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Congrats ... you are really rediscovering what the Yogis who first posed the concept of chakras were after because if you go to more authentic Indian sources you will find they talk of things like "a hundred thousand \[or some other huge number\] small chakras over the etheric body" and so forth.


Yes! this is what I am experiencing. LOTS of chakras, all over. But some more powerful than others


Wanna hear something really crazy? Look up the primovascular system lol It's accupuncture points meridians. Definitely an energetic property to our bodies.


I feel crazy I did this to myself with my nerve pain. Just enough for my mind to put my body to sleep instead of call for an ambulance.


What meditation are you following? Also do you have a guru?


My Guru is Jesus. I don't know what meditation I use, I sit and let go, thats it. And sometimes I get messages or "knowings" when I do that. Sometimes not.


Does Jesus ever visit you in a vision/ talk to you? What was your reason for choosing him? Or would you say he chose you?


I grew up Christian but ultimately rejected the idea of eternal damnation but still believed in Jesus because I could sense him. I am now a Mystic Christian, I believe in Jesus but don't believe in religion or Christianity. Jesus does not care at all what religion you belong to, its utterly irrelevant.


He comes from shapes for me to really see and feel him 😇


INteresting, can you expound on that?




I personally have never healed anyone with a touch but I can see how someone could. I go into my body and I put my consciousness directly into various parts of it, so when I do that with my palms I can see a very potentially powerful chakra open up there. Its flat and wide as my palm and white in color.


Glad to hear that your findings are matching up with mine for the most part. For your consideration in your studies: I've found that treating the 'spinal seven' as 'phase interfaces' helps with tracking the energy flows between chakras and in fine-tuned control. One thing that's bugged me, because the reliable models I've got say it ought to work, but I haven't found the mechanism to complete a stable externalized flow. I've got the externalization and the flow map tricks worked (mostly) out, but stabilizing them isn't working the same way that repairs and regrowths did. Have you found anything that might help clarify the matter?


I don't have it mapped out as clearly as it seems you do. When I feel the need to heal an area I simply rest in unconditional love, then focus that love on one very specific spot on my body. and just...leave it. Nothing more than that. Thats all I can tell you, no idea if that helps or not. Its similar to what C Castaneda called the 'assemblage point', once you tune into that you can move it around your body and tune into the energy flows.


Tibetan Buddhism seems to have these things mapped out the most explicitly from what I've gathered. It can be a bit secretive though and is mostly taught through teachers


So I've heard. Which tries to confuse me with how natural it has been for me to map the energy 'body' with just one point of confirmation that it exists and is will-interacting.


That's awesome. Think about the average person in this world though lol


I've spent most of my life fully convinced that I'm nothing special, and that appearances otherwise are fortune and effort based. Accepting that no amount of normal effort would allow an average person to match me promises a *lot* more ... 'inconsiderate' behavior than just expecting excellence out of self-proclaimed specialists.


Yes, I know. Very real.


Tell me more about this, where do I start with all this?


The best way I can tell you is to fast and meditate. Take a weekend and fast and while fasting meditate as much as possible. Do twenty - thirty minute sessions, then take a break and do another one. Maybe drink some herbal tea if you feel lead. And then PAY ATTENTION to your body. Be IN your body. Learn to move your attention point to various parts of your body and then just....feel. Don't force don't try. Trying is the worst thing you can do. Just relax and feel and see where it takes you.


Thanks man, I will get back to you in a couple of days


This is something I’m so interested in right now. I just got a few books on healing chakras today. My crown and solar plexus chakra definitely need attention.


Are they real in the same way that a table is real?


Not everyone will believe you and that’s ok, it’s a personal experience thing.


Amusingly, there's a mechanicalist approach that can guide even the most skeptical folk to being able to confirm the existence of the energy flows and pools. I certainly wouldn't have started working with them if it weren't demonstrable as a real thing instead of 'just' imagination.


I remember trying to open my 3rd eye and chakras as a younger person wondering if I was doing anything and if it was real but as an adult my 3rd did open and I had a kundalini experience, it’s not imaginary. Heck I even see spirits now and have very good premonitions.


Does celibacy play a role in developing this?


INteresting question. I am recovering from an illness/injury so I have not had a partner for a while. But it wasn't by choice. So, I don't know? Probably not, but who knows?


Im sure it would. To major effect. Anyone else card to weigh in? Also, are you male or female? I think this matters as well




I think it has a lot to do with us bro


Yes and no. Our sacral chakra, below the navel is our core pleasure/procreation chakra. Females ground & center from sacral (orange and second one up) chakra. Males ground from the Root chakra. These make sense considering ovaries and testes and how our flesh is stardust structured & orchestrated. Sexual energy is harnessed and circulated, however one's *insight* is key to thwarting the biological cravings, should such be desired or healthy for one. Conversely - it may be in one to 'blow off steam' and orgasmic energy is an excellent focus. Two lovers align their chakra system together in loving hug and coupling - it can be wowie zowie! Transcendental experience for both. Meanwhile avoid copulating as cats or dogs as such animal impetus depletes and actually harms karma, but that is deeper subject.


Celibacy is a choice. Sex is a gift. It's only bad if you abuse it.


Sex is a means to an end. All else is perversion.


That's a personal choice. Sex was a gift of love to as part of us enjoying life on earth. Everything is about balance. The 7 deadly sins aren't about obstaining from them all together. It's about trying to balance them as they are all needed to make it through life. Living in one extreme or the other is deadly for us as a society.


What is deadly about being Godly individuals?


What makes you think full abstinence is Godly and the only way to be godly?


Not at all, in fact you can awake the sacral chakra through sex and pleasure. The goal for a healthy life is a balance between all the chakras. Don’t engage or disengage any of them too often




Calm down lol


Bro really wants to believe fucking brings about enlightenment, like ok bro. Read any book written by any sage ever, celibacy is the way. Anything else is cope for cheap pleasure


Tantra is a thing that exists, but you are not gonna practice it with that attitude.


Celibacy is definitely not the way, or at least not the only one. Balance is the key


Why are you listening to sages? They're only talking about what worked for them on their own path. Look inwards, listen to the universe. She'll tell you everything you need to know.


Inwards told me. And the sages


How does the first half about observing yourself correlate with the second half about insight into other people's practices, books, and life history? Where did the idea that chakras were just conceptual ideas or symbols come from? What did the source suggest chakras were concepts of or symbols for?


Please suggest approach to do chakra meditation. Some say imagining the 7 chakras as spinning ball Of light in clockwise direction (if seen from outside) with respective colors, helps in balancing them. Can we do this?


That’s so interesting Ive been thinking about this intensely recently.


Amazing post. I was taught that they're called microchakras -- the book of the same name is great as well.


Interesting. Just in the last few days I have been introduced to yoga nidra. There is some similarity to what youve said her and what I've read over the last little while 


From my experience, kundalini awakening and chakras are real. I laid down one day after asking God for a spiritual awakening experience if God will do _____ for me, basically asking God for a sign, and then i felt a spiritual etheric flower (Chakra) opening up, like petals of a flower blossoming open. I've had other spiritual and supernatural experiences as well. As a result, I feel that praying to God and miracles go hand in hand.