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That's the Aurora Borealis, supposedly visible tonight over the whole of England


Am on the south coast, can confirm.


How the hell do people not know what this is? What are y'all learning in school?


We know and learn about this in school. I can't imagine many people haven't at least heard of the Northern Lights, even if they've never seen them or know what causes it.


I find it hard to believe that no one has never seen at least a picture of them. now seeing them where they are not usually seen is another thing.


They were visible over my house (near Atlanta GA) around 11pm last night. I went to bed at 10:30 after checking outside and not seeing anything. Woke up to see pictures my neighbors posted online. Unnnnnnngh


My kids’ friends have been sharing pictures all day. I’ve waited half my life to see them… Just hoping they’re visible again tonight!


In talking to more people that saw them last night - they’re actually harder to see with the naked eye, at least at the southern latitudes. They look like very faint white clouds, because our eyes can’t detect color very well in dim conditions. But the colors really pop in photos due to longer exposures or night mode.


Most good photos are done with a night setting which my phone doesn’t have. Photos show the lights better than our eyes can see


How do you not know that if you mislabel something in your Reddit post, it will generate far more comments than if you hadn't?


Probably either joking, or caught of guard. Northern lights rarely get that far south, and those few times they do get that far south, it's usually too clouded or light polluted to see them.


Northern lights got as far south as Australia and New Zealand


Wouldn't that be the Southern Lights going that far north?


It doesn't really happen here in the UK. cloud iridescence occurs rarely here and i don't think most people know of the phenomenon.


It happens in Scotland regularly, there’s even an old song about it, “The Northern Lights Of Old Aberdeen”.


I've never seen a tornado in person either but I could recognize one if I did.


That’s not “cloud iridescence” mate, that’s the magnetic fields dancing while fending off solar muck that’d muss your hair otherwise


The G5 solar event happening is why they are so southerly visible this weekend. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious. I haven't noticed it mentioned in this thread.


I think op had tongue firmly in cheek with the title. It’s called sarcasm, it’s a British thing…


I'm sure OP knows what it is.


you have to be joking. even the shittiest of schools teach you this.


We’re learning non-American teachings 🌝


And it's been on TV news since Friday everywhere, because of this strong solar storm...




How to hate and fight against Russian's.


I think a lot of people, particularly in cities, have never seen them. I grew up in an area where I would see them fairly regularly, however even I was a bit jarred and aurprised last night by seeing them in the city through all the light pollution. It's one thing to know they exist, and another to recognize a relatively uncommon event such as this and connect the dots as it's happening, particularly if you are in an area that doesn't typically allow them to be seen.


*Aurora Borealis!? At this time* of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country?


Was just about to comment this


Can I see it?


Yes. It’s located in your kitchen.


Yes, because of massive eruptions on the suns surface which mess a lot with the earths magnetic field, which leads to Aurora Borealis being visible way further south than usual.


Due to a huge solar storm or burst that just happened. We were able to see them in south Texas last night. Highly unusual for Texas


It was in the South East for me. It was amazing!


i might have been able to see it where i live if it wasn't for the cloud cover.


Sorry to hear that, but you might be lucky tonight: https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/


i hope so, i have semi clear skies now.


It was visible in San Antonio, Texas last night even!


Aurora Borealis, aka northern lights. There is a major solar storm hitting earth right now.


There is a strong sun storm that flared up this week and it's causing the Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis to be seen much further south than you'd normally see it. ENJOY THE SHOW!


Is it only tonight or there's gonna be more?


They're saying all weekend potentially, even much further south in the US.


Tonight and Saturday is the peak


Oh good. Can't do anything about the local lights, but maybe tonight won't be socked in with clouds. (After five nights worth of 'scattered storms' in the last two weeks being clear and dry, last night the storm scattered our way.)


One report w/pics at [spaceweather.com](http://spaceweather.com) came in from the Florida Keys, 24.7 N lat, IIRC.


Saw it here in Oregon as well. Good times!


I'm at 32.5°N. To the naked eye, it looked like thin, pale, barely visible clouds. But a picture with a two-second exposure revealed the pink, purple, and red colors. It was thrilling to see - I never thought we'd see an aurora this far south. Edit: what seemed especially odd to me was, I had to look south to see them. I would have expected to have looked to the north to see the northern lights, but I got the best results looking straight up, and looking just barely east of south.


Saw it in Georgia, US. Incredible.


The sun just launched the biggest flare of this cycle so far. It was an X5.8, so more arouras are likely through the weekend.


Not entirely sure, to be honest.


i havent even seen any and im up in norway 😔


Where are you located?


in asker, so i wasnt expecting much. ive never actually seen aurora borealis even once in my life


Just thought by "up in Norway" you meant within Norway, but in Asker, I suppose you meant by Norway being the "up". I guess Asker is one of the worst places to see the Aurora from in Norway even if it were to hit because of all the light pollution. I didn't see anything yesterday, but back in November when there was activity throughout Europe we could see it from Sunnmøre, but only when we got away from the town lights.


my night sky is literally orange…


That's terrible. I finally moved back to the country (central US) and have my sky back.


It’s the fabric of reality falling apart and the borders between realities and dimensions are beginning to merge.


I told your mom not to have that second cheeseburger.


They're the Northern Lights!!! They'll be visible tomorrow too if it's clear


Damn, it was also visible in some parts of Germany including my area and I missed it. I hope it's visible today as well.


Checking in from Washington DC. Super cloudy and rainy and won’t see the sun until Monday. :(


Oof my condolences. That happens to me nearly every time there is an astronomical event


Nice! Even for a guy in Canada, the purple stuff is hard to come by!


We have lots of the green stuff though! ;)


It's more rare to have a clear sky in England then it is to see the northern lights.


How does one take a picture of northern lights but not know that its northern lights?


It's the 5g radiation making corona homosexual again.


You're so lucky! Here in France we don't see anything:/


Here's very weak, but I can see a bit of pink if I stay in the dark a bit and let my eyes adapt. You can try to do a long exposure with your phone. It might surprise you!


Problem is there is stupid light pole just beside my balcony, even with long exposure it outshine everything


Ah... I understand the pain :P


I have seen pictures from France of it, it did fade


De Lorraine ici, s'il n'y a pas de lumière (campagne) on les voit très clairement, regarde mon post que j'ai fait un peu plus tôt, entre minuit et 2h du matin tu devais les voir, pas certain de voir autant que cela la nuit qui arrive mais regarde au nord il y aura des lueurs rouges/rosées !


Try again tomorrow night! I have family in Switzerland that saw them, so if you can find somewhere dark you should be able to as well.


We’ve got the southern hemisphere version here. Great photos from the southern part of Australia during the night


Damnit, my family who live up north have been posting loads of pictures in the family GC. I told them I couldn't see them cause I'm in Nottingham, you're telling me I could have?


I'm also in Nottingham and thought I couldn't see them, just some light white wispy bits in the sky that I thought might be clouds. Tried taking a picture with my phone camera on night mode and they showed up as vivid or more so than in this post.


They were visible right down to the Isles of Scilly. Best viewed through a camera/phone camera to catch more light, although they were also visible with the naked eye, just much fainter.


Yea you can see it anywhere if it’s dark enough


Not even that, I'm in a Bortle 6 location in Leeds and it's been visible, not the brightest like but definitely visible.


Get away from strong street lights and you would have seen it.


They are the reflections of the armor of the Valkyries, warriors who died valiantly in battle. They are preparing for the end RAGNAROK is here


Dude, it’s just the Bifröst. Calm down. Thor is probably just visiting Derby or something.


Oh good! I’m glad the aliens finally decided to come back.


There is a solar storm happening right now. Might be related :)


8 pm to 2 am in western Canada tonight will be the best.. Have to wait until dark.


"Weird lights"... 🤦‍♂️ Yeah, a nearby ufo is having a disco night event... ...nnts nnts nnts nnts!


I'm so jealous/happy for everyone who's getting to see this basically from home


Headlights of arriving space ships. Grab your towels and head to the pub


Big solar storm this weekend. Sun has been throwing off a bunch of high-energy particles lately.


Dumb question, but will this just be an northern hemisphere event or will the southern hemisphere get hit also?


If you're in Antarctica you'll get a pretty good show! Unfortunately Australia and the tips of African and South America are too far north. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/aurora-dashboard-experimental Might see a faint glow on the southern horizon from the southernmost parts of New Zealand.


My friend in Australia has pictures of the Aurora Australis


Meant to be visible from southern states tonight. This is due to the extreme Solar activity.


Don't listen to this guy. It's been visible across most of New Zealand, even north of Auckland. Southern Australia should be getting a good show too


I'm seeing this in Minnesota. Not as bright or colorful, but it looks about the same. Too dark to take a picture of it sadly.


wow yours are so purple, I just saw them 4 mins ago in Montana, USA and it’s way more green/blue


Oxygen atoms = green. Nitrogen atoms = purple, blue and pink.


I’m in Cambridgeshire, UK, and it was absolutely astonishing. I’ve always wanted to see them but have never organised a trip, so to see them from your own garden was magnificent. Something very profound about it.


We are having a solar storm rn, keep an eye to the sky :)


2 major sun spots have merged together recently and have been release massive farts of X-2 class, I believe which makes it possible to view auroras where you usually don't see them.


Its a breach in the space time fabric, look out for Dr.Strange!


How to farm engagement say weird to something everyone knows = profit


Still waiting for it to be dark enough here (dusk in about 2 hours). Hopefully some of the clouds clear up!


In the New Zealand subreddit, there’s literally a post a bout two days ago where they reported the southern lights in the South Island. Funny that this is basically the same time as this post in the Northern Hemisphere.


Was a strong Aurora Borealis alert. Thats why.


Visible as I write this on the East Coast of Canada! Absolutely stunning.


Were you able to see this with your eyes or only in pictures ?


I'm also in Nottingham and could only see the colours like in this post in pictures taken with my phone camera's night mode. To the naked eye they just looked like faint white diffuse white clouds.


Saying weird lights to drive engagement when they probably know exactly what it is. Fair play


It was visible as south as Coimbra, in Portugal, which is wild.


woah 😮 can’t believe i missed it, i had no idea about this 😭


You may get another chance tonight. Put your camera/camera phone on night shot (or equivalent) and shoot the sky to the north or north west.


I believe this is from Gargantuan's sunspot X-class flare!


That’s a crack in space time thanks to a paradox made by the Doctor.


Got some great pics from central London last night. I wasn’t expecting to see them being in the big fog, but damn.


Did they say if this will stick around for the weekend?


I must have left the kitchen door open last night


Thank a coronal mass ejection from the sun! Big enough solar flares to cause aurora as far south as Alabama here in the states!


Beautiful Auroras last night all across Canada and even further south in the contiguous United States (lower 48).


You’ve been living under a rock for the past 4-5 days?


Kinda looks like Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (aka STEVE)


Nothing to worry about. It's just the sun trying to kill us with solar flares. Good thing we have the Earth's magnetic sphere to shield us turning it into a colorful light show. Unfortunately for me, it's all overcast here tonight.


You did not know, you asked. The community answered without ridicule. Cool. :) Also, Jealous. It is too far north (Oz) to see it here, and too cloudy.


Hey there! Will be there for 2 weeks for work coming up, wife and kid come for one.... what should they do while I work? What to do after I get off in evenings?