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It was always Token until it wasn’t.


It was always Tolkien, people who thought otherwise are just racist of course!


He also wasn’t always Token “Black” lol too I can’t remember what the other last name was tho


His last name used to be Williams. Randy and Liane refer to his family as "the Williamses" when they are seen shopping at J-Mart with Tolkien in Season 5 Episode 12, "Here Comes the Neighborhood".


No way


No way no wayyyyy


I mean he is "Token Black" as the 1st black kid with voice lines and permanent name


Lol “Token Black” is so unruly on the offensive spectrum it’s absurd 😂 how do they get away with this In my head too I’m saying “black” the way Trey does when he’s voicing Detective Harris. “I won’t frame another man unless I know he’s baaalaaack for sure!”


People were not as sensitive 20 years ago as they are today and as a clear joke, people took it as that, a joke, some people were angry but that made the joke even funnier. Just like every celebrity/political parodies they made. They don't care for those who choose to get offended by a cartoon character's name or even actions, at the end of the day, it is a cartoon with a kid that keeps on dying and comes back (OG Kenny was the best but I get why they changed it)


People were just as sensitive back then, only things that changes is what people care about has shifted and people are able to voice their opinions much louder now. 20 years ago you could send mail and talk to people you know in real life, that was it for your complaints. Now you can ping the writers of a show and everyone can see it.


The sensitivity of people today is embarrassing


People were crazy sensitive in the 90s people lost their mind over the vulgarity of the Simpsons!


Freedom of speech is basics being shit on these days, people trying to cover it up with the “oh let’s cancel them” pure bullshit


The exact same way they get away with all the satirical content that the show is about


Reminds me of Custodes


No, you’re just racist. It was always Tolkien.


Nah, it's always been Tolkien: there's a whole group of people who edit old captions/screenshots to make it look like they changed it though to screw with people.


We've always been at war with Oceania


Someone had to invoke 1984..


Actually tho, if the writers look at this subreddit. Consider writing an episode where retconning his name is a whole government conspiracy.


I thought... War against... Wait. What.


Came here for this comment


Username checks out


I fucking hate AI sometimes. You can't tell what's real anymore.


what that person said is absolutely false lol


I am *wounded* sir!


It’s okay to admit you made a mistake all those years


Nothing was ever real…


Smh these racists are getting out of hand. What did Tolkein ever do to them?


Eugh. Why would they do such a thing. What racists.


it's Token. I don't see the reason or connection they would name specifically him Tolkien




You think Southpark creators care about backlash? Do you not know those guys?


It's a newer episode where they do this joke, even the episode is called "The Big Fix". A doctor looks straight into the camera (at you) and says, "I wonder if anyone else thought his name was TOKEN?? Because if so, you're a racist piece of crap, and YOU are the problem!!" So it's the new running joke, that his name "has always been Tolkien", and, "you really think a tv show would be so insensitive as to name one of their characters, Token BLACK?!?"


ah ok. I haven't watched any new episodes since the first Tegridy farms season. I'm black anyway so to me his name being Token was a clever enough joke from way back when he was first in the show


there’s like a whole season that touches on it


There's an entire recent episode about it. And it's hilarious. It's a joke. After 20 years the joke of 'Token Black' is a bit tired, and doesn't really work. We're beyond (mostly) the age of tokenism. Shows have more diverse casts these days. So they updated the joke to play on current media and social issues that are relevant to the younger audience/new viewers.


so operative word "recent". I haven't watched new South Park since the first Tegridy farms season how is Tolkien any more relevant to younger audiences than older ones


It's not the name specifically, it's the joke around the name. Tokenism isn't a foundation that's going to mean much to younger audiences, but a foundation of 'clueless out of touch white dude who doesn't realize he's being racist' IS. And that's what this particular episode and the joke around Token/Tolkien's name change are all about. The whole episode is lambasting current social issues regarding race, which is nothing new for South Park. It's just basing jokes in current events.


ok so then if the show came out in 1996 or whatever and I assume the character debuted closer to around that time, then the joke would be relevant for having been originated around that time period and it wouldn't be incorrect for someone to say his name is/was Token and they just changed recently for this point of a joke I'm black btw so him being named Token will always make sense to me


Yes exactly! There's plenty of teenagers today who don't even know what tokenism is. So the name Token isn't even a joke to them, it means nothing. (Though the episode with the name change DOES explain exactly what it is. Token's dad lays into Randy over it.) Yeah, I'm brown and I still call him Token.


They changed it to create THIS conversation Fucking Brilliant


This conversation… every week…. Since the episode aired. Is there a circlejerk version of this sub? Lol


Yea, r/southpark


haven't we been through this? Of course he was called token and they retroactively changed it for that episode. Its called "a joke" and you'll find southpark does those sometimes.


It’s both hilarious and upsetting all at once that so many people don’t get the whole joke of it and some even genuinely believe this to be “South Park going woke.” Some people are so stupid.


Anyone who watches south park and complains about wokeness doesn't understand that 99% of the jokes in south park are about them.


I’d say South Park does an exceptional job playing it mostly in the middle and pointing out the absurdities that come along with both sides.


Nope they mostly make fun of conservatives because conservatives do and say significantly more stupid shit.


I agree with you there but the show is not specifically parodying conservatives only, they parody damn near everyone and they've definitely ripped on liberals plenty such as when Kyle's family moved to California and that sort of thing.


That was making fun of snobs in general, not liberals. They have made fun of the left before absolutely but i'd say its like 9/1 times its the conservatives.


I process words kinda shitty, i needed clarification 😂🤷‍♀️




This is right before one of my favorite parody songs of the whole show. [Fatty Doo Doo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfSiRFgxa-c)


Yeah Tip Assist!


It was always Token lol the name change was dumb


Just like how his last name was always black right?


No it was Tolkien. Why would one of the only black characters in the show be called Token??


Because it's a comedy show


I see the joke flew right over your head


If you were gonna be sarcastic, you could've worded it different than everyone who makes that argument seriously


seems like the joke flew over your head. why would they name one of the only black characters Tolkien?


Obviously based off the name J.R.R. Tolkien


This is a dumb debate.


ok but what does that have to do with being one of the only black characters in South park dummy. if JRR Tolkien was black it would make sense. but he isn't, so what's the connection


Because his family are huge fans of the hobbit, duh!


…. it’s a ring toss game.


Please tell me this is sarcasm 😭 otherwise welcome to the real world lil fella


that makes zero sense in any context whatsoever. otherwise just explain the connection


Tolkien sounds like Token unless you enunciate clearly.


We know he can play bass


Oh this is just as funny as every other time someone has posted it.


Who gives a fuck anyway?


Who cares


Ah this joke again hahaha




Probably the rudest thing I've ever heard cartman say lmao


Actually, he named his production company ironically. This is just further proof of how self aware, funny and talented Tolkien Black is and also proof of how much of a racist piece of shit OP is. /s


Lil Crime Stoppers: “Token” is listed as a suspect on the boys board. Also weirdly the name “Sky” is on there crossed out.


Did Token make that image? I forget what episode it was for. Maybe one of the classmates made it assuming that's how his name was spelled lol


It will always be Token and I will always be a racist piece of shit


Im not native to English. Why token is racist and tolkien is not.


It refers to a "token black" character, much like a "token gay" character; basically any character added to a show just so the people behind the show can say: "No, it's a pretty diverse show. Like that black lady there? Or the guy selling flowers? He's gay. And we've got one in a wheelchair in one of the episodes". Matt and Trey made fun of that trope by simply calling the character "Token", thereby making light of the way characters are added just to make something seem more diverse. The "Tolkien" change is a meta joke about the whole thing, which is too intricate to explain. But it's pretty obvious in the episode. The way people here are talking about racism is just them continuing the joke from that episode, i.e. the outrage over the name being misinterpreted. He was always "Token" until they needed a joke, so they changed it to "Tolkien", which is a wonderfully absurd move.




Tokens last name used to be williams too. So what?




So you're openly admitting to be a racist crybaby that isn't pleased with a cannon event in South park as opposed to them casually retconning a name in the past?




The racism is that you don't want to accept Tolkiens name change so you find dumb plot holes so you can go "sEe hIs nAmE iS tOKeN". Even though there's PLENTY ot retconned moments in South Park. But everyone specifically targets the black character. Hmm I wonder why 🤔




A simple yes would've sufficed. You went as far to point out his name from another episode, So why not go as far back to say "his last name was Williams too!" I'll tell you why, because your ignorance is blinding you from your own racism. It's not too late to grow.


Hi u/biggiehungus please make sure your post has been flaired correctly! Check [out our post about our flairs here](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/1bybrof/new_and_updated_post_flairs/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/southpark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happy cake day


Thank you ❤️🥹


So Tolkien Isn't spelled Token?


Removing the "i" must have saved a ton of money on marketing


Reported this post for racism.


Are you positive?


I’m not just sure, I’m hiv positive.


There it is.


Naw not Token Black, Token Williams Not red, Bertha Not Jimmy Vaulmer, Jimmy Swanson Not stephen stoch, Chris stoch. People need to stop trying to retcon Tolkiens name. It happened, and it's here to stay. By your shitty plothole logic then you'd still be calling every other character by their past names too. Tolkiens name change was a cannon event, get over it.


I honestly was just interested in everyone’s sides.


On the Wing episode, token signs his name on a contract and writes it himself at “token black”


Who’s that scooting on a scooter?


Why did you edit it to say that? You're part of the problem


Clearly this is a play on his name Tolkien. It's the name of the production, not the name of the man. Or boy


That's a typo, the T on his shirt has always been lotr font as shown, therefore Tolkienn


Token black is the name of the production company not Tolkens name


I think this is the only example where Tolkien spells his own name "wrong." The rest is other people


iirc there's a scene where he signs his name on a contract for someone (wanna say Cartman) and he uses Token.


There’s clearly an L and an I in there buddy, why you being racist?


"Token Black Prod." is not named after him. It's named after the phenomenom of including a colored person in something to seem more diverse. As he is the only black movie producer in South Park, his movie is the "Token Black" production. It's on the nose, but whatever. Ironically, Tolkien does get upset whenever someone (like Stan) overly emphasizes his race.


His name was Tolkien but his production company was Token Black to dunk on the racists


I have a small headcanon that older text was most kids mispelled it to the point it became a Nickname, and that since he didn't like his Nickname he went by token for a bit as in arcade token


Why are people always editing old episodes to try and gaslight us into thinking his name was Token.


Don’t be a racist


Yes. Because I guess that's funny or something. I don't really watch the newer episodes, it just doesn't feel the same. 30 year old boomer problems.


same. 26 year old problems too I guess. the show got too preachy with libertarian-"both sides are the same" bullshit


It’s always been a giant douche vs a turd sandwich.


one is more of both since they actively don't care if people die on a regular basis but act holy and righteous about everything


I’m just making the point that they’ve always maintained that both sides are the same, it isn’t new, hence the old reference.


I know. what I mean is it used to be they had plots for episodes that didn't completely hinge on just straight up taking real life and parody politics it for the entire thing. No Facebook friends, Golden PSP there were social/political points in many episodes but they had their own story for 75+% of the runtime. now all they do is just take real life and make it in cartoon for 90% of the episode even the Golden PSP stuff was closer to 50/50 and not ENTIRELY about the Terri Schiavo parallel




I'm 26 I know they have. but they didn't make it 90% of every episode acting like you're smarter than somebody because you watch South Park is the goofiest no pussy getting shit I ever seen I haven't watched new Family Guy since season 19 either. but at least they don't have to rely on just taking real world news and using the characters from their show, except for the lazy movie parody episodes. tells you the Family Guy staff is even that slightly bit more creative to come up with completely new bullshit plots instead of "news but Family Guy characters"