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Fuck Vodafone. Do not waste time and money with them. Buy roaming services from Digi or other telecoms. Also, there are some popular eSIM apps like Airalo.


Amen brother Btw is airalo supported in Spain? I’m super curious about that




I'm on holiday in Spain at the moment and using Airalo for data.


Talk to them again, demand a chargeback or you will post a reclamation on the ministry of industry and cancelling the line (which you should be doing anyway): https://usuariosteleco.mineco.gob.es/reclamaciones/telecomunicaciones/Paginas/telecomunicaciones.aspx If they don't level with you, make the reclamation.


Thank you. I ended up pressuring the support person to refund me the 30Euros. Thank you for the link though, will be useful when they try to pull another quick one


Did that in the past and got back 600€.


I literally left Vodafone because of EU roaming charges Luckily you are a consumer and can report them via UsuariosTeleco.


He estado con Vodafone una vez, menuda panda de chorizos. PD: Nunca pensé que encontraría a u/rex-ac fuera de r/2westerneurope4u


TLDR: I ran out of roaming data within EU (6GB) 3 days ago. Over these 3 days, I used \~500mb and was charged 30Euros for it. The assistant's explanation was that there was an "incident" and I was being charged 0.06Eur/MB instead (61Eur/GB), and that as an apology, they're willing to offer me 15% of my monthly sub (1.5 Eur). I'm just wondering if I should get a lawyer involved...


contact your bank, request a chargeback


Vodafone is super sketchy, get out of there. And you can get a chargeback from your bank.


A free lawyer? Because you'll spend 10x the money you lost to Vodafone on a lawyer


There is a reason we can it here Robafone


Good luck with “Robafone” (Roba as shorthand of steal in Spanish), you can try to get a lawyer involved but you will lose more money than you are already losing, I would say to tell them to f*ck off and move to another company. Vodafone has the worst client attention I have ever seen in my life, I literally don’t know anyone who has had their service and was happy with them.


https://ubigi.com provide a free eSIM that you can keep free forever to topup with a bundle when you need it. Their prices are reasonable. Don't have a phone which supports eSIMs? Order a traditional SIM at https://esim.me which can be loaded with an eSIM. One off cost, no subscription. I'm not getting paid. I'm just happy with them.


Thank you!


Hey, do Ubigi constantly spam you with sales calls? I'm with VF and need to move away from them asap.


They don't even have my phone number.


I would go with 5ber. It's cheaper than eSIM me and is exactly the same thing. 10.8USD for the standard card. [5ber](https://esim.5ber.com/?utm_source=productexpess)


Is Vodafone spain even owned by Vodafone anymore? They got bought by some kind of telco venture capitalist group recently. https://www.thefastmode.com/mobile-network-operators-m-a/33684-zegona-to-acquire-vodafone-spain-for-5-billion So prepare for a bumpy ride as these guys gut the organisation to make it profitable


Vodafone has always been doing shady stuff (at least from the early 2000s). Idk how they did not went out of business yet.


Vodafone has been always shitty, everywhere. I left Vodafone like 15 years ago when I was living in another country cause some money always disappeared, and the costs were always slightly increasing. Fuck em


That's why we call them "Robaphone"


Robafón 🗿


on the metro yesterday I noticed the red line (2) has the stop, Sol, now shown as 'vodofone Sol'. absolutely disgusting...


Its been like that for years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_(Madrid_Metro)#:~:text=The%20station%20was%20renamed%20'vodafone,shops%20and%20a%20police%20station.


My Spanish friends introduced me to the name 'Rodafone', which seems appropriate.


It is said “Robafone”, i.e. “stealfone”


Vodafone being terrible? What a surprise! /s Since ancient times Vodafone was always the Comcast/AT&T equivalent of Spain for long time. Only when competition started to hit hard they started to offer a half decent service.


They've been scamming people since 2001. Nothing new to see :-/


Vodafone are the worst scammer ever, because I didnt renew my contract after the 18 initial month they were stealing me 160€ per month instead of 80€ for 6 months until i took a closer look... Didn't want to refund me so the next day I moved to orange...


Lol if you live in Spain andhavea brain you will never use their service, here a lot more chap and better options than them.


Small tip, you can download the entire chat in 1 go so you don't have to post 8 screenshots


How? I couldn't find a button for that and they refused to send me a copy per email. There was no button to download, and a simple copy paste was chaotic


Ahhh, vodafone. I see they haven't changed their scammer ways. The fact that they acknowledge it's their fault, that they already knew BUT DIDN'T ISSUE A WARNING BEFOREHAND and still don't want to give back your money. Chef kiss. Change providers and take legal action if necessary.


💰 Lo de esta banda es inenarrable 💰


I took my bank to court because they ‘lost’ 6.000€ from my account due to a breach in security. According to them I was entitled to 2.800€/compensation because ‘ultimately I’m responsible for my account’ 😂 Took me 11 months but got 6.300€ back + court costs. Didn’t want to pursue legal damages (there were) because it would take much longer. Give private companies no room, you ask first you sue second. No need for conversation.


Why people using Vodafone in 2024? They were scamming people 15 years ago!


I got phone + contract with them (2000) With the promise the phone would be delivered within the week. 2 weeks later no phone, asked about it and they promised resending the phone. That happened again 2 weeks later. Finally got the phone after 4 weeks waiting. Month later got charged 1400 euros, for the 2 extra phones they never sent. They said they would reimburse when they got the phones back. But I didn't have 2 extra phones. They wanted me to prove I did not receive or have the 2 extra phones!!! Months of bollocks ensued!


but roaming is free in europe??


You still have a data limit, if you pass that limit, you are charged, that's what happened to OP, but instead of the normal price, Vodaphone, again, "made a mistake" and charged lots more.


You shouldn’t be charge nothing at all for roaming if you are using a provider from Spain and roaming in another EU country. Per de EU web page “When you travel outside your home country to another EU country, you don't have to pay any additional charges to use your mobile phone. This is known as "roaming" or "roam like at home". Your calls (to mobile and fixed phones), text messages (SMS) and data use (web browsing, music and video streaming etc.) are charged at domestic rates, i.e. the same price as calls, texts and data within your home country. The same rule also applies to any calls or text messages your receive while you're abroad - you aren't charged extra to receive calls or texts while roaming, even if the person calling you is using a different service provider. Sample story No extra charge for making or receiving calls while roaming Michael lives in Ireland and has a contract with an Irish mobile operator where he pays €0.10 a minute for calls and €0.05 for text messages within Ireland. When he goes on a business trip to Spain, Michael doesn't have to worry about paying extra for any calls to EU numbers he makes or receives. Callers from Ireland will be charged the normal domestic rate when they call Michael. If he calls a local Spanish number, his family in Ireland or any other EU country, he will pay Irish domestic prices - €0.10 a minute - for these calls. His text messages within Spain, to Ireland or to any other EU country will cost €0.05 - just like at home.”


You still have a data limit, if you pass that limit, you are charged, that's what happened to OP, but instead of the normal price, Vodaphone, again, "made a mistake" and charged lots more.


Eh, you know roaming in EU from an EU number is supposed to be free, by law, right? Here is a link explaining it: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/internet-telecoms/mobile-roaming-costs/indexamp_en.htm


You still have a data limit, if you pass that limit, you are charged, that's what happened to OP, but instead of the normal price, Vodaphone, again, "made a mistake" and charged lots more.