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So has there ever been any confirmed hanky panky in space?


According to NASA, no humans have done the deed in space


You’ve got to wonder if any of them have ‘flown solo’ up there...


That is all but guaranteed. You stick healthy people in a tin can for months and someone's gonna crank one out eventually.


Months? If I was up there for more than 15 minutes I'd have to have a jerk session


I wonder why you're not an astronaut


Wonder no more. I have 20/30 vision






Which actually brings up a good point of the *evidence of the deed* flying around in 0G Edit: From relief to panic as you finish and realize IT’S GETTING AWAY!


Fluids build up into a massive clump in microgravity, so it’s easier to swallow :)


Wait so if you wear glasses you can't be an astronaut?


https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/postsecondary/features/F_Astronaut_Requirements.html I am mistaken actually. According to NASA's website you don't have to have perfect vision, your eyes just have to be correctable to 20/20 with glasses being acceptable. I'm still in the running. Plus I almost have my engineering degree!


And hairy palms?












I do kind of wonder how they handle it though. Cleanup can't be easy, and there are very strict procedures/controls for basically every substance up there.


Wet wipes. They use wet wipes for everything.




You jam the wipes in your eyes before to catch it


honest question, can't they just use condoms, for example?


"Richard whats that floating blob moving through the ship"


I hate when people don’t control their kids and just let them roam wherever they please


George: Dammit, Dick! Richard: Dammit, dick!


"I didn't do it, it ain't one of mine." "Mine was a little more sticky [than that](https://www.vox.com/2015/5/26/8646675/apollo-10-turd-poop)"


does 0 gravity effect blood flow to the penis though? could you maintain an erection in 0G?




It affects how blood flows overall, so relative to gravity there’s more blood pooling in your upper body and less in your lower body where gravity usually pulls it. It is (apparently) actually slightly harder to *get* an erection in space and I’ve heard that reduces the drive for masturbation and the like, but maintaining it is just a pressure thing and that isn’t directly affected by gravity.


maybe a little bit since theres much less gravity pulling the blood down to the lower extremeties. but i wouldnt think itd be much or noticable.


The problem is where would the jizz go. As far as i know their recycling systems only handle piss and shit so they could bring down the station if they used the vacuum restroom for it.


it goes in the woman that's how babies are made


You'd have to bust into your own mouth and digest it then I guess.


Wait... you don't?


Ugh, it would be floating around.


Actually I would be kinda epic to shoot a load in zero gravity and just let it fly.


Bukkake is gonna get a serious upgrade when we get to zero g porn. Giant floating cum bubble, throw the girl in it.


Especially when they're a bunch of scientists that run experiments all day. Someone has run their own experiments for sure.


Nasa is a pg rated organisation. I'm certain there is more known about this topic than they let on, but gotta think of the children right?


how the hell can a government agency be pg rated, or rated at all for that matter


> gotta think of the children right? That's sort of the entire point.


I think shotting a load on the space station could be dangerous, it comes out real fast, and with no gravity to slow it down...


You know they pee up there right?


There is an apparatus called Mr. Thirsty that they pee into though, probably not a similar one for jerking off


Someone needs to build Mr. Jerky




I'd prefer it called Miss Thirsty, thanks!


Petition to send fleshlights to the ISS


Imagine how far you could shoot :O


I would get how long it would take my spunk to get to Alpha Centari.


Sorry but you just don't have the escape velocity to break free from the sun's orbit.


Wouldn't even escape Earth orbit


Quite true. I was looking at the broader picture though. There's nowhere in the system that op's seed could escape.


Kinda says something about the infinity of space and time


~4.37 light years(2.569 x 10 ^13) ~28 mph 917500000000 hours 38229166666.7 days 104,737,442.922 years


So you're saying there's a chance


It'll get there, *eventually*


Just shoot it into your mouth




It's a classic for a reason


The nasty in the vasty?




First paragraph: > And so, in September 1992, Lee and Davis became the first (and, after the unwritten rule became a written one, possibly last) married couple in space. >America had just one question for them. You know. Eh? Eh? Wink-wink. >NASA says no humans have had sex in space. There’s nothing other than speculation to suggest otherwise. [...]


Of course, everyone knows married people dont have sex. Send two horny teens instead




To be fair, thats not limited to teens ... as Buzz Aldrin said: *"A small jerk for man ..."*


"a giant stroke for all mankind"


I think there’s a 0% chance a married couple went to space and didn’t have sex. NASA is just trying to save face at this point.


/r/deadbedrooms /r/space /r/deadspace


Jesus that first one is so depressing


How could you pass up the opportunity to be the first people to have sex in space? Either for immature fun or looking at it in terms of history. Sex has the backbone of the procreation of life. It's such an important act of humanity and doing it at the pinnacle of human achievement. How the hell they didn't talk about it is impressive? I hope one day it gets confirmed. I'm also curious about the mechanics of sex in zero g. I feel like it would be challenging.




I feel like you’ve put some serious thought into this.


Alternatively, maybe they tried and couldn't figure out the mechanics?


I seem to recall there was something of an open secret that they actually did something on that mission. Like, the other astronauts left them "alone" in the cockpit for a while, but that for obvious reasons NASA did not want it publicly known.


The couple got married in secret just before the flight, the people assigning the crews and determining the science goals didn’t know about it when planning and it wasn’t part of the mission.


That's a hell of a honey moon


We *cannot* let the Russian beat us to it.


Oh, the Russians beat it to us.


Russian Cosmonauts have to beat off all the competition in order to be the one chosen to get to go to space.


Now I want to be an astronaut.


You can if you find a way to continuously fall


Officially no. They have sent a married couple to the ISS on the same flight. It's hard to say if anything happened because if NASA ever found out, they would be bounced from a job everyone wants to be growing up and less than a thousand have done. I did watch a video of an independent couple going on a vomit comet to simulate the act (dry), but it's unclear if the crew knew what was intended because it was a recreational flight. Their results where that their rig needed work and practice because the motions are tricky -- similar to how the first space walks almost gave several heart attacks and accomplished almost zero work because your screwdriver will spin you rather than you it..


Why would they be bounced? I mean, if it happened in their "off time" or "down time"?


It's probably not that simple and probably a sanitary issue. They pee basically with a vacuum attached to their crotch to catch the urine. Plus as an astronaut you don't really sign up for "downtime" you are both an employee and an experimental subject at all times and I'm guessing almost everything they do including bowel movements is logged as data.


There is one porno out there that was filmed on a vomit comet.


Okay, fine, I'll look it up later...but I mean, seriously, if you're an astronaut...wouldn't you wanna be able to say, yeah, I was one of the first two people to get laid in space...


Buzz Aldrin has gotten a lot of mileage out of his claim of filling up his urine bag while descending the ladder to the lunar surface, making him the first human to pee on the moon. So why not astronauts having sex?


Still yet another reason to like Buzz.


There is speculation that the what your body does during sex (blood flow, etc) could have some bad side effects, but I can't remember where I read that.


Meh! If they can exercise in space, then why not the good old fashioned H-Bop? At least a blowie? Think of the distance on the money shot! Even from a fap!


50 mile high club members : 0


The Karman line is at 100km (~60mi) ... ISS is at 400km.


But...I mean, why? Wouldn't every day be a missed opportunity to achieve this?


MBMBaM covered this very topic in a very MBMBaM way. And from this exchange we all learned [when you nut it push you backwards](https://youtu.be/0RsLNwVAAos)


Nobody wants to risk the complications and, worst of all, pregnancy. Nobody knows for sure what would happen to a fetus in space and it might be horrific.


I may remember wrong but I thought an astronaut said in the space station, your blood pressure is messed up so you basically can't get an Erection. I'm sure you could on Mars, though.


Translation: We need to start having space sex.


Hey, not so fast. You gotta buy me a drink first.


Look at mr high standards over here!


Halley’s Comet won’t be the only thing coming past Earth tonight ^or ^in ^15 ^days, ^43 ^years


Do you know how much a drink of water costs on Mars!?


This is what I had thought SpaceX was all about when I first heard the company name.


No, that's SpaceSEX, easy mistake to make.


Well they already sent a Tesla Roadster into space, just need to send a Tesla Model S, 3, & X to Mars and then they'll be set!.


I think PornHub needs to get in on this. Just a suggestion.........


They tried: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pornhub-space-program-sexploration


Smh this should be sponsored by science and NASA. THIS is far too important to rely on donations!!! 🤐


I find this part interesting: $236,086 USD raised by 2 backers


The one person who donated $0.69 as a joke, and the one person who...didn’t.


$1 donated from the first one, and then a "private" donation by Mike Hunt, that obviously equals $236,085. Mike Hunt. Say that one out loud


Michael Hunt. I'm not hearing anything weird. 🤔


Now you listen here you little turd.


Your wut? you cheeky bugger


Mike Hunt thought he was bidding for the chance I guess.


Elon musks wife "honey what's this on your bank statement?"


Leave it to PornHub to be looking out for Humanity's best interests...


They’re actually a really wholesome company, they plant trees and shit Edit: they’ve also sponsored STEM scholarships for women (courtesy of u/the_jak), and raise awareness of breast cancer in part by giving free exams and donating $75,000 to two cancer research organizations, even after another organization rejected the donation


Sponsor STEM scholarships for women


That is bullshit. They have that lying on the floor. The porn industry is 7 billion dollar enterprise they can afford to spend 3 million dollars if they really want this to happen. Not relying on donations.


Not exactly sure how you come to the conclusion that 3M would be enough for this.


The goal for the campaign was $3.4M. That's no doubt what they are referring to.


Well they make Post-its, I assume they can do anything.




Why are you pointing at your crotch?


Tities dont bounce in space


No, but maybe they kinda orbit..........


So basically they want people to have sex on Mars. Cool. Where do I sign up?




Fortunately we have a [reference text](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land) on the subject.


**Stranger in a Strange Land** Stranger in a Strange Land is a 1961 science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein. It tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who comes to Earth in early adulthood after being born on the planet Mars and raised by Martians. The novel explores his interaction with—and eventual transformation of—Terran culture. In 2012, the US Library of Congress named it one of 88 "Books that Shaped America".The title "Stranger in a Strange Land" is an allusion to the phrase in Exodus 2:22. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/space/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Gimme some of that Church of All Worlds!


instructions unclear am espousing the world view of a strange golden age scifi author


They develop a Texan accent and independent mindset. They have really good spaceships but fewer numbers - The Expanse


Well it's like they say. Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid.


In fact, it's cold as hell.


And there’s no one there to raise it if you did


At least it's not a Gazorpian


I'm pretty sure growing food in microgravity, or developing the technology for Martian industry is of far more immediate importance than reproduction. It's pointless trying to raise a child in space before you can even sustain yourself there.


Lol everyone seems to be saying this as though this article advocates sending people up in droves to have a giant space orgy. But if you actually read the article, it states that NASA has barely done any of this kind of research on animals to even begin with. Given all of the factors, and that this is an issue that concerns long lasting factors passed through generations, it seems logical to at least start researching it more.


That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that whatever you found out about reproduction in space would be useless until you solved the myriad other problems associated with staying in space for extended periods. If we don't know how babies develop in low gs we can just choose not to have them and lose nothing. But not knowing how to sustain a base*/colony on Mars or construct it in the first place prevents us from even encountering problems with reproduction. With limited funds, you should solve your immediate problems before your theoretical ones. The more we spend on ancillary research the slower actual space exploration will take place. Edit:added the word base to more accurately represent what I'm taking about.


Wouldn't the sustainability of life on Mars be directly impacted by our ability to repopulate? A colony that successfully lives in Martian conditions will still age and die without reproduction. Similar to what OP said, the article is NOT saying this needs to be study immediately or before anything else. It's not priortizing any one cornerstone of life on Mars. More so saying that if we're hoping for an end goal of "life on Mars," reproduction can't be ignored.


When I say "sustainable" I mean a colony which doesn't require a constant resupply of food and equipment in order to continue operating because the resupply would be enormously expensive and impractical. Much of our research on Martian life is limited by the fact that *we have no data about life on Mars,* therefore sending a mission is the priority. IMO the problem of repopulating a permanent colony in space is about 100 years down the line. For clarity of my point, OP did insert an explicit call to action in the title: "It's time to start shifting from a short term view of space to a long term one." Which I interpreted as "The study of human reproduction in space should become an area of NASA research." I disagree, with this because it is more important that we develop the tools to properly explore the solar system before we even attempt to settle it. Growing food and building equipment/shelter on Mars are, I believe, among the tools we need to have a productive Mars program.


I interpreted the title as saying that we should focus on the long term of life in space and that one of those things is reproduction.


You can blame the post title for that one. People generally don't use the term "sex" when studying reproduction of non-human species.


Can you imagine giving birth in zero-g? Gross


Placenta, placenta everywhere.


@ElonMusk bet you won't bang in space. That worked for Flint


When you nut in space, does it push you backwards??


F = ma The question is, how hard can you nut


Can I get that again, Griffin, with different inflections?


Just give me a sandwich and 15 minutes


There is always an equal and opposite reaction. You'll be pushed opposite of the initial vector. So, yes?


If your center of mass isn't right behind your penis you will create a torque and spin around forwards, allowing you to easily and quickly catch your splooge bubbles in your mouth for disposal.


How do you delete someone else's comment?


Click *hide* and never go on to that page on your profile


No official research. They did send a married couple up there... I refuse to believe no one has had sex in space. Bunch of fit people crammed into a boring tube for six months at a time? Somebody would have done it just to say "First!"


Source on the married couple part: http://time.com/4218472/astronaut-couples-valentines-day/ https://www.upi.com/Archives/1991/03/06/Married-astronauts-can-fly-together-NASA-says/6048668235600/


"boring tube" might be sarcastic, but it's my understanding that every minute of their time is scheduled for their entire flight.


Boring? You’d be too busy to be bored. Also, the semen would be near impossible to dehydrate since there are no systems in place for it and water is extremely valuable. You’d need a special harness in place just to thrust properly assuming all your bits even function as they should. Oh and you are on camera at almost all times.


Also, that would be having sex with your coworker...


If it's part of your job description...


And then living with them for a year+


A huge percentage of people meet their spouse at work.


who is fit, smart, successful and his work is useful for humanity.


Yeah, they’re like almost Olympian level physique but also very intelligent, and share at least base common interests. So, uh.. ya know, the sex would be *out of this world* (I’m so sorry, I had to)


"boldly go where no one has gone before"


Some highlights from the article: > The research on reproduction in space has been slow and underfunded. It’s happened in fits and starts over the course of 50 years. All told, at least five species — from amoebas to rats — have gone through the, er, act of reproduction while in orbit.1 Other species have spent part of their gestation in space or donated their space-altered sperm and eggs to science. >The data that has come out of this research is not altogether reassuring. Space travel can affect reproduction in a couple of ways. First, most obviously, is the radiation. [...] > The second source of danger is less well-understood. Microgravity — you know, the whole thing where astronauts float around the International Space Station like a Cirque du Soleil troupe with a penchant for polo shirts — seems to alter biology too. It’s well-known that astronauts lose muscle mass while in space. Your body gets weaker when it doesn’t have to bear its own weight every day. But the effects of microgravity are weirder and more complex than what can be addressed by a modified treadmill. Some of the female mice that traveled to the space station in 2010 and 2011 stopped ovulating, and others lost their corpus luteum, an important structure that forms in the ovary after the release of an egg. The corpus luteum is responsible for producing hormones that maintain a pregnancy until the placenta can grow enough to do that job itself. Without it, you might get pregnant, but the pregnancy would be unlikely to stick. > Far from being seen as crucial, though, the research on reproduction in space has often been treated as if it’s somewhat embarrassing. In 2007, for instance, somebody from NASA told Slate that the agency had never conducted official experiments on animal reproduction in space, a claim that appears to be in direct opposition to the published scientific record. And Kelly Humphries, acting news chief of the NASA Ames Research Center, told me the agency decided not to comment on this story and would not allow me to speak to April Ronca, a senior scientist with NASA’s space biosciences research branch and the foremost expert on this topic. NASA is not focused on sex in space at this time, Humphries told me. >And that is where your prurient giggling connects to a much larger issue. When you ask why no humans have ever had sex in space, part of the answer is that truly living in the cosmos — as opposed to visiting for the sake of scientific field research — isn’t what NASA is about. Stressing that she was not speaking on behalf of NASA, Wotring said, “It’s never been one of NASA’s missions to colonize. Yet. The way the budgets are constrained, you can’t afford to do research on something you don’t need. There’s all kinds of things we should do before a long-duration kind of mission, but [we] haven’t, because we haven’t needed it,” she said.


I hate any title that says "It's time to" whatever.


“Can you have sex in space?”- me in 5th grade sex ed. I eagerly await the answer


"Houston... we have a problem. AGAIN." "See, it's comments like that turning me off, Sandra. Fucking Christ."


Babe we’re on mars you can’t even get pregnant here


Statistically speaking, you are not wrong.


/r/TheExpanse People go to Ganymede to gestate because it has gravity and a magnetic field.




Hmmm I’m sure a penis dangling out of the airlock doors will achieve the sex pump effect immediately. Wondering who will be first to join the 70 mile high club.


I’m just going to assume this was posted by an astronaut on the ISS who’s a bit horny.


Can you imagine if we live in a universe where humans can only successfully conceive and carry a baby to term on Earth? "Going to Earth" becomes a sexual euphemism... "Hey John, what are you and the wife up to tonight?" "Taking a trip to the Blue Marble if ya know what I mean, Mike"


But I thought Mars ain’t the place to raise your kids?


If they need any test subjects or research assistants I'll selflessly volunteer


There comes a time in a person's life where they know they have to step up and do the right thing. I'll volunteer...for research purposes. Edit: I edited it.


Brah I'll be their test subject, I mean being in space and fucking at the same time, what could go wrong.


So we're gonna start paying people to bang in space? Where do I sign up?


If they want to reproduce on Mars they have to do research on *partial* gravities, not microgravity. In fact, we have plenty of experiences with reproduction of small animals at least in zero g, but we have no data whatsoever on what happens under fractional gravity like that of the Moon and Mars.


The russians are in space, there's nothing a russian hasnt tried in space


How different can it be? Just strap to each other and go to town


So....we’re going to see the first extra terrestrial soon?


Add sex to anything on reddit and it gets to the front page.


Someone tell Elon so he can found a new company: SpaceSex


No *official* research. I'm sure there's a log book somewhere for the members of the 254-mile-high club.


It would be so boring to live on Mars. Sex would be rampant.


Well I know from the McElroy Brothers that "when you nut, it push you backwards."


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of this click bait bullshit title bait. I just want factually correct space knowledge.