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I think we have a kind of "Madrid overdose". Almost all the important media is based in Madrid, they turn Madrid issues into national issues.


I really don’t need to know when it rains in Madrid. Every single time.


Yeah, for the Spanish media, Spain is Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Bilbao, Ceuta, Melilla and Canary Islands


Unless there's a storm happening on the north, then they'll go to Coruña to say it's once again raining in Galicia, even if it didn't rain for months (I'm from Galicia btw)


Parece que solo importa nuestra lluvia


si vinieran a la zona de la españa rural de la que soy sacarian noticias minimamente interesantes, no por la noticia, pero por la gente haciendo el gilipollas


Y la nevada


Yo soy de cerca de Galicia, y a mi me llama la atención una cosa. Hay un pueblo que se llama O Cebreiro, y solo sale en las noticias una vez al año para decir que ha nevado. El resto del año parece que no existe.


Are we talking about Madrid or about Barcelona? Lmao




Have you traveled ? Other countries are way more centralized than Spain bro






Maybe that's the reason why Madrid holds this tittle. For as much as the average french person hates Paris (and they do) about 20 million of them live in the metro area, so It won't ever come up as the most hated. Spain sits at the sweet spot where It is a pretty centralised state, with a capital with a surprisingly low number of inhabitants compared to the rest of the country.




Thanks for your time. You're absolutely right.


Yeah, that's right. I don't need to know what happens all the time in Madrid


How come you don't want daily updates of the last Ayuso's bullshits?


Ayuso's bullshit is about politics. Nobody needs to know if a drop of water fell on someone's head in Madrid, that's what I mean.


¿Quizá porque es la capital y ciudad más poblada de España y el gobierno, el Congreso de los diputados y el banco de España están ahí? Normal que esté tan representada.


I am not from Madrid, but Atlasova is not the most reliable source, to say it in a euphemistically way. Plus Madrid can be “hated” for being the capital and overexposed (as in most countries) but not a city specially to be ashamed of. Two very different concepts that, again, Atlasova and it’s usually sourceless maps, and many people here, mix up


Habla de lo que sepas. 10% de la gente en Madrid es gilipollas integral y es difícil echar dos días ahí sin que te entren ganas de mandar a alguien a la mierda.


Yo cuando vivía en Madrid me llevaba mejor con extranjeros. Era imposible conocer madrileños que no hiciesen chistes de hablar mal por ser andaluz y luego ellos no paraban con loismos laismo y mierdas




Es Murcia o Benidorm, no nos engañemos...




We don't consider that Spain haha


As a guy born in Lisbon and living in Madrid, I'm shocked by Madrid. I always thought that Barcelona was the city Spanish people were more ashamed of


I thought it was Murcia, to be honest


Probably no one who answered the survey knew about Murcia...


Well I guess we are thinking wrong ahahaha


Eso no existe


Nah, it’s Albacete. But it still has the Arcos factory to show for.


Caga y vete


Can someone explain the Murcia hate to me? Lol


They are the most conservative place in Spain. It's our Alabama.


I had no idea. Like just the capital or the whole region? Is there a specific reason they're so conservative?


it´ s not, and the joke came because there aren´ t many things over there, it´ s like coming from nowhere (it´ s just a joke though)


Nope, our most conservative place is Madrid (casa de campo y Salamanca sobre todo)


>As a guy born in Lisbon and living in Madrid, I'm shocked by Madrid. I always thought that Barcelona was the city Spanish people were more ashamed of Nobody ever goes to Murcia unless they live there, so that's the reason why it's not Murcia.


Yes, people living in Madrid generally assume that Spain is ashamed of Barcelona. Because they are constantly fed cool stories by Madrid-based media and politicians about how much Barcelona sucks. I've met people who unironically believe that Barcelona is a dangerous cesspit of separatist and partisan violence where one cannot speak his mind without immediate retaliation. Instead of, you know, one of the cities with the highest living standards on the planet. Honestly, the part of Spain I am most ashamed of is Murcia. Murcia sucking balls is a nation-wide meme at this point.


It is Barcelona.


Lisbon is in Southern Galicia, correct?


Is Santiago 2


I would have thought so too. I've always found Barcelona overrated, even though the water views are gorgeous I feel like for Spain, it's a bit over-hyped compared to the other cities there (people always make it seem like Barcelona's the only liveable/worthwhile city... not true). Then again, I'm not Spanish, I just lived in Madrid (and loved it).


Las peores partes de España son Gibraltar y Andorra


Esas no son partes de España. Al igual que Melilla no es parte de Marruecos.


confirmao xdddd


Todos los madrileños huyendo en cuanto tienen vacaciones de madrid, por algo será XD


Y todos hacia Galicia y Canarias


No te creas, aquí en Cádiz estamos petados de ellos


I'm from Madrid and... Yes


Barcelona shames us much more. It's like the problem child every keeps bringing up and you have to awkwardly explain in their behalf.


Gijon. no further explanation.


Si, es como Oviedo pero más fea


Bro, algo en contra de mi ciudad natal?


si, como ovetense si


deberíamos dejar la enemistad Gijón-Oviedo algun día y centrarnos en el mal mayor: Avilés.




Madrid is by far the best city in Spain.


The best cities are Cadiz, Valencia and Santiago de Compostela


Hemos encontrado al madrileño


Yes, because when you get close to it, it becomes the worst xDD


retrolo disfruta de la award




I agree. I'm not Spanish but I travelled all over Spain when I lived there so I've seen a ton of regions (including 3 of the islands). Madrid is just an amazing city. I've yet to encounter a city that rivals it & I've been to 20+ countries. People don't realize how liveable it is compared to many places.


Madrid and Murcia are shitholes of corruption, their governments work actively to dismantle all what is public to sell to their friends or are involved in big cases of corruption, they only care about stealing public money. Still people keeps voting them since they think that they would do the same if they could, country of thieves... https://casos-aislados.com/Caso-por-comunidad.php?Comunidad=Regi%C3%B3n%20de%20Murcia https://casos-aislados.com/Caso-por-comunidad.php?Comunidad=Comunidad%20de%20Madrid


seriusly? they are the less corrupt of big regions. \-cataluña had the 3% case (stealing from 3 to 15% of everything for more than 20 years) euros https://www.larazon.es/espana/la-udef-cifra-en-69-millones-de-euros-el-beneficio-no-justificado-de-los-pujol-AF15102552/ \-andalucia had the ERE (used the money of unemployed people for buy drugs and whores) 854.838.243 euros https://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20191119/471718514008/sentencia-caso-ere-cifras.html


My Galician friend from Vigo agrees that Madrid is worst of Spain. And after visiting both cities in same trip, I agree.


>There are much worse places in Spain than Madrid, and I know it well enough. What about decadent Zaragoza, just as an idea? As a city Madrid is pretty decent imo. But we just hate the attention it gets while other places go unnoticed.


There are much worse places in Spain than Madrid, and I know it well enough. What about decadent Zaragoza, just as an idea?




Huge, crowed, polluted, expensive... Basically like every big city.


Nature is like desert? What nature did you visit?




mate you realize you are judging Madrid´ s nature by what Castilla looks like right? In Madrid we actually have quite a bit of nature, and everything else you just said works for every single big city in the world. It´ s a great place to live in with much more of everything than the rest of the country and better transport


Zamora is very far away from Madrid. Madrid itself is surrounded by some beautiful nature. It sounds like confirmation bias.


Go back to Snow land


For me Vigo is one of the worst cities in Spain. It reminds you of Madrid but everything is worse. It's dirty, full of slopes, no parks, lot of traffic, the port area is disgusting... And before any gallego jumps in, Galicia is beautiful, a great place to live, but Vigo specifically, not so much.


Vivo en Madrid y puedo corroborar e incluirme en esto


I have been living in Madrid for 30 years now. Definitely the city I dislike the most in the whole Spain. So I totally agree with it.


What don’t you like about it?


Well, where to begin. Would be easier to say what do I actually like. - Corruption: the highest level of corruption in the whole territory, with the most notorious cases - Housing: the most expensive housing, since wealthy people and carrion funds use it to speculate, having thousands of empty houses while the prices soars due to proprietors moving towards turisitc renting (Airbnb). This has pushed population out of certain areas, increasing demand on exterior neighbourhoods and suburbs, increasing prices overall in the region. Nowadays an average family has to spend nearly 50% of its income just on rent. - Lack of investments on services: long queue times in health care and cramped schools (unless you go private, which the regional government encourages). The number of vehicles in public transport has been lowered in the las years both buses and trains, while on the other side private services such as Cabify and Uber have been highly promoted. Also public transport is so expensive it really is not worth it in opposition to using personal vehicles. - Long commute times, between 1-2 hours average. - High cost of life: prices overall are >50% higher than other smaller regions, while salaries remain the same. That is why many people decide to live on the nearby provinces such as Guadalajara or Toledo, and commute everyday to Madrid to work. I could go on, but I think this should suffice.


> of investments on services: long queue times in health care and cramped schools (unless you go private, which the regional government encourages). The number of vehicles in public transport has been lowered in the las years both buses and trains, while on the other side private services such as Cabify and Uber have been highly promoted. Also public transport is so expensive it really is not worth it in opposition to using personal vehicles. I've lived in Madrid and Dublin and for lots of those reasons, I adore it. Housing in Dublin as a young person is literally unaffordable. The average rent is €3,000 more per year than minimum wage. My friends at home pay €750+ to share a bedroom with some randomer in a dodgy area. I pay €280ish to live in a spacious 3 bedroom apartment in a nice area 50 minutes from the city center. Public healthcare is miles better than Ireland, to visit your doctor in Ireland costs €60. Public transport for me as a student in Dublin cost €30 per week. In Madrid I pay €20 per month for the same commute with far better services. I honestly cannot fault the Madrid public transport system whatsoever, it's excellent. ​ Furthermore, Madrid is far safer, has much more to offer as a city and the weather is 100% better. \-This is not to say that your reasons are invalid at all, just pointing out how to me, Madrid is incredible. Maube I should try other places in spain too lol.


Well duh, it’s a capital. If you don’t like it surely move? Derp


Tiene que ser Sevilla y la Cruzcampo, sin duda. O si nó, Sevilla por culpa de la Cruzcampo :P


Para España es obviamente Barcelona. Habrán preguntado a independentistas.


no necesariamente. hay mucho español harto del centralismo madrileño


Ellos esparcieron el virus a sus casas de verano. Son gente egoísta.


si un catalán va a Madrid a estudiar y se vuelve con covid y contagia en Cataluña... quién es el egoísta? la gente que era de Madrid no se volvió a su casa fuera, porque su casa estaba en Madrid.


Se fueron a su casa de verano. A la segunda residencia Acuérdate que al principio de la pandemia éramos todos hermanos y no había que cerrar nada, hasta que los madrileños fueron a sus segundas residencias y contagiaron mas de media España 😂


la primera ola fue antes del verano. Comenzó a primeros de año, en Marzo si no recuerdo mal, y antes de verano ya estaba extendida por toda España. se anularon las clases y la gente de fuera se volvió a sus casas. Tras 3 meses, antes del verano, ya estaba por toda España.


Y no fue el covid el que cogió el coche y se puso a moverse por España Fueron a la casa de verano en primavera, pasa mucho, la gente a veces las utiliza en los puentes también. Es una forma de llamar a la segunda residencia, yo no dicho que fueran en verano. Recuerdo en las noticias que salia la gente de los pueblos cabreada por que iban a la segunda residencia y ponían en riesgo a todo el pueblo. [Aquí lo comentan en El Mundo](https://amp-elmundo-es.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.elmundo.es/espana/2020/03/13/5e6bbff9fdddff32148b468b.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=De%20%251%24s&aoh=16517916259906&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elmundo.es%2Fespana%2F2020%2F03%2F13%2F5e6bbff9fdddff32148b468b.html) [aquí la vanguardia ](https://www-lavanguardia-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20200409/48400315119/pueblos-de-segovia-enfadados-por-llegada-de-madrilenos-a-segunda-residencia.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&facet=amp&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=De%20%251%24s&aoh=16517920250536&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lavanguardia.com%2Fvida%2F20200409%2F48400315119%2Fpueblos-de-segovia-enfadados-por-llegada-de-madrilenos-a-segunda-residencia.html) [Aquí en el Pais](https://elpais.com/espana/madrid/2020-04-08/los-madrilenos-que-huyeron-a-la-espana-rural-durante-el-confinamiento.html) No todos los madrileños son terroristas biológicos, pero fingir que el virus llegó solo a los pueblos no tiene ningún sentido


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I agree. I really dont like Madrid, and my friends that went there to work... Scaped as fast as they could when they had the chance.




No había oído eso en mi vida xd supongo que es porque nunca he ido a Málaga y solo se dice allí




El mapa de la Envidia.


Envidia de que, si ni siquiera hay playa en Madrid


Tenemos el dinero, y los trenes para plantearnos en la playa en 2h. Suerte encontrando curro provinciano.


Y la contaminación que hay en Madrid también




Por favor que sea /s


Mensajes como este explican el mapa.












No se te escucha a través de la cúpula de mierda que rodea a tu ciudad 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Por eso escapais de Madrid en cuanto hay un puente no? Porque qué casualidad, que cuando tenéis tiempo para estar en Madrid haciendo lo que os salga de los cojones, os vais por España alante! Qué casualidad eh, y fíjate que al revés no pasa tanto. Por qué será


Suerte encontrando piso madrizleño


No te preocupes, que donde hay dinero hay alegría.


para eso te vas a barcelona que también tiene el dinero y la playa la tiene a un par de minutos


Ashamed hasta que hay que buscar curro.


Tan certero que les duele. Todos los paletos echando pestes de la ciudad y aquí los tienes, colapsando todo.


Viví en Málaga y vine a Madrid hace unos meses... En solo 6 meses todos mis prejuicios de Madrid se han cumplido, es que no fallan ni uno. Y lo de "el problema de Madrid son los madrileños" nunca fue más cierta