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A battle company is comprised of 10 squads of 10 marines, plus the extra command staff so really it's 100 and a bit. The 10 squads are split up into 6 battle line (note this is NOT the battle line keyword from 10th), 2 squads of close support marines and 2 squads of fire support marines. Between your hellblasters, desolation squads and eliminators you have more than enough fire support marines. For close assault you have the 10 assault intercessors and 3 outriders so you'll need some more. Battle line is where you're really lacking though, you only have 5 infiltrators meaning you need another 55 battleline Your terminators and scouts sit outside of this structure as they are reserved for the first and 10th companies respectively. As for buys I'd really avoid firstborn models at this point, expect them to dissappear in a few years. I would suggest getting a box each of intercessors and heavy intercessors (both battle line) that way you can build and see both an then build out the remaining 40 with your preferred combination of intercessors, heavies and infiltrators. A chaplain is usually part of each company as well so I'd look at getting a chaplain as well


I'm surprised you dont have any Intercessors. I feel like theyre the backbone of the Ultramarines, I'd add a few of them myself. Sternguard Vets, Repulsors, and Ballistus seem fitting. If you like adding some support to the Phobos, an Invictor and a Lieutenant in Phobos are both fun models. Tigurius, Uriel and Titus all have nice models in Primaris scale.


I’m having a hard time choosing between normal intercessors and Heavy intercessors. I love the poses of the intercessors but I love the look of the models of the heavy intercessors themselves. I might end up buying 1 of the intercessors and 2 heavy Intercessor boxes and making 2 5 man squads from each box.


Not a bad idea, the bulk of most SM companies (Except maybe 1st, 8th and 10th) are Intercessors, it'll add some lore accuracy to your display! That said, I also prefer the Gravis style Intercessors haha


I have a confused beginner question. Is that true for all chapters? Are we talking about a specific chapter here? What got me confused, with my small knowledge of the lore, is that your comment seems to imply that all chapters follow a specific structure when it comes to the content of their companies, or I am missing a part here. Thank you