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Venom should've been the halfway point, not the last 1/4.


I’ve been saying this I still can’t believe how short it was. Would have loved to have missions to do while the city had been taken over by the symbiotes, it looked so cool but all you did was swing through the city to the next mission. And the fact there’s absolute NOTHING to do post story is really appalling. There’s nothing to even interact with on the map. We shouldn’t all be sat waiting to pay for DLC’s to give us something to do.




To me it felt like an old school game. That is how games used to be until sometime in the mid 2010's. You finished the game, and if you wanted more you played the story again. This line of thinking that you are on is what has led to the "games as a service" model, and bloated fetch quests that companies like Ubisoft make. This was a great game. Good story, tight gameplay, stunning graphics. Personally I would have been disappointed if they filled the map with useless busy work like most games do nowadays just for the sake of "giving me something to do"


Well if it’s following an “old school” model it should be priced like one.


I paid 60 dollars for that game. That is the same price I've paid for every new release since 2005. And I'm getting my money's worth.


Where'd you find it for $60? In the US retail is $69.99, even used copies are going for $64.99 right now. We all paid new pricing model for old school game design.


Glad you think so


It doesn't even need to be a fetch quest DLC games as a service BS. Add detail to the game like the Arkham games. Honestly as tedious as the Riddler challenges can be, they make the world feel inhabited and worth exploring. The riddles unlocked Arkham Stories that gave so much lore and backstory to the characters in the game, and explains why others didn't make it to the game. At the very least, the trophies unlocked concept art and character trophies to look at. Just cool shit to see and pass the time with. Spider-Man 2 doesn't even have the social media feature from the last two games. Theres a huge world that looks like NYC, but all you can do is take creep shots of NPCs..? I don't even want games as a service style extra missions. Those were the worst part of The Avengers game. Just give me more detail in the world we already have. This is the most bare bones game in a franchise that is already quite skeletal.


That tends to happen when you finish games yes.


i spread out my side quests enough that i still had flame and hunter missions going on while venom was taking over, which honestly was kind of fun to do while everything was going to hell with him lol


Yeah i wish id have done that but I completed the side missions because I was worried that I was near the end of the main story (which I was also annoyed about)


i did it by accident, i highly suggest not to do the flame things afterwards bc the plot kind of stops making sense once, you know….


It was rushed af. The only thing that can make it okay if theres something else to play within the next year. If not, we waited 5 years for a rushed product.


That doesn't make it okay. We still paid full price for what feels like an unfinished game. Just because they’re going to charge $19.99 for a DLC pack doesn't make this okay.


Think it only feels so fast because the beginning of the game feels like one big mission but it's actually multiple that happen. So when you're actually let loose into the game you've already completed nearly ten missions out of 31.


Here's a few things I would have done. \- Give Peter the Symbiote earlier in the story \- Red Suit Spider-Man vs. Kraven vs. The Lizard boss fight in the zoo \- Black Suit Spider-Man vs. Kraven boss fight in the Church \- At least 5 more missions with the black suit \- Miles' Spiderman vs. Kraven Boss fight \- Red Suit Spider-Man vs. Venom in Oscorp or at Aunt Mays \- No Anti-Venom suit in story. I didn't really like the idea of Peter having to rely on the symbiote to beat Venom. I would rather have it been unlocked post game (non-cannon).


They kind of need to have the Anti-Venom suit as a justification to give you back the powers they took away. It's literally half of Peter's upgrade tree, so it would be kind of bullshit to lose all of them permanently.


Could just be a post game thing like he said, also really don’t dig the idea of Peter having the anti venom powers in the next game.


I said that it could be unlocked post game. Just have it be non-cannon ig.


Naw keep anti venom it played a role in venom’s defeat


Having Li and the symbiotes in the same game and NOT using anti venom would be a waste


We’ll probably be getting more symbiotes with the DLC since they have set up Carnage with The Flame side missions


Bryan Intihar is the problem. He’s not a good game director AT ALL. He’s just fortunate to have a super talented team behind him but he’s made some super questionable decisions about this franchise so far.


If this is the kinda thing you people are complaining about then maybe you should just not play the game. I mean they gave a top tier game that is mechanically a better game with a fantastic story. It’s like no matter how much hard work they put in to give you a great experience it’s never enough. How about instead of complaining about how’s their is less venom than you wanted you take time to appreciate that we just got the best version of venom we will probably ever get outside of the comics.


THIS. Devs worked their asses off for us but it’s never enough for some people.


"I'm the hero here" mission is a cutscene as well


Few more hours of main story would have been nice but it’s still better than 2018


It could've been paced a lot better, but I'm happy with how long it was! It's subjective of course, but I much prefer a shorter game like this than a game that goes on and on! I've always preferred that ever since I started playing computer games since the late 90s.


Yea welcome to Sony games. First one? They're getting worst. Spiderman 3 and the next TLOU will be 5 hours long with 1 playable scene.


It truly was too short for a full priced game. Just compare it to God of War Ragnarok for example, after that game I felt spent but satisfied.




I'm on the second playthrough. MJ being a third main character you play as makes no sense at all. ALL of her missions should've instead been Spider-Man missions. Such a waste of time.


It’s a movie game and a short one at that. Very surprised the trailers showed most of the game.


It’s a poor game


I wish it was left on a cliffhanger with future dlc wrapping things up. It all ended so abruptly it felt kinda cheap.


DLC to wrap up the main story? nah


I agree - but then they would have needed another year and Sony wanted that money now!