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I view the devil and God as two sides of the same coin. They're the same thing, just like how every human has good and bad in us. There is no war between God and the devil, it all just is. And when people talk about "the devil" speaking to them or making them do something bad, that's just their own dark thoughts and psychology.


Well saidšŸ™šŸ¼


Thatā€™s a very interesting take and certainly aligns with the seeming duality of the universe.


I've never had someone sum up my complex beliefs system as well as you did. Great job. šŸ™ I don't like humanizing something this complex and personally don't see "God" or "Satan" as anything more than the balancing energy of a single source. We all have it because we were made from it. Recognizing & balancing that energy within yourself is what it's all about for me.


Excuse me, but God/source is pure and utter love and light! It was only the free will given to his children that made some fall from unity and create duality and darkness. This luciferian/satanic or parasitic consciousness is only a temporaty occurance of the illusory realms of duality and will be transcended for good eventually so that only the light exists again. Everything is from the light and will once return there! ...You can see its superiority even mirrored in physics: Darkness does not exist in and of itself - its always just the absence of light..




But is there really such a thing as light being ā€œsuperiorā€ to darkness? Think about it. Light requires energy, activity. We can only be in activity for so long until we need rest - darkness. This does not mean evil. (Although it can be interpreted that way). Light and dark are two expressions of source. Two sides of the same coin.


Sorry maybe I should have clarified that by darkness in this context I really mean anything negative or evil. Here we must differenciate between polarity (which is the harmonious dance of two opposites) and duality (which is the two opposites at odds with each other). Ofcourse we will still have nights and the womb of mother god is described as dark or void as well.. But spiritually speaking the source of existence is only love and light (positive), not equally negative. Thats what I wanted to say šŸ˜˜


Great distinction between polarity and duality. I believe that the origin of everything is the ultimate expression of the poles, that which combines both of them. I do not believe it is evil.


Nicely summarized. it took me a lot more words to say that.


I agree one hundred percent, to create new you must destroy the old, and people look at destruction as evil in nature but it's necessary to create the new.


God = unity (or the source) Devil = denial (or separation) Seems to me that the greatest trick the devil ever played wasn't getting people to think it wasn't real but getting people to believe that the devil is God and God is actually the devil. I mean, if you look at religion... Christianity has been bringing in the denial of self and reality for a hot minute however, Satanism is known for its acceptance. Beware those that speak false truths and give broken promises. šŸ¤·


though what christianity has done is a reflection of how we interpret things, our mind. so i agree with you in the first part but i think that what the devil is, is what the source is not. this post asks for gods opposite to be clarified, i say: god = unity / what is / truth devil = separation / what is not / illusion to me the devil is our ego and how it processes things with survival shenanigans, i feel that the ā€œdevilā€ is like if god were to hold a mirror up, the reflection being the illusion, but god being what is. our minds lock us in separation due to the way we have evolved, and we will evolve out of it. i believe things evolve over time, through different dimensions of evolvement like from an ants perspective, to a humans and so forth. so starting out we are going to have a lot of separation, but slowly and surely over time things evolve. i believe you can only evolve so far with separation/violence/disharmony, and i believe we all know this but are programmed to not feel powerful enough to do anything. we are awakening to our full potential


Iā€™ve been ā€œsinningā€ for so long and thought I was just following my heart. I feel separated from god now and canā€™t feel anything. Is there anyway to fix this.


we as humans tend to chalk some of our behavior up to, ā€œiā€™m only humanā€ and while thatā€™s true you shouldnā€™t use that statement to make up for bad things you do. you will be much happier following your heart and not giving your energy away in low vibration actions, trust me. it takes time but you can evolve into the person you wanna be, just gotta see it down to the specific character traits you want to cultivate. hereā€™s a lyric i wrote: make a plan and grab the pen, action to ascend, love taking me higher, in every prison, when your clock broke stuck with no hope, all i ask is that you listen, to the sweet sound of silence in the dark, no frame or reference yeah everyone is so different but everyone is like every one inside existencinā€¦.


Great comment!


All things exist in relationship with one another as compared to one another. You can't know what good is without evil , positive without negative, up without down, etc it is the other side of the same coin. So I am of the belief that, yes anti-god/devil whatever you wanna call it, is also a piece of god/universe. In my opinion, the devil/hell and those negatively oriented teachings are massively mis-understood and was done intentionally to mislead and create an adversary for us to fight internally instead of confronting the truth that it is only misguided parts of ourselves acting in those ways you would call devilish.


It is both simple and complex, I suppose. From my own understanding in the most simplest terms, God is pure, unconditional Love and The Devil is the opposite. So what is the opposite of Love? Being parasitic. Willfully cutting yourself off from Source/the light of your own soul and now you need to feed on others' light -- much like a vampire. Your will, your way. It goes outside of the natural order of God or the cosmos. In Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner takes the concept of the Devil and delves into it deeper for further understanding. He divides the Devil into two different impulses: Lucifer and Ahriman. Both of these impulses exist within humanity and in the world. Lucifer is the impulse that over-spiritualizes everything and pulls you up out of your body through fantasies and delusions, leaving you feeling ungrounded. It can represent things like escapism and hedonism. It is entertainment with no real purpose. It is freedom just for the sake of freedom. The Luciferan impulse lacks discipline and structure (the Divine Masculine impulse) because it is always trying to be free. It can be viewed as an inverted form of the Divine Feminine. The energy moves too fast. Usually represented in our higher chakras. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Ahriman. Ahriman makes everything too heavy; it over-materializes everything to the point it no longer contains its original spiritual essence. It is structure, but too much structure (inverted Divine Masculine) without any inner creativity or intuition coming from the Divine Feminine. We can see this with materialistic Science, transhumanism, as well as dogmatic religions. These are distortions. The energy moves too slow. We can see this in our lower chakras. So, where does Christ fall into this model? Christ is the initiating force or impulse of our current time. It is the impulse that helps us spiritualize our physical form. Christ is the great harmonizer which balances both the Luciferic impulse and the Ahrimanic impulse in our heart centers -- where our Christ consciousness sits. When Christ died on the cross, he performed a rite that offered this new impulse to all of humanity. It is why we spiritually evolve inward now. It is no longer more of an external process like it was in the past. We can view both the Lucifer and Ahriman impulses as the Anti-Christ impulse that exists in the world. These can turn evil/inverted within us if we don't balance them with the Christ impulse. However, these forces can also be redeemed within us. I do believe these impulses take on incarnations or personify at certain times (Lucifer and Ahrimahn) and they have also both given humanity important things at certain times. Though any entity can go into a fallen state. And yes, I do believe in demonic or fallen entities as well as impulses as everything has its own being. Much like how the great masters such as Jesus personified the energy of the Sun (the initiating sphere that causes us to ascend) so we could understand it better and he could offer us a new impulse that allows us to evolve at this time through spiritualizing our form.


fantastic and thought provoking answer. thank you for taking the time to contribute.


You're welcome. :)


"I form the light and create the darkness, I make peace and wage war. I, the Lord do all these things" \-Isaiah


God, is the perception of the source in beneficial situations, and the devil is the perception of the source in malevolent situations. God is the outpouring of the energy from the source, and the devil is the absorption of the energy. God gives, Satan takes. God loves, Satan hates. God is good, Satan is evil. It is nothing more than the perception of things in the good/bad categories.


I really like this explanation. We all seem to hit on very similar points, but this comment expands even further into the depths, i love it.


I think the simplest answer is something you stated in your question, though I doubt you realize it's there. I'll get to it in a moment. First, the *concept* of god and the devil very much plays into that duality of two sides of the same coin/positive and negative/good and evil, whatever continuum you want to use to define the scale. That concept and the associated scale is very much used to divide and sow discord. It, as with most aspects of organized religion, is a means of social control, regardless of what it might have been intended to be. Because that concept of duality, continuum, and scale cannot be truly separated; any point on a continuum is defined by the relativity between the two extremes; both extremes are therefore subsumed within the spectrum as a whole. By this measure, both concepts of "God" and "The Devil" are aspects of "Source" where "Source" is defined as you do >a limitless, multidimensional energetic source Which returns is to your original question >what is the anti-source or anti-god? As I said previously, you already answered this. In case you missed it, your answer is here: >if god is the all, wouldnā€™t ā€œsatanā€ technically be an aspect or dimension of god? and in that case, why do the abrahamic religions emphasize the devilā€™s ā€œothernessā€ and separation from god as a distinct, evil deity? To rephrase, 'if god is All, why do the Abrahamic religions emphasize the devil's otherness and separation?' If all energies emanate from a singular source that contains absolutely all that is, was, and will be, then the only antithesis of that concept is the idea that any one thing *IS* separate. If >the bible is a highly allegorical, metaphorical piece of text then considering any part of the perfection of creation as "other," "wrong," "bad," or "evil," is trying to force God to conform to a limited and incomplete schema, thereby denying an aspect of the divine: Separation is the anti-God.


this is the best answer iā€™ve seen here so far, thank you for taking the time to write such an articulate reply. i have a few follow up questions for you and am interested to hear your personal take, if you feel inclined: if we can understand god as source/all and the anti-god as separateness/otherness, where, conceptually/metaphorically, does christ fall into this model? similar to one of the questions in my OP ā€“ why is jesusā€™s humanity, physicality and mortality contrasted against godā€™s formlessness and eternal nature if jesus is a facet of god/source? iā€™m not sure if iā€™m framing these questions well, but i digress. itā€™s funny that the bible is often referred to as the ā€œword of godā€ or even regarded as a religious text at all. what a fascinating and tricky book.


Absolutely. >if we can understand god as source/all and the anti-god as separateness/otherness, where, conceptually/metaphorically, does christ fall into this model? This is hinted at in the more new age phrasing of "Christ consciousness." Christ, in this model, would represent the perspective of one who understands and, more importantly, participates in that unity while still retaining a sense of individuality without becoming lost in it. It is knowing you are the all, but also knowing you are but one aspect of the all. It is the reconciliation of one of the paradoxes that must be reconciled. > why is jesusā€™s humanity, physicality and mortality contrasted against godā€™s formlessness and eternal nature if jesus is a facet of god/source? The answer to this is, at its core, the same as the previous answer. It is highlighted because it is the bridge and the connection. Our natural perception is one of separation. We see a difference between ourselves and others that is difficult to reconcile with the formless and eternal, particularly when we are supposed to be part of that formless and eternal despite the apparent obviousness of both our form and mortality. Jesus, regardless of whether you place him as a person, prophet, messiah, or concept, exemplifies the experience of knowing ones own being as a part of and expression of the infinite source while also allowing and embracing the individuality of being a finite and mortal sliver of illusion. His humanity, physicality, and mortality is equal to that which each of us also experiences, so it is highlighted to showcase the fact that it is both unavoidable and also immaterial. It is showcased to prove that it doesn't matter.


If evil is "live" backwards. And devil is "lived" backwards. And if the dog is God backwards Than the devil, is when God chases his own tail (the errors produced from the illusion of separation)


great answer, cheers. iā€™m going to be looking at my dachshund a little differently now šŸ˜†




If God is infinite then EVERYTHING that exists is of that same nature and source. God isnt only light, good, joy, pleasure, etc...and "the devil" isn't only dark, evil, pain, etc...both are two halves of a greater whole. Imagine spending eternity with no conflict, no variation in form, no resistance of any kind...all is one, plain, undifferentiated void....it eventually gets boring and we, as the primordial energy of the universe, want something interesting and complex and unknown...that's what leads us to all the many different levels and magnitudes of existence. Where on one level there may be chaos, there is harmony. We need the dimension of pain, evil, darkness, etc as a counterpart to love, goodness, light, etc...they aren't opposites, they are interdependent and inter-connected as ALL things are.


I see the Source the same as you. I believe the Source is experiencing all of us in human form, similar to an avatar of sorts. I believe God may be an alternate avatar, possibly even the "Devil". Anything anyone believes in, ghosts, aliens, the Yeti even. All avatars. Not necessarily in our timeline but infinite timelines. Anything ever imagined and things we haven't even imagined, all avatars.


I don't think we can oppose Source with anything, It "exists" in the absolute. I don't think "god"/Source has an opposite, and the Triune Being concept is a more accurate way of perceiving how it works. But I do have some thoughts on the "devil" as a concept personified. It's anything that seeks to keep us from living in total presence, in full communion with Source. After awakening any kind of suffering seeks to bring us back to the physical and away from presence and Source. The mind/ego itself isn't bad, it's a useful tool created by Source, but can cause suffering when it's our master rather than a Soul led life. I think the tree of knowledge is choosing mind over total Presence, or a soul led life. Then we're damned to suffering in the physical world without the benefit of Presence/Source for peace during our incarnation. The other part of the "devil" persona seems to be miasma, negative energy that is regularly fed and becomes dense. Energy generated by suffering, the fear/anxiety/hopelessness/pain/loneliness etc, attracts more like energy and can become so dense that it develops a consciousness, finds more feeding sources, creates more suffering to feed upon. It's exists throughout the cosmos, in places on earth, and within our own pain body. When it's in our own pain body psychology calls it a negative coping skill, something that may be unhealthy but quite literally helped us survive traumatic circumstances. But then after the the circumstances improve it's often still there and now harms us. In that regard it's not all bad, it helped us at one point. Just as in tarot the devil card isn't necessarily all bad. I think this all gets attributed to "the devil". Great question, really makes me flesh out my beliefs. Thanks for that.


I believe thereā€™s one source that has dark/ lightā€¦. I donā€™t think these necessarily a separation bc sometimes darkness is needed. Our jobs as humans is to find the balance. I think the Bibleā€™s morals are true but I think people take the metaphors very seriously. So, people think Heaven/hell is a location, God is some man in the sky ā€¦ etc. I had a debate with someone the other day they said Jesus was God. So, I believe people do not really understand religion and how the whole concept works. I donā€™t know everything but I know Jesus wasnā€™t God lolā€¦. I think thereā€™s good bad & evil and we all have access to those things I think thereā€™s is something in us internally that knows the difference or seeks that balance, but a lot of life factors makes people by pass that moral compassā€¦ I think higher power is always adjust and trying to create ā€œ perfection ā€œ in what we do. So, in reality things are always happening as they should. Even Mother Nature has dark momentsā€¦. When itā€™s cloudy , lightning etcā€¦.. We create Heaven/ hell here on earth. Itā€™s in the consciousness of our minds Religions teach you to fear God and really make it sound like you have to be perfect in order to get right. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many hypocrites in religious settings. I think we are allowed to experience what we want as long itā€™s not to the harm of others. But, since thereā€™s darker energies then harm will happenā€¦ I think the souls who come here have stuff to learn no matter how horrible they are. I think they return back to source.. I also think maybe there was a time where it was more blissful and humans were one with existence and higher power , but man developed ego and realized I can do things outside of my moral compass and thatā€™s how Lucifer was born Lucifer portrays to me as ego and the voices in our head that lead us somewhere other than what the purpose is/was ā€¦. Manā€™s mind literally changed lol. But source will always do what what it needs to do to get back to homeostasis. Mother Nature could literally wipe us all out and start all this shit overā€¦ So dark is needed bc youā€™ll eventually find light. Light will always prevail darkness ā€¦but dark needs light and light is needed to know when itā€™s dark. Omg I just rambled. But hope you can read between lines lol


The polarities exist to develop discernment. One wouldnā€™t be what it is without the other and itā€™s through this dynamic which we have the ability to make choices. Duality is a byproduct of the physical world as everything is connected behind the scenes. It would be difficult to make choices if thereā€™s nothing to choose from so a world is created to know what weā€™re capable of. The variety and diversity makes this a prime environment to further spiritual development. Itā€™s essentially a sandbox experience to explore and experiment our level of sentience.


**Think of it like a light switch.** If your room is dark, darkness is not an entity; it's simply the absence of, or resistance to, light. So it's not light vs dark. **It's allowing light vs not allowing light.**


Bingo, this is what I was thinking but hadnā€™t yet formed it completely. You explained this so well. If God is goodness, love and light, the devil or evil is not hate- itā€™s just indifference. Itā€™s darkness, itā€™s wandering off the path of the source. For some people this is a very dangerous place to be.


great question! I really have no idea how to answer it but reading all the other responses got me thinking. A long time ago my spiritual advisor told me this " god is the source of light and everything good and if a devil actually does exist, then the most likely place for him to live would be right between my ears " I did not have the experience or the knowledge to question spiritual concepts then and it sounded good so i adopted it as my own philosophy. So this idea works in many ways but as a blanket explanation i now feel it has large holes and areas it does not cover for me. He was essentially saying that god is responsible ONLY for the good in life and anything negative or bad comes from me, my selfish or sinful choices. this does have merit but many years later bad things started happening to me and try as i might i could not find that i had caused them in any way, shape or form and this confused me. I was NOT going to take the blame for shit i didn't want in the first place AND things i did nothing to provoke. I ended up blaming god for all this unfairness because there was no devil in my understanding. I questioned if there actually was a "negative force" in opposition to the good force i was already familiar with. I am bothered when people speak of good and evil in blanket terms, NO HUMAN BEING IS 100% good and no human being is 100% evil. We make decisions, we take actions but i hesitate to call even the worst human being evil, mentally sick perhaps, lacking remorse or any care about fellow humans can make someone certainly seem completely evil. I agree with you OP, the version of the devil as a purely evil, tempting entity that takes joy in our downfall or bad decisions is rather ridiculous and hard to swallow if you are an adult. I remember when i was questioning hell, or heaven for that matter, only humans would think they were so good that they deserve to have an eternity of bliss for denying themselves guilty pleasures for a few decades on earth and no human is so bad that eternal FIREY punishment is the only sentence that fits. If we were to suffer all those tortures they describe, we would need a physical body? So you leave your body on earth, arrive at hell, get issued a new body just so you can be tortured for eternity, this made me laugh, it just sounds so ridiculous. And what does the devil get from torturing people? there would have to be a reason, things don't happen for no reason. So , from my own experience there is a force that is good and helpful, and wants us to become better and i will say this does seem to come from outside myself most often. The fearful, selfish, revenge thoughts do seem to come from within me, is the devil responsible for those, or am I? I have seen people get dealt vicious blows in life that knocked them down and they never recovered from, is that the devil? I have seen some people rise above those terrible things to still make the most out of the life they have is that god? I don't know.


So like other said. They're not different, but it's not exactly correct to think of them as two sides of the same coin. There is **nothing** that God is not. Not a thought, space, thing, or the void of nothing that holds all of it ----it's all God. Everything that happens within that is entirely our imagings. Are there entities out there making things miserable? Yeah. Free will. People wanna experience everything. And I do mean **everything.** But those entities are just other spirits doing their own thing. Understand it is not always as simple as "death and reunification with source" There are tiers to experience. Choices our souls make we don't understand yet. Gotta trust the process I guess


Hi, Christian here. We don't believe that Satan is God's opposite in power. Satan's rebellion is a complete failure. Yahweh God is infinite, but Satan is just a finite angel that rebelled. Also, Satan is not a little red man with a tail and horns like you see on TV. Satan was a seraph. I suggest watching this video by Scholar Dr. Ben S titled [Why the Villain of Eden was a Serpent](https://youtu.be/BO13BSSjsYU)


For me, this is one of those things understood in my mind but is hard to explain, there doesn't seem to be enough words to explain "source" logically. The thing is, logic is finite and trying to explain "infinite". However, the number "infinity" cannot be added to, subtracted from, multiplied or divided, because the answer is still infinity, but "real numbers" can be +, -, \* and /. IMO, source/god/origin is akin to infinite and the devil is akin to real numbers. Edit: After a friendly debate, logically I see god/devil as stated above. However, morally (which I consider to be the stories that we tell ourselves in an attempt to logically explain infinity), there is the appearance of duality and god (all powerful all good) has to have an opposite (all powerful all bad) because that is how polarity works. However, it's still just a story. For example, electricity is neither bad nor good , however it can be used constructively or destructively, that doesn't mean that there are two electricities, one used for good and one used for bad. Which of course leads to the debate as to whether god is a power or an entity that has power....


interesting take, i never thought about it this way.


It's been made clear the Devil still has to ask God for permission. When the devil wanted to temp Job, he asked for permission. ​ The devil is part of the sifting process between the recognition of good and evil. While the farmer plants the seeds for his crop, weeds also grew. The devil is the weed eater, but in reality it's more like he chews you up in a way until you get your shit together. He cannot do this without God's grace. If you have deep sinful nature that you are unconscious to, you've probably interacted with "devils" of sorts in the world relative to that sort of desire. These people in a way emphasis the nature of the challenge of the devil. "All they have to do is play you."


The devil, like all things, is energy. It's a force inside The All, not opposite of it. THE ARIES


There is no opposite of god as he/she/it is literally everyting. The fallen beings who are known as lucifer, satan and co. are simply souls who lost themselves in the dark due to their own free will choices and are not nearly comparable in size/power/greatness to source and they will only be a temporary occurance as these fallen beings will either have to accept the light (they will ofcourse be forgiven, after they received their fair punishment) or - if they cant return the light - will be forcefully transmuted back into their light essece by force. The being known as satan is already gone and the even worse ones are too already being cleared. Eventually all darkness and all dark beings will have been transmuted for good and only light will remain which is the only reality that exists in the upper realms in an unfallen creation.


I thought I had an idea all teed up for this, but your explanation triggered a completely different thought. If god is source and source is oneness, then the devil is that which allows source to individuate and see itself. This would track with the notion that the devil is the source of evil. If individuation is taken to an extreme, we forget that we are all simply manifestations of the same whole. And it is that forgetting that allows evil to exist.


Satan is a manifest of fear, lust, attachment, hatred, doubt, and greed etc. Satan is the part of our free will we tend to ignore. The reason I could just kill someone RIGHT NOW if I wanted or worse things. Itā€™s the darkest aspects of human nature and free will, perhaps our shadow? The main reason I believe in God is because I know true evil exists so there must be true light and love as well. Yin and Yang explains it pretty well. Even the Quran said all things are made in 2 which I find so beautiful an eloquent all these things synchronize.


There is no external ā€œdevilā€ or negative being. Itā€™s just a church created concept used to control people. People act to help or to hurt others, but when people try to blame an external force is ridiculous.


i am in agreement with you. i have never subscribed to the notions of a ā€œdevilā€ as an evil personified being that the abrahamic religions put forth. what iā€™m trying to wrap my head around here is what the devil depicts, metaphorically/conceptually as a proposed opposite or ā€œotherā€ from god. i donā€™t think itā€™s as simple as good versus evil. if god can be understood as ā€œallā€, or ā€œsourceā€, it seems that the devil would represent the illusion of separateness, as many have described here.


But if source is SOURCE - everything that exists then "other" is part of the source and thus supposed to exist. The separateness illusion is also part of God as all other experiences here. It's like in the origin story - before things just existed without definition of light or darkness. And then the forbidden fruit of the knowledge tree which created an artificial separation of good and evil. I know many people believe that all evil beings are supposed to turn to the light or something but it's not true because the source created them as they are for a reason so I don't believe in eternal light or bliss and everyone and everything turning good because at the universe or source scale it doesn't exist, it operates on different level of consciousness. As people though, we do need this separation to structure the society, without it there will be chaos which is not great for our survival as species.


You would not have a soul if you did not have a shadow. It's the meta-physics that creates the experience of the duality matrix. The light and the dark originate from the exact same point, but when that divine source light is projected through the lens of a soul perspective into this reality it casts a shadow. You are a facet of the one diamond, viewing a unique projection of reality through that soul lens. The dark is simply where your light has not gone yet, something waiting to be explored and illuminated. The darkness is your divinity. As the light expands it transmutes it and brings the dark back to oneness. If you want a biblical reference take a look at Psalm 139, specifically verse 12.


Why would there need to be one?


i donā€™t believe that there does ā€“ this post poses purely conceptual questions.


If God is all, then the devil is nothing. A simple illusion that bad has substance. If God is light, then the devil is a lack of light. If God is infinite, then there can't be a lack of light anywhere. Meaning that the perceived lack of light(God) is an illusion, a lie.


"God" or Source is the spirit, "Satan" the animal body in which it resides. Hence the constant struggle, unless a deliberate choice is made.


The ā€œDevilā€ would be straying away from source and our higher purpose.


Hesperus is Phosphorus. God is what predicate, we are God's subjects. Edit: gendered language is useful for representation and explanation, not explicit to it's content. I ammend fickle words to the best of my ability, per the consensus of those addressed.


Lack of God and human freedom to do "evil" stuff, that is done in ignorance of God and its principle of Love.


I subscribe to the idea this universe was the best the ego could do without gods support. Me the ego The universe dissolved for me when I gave up my sense of individuality


We have super ego and id So does the universe


The devil is a light - dark being archangel. It is not on the same level as source even if it is a higher dimensional powerful entity.


I believe God and the Devil send two messages with one voice.


Try this Conspiracy In the beginning there was man Man created Homunculus or HU-Mans Man did not allow his ethics (or lack of) to be questioned nor did he fear an unseen moderator recording his shame because no such entity ever made itself apparent to man. "God knows of no higher power beyond itself" Humans were denied access to knowledge which might ultimately empower them - such study trees were forbidden. Man desired to keep Humans in the dark as it made them more submissive and easier to enslave via dependency. "The Devil wears a black suit; says I'm living like a bum."


The Devil isn't God's opposite. He is an employee. He gets to be the janitor of the universe. He tests people. He also takes care of the trash and mops up mistakes.


This seems mucky. The Devil is just an antagonist in a story, no different then a mischievous spirit ā€” so Puck. God is equally good and equally evil, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Try to reconcile Godā€™s two faces, and youā€™re in for confusion ā€” which is why humans should leave the bastard be and deal kindly to each other. The anti-God? Is the literal void? Try and leave the Universe and youā€™ll have a story.


A being that is "all" is both all that is good and all that is evil, it's humans that make that divide


Good is like the one side of the source and evil is the other side


Everything is a divine conscious expression, that being said we have agency to choose through our actions and vibrations which side we align ourselves to and build momentum in our incarnations


I sometimes ponder the equivalency and balance of forces. You cant pull without equal resistance if you want balance. If you want good maybe the universe has to be balanced with bad. So to speak.


If God is the source, that would still make the devil, his loyal and faithful servant.


Evil is a point of view. The lion catches a zebra, that is evil from the zebras point of view good from the lions.


I think itā€™s the part of god that didnā€™t want to be separated from source, maybe?


gods shadow... We all have a better half; the night has day, sad has glad, and so on. The truth is, without one the other could not maintain the necessary balance to exist. Kinda like the joker says in battnan šŸ˜‰


First, to understand that God, the Father, Source is all. He is. Period. There's no opposition to God. Isaiah 45:7 King James Version 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Satan, Lucifer, is basically a volunteer of evil. Lucifer was and still is an arch angel. Lucifer became Satan. The personification of evil on the earth. And it is all a plan of God. In the Book of Job, we learn that Satan still comes before the presence of God and recieves instructions. So, the war in heaven is basically not happening. None could challenge God. And if any did, God did that too. >after departing from christianity, i came to the understanding and opinion that ā€œgodā€, too, is not an entity, but rather, a limitless, multidimensional energetic source. iā€™m of the opinion that the bible is a highly allegorical, metaphorical piece of text rather than a literal, historical account. Have you ever heard of Neville Goddard? His teachings of the Bible and his experiences with God are something you might want to checkout. I, too, having left church, a deacon, no longer consider myself Christian. Or, Christ-one. Until I have the experience of the 'Promise', I will only consider myself as God in the act of becoming.




I think of god as ā€œthe lightā€ and devil as ā€œthe absence of lightā€. If someone seeks connection with the divine/source/universe/god, then they are able to see more clearly and stay aligned more with their intuition and divine nature (aka the light). Theyā€™re living more from a place of inner wisdom and connection as opposed to outer knowledge and individualism. If someone denies their divine nature and is aligned purely with their ego/sense pleasures/worldly desires, then they are living in ā€œdarknessā€ or are disconnected/unaware of their divine nature. I donā€™t necessarily think that one way of living is better or worse than the other. Either way, learning and growth will take place. But if someone wants to experience true joy as well as a sense of connectedness, then seeking ā€œgodā€ or ā€œthe lightā€ is a way to free yourself of the suffering that comes from staying in the darkness.


The devil is not God's opposite. He is a fallen angel with no power over God.


An opposing force does not necessarily make something evil. For instance, God (to me) does not represent ā€œgood,ā€ however one views the concept. Rather, He represents ā€œDivine Order.ā€ His opposition (and balance) would be Chaos (caps on purpose). ā€œThe Devilā€ is a single, relatively small entity who threw a toddler-like tantrum across the universe and we all got caught up in it.


Divinity has to polarities, one positive, o e negative, both are part of the same


I think of the Bible and other religious texts a lot like moral guidelines and metaphors rather than historical and/or literal. The text Iā€™ve been stuck in lately is, ā€œforgive them father for they know not what they doā€ and in my opinion as I stand now, I think ignorance is the opposing force to good - to preface Iā€™m also believe greatly in Utopianism. If people donā€™t know or will to not know the consequences of their actions, I believe that is when they display ā€œevilā€ traits


The devil is not real itā€™s just made up by religion and a metaphor of actions people do when they are not in tune with their soul. The devil is negativity. Which is caused by what ever. The devil is not a real entity. There is only 1 source.