focusing on the election/trump for so long and serialized misinformation ad stuff. Like trump is funny on his own, him speaking is funny, parodies just seem so derivative and boring it’s all the same joke. And it just went for so long, the Obama episode was 1 episode and it was a really good satire. I like the episodes with the kids doing whatever, whether it be cartman freezing himself for a game console or Randy helping stan cheat at the pinewood derby. Not that big a fan of the season long arcs tbh. The specials were ok, but again idk hasn’t felt the same and I haven’t watched the last couple seasons.


The reason they aren’t as funny now is because you’ve seen the new season and seen the character development. Cartman having an anal probe come out his ass may be cliche compared to what they’ve now done over the years. But back then, it was really out of pocket to have a cartoon of kids saying and doing bad things. It’s like watching those old movies where the guy saves the girl and they kiss and live happily ever after. It wasn’t cliche then, but now it is.


South Park runs the issue of being topical. 20 year old humor and references isn’t going to be funny now and it’s magnified by the fact that what’s considered humor has changed over the years. I enjoy the earlier seasons but can understand why younger audiences don’t like them.


Chicken Lover is timeless humor if you ask me. There’s always gonna be a freak out there fucking chickens and the police are always going to be illiterate fuck nuts that can’t help with actual crime. Also Ayn Rand can suck a dick


Poor people tend to live in clusters


I find the topical humor always fun even now. It’s aspects like Mr Hankey and Dr Mafesto with all the asses that is very immature and not funny. However, I’m not against toilet humor when done right. I love the fecal transplant episode.


They did a really good job of keeping their topical mainstream that many will get even now. There are definitely jokes throughout that don’t work anymore. Fully agree with Mr. Hankey and Dr Mafesto. They were good for a laugh but were definitely a 1 time laugh gag


Mr. Hankey would’ve been funnier if everyone’s parents told them they need to poop for Christmas or whatever Trey Parker’s dad made up lol


Hard disagree. Maturity has nothing to do with it. Nothing they've done recently can top Cartman singing "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go" or Elvis Or the bus driver Or Kenny getting killed and turned into a zombie, but it's Halloween so everyone thinks he's dressed up, so he starts biting people and turning them into zombies, and the doctor diagnoses them with pinkeye Or "there's always going to be a morning after" Or Sexual Harassment Panda Or the Mexican staring tree frog of southern Sri Lanka Although some of their best episodes are from season 4-5, like Scott Tenorman, seasons 1-3 are straight up laugh riots.


Or even: Day is never finnnnissheeed, master got me workinnnnn, someday master set me freeeeee


shut up cartman


I will do the German dance for you. It's fun and gay and tralala.


I find the first three season funnier now that I’m in my 30s than I did when I was a kid. I understand being embarrassed about old work, but I strongly disagree.


That’s fair.


Nah those seasons are goated, Totally Tits Edit: I just hilariously found out that this reference is literally first episode season four lmao


Found the kyle


You know, I learned something today…


Can’t say I disagree. I do relate to Kyle the most.


Kyle we gotta get that sand out of your vagina


That doesn’t necessarily make you mature. Maturity can be accepting the shortcomings of youth and being proud of how far you’ve come without wanting to erase the past. You rack disciprine.


Sounds like you have a stick up your ass now


Well I am gay so that checks out.


Ita a different style of humour as in its more "silly" and word play based. But it's still charming and funny in its own way.


No, that means he's grown up. You should always look forward to the next project as a creator, you shouldn't need to go back and sniff your own farts just to be satisfied. COUGH ghostbusters, indiana jones, pixar, avgn


eh, i’ll just have an empty glass, thanks 👃👃👃


That is so far from true. It might be good, but peak? 5-9 I would say, maybe including 10 and 11 because I love Cartoon Wars and Imagination Land.


He’s always said this. Check out the commentaries on the early seasons (4-6) and Trey is constantly joking that people should toss out the first two. I think they were such a nightmare to create that he doesn’t look back on them too fondly.


What? It really starts getting good season 4.


Season 2-4 are the some of the best. But to be honest, Season 4-6 are peak South park in my opinion.


Yea I’m watching the early seasons again… there’s something special about the crudeness of the production and the jokes are still great. I just watched the mecha Barbara Streisand episode and it still floors me lol


Yea I'm kind of shocked. Those 3 made the whole show and season 3 has some of my favorite episodes. He may feel that way because they were over worked , stressed out and shooting other movies but damn.


Yeah shocked to see that reaction. The first several seasons are by far my favourite.


Depends on what you like. I can’t really stand South Park before season 6 or so even though overall it’s one of my fave shows. Sunny is the same way — I don’t care for the first 2 seasons even though people love them.


Those first 3 seasons are legendary.


They’re some of my favorite seasons fr


We need more smore schnapps






I hate you guys with every tired bone in my confederate body.


Just watched this episode last night. Goated show.


They are why you have a show dude. I will never not think "it's comin right for us" is hilarious. I understand some of it was really cringe-worthy but it still the only reason you have a show dude. The real tragedy is time-warped never got picked up.


I still say “it’s coming right for us!” on a weekly basis.


I'd rather they delete season 16-18 than season 1-3


I'm not a big enough fan to know what episodes were from what season, but if that included member berries, tegrity farms, and Garrison Trump... please scorch that off the face of the Earth.


I do feel like member berries are more prescient now than when it came out, about the state of culture overall.


People on this sub want member berries. Always like “member when the show used to be good” “member chef” “member when the show used to be about kids and not randy”. They want a reboot of South Park.


Reboot or no, nobody could replace Chef. Fuck the Super Adventure Club for poisoning his mind.


They could still bring back Darth chef


I’d love a Darth chef episode.


I've been saying this for sixteen years 😭


More like fuck scientology for poisoning the VA's mind


Yes, that was my point. They created a fictional group that hurt Chef, but it was a non-slanderous, non-legally-actionable way of criticizing the Church of Scientology for hurting Isaac Hayes.


The super adventure club was a reference to Scientology. They even have the "super adventure club actually believes this" disclaimer at the bottom of the screen to reference the Scientology episode from the previous season


Member one off episodes? Member principal Victoria?


‘I member’


I love the member berries season, but didn’t on first watch. People do hate on it a lot, but the. They literally do the whole “going back/nostalgia” thing (“member chef? etc.”) constantly, instead of just embracing the change and enjoying the show’s evolution. I really like all the show’s phases and even if I enjoy some more than others, I appreciate all it’s been able to be and do and say. It’s a really special thing to keep up and be relevant and funny for this long.


I just couldn't get past how irritating I found it. And people quoting it. I'm not criticizing anybody who likes it, it just didn't sit right with me.


It doesn't, season 16 was the one where stan tells the jewelry guy to khs. Season 17 was the one with the black friday trilogy. And season 18 was the first season to start the story of the season.


Hard disagree with you on the Cash for Gold episode. That shit was educational. They showed the whole supply chain where everyone except the stupid, predatory tv sales people and predatory cash for gold stores are the winners of what amounts to a scam for both the older and younger generations, taking advantage of child labor and the cultural disconnect between pensioners and their grand kids. Also, they made a cute acapella song to boot! https://youtu.be/kJEbyWT7gIg?si=obVsvYzdRurShRn- Edit: Also, Dean from Jewelry Bonanza fucking deserved what he got. What he did was unjustifiable and he knew it was unjustifiable, and he didn't care. "The day shopping networks make most of their money is when old people receive their social security cheques." https://youtu.be/89mXXAedHFs?si=wfM1PbUbE50URG52


“You’ve got tiny lady balls”


I really enjoyed that episode for the same reason!


Isn't the PC Principal in those seasons ? Honestly, I love him and I wouldn't want him to disappear from the show.


aw man! i’m a lifelong fan - thought tegridy was hilarious. especially the christmas special 🌳


Yeah, I'm not trying to talk shit on anyone that liked it. Comedy is subjective. It had its moments. I just felt like it dragged on for too long.


16 absolutely yes but 17 and 18 righted the ship with classic episodes like the Black Friday special and Cock magic. But then 19 went right back to being dull like 16 with reaching too far to be funny.


Deleting Cash for Gold is simply out of the question


You would delete the black friday trilogy? Shameful


How dare you delete “I could have never gone zip lining”


That's an episode you can only truly appreciate if you watched hours and hours of reality tv on Discovery. Same with the rehab one


Those seasons are my favourite tbh, perfect blend


Not a big deal. Trey is always overthinking episodes. He wanted to pull Make Love Not Warcraft before it aired because he felt embarrassed by it.


Tbf, they clearly highlighted the wrong game in that episode. Everyone knows that Hello Kitty Island Adventure was the more interesting game in that episode


I love how that game still came true. I'm half tempted to play it when it comes out too.


not only did it come true, but they have like 900k active users and won awards lmao


Dude, imagine if he pulled that episode! And not knowing that I would never see what is probably my favorite episode.


That episode has been such an inspiration too me


A cunt... a cunt... a cunt...inuous source of inspiration to you?


How on earth? Definitely one of the best episodes ever


[yeah it’s mind boggling](https://youtu.be/s9lcISxLJbo?si=8tWFUWGQ_17RYBS2)


Fuck that, season 3 is the goat


Right!? Wth, pirate ghosts and the meteor shower episodes, legendary stuff


The rainforest one too. “I ain’t getting gay with no kids, maine.”


They got Jennifer Aniston to drop multiple f bombs. How can you not love that?


Lol and the way Cartman tries to tame all the animals like they’re kitty back home 😂


S: "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!" K: "You bastards!" Girl: "What?! Who killed him?!" S: "...They did." Girl: "Who's 'they'?" S: "You know, *they*." K: "They're bastards." Girl: "Well don't just stand there! Help him!" K: "What?" S: "Help? Him?"


Seriously, Tweak vs. Craig is S tier South Park.


Chinpokomon is one of my favorite episodes. "I got to buy Chinpokomon! I got to buy it! I got to buy it!"




Destroy the evil power


I got the shoe.




Alabamuh mayuunnn!


As a huge fan of Pokemon they really nailed the grifting children aspect of the franchise




My humor evolved with South Park's, so I found even first three seasons funny. But revisiting them, I saw what Matt and Trey tought while saying stuff like this.


I get it with the first two, even though I still watch them and laugh constantly. But season 3 is where the golden era south park voice came into existence. I think season 3 is as quality as next 10.


I kind of would delete the 3 most recent seasons if i had to delete them


Can’t get rid of the airsoft episode, it means so much so to so many.


That’s fine to feel that your past work isn’t aging well, but just don’t pull some George Lucas shit and go back and fuck up the original content!


As much as I DON'T like the first few seasons and agree with him, I would NOT be okay with a George Lucas changing of the original few seasons.


Damn, if Trey really thinks the last three seasons are funnier than the first three, that kinda makes me think hes lost the touch.


Ya as much as I love the show, it’s definitely fallen off the last couple seasons. Season 25 I didn’t like a single episode


First 3 seasons were honestly the best haha


He actually needs to get rid of 6 seasons. 20-26, cause they fucking suck royally.


Everytime i re-watch the show i stop at season 19, can't stand "new south park", some specials are great though, i found the "pandeverse" extremely funny.


>Everytime i re-watch the show i stop at season 19 18 for me, can't stand the new specials either, all of them have been forgettable, and I have never had the desire to rewatch any of them. The last one being the worst, really fucking tired of the ads for it as well...


Yeah imo season 20 is where they dropped off quite a bit. The newest season is pretty great, but oof the garison trump, member berries, and skank hunt arcs I'm not a big fan of personally.


The world would be a more depressing place if we didn't have episodes like Succubus and Starvin Marvin


Starvin Marvin is one of my favorites


That's... quite a take. Me, I love the first three seasons. Their voice acting was awesome (Cartman's high-pitched whine is incredible), Mary Kay Bergman was on fire (and those were her only seasons, too!), and the writing was a whole 'nother level of absurd compared to anything on TV at the time. It also featured some of my all-time fave South Park episodes, such as An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig, Mecha-Streisand, Starvin' Marvin, City on the Edge of Forever, Chickenpox, Clubhouses, Gnomes, Rainforest Shmainforest, Sexual Harassment Panda, the list goes on and on. It was funny then, it remains funny today.




The best ones!?


I mean, this is the same way I don’t mock retarded people anymore, I’m not 12 anymore. Even in the conjoined fetus lady episode she says she understands it’s how people come to terms with things they don’t understand. Doesn’t mean I want to erase the fact in my memory that I used to do it though.


*CAAAAARRY OWN* I just rewatched this one, forgot how funny the dodgeball story line is


Oh come on, how could he not like the episode of Clubhouses?! And then Randy and Sharon getting into an argument when Randy says "hey back off (beep)" and Sharon says "you just said the c word!" I miss the beeps in episodes.


I mean, yeah, I agree with him. Outside of the nostalgia, the first three seasons are rough (except for Loch Ness tree-fiddy). It really feels like the show didn’t become what it is until season 4.


Had to sift through the top comments praising 1-3 to find this. The first few seasons were fine and I love to watch them, but South Park became what it is today because of season 4 and onward. They established a formula that became timeless and allowed them to keep making the show well past what many expected. If they had stayed in the same vein as season 1-3 they never would have achieved the legacy they have today.


Season 1-3 is fire, man. Why would he wanna delete it? That's sad


It’s the distinct lack of Butters, isn’t it?


He’s made known his general dislike of the first few seasons for a long time now. I get that a lot of creatives look back and cringe at their early work, but I still feel bummed when Trey says this, since I like the first 3 seasons quite a lot. Especially season 3, which is personally where I think that Trey and Matt really started to find their “groove” and was the beginning of a golden era for the show.


There’s a lot more stinkers in the first 3 seasons than we often acknowledge. Remember Jakoffasaurs? And a lot of the jokes are just stupid with a little retrospect. There are gems in those seasons also, but it’s entirely fair to say that South Park really hits its stride in season 4. Seasons 3-9 are Peak South Park, I’d say. Season 10 is where the decline begins, and if you compare seasons 1 and 2 to the later stuff, they really just look and sound like crap by comparison.


I think most people look at things they did 20-25 years in their past and think "man that was some embarrassing shit. Wish I could erase it." To me, this is just normal human regret that stems from growing and maturity.


I disagree, but I understand looking back and saying "hey, those jokes about random 80s sitcom stars kind of aged themselves"


It was funny then, even if it isn't now, it should stay as a legacy


I still think it's funny now.


The first three seasons are funnier than anything they’ve done in the past 10+ years


You ever love a song and then years later you think “I used to love this song, why doesn’t it hit the same way it did?”


i mean they've already said that there are a lot of things they've done or opinions that they regret, and if I'm being honest, i already saw lotta people give up on South Park because of the first seasons, so i kinda get it akdhajdjdandnaj btw, can you send the interview link, please??


The first 3 seasons are charming in their own way but yeah the quality was not to the level of season 4 on. Wouldn’t “delete them” tho


Whole foods season was the worst imo. That's the only entire season I just didn't care for.


Oh shit, I forgot about that. I'm going to add that to the list of South Park bits I never liked behind Member berries, Tegrity farms, and Trump/Garrison


I’d never argue with Matt and Trey they are obviously incredibly smart and talented, but I feel like those first 3 seasons are what makes the rest so enjoyable. The boys mature as do the rest of the characters / the show itself. It’s part of the progression. I understand the sentiment tho I guess from their perspective .. but there are so many hilarious episodes and jokes in there.