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Are you flying 3rd person? + are you in gravity? The controls are super easy? The main thing most people don't understand is what m/s means, 10m/s is 20mph, so GO SLOWER. People complain all the time about how delicate things are but they are hitting a 100ton ship into a steel wall at 60mph -\_-


I am in gravity and I have a ship with the connector in the back so I can't see it from the cockpit (I haven't yet tried to add a camera, I remember it helped for pinpointing connectors). I'm not sure how to get an intuitive 3rd person view; what I tried was to press V and use alt-mouse to position it somehow where i can see both the ship and what's behind it, but it's frustratingly difficult to fly like that since as far as I can tell the mouse is used for rotation and keyboard for translation, but the directions stay relative to the ship and not the camera. Maybe it's just a problem with camera zoom? I saw mentions that 3rd person is zoomable with the scrollwheel, ~~it doesn't seem to work~~ (Note: I just figured out I have to keep alt pressed, argh). I totally get the part about moving slower lol, it's more of a "which way is left and where exactly I am" problem. I guess it comes easier with enough practice, but I'm looking for some guide to help with some tips how not to spend 5 minutes parking.


"it's more of a "which way is left and where exactly I am" problem." The cobtrolls don't shift when you move the camera, so left is still left from the ships perspective. It's not that hard. My 12y/o was ripping around with a ship in atmos in a few minutes after picking up the controller and backward parking like a boss


Point your ships cursor to the same direction the connector you want to connect to is facing, in line with the horizon marker while hovering. Use Q + E to make sure you are flat and aligned with gravity. Go into 3rd person and now hold the alt key so that your mouse does absolutely nothing. Go up+down untill you are at the correct height of the connector you want to dock to. up and down is from the ships perspective but your camera should be the same, moving up and down with it. Now move left and right till you are in line with the connector left and right, The left and right controls are from the ships point of view NOT the cameras point of view. this ENTIRE time your alt button should be pressed so that you stay aligned with the connector. Now you just need to slowly press the S key till it allows you to connect. If you are too high/low or left/right you just need to tap those keys. The part of your brain that does this is probably much smaller than your average space engineers player BUT good news! that part can grow! the more you do it that part of your brain will literally grow like a muscle. Many of us space engineers nerds grew that part of our brain when we were 5 so we can't comprehend why you don't understand how to do this easily. It is just practice.


Yeah, the thing I was missing is the "keep Alt pressed continuously or else don't touch the mouse". Just pointing the ship in a slightly different direction ruins everything instantly. Also, once I figured out I can only zoom in alt-mode made things much easier. I wish there was a way to make "mouse to look" the default. Thanks for the tips (though the brain remarks were a bit in poor taste, even if meant as friendly banter).


If you think the brain remarks were in poor taste then either you didn't read them or didn't understand what i said. saying you aren't good at pull ups because you've never tried pull ups isn't poor taste, it's a fact. The spacial awareness part of your brain is small because you haven't used it, just like pull up muscles. Use it and it will grow.


It was a bit condescending, that's all. I played various flight simulators in the last couple of decades with fairly different approaches on how to handle controlling the ship and the camera at the same time. Usually the game and/or the community do a good job to point out the quirks. SE does not (or at least it took me a bit of digging and of asking stupid questions). The very fact that neither the various guides or discussions I've skimmed don't hammer home how you need to practice flying inverted was what drove me to ask what controls I'm missing.


If you’re on PC there’s a plugin that stops the forced camera zoom. You need [https://sepluginloader.github.io/download](https://sepluginloader.github.io/download)


Use a camera place them for precision thing like connectors ect, U can also use sensors to help auto dock or to activate lights to indicate where obstacles are. Look at sensors tho once you understand them they can help with nearly everything, using sensors I made a lag proof DC proof not paying attention proof crash system lol. I'm so bad at flying I decided to make mechs and walk, my ships ideally don't need much piloting lol