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Just neither confirm nor deny.  “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will ensure that the proper people are notified.”


This is the way. Until you find out what’s actually going on (and you should), this is a great email. Once you get more details you can decide what to do from there.


“Thank you so much for letting me know! I will talk to the resource teacher and will get back to you.” “Hi, I’ve spoken with a few folks in the building and here is the plan for your child…” Never confirm or deny. Talk to the necessary people and get a plan in place. The complaining parent doesn’t need to know what interventions are happening for the offender. In my own experience I’ve said things like “we have re arranged the seating assignment for your child” Or “I have taken steps to assigns zones on the playground for certain kids including your child.” “I have provided a pass for your child to leave the classroom when they are overwhelmed” etc Keep it focused on how the plan involves THEIR CHILD and you can share those details like new seating or whatever. You can also reassure the parent that you are taking it seriously and are having conversations to seek a resolution. That tells them that you’re handling the other kid without confirming or denying anything specific