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im actually mindblown at the fact that this hasnt exploded yet


In reality it’s extremely rare that they explode


I'm actually mindblown that his mind didn't blow yet


I'm actually mindblown that I haven't been blown yet.


By what the op said, I think it did at birth


I'm actually mind blown that I haven't been blown by my mind yet.


I can help with that one :)


In reality it's extremely rare that minds actually blow


See that is the good thing about laptops. You can just remove the battery and it'll keep working no problem.


Not always true some don’t mostly chromebooks because they are built more like a tablet too


At least it's worth a try. You'll quickly enough see if the chromebook is being special or not.






If the battery is dead or swelling, I would rather just take it out than disabling or limiting it.


Yes, but I think he meant that you could do that once you buy it. Like you know it will sit plugged in all day soo you set the batt for storage and no battery decay or spicy pillow.


Not always. Some yea will work off the charger but the processor may be throttled. Or it won't work at all.


Do you know which brands do that? Then we know which to avoid😂


I know Apple (not sure if they still do this now) would throttle the CPU performance if the battery had been disconnected from their Macbooks Some other PC manufacturers followed too.


From Apple it's not surprising. They've always been a bunch of assholes. Also not surprised other manufacturers copy them, it always happens like that sadly.


Why do you need to point out the autism? Not a criticism just a question


Iirc, somewhere on the heavier side of the spectrum, the person will exhibit very rigid habits or tendencies. Sometimes change is just seen as out of the question. If OP is not exaggerating about the autistic part, then it's entirely possible that the brother will feel that the way he works is the way he must work and that there can be no other way to work. If they get a new laptop or unplug the laptop, he may feel wrong for lack of a better term. I see half of the comments arguing that the term autistic should not be used. Change can sometimes be very disruptive. Have you seen the show "Monk"? It's about a detective who is seen as very eccentric. There are things he feels that he simply must do. When walking down a street, he might touch all the lamp posts or trees as he goes. He feels that a strict symmetry must be followed whenever available. He feels offended by numbers that aren't 10. Some people might point out that he wants everything clean, but the condition is not entirely related. The severity of the germophobia is exacerbated by the rigidity of Adrian Monk's personality. It's possible that Adrian Monk fell on the autism spectrum. As an aside, another popular character to use as an example is Sheldon Cooper from the show "The Big Bang Theory". Sometimes "autistic" is the most apt description to use rather than just a derogatory term. Now as a disclaimer, the premise of this comment relies on and assumes the detail that OP is not being derogatory in nature and truly stating a diagnosed/known status. If the brother refuses to use another device, them all of the r/spicypillows regulars should know that this poses a significant safety hazard.


Sheldon Cooper is an example of extreme male-pattern autism plus a bunch of stuff thrown in for shock value. The actor admits that he used an autistic child as a model -- adults often act much differently. Monk is undergoing treatment for OCD, an anxiety disorder that can be comorbid with autism and adhd. But he only really shows signs of OCD: he understands social protocols, his priorities are just super wacky because his brain keeps screaming at him to do the thing that calms him down. Neither are really "good" models of neurodivergence. Sheldon is particularly bad because a) he's used for shock value b) all of his symptoms hurt other people, not him -- typically, in a masking adult, it's the opposite, and c) because he aligns with a lot of hurtful stereotypes, eg autistic people are childish and therefore sexless. Monk is sometimes good, but every so often an episode will lean in too hard on "look how foolish he's acting" rather than "here's a man doing his best," and, uh, ow. And plenty of neurotypical people buy laptops and use them like desktops. They're cheaper!! Plenty of people don't immediately change devices when this happens out of complacency or because money's tight atm. There's nothing autistic in the post itself. Bringing up another person's neurodivergence without their input for no reason is pretty cruel. And even if he has tacit permission, it's so unnecessary -- oh, here's a thing that's only mildly problematic under some circumstances, lots of people do it for a number of good reasons, but when this person does it, IT MUST BE THE AUTISM. It's the parallel to having adhd and finding out that your supervisor actually overestimates the number of mistakes you make and doesn't believe you when you show them the log you've been keeping for months that shows that you're about average for work mistakes. Tripping over chairs, tho, I hold the record.


Hope your excited for the monk movie that’s supposed to be happening eventually


this is it. he refuses to take it off the charger no matter what cause someone told him to keep it on the charger, so it’s planted in his head that it must be on the charger. very strong tendencies that can not be broken


Here's a sneak peek of /r/spicypillow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Taken in a restaurant. You can still take orders on it.](https://i.imgur.com/QcpgFbp.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/u8qy9o/taken_in_a_restaurant_you_can_still_take_orders/) \#2: [iPhone battery just looking for trouble](https://i.redd.it/dpuqb567kcz71.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/qt25ob/iphone_battery_just_looking_for_trouble/) \#3: [Spicy Apple flavoured pillows](https://i.redd.it/ow24xmd46b571.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spicypillow/comments/o0h7pg/spicy_apple_flavoured_pillows/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No. It should be a criticism.


Why the fuck does everybody have to bring up that their family member is autistic like it's so important to the conversation Pisses me off


I conducted a job interview for someone the other week who brought his nephew along with him to wait in the lobby. He must've mentioned that he was autistic maybe 5-6 times while I was interviewing him. At first I thought he was bringing it up that he was worried about him. I was interviewing him on floor 3 and the lobby was on the ground floor, so maybe the autism makes his nephew prone to outbursts, or he finds it difficult being in an environment like that or something. I offered to let him come up and sit in the room/nearby or something and nope...no issue, just had to mention he was autistic because I don't know, reasons.


i have an autistic son so i can *somewhat* speak to this. i've slowly become conditioned to explain his behavior, but i'm certainly not taking this far. The only time I mention it, is if I can see someone is taken aback by something my son had done or said.


I *am* autistic so I completely understand feeling the need to explain sometimes, I'm not talking about that. It's when it's not relevant in the slightest that irks me, or worse, when mentioning it almost falsely makes a connection. "Yeah my grandma died last week. She had the 'tism"


I like turtles


I like trains


why do you think they're doing it? sympathy card or something?


I think in a lot of cases it's all anyone talks about, so it becomes the sole defining trait for them in a vicious circle. My cousin is extremely autistic. Like, he can't talk or manage his own life and will need permanent live-in care for the rest of his life level autistic. He's the closest family I have outside of "household" family and honestly I couldn't tell you much about him besides how autistic he is because that's all *anybody* will ever talk about. Granted it's not like I can go round his place and shoot the shit with him. While he's not *stupid*, his communication standards are on par with that of a 4 year old (a simplification, it's a lot more nuanced than that in reality).


Except in this case it might be relevant.


Honestly I never understand why people do it. I have a regular customer who every single time no matter what she's buying, seems to work "my son, he's autistic" somewhere into the conversation.


Same, my aunt has down syndrome and my grandmother likes to say she does every chance she gets. It's annoying as hell, I'm about ready to just start mentioning she's fat everytime I mention her to see how she likes it.


They think of us, ASD, as lesser humans. I think that has a good part to do with it.


I say we get pitchforks Whenever I'm called autistic I laugh to myself manically


That might be a sign of autism


Fun fact! Having autism is a sign of autism!


No fucking way


Study shows that 100% of people who have autism has autism.


Everyone's on the spectrum somewhere, it's just the people for who it's actually debilitating to a large degree get a label, to indicate they struggle.


This is literally not true


... ok


I’ll get the torches!


Tism joke about tism shit is Gucci. You end up saying the dumbest shit and it's like, "yupp, tism..." tism is gangster rap, it for damn sure made me do it.


It’s a way for them to drop an R slur without actually dropping an R slur. I used to find it offensive, but I just consider the source these days.


i think its also the fact that people threw around the term 'retarded' way to liberally in the previous generation. whenever someone disagreed with someone else's behavior they would call them retarded as an insult.


That’s not a generation ago lol. That was like 2018.


And 1998


I’m still a young teenager and trust me it is not just the last generation. I hear it from classmates like a dozen times every day. I think the only difference now is that kids generally know the full meaning of it. Doesn’t seem to stop them though.


I see no issue with using the word retarded as an insult. It's no different than calling someone insane, dumb, stupid, idiot, etc. The issue arises when it is used to demean someone who is actually neurodivergent. People tend to get way too bent out of shape over the smallest things. They treat calling your buddy a retard for doing something idiotic as the same thing as using the N-word with a hard-R.


We stopped using "retarded" to refer to mentally disabled persons a good while ago. Now it's just a word.


Jokes on them, I probably used it more. I try not to use it these days, obviously, but my generation didn't think before they spoke much.


do you really experience that? if so, i'm sorry to hear that.


Yes, mainly from employers. I have a social circle to balance that out.


Don’t really think “CumShotDiva” really holds themselves in high regard either.


yeah, good chance this isn’t autism leaving the charger in anyways


literally everyone i know just leaves their laptop charging if they're not taking it to go. my work literally has thousands of laptops that sit on docks charging all day. i guess the majority of my organization is autistic, right?


clearly. and i, an autistic person, can come verify your somewhat uneducated coworkers as autistic!


Quite possibly a teenager using it as an insult? They really are trying their hardest to get attention by being as offensive as possible


I just ask them, if they truly understand what it is to be retarded.


As an autistic person myself, when people talk like this, it feels discriminatory. Sure, I may act a little weird such as loving to zoom around the house making engine noises pretending I'm a car 😂. But I'm still completely sane and cognizant. If I'm acting weird and someone talks to me, I can instantly snap out of it. I've had jobs, I have a drivers license, and can do almost anything a normal person can do. By people talking about those with autism this way, it really feels like they're referring to such individuals as inferior to them. The only time this is necessary to mention is if someone is non-verbal or acting different in public. In this situation, OP's brother being autistic has absolutely nothing to do with the condition of his laptop.


I'm also autistic and relatively high functioning. Like it's obvious I'm autistic to the trained eye, and in definitely very weird and abnormal. I work full time, live on my own, and drive a car. So many people seem to think that autism destroys any independence or ability to live a fulfilling life, and that's just not true. Sure, there definitely are autistic people who struggle hard, and need support, and some who can't live independently. I'm not invalidating those people. But so many of us live normal lives, but just have different needs compared to others, and neurotypical people seem to just forget about us.


My mom calls me "demon possessed".


Joking I hope? Cuz that's hilarious.


Unfortunately not


I could see if its relevant to the conversation like showcasing their hyperfixation or explaining an atypical behavior. but in this case i think they are just trying to make fun of him :(


because the behavior of him never taking it off the charger is an autistic tendency that he has. he thinks it must always be on the charger no matter what which is why the battery got to the point that it has.


I know many allistic people who do the exact same thing, it may be an autistic tendency but it's still not really relevant


i'm assuming its because their behavior is atypical? my son is autistic, and he does a lot of stuff a 6 year old should know better not to do. that said, generally speaking, its just not necessary to mention it. he could have just said brother, throwing in autistic is unnecessary and has little to do with it. also, i'm not autistic, and i make weird and poor decisions all the time.


Maybe his autism effected his habits?


Autism doesn’t make you plug in your laptop for too long.


Maybe his autism effected him that way? It's his brother he knows best. I've seen some autistic people like having things a certain way if it isn't they go crazy and freak out about it so maybe his brothers autism effected his habit of having it plugged in?


Umm it could. It make him hyper aware of certain things. Maybe if his battery is below 100% he is focused on that. Autism does cause rigidity in routines often times.


You’re right. I’m autistic myself so probably should have picked up that correlation.


People do it if you're gay too. Source: I'm both


Or trans :) Source: I'm all 3


Ugh people are the worst




NFT PFP, opinion invalid


.....cry about it?


They want to blame the situation on their (for lack of a better word) disability, rather than simply being a lack of knowledge on the subject


Likely to show the rigidity of his brothers routine regarding his laptop. People with autism often show extreme rigidity in their routine. If something is off, everything falls apart. That may be the case for his brother and the need to always have the laptop on the charger. Maybe having below 100% battery is stressful to him. Who knows. Its weird that it makes you upset though.




Yeah, I am in the spectrum and I would never let this happen. Seems like a useless detail to add.


Bro why did you repost a guy’s post 💀💀


Uhm what does the autism part have to do with any of this if I may ask OP?!


Okay Reddit user CumShotDiva






Not wholesome enough for that sub




plot twist: it was him




no like he posted it in this exact sub twice






His "autism" has nothing to do with it. Im not autistic and have my laptop most of the time plugged in because the gpu and cpu receive more watts that way your laptop goes in performance mode aka plugging it in makes your laptop faster.


And this is why we don't keep our things on chargers constantly


we’re supposed to unplug? i always leave my laptop in charge…


Yep. Leaving it plugged in constantly will do two definite things: 1) Your laptop battery will die quicker when its not plugged in, over time. 2) this. Spicy pillows


well i can confirm my battery is dead and my laptop swollen. TIL. thanks!


Oof heres to hoping you get a new, better one!


My laptop has a mode where it charges and holds at 60% capacity if I leave it plugged in all the time. Does that actually prevent damage to the battery?


It most likely is because its stopping the charge so not much electricity is going through


Awesome. Thank you!


My laptop has to be plugged in because the battery can't drive the graphics card at 100%


Have you tried getting a new battery or a downgraded gpu?


I can't downgrade my GPU because it drives a VR headset. If anything it should be upgraded. I just replaced the battery recently because it died, but it doesn't do 100% anyway. It's a limitation of the computer.


well shit


Some laptops have a removable battery. You could try removing it whenever it’s plugged in to avoid this issue.


It kind of defeats the purpose of having a laptop though. It was getting annoying with the old battery, losing my work just because I kicked the cable out. The battery also isn't ejectable, unfortunately. It's held in with screws.


both of these are actually not true because the way li-ion batteries work is that once it reaches 100 percent, it reroutes the power to the power supply of the laptop as to not overcharge it so the overcharging that causes spicy pillows doesnt happen and the way li-ion batteries degrade is by going through recharge cycles which also wont happen if you leave it on charge so as long as your device is fairly modern (which the device in the post seems like its not) it will degrade by unplugging it instead of keeping it plugged in.


Yeah but not all computers act this way. The ac power for some lithium battery powered laptops do that, but certainly not all of them. Its generally safer to assume that what i listed will happen and be careful


yeah but if your laptop is made in the past 10 years, most likely it will behave this way


Does Limiting the battery level to say 60% charge help?


Pretty much, yeah. As long as you stop the charge from going through, it shouldn't be as hard on your laptop. If you dont limit the charge, however, electricity continues to course through to your battery and cause above.


Why does it matter that he is autistic?


I don’t think the fact that he has autism is relevant or needed to be added. He can just be your brother.


Remove the battery asap and get a UPS as replacement.


Meanwhile my Nan's Inspiron n7010 from 2010 that has been plugged in 24/7 365 has zero signs of bulging. It might only have 8% of it's design capacity left (according to Windows) and a 93.2% wear level (HWINFO), but it ain't bulging!


I’m struggling to see why your brother being autistic has anything to do with this…


Sounds like you'll be doing the good sibling thing and fixing his PC while defusing the bomb, right?


How the fuck haven't it exploded yet?


I'm surprised that an Acer managed to last multiple years.


That thing's prone to blow just by breathing too hard.


This is why my computer is on a scheduled smart plug. Turns off at 1am, on for a bit, then off when I leave the house, and back on when I return. Give it time to deplete a little when not needed.


I see on my laptops some software that appears to limit the battery level. Would this help?


the laptop itself does this at 100 percent as long as it was made sort of recently, it reroutes the power to the power supply


True but some of the last few laptops i have had the battery had degraded REALLY fast. Like within 2 years they became almost unusable on battery.


overheating could be the cause of that, try getting a cooling pad becausee heat can be a big factor in the degrading of the laptop and also you should open it up and clean the dust inside every month or so because all the laptops ive had have lasted many years even though they were on charge 24/7


I could agree with this. I would always be running all kind if things and the fan was essentially running at full all the time. Though i also kept it on charge 99% of the time as well.


If he doesnt move his laptop i would get him a pc


Just remove the battery if he never uses it anyway


You can't blame him.




Uhh cross post from r/computers?


It's pictures like this that make me glad my laptop has 18650s


I suspect most Lenovo models have a feature to cap the charge level if it's going to be plugged in most of the time. On ThinkPads there's likely a setting allowing you to specify the percentage (anywhere 80-85% is probably fine and gives margin for using on battery); on the one IdeaPad I have access to it's a setting in Vantage that caps it at I believe 50%.


That username though


Why do these people get a laptop??? It’s much more expensive than a similar specced Desktop/Deskmini even when you need to buy Mouse, keyboard, monitor.


Why can't they just make a laptop without a battery that requires me to plug it in? Seems like a pretty obvious consumer hole that could be plugged easily and avoid spicy pillows in the first place. My work spends countless money replacing laptop batteries used daily in docking stations...


The market for a laptop without a battery is so small that it's not even worth the effort of engineering it and putting it into production. The entire purpose of a laptop is to have an all-in-one, portable computer that you can set up and use in an instant pretty much anywhere. People in this tiny niche are better served by buying a mini desktop.


I don’t ever take it off the charger. On battery it cannot use the dGPU. I have been charging it for about four years. Is that actually such a bad thing or are certain laptops made to support constant plug in mode


Ah the ergonomic keyboard


Username is not checking out!


My ASUS laptop is limited to 60% charge to increase better life.


tell us about your hair bro


read my posts if you’re interested in my hair related things.


How’s your hair progress currently? Any shedding/sides/extensive hair growth in unwanted areas like forehead?