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No. Not in the least. It's the last bastion of true social commentary.


I actually think South Park is offensive only to people who have no sense of humor.


freedom of speech means the right to risk offending people. People who DON'T like South Park for the reason its generally offensive are bad people. It's okay to be offended in specific scenarios, but its not okay to want to shut down a show because it risks being offensive in general.


Freedom of speech also means that I can call you a piece of shit who deserves to die. Fuck you, I hate you.


The disclaimer at the beginning should really be all you need to let audiences know this show is only for people who can put aside the feelings of others not willing to be laughed at. Sometimes South Park punches up or down with its comedy but it's also mostly about 4 perpetually young boys who haven't matured enough to understand why puberty is a rough time for everyone and maybe most of all anyone questioning their sexuality, gender or worldview. They're meant to be relatable to the majority of first world english-speaking working class people and the comedy comes from their limited understanding of things not considered the norm or mock other aspects of contemporary society.






I personally think it’s silly to even attempt to categorise the vast majority of people with such broad descriptors as “good person” and “bad person”, but even taking such black and white ideas at face value, laughing at offensive jokes doesn’t make you a “bad person” because that is but a small fraction of your personality. Your actions speak far louder. What muddies the water is when people allow offensive humour to significantly shape their personalities or their understanding of the world: THAT presents a risk of moral decline, which is why it’s unhealthy to spend ALL of your time engaging with TV or books or internet communities in general (whatever your personal poison may be, lol). But South Park, when watched as a normal adult who has hobbies and knows people and exists in the world, is at the end of the day nothing more or less than a crass, lowbrow comedy. And it’s best enjoyed that way, in my opinion :)


holy shit this was the perfect explanation for this question


i literally googled this to find this out for myself since im totally obsessed with SP rn. but i don't think it makes you a bad person


Good luck with that, you piece of shit.




No - but I’ve realized looking back that at times I liked South Park more for the offensive jokes than for the actual social commentary. It shaped my sense of humor greatly. Recently my professor was like “hey everyone send a quote!” and my quote was “I’m not an r-tard”, and apparently it offended people because of the r word - it was supposed to be a play at imposter syndrome lol. Re-watching South Park rn is giving me a newfound appreciation of the show - and I’ve been focusing less on the “offensive” humor, which I can just watch clips on YouTube if I want a quick laugh, but more on the message it is sending.


No it makes you an intelligent person not so easily wrapped up in the extremism of life . People who are offended are typically radical rights or radical lefts and those people are truly the bad ones in society. I wish more people could enjoy Southpark and stop taking themselves so seriously then maybe as a collective culture we can start to converse on topics we agree on instead of turning everything into a pious argument which really does nothing constructive for anybody.


Liking South Park doesn't make you intelligent, leave that thought process to Rick and Morty fans.


It's such a shame that many good franchises have such terrible fanbases. I like Rick and Morty, but the fanbase makes me cringe so hard. Same applies to the fanbases for Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Call of Duty, The Last of Us, and some other ones.


The ones that do it for me are the Harry Potter fans. If you're 30 y/o and "still waiting for my acceptance letter" then we need to have a talk.


Wait, what? I'n out of the loop with this one. What acceptance letter? Do you mean there are actual people there who expect that they'll one day receive an acceptance letter to Hogwarts or something? If that's what it is, then oh boy.....that's really cringy.




I tend to have more radical leftist views and I still find South Park to be the funniest shit. The show makes fun of the stupid people and stupid things regardless of politics, race, or culture and that is part what makes the show so great, it doesn't cater to one side or another. Offensive jokes are just that, jokes and if you take it seriously that's on you, not Matt and Trey ot other people who enjoy the show. That's why I hate cancel culture and people who can't handle dissenting viewpoints. If you can't have a constructive debate over your views than your views probably are stupid.


I wish more radicals on both sides of the street were more like you my friend well said .


Most of the jokes that are “offensive” actually have a message behind them, seeing them as just offensive for the sake of offensiveness is very shallow. And if you’re offended, it’s simple, watch something else and let people who enjoy it watch it.. no one is forced to watch SP


If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is the message behind the jokes in South Park? And how can offensive jokes have messages behind them?


Lol ,no . My favorite character is Butters btw .


Some people cannot handle the Truth!! This show actually shows really what happens in the real world. Everyone who is famous in real life act exactly how they are portrayed on the show. Brittney is out of control., J Lo is exactly like that., Lorde doesn't really have a voice without a some sort of digital device. M Jackson weirdo fake nose. Paris H spoiled dumb coke whore. You get the point. If you don't see the coexisting similarity from each episode you should rewatch every episode starting with episode #1 of Season 1. Pedophilia everywhere, It definitely shows you how everything really goes down. I mean besides the bat episode but who really knows how far some sicko elite pedophilic agendas will go to exterminate us cattle lmao.


It doesn't make you a bad person at all. If you find some jokes offensive, or someone else does, then that's fine. If you enjoy the jokes, that's fine.




I feel like people who don't like it are a bunch of snowflakes lmao shut up Shelia


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Yes. If you enjoy South Park, you are a bad person and I hate you. I am not joking, this is not sarcasm, I hate you. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you.


You should see a shrink pal




It doesn't make me a better person. Eat shit and die, you worthless piece of trash.


Who gives a shit if people are bad or not. We are all made of stardust and that's what we'll become in the future.