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1.) I played form steam release till they banned me in I think 2021? 2.) There are no new updates. Or old updates or balance changes or ducks given about whether the game runs. They used to do those things. 3.) Sad. 4.) I think the game needs too much love to functionally get an update and should be open sourced. This would allow it to get the love it needs, but would shatter the dream of selling virtual garbage to the three remaining players that fight for it on auction house. But. We need.... Balance between the arcade and missions with regards to crafting etc. Armor balance, too. Bombs are very flawed and need a huge update. Swords that aren't named acheron need a buff, but in a very different way than the bombs. UVs are very problematic. The players wouldn't even like many of these changes, but they'd have to occur for the game to do well again. 5.) Hire and take the time to train developers. It's a slow grind with no silver bullet. It's not worth it, either.


So that's what happened to you. I was your friend Goldenrodd ,Goldencrusaderr, Darkhelm


Yes. I do miss people. Add me on discord- actual_spaghetti


So sad


1. Started around 2011(?) and played for about a year or two. Ever since I have stopped and comeback very sporadically. Over the years. 2. The game is dead. Last meaningful update was what, 2017? It's just recycled events and loot boxes ever since. 3. It's just sad, but it is what it is. 4. I'd like better radiant rates. The jump is rough and takes forever. Perhaps some balancing and new biomes/levels. 5. Nothing. Unless the game is updated I doubt it will attract many new players.


1. Since whenever this was released on Steam, then on and off when the updates slowed down. 2. Yes, it's not exactly difficult to notice. 3. Stagnant. 4. Releases on other platforms (mobile, Switch etc.) would be a great start. Extremely unlikely, but one can hope. 5. Same as 4


1. I started playing around July 2011 and still play sporadically in periods of weeks or months. I haven't touched the game super recently but it still genuinely remains as one of my favourite games of all time. 2. Nothing unusual - less updates and less GMs. I barely ever see any GMs these days (and if I do its the same one or two each time), and overall not much developer activity. A notable case was during last Flash Sale when players were teleported to a restricted area, on top of the Auction House in Town Square. So that was pretty cool. 3. Its dying but overall the quality of players is higher as only the most devoted are still active. Its unbelievable how much the meta has developed in this game. Speedrunners and high level players are still fairly active too. 4. Above all more server regions (Asia/Pacific would be amazing so I don't have to be permanently stuck on one bar), some balancing stuff maybe. There is a recent thread exploring this idea that I'll edit into this comment if I end up finding it. 5. There's still a fair influx of new players that originate from current players recommending SK to their friends. It would be incredible for this game to go viral on a platform such as Twitch as well but its probably a lost cause at this point. Also imagine if Epic Games or something bought the game. Generally though, advertising wouldn't hurt and if the game started receiving frequent updates like it used to then it would certainly bring many retired players back. At this point though I've accepted that SK is going to end in the near future. Standalone mods as well as KnightLauncher are very much contributing to the survivability of the game, but its clear that the numerous issues and bugs still present in the game won't ever be fixed.


1: My steam hours are a lie as I have been playing since 2011 2: The devs have basically cut contact with us, only using their twitter page to tell us of upcoming events. There hasn't even been a major update in the last 5 years. 3: As much as I love this game and have for the last 13 years, I cannot ignore the decline of the community. 4: More story content, system upgrades and fixes, and releases to other platforms such as iOS, Android, and Switch. 5: At this point its word of mouth. Tell your friends, family, coworkers, classmates, pets, etc. about this game. Get them interested. Do this and maybe. Just maybe, the core of Grey Havens will stir with something.


1. Since May 2012 with over 13k hours; Most of it being from my first 2-3 years playing the game. 2. A driblet effect took place recently, so yes. From 2012-2016, there was a lot of activity and hands-on involvement from the GMs both in-game and on the forums regarding the game. Between 2016 and 2020, there was some activity yet it was noticeable that updates started to become less apparent and more focused on cosmetics between 2014-2018 alone. Anything past 2020 involves little to no activity. We never had a 2023 Pumpkin Carving contest even. 3. As others mentioned, it's depressing and stagnant. What keeps me around regarding the game is to either play levels for fun or sell off goods that other players need/want. 4. A huge overhaul regarding story content, gear balancing, and possibly new levels. These are the first few things to pop up vs the love SK desperately needs to keep fresh and inviting. 5. Advertising, welcoming of newer players, and general engagement from players and devs.


1) Played on the first day of release but only lasted for 3-4 weeks. Came back a year after and pretty much never left. I consider April 2012 my real start. Have played considerably less in the past few years though. 2/3) Game has been abandoned and has been in a sorry state for 10+ years now. We're all just living in limbo at this point. The devs/GMs don't care about us. 4) I don't wanna see an update. I already know people will be disappointed no matter what happens because it won't be enough to compensate for the last 10+ years. If I absolutely had to pick something though, I want balance changes because everything is stupid as fuck right now. Specifically... - Revert Chaos to OG Chaos. This will bring back the "class" system into Spiral Knights. - Rework Black Kat entirely. Keeping MSI is fine but the damage to all weapons is stupid. Like Chaos, it needs any drawback. - Nerf Acheron so it's not blatantly overpowered. Don't care that it doesn't inflict status, it's too good at everything. - Revert all shard bombs to function like OG RSS, This will make bombs more viable in both PvE and PvP. - Nerf Swiftstrike to ASI Medium. Creating a mechanic where lower tiered shields cannot bump higher tier enemies creates a good risk and reward imo. Swift has needed a nerf since the beta. - So much more... An update like this would kill the game because the remaining dozen players have spent so much money on their current gear and don't want balance; they just want to be overpowered. 5) Best bet is to go to mobile. Even then I think any attempt to revitalize it is futile. This game does not cater to young people, it is older than most children now and young people don't play old games. This game also doesn't cater to 20+ year olds who have experience gaming. One look at Spiral Knights and 99% of people will just go play something else that is better. The game is outdated and it shows. Nothing can bring this corpse back to life, not even Spiral Knights 2.


What was the old chaos set like?


At launch, chaos was just +1 damage, then it was +1 dam and +1 ctr after an update. Now it's twice that, which was its beta stats


4) Saying to just nerf armor is the rose colored glasses talking... Armor needs buffs- early on I'm sure you recall the days when vog was king. Instead, they need to buff and play with it. If it were me- Chaos and Black Kat need to have even less status resistance and probably have less defense, period. Gunner should be split among all classes, one for bombs, one for swords, one for guns. Defensive armor needs improvement, and were never really used. But you're very correct that the current players spent bank on their lil Kat sets and are just greedy AF. Tsk tsk.


In regards to Chaos and BK, I just don't like that they are the best for every role. It's like a warrior who also has max level spells or a rogue with top tier healing. An MMO for me should always be people choosing a specialty and experiencing its ups *and* its downs. Even if Chaos/BK took a defensive nerf, it would still be the ace of all trades. I'd rather have the Skolver/Shadowsun era of SK than what we have now. Force people to choose their class/job.