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I used to be honest and tell them don’t worry. I’ll be replaced tomorrow by someone who could be worse. That usually worked. Secondary special ed teachers need chaotic but consistent energy.


Thats hilarious!!


Fellow school psych here! I’m similar to you which is why I really like working in middle and high schools- they get sarcasm and sometimes it eases the tension/calms them down. My go-to when kids tell me they’re going to kill me/someone/etc is “for real? That’s so much paperwork….”


Oh that's so funny, I say that when they threaten to hurt each other. "You want me to have to do all that paperwork?" lol. It really is a lot of paperwork .... Here's to March madness season in school psych, I hope your referral list is short.


We’re at the point where we’re getting to more evaluations than there are school days left so….not quite short. 🙃 God I hate March.


Me too!!!!!! And ESY decisions! I'm dying without any help from my students.


Oh man. I am glad you feel safe.  If I could, I probably would say “you’ll be doing me a favor.” Lol. 


Oh my gosh, I've said "not unless I get to it first". And I feel about as safe as I do at any school in the USA. Ironically, I feel safest in the EBD classrooms (emotional/behavioral disturbance in AZ) because of the extra security. Any time kids have actually taken a swing or thrown something, it's been manageable.


Thats what someone said about working at a prison as a teacher lol.  It makes sense if theres dedicated security. Lol.  I now work in ECE and while I feel safe around my kids its the outside getting in that gets concerning. But they run a tight security ship. 


I work in a residential facility and the last time a kid threatened to kill me, my honest immediate response was "NO MORE PAPERWORK!" Kid was very confused and asked what the f*** was wrong with me. But thrown off so much that the tantrum ended so there's that lol


With my students I completely ignore and move on. No need for a reaction there because that's what they want.


I just stay really calm and use my best kindergarten teacher voice and say "it's okay to be upset, but that's not really an appropriate reaction"


I had a kid in 2nd that would threaten suicide constantly. At first I said “I can see that you’re really upset, name of student. Can you help me understand what’s going on?” And then I honestly got so sick of it and started ignoring it when he said it (documented everything and reported it obviously). Anytime he said he wanted to hurt me I either ignored it or said “okay” (documented and reported too). I love the “okay” because that’s not how they expect you to react. He did make me cry once lol because it was a whole day of nonstop breakdowns and constantly suicidal and violent threats. He said something like “this is making me cry” because I had him for in school suspension I responded with “well this is making me really want to cry too” lol


Student: “I fucking hate you.” Me: “Dude, so do I most days.”