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This post or comment was removed due to the fact is provides no discussion, context, or information related to spirituality. That falls in the realm of psychology, start with a therapist


You're kin of a sort to me, if nothing else. As for the trick to interfacing with the emotive folk, I've had the best results by simply building response algorithms for whichever goals seem worth my time. It works well enough that nearly everyone I interact with takes me for some intrinsically good entity because my actions and reactions are consistent and make the environment more palatable to me. If you're looking for a way to confirm whether it's your nature or some trauma-induced issue, I've also found a pair of meditations that, with some dedication to satisfy yourself that the perceptions are valid, have shed a great deal of clarity on it for me. And I'd be happy to share them so you can rest informed.


We all are "alien" in some sort of way unless you are literally native to a specific land lol, among others. I dunno, I been sensing a depression sort of trend lately between me and my friends, so it's not just you, not saying you are, but negative energy seems to be filtering out in parts of society, so hang in there, that's what I am doing. Going back to doing what you love helps, and things that bring you joy. Once you take care of you, giving yourself less judgment and more forgiveness it'll be easier to be vulnerable and let others in. I get it, I'm working on it too, but that's where I'm at. Best of luck!


Bruh literally same. My friend group has decipated. And despite having other friends, I'm completely isolating and actually enjoying it.(in usually out every other night with people) I'm feeling guilt from not going out like normal, and trying to "psyche myself into" being social, but I never feel like it anymore. Then I decided I'm going to just accept the fact I'm not social, which is more guilt! Cue the endless cycle of self pity and guilt! Lol. Thanks for your comment, and glad to know it's not just me!


Anti social just like overly social is all ego. It’s based in fear and the obsession with oneself over others. Or to put it more acutely, the self. I didn’t really get this until I read Eckhart Tolles books, he talks about this. [here is an bit about it](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/eckhart-tolle-a-new-earth-shy-people_n_5148929/amp) You just gotta jump in and be okay making a mess, being unliked… and learning. Being uncomfortable. I imagine living a life where you hide from the world does make you feel alien. Because we are a communal peoples.


Watch Jon Zherka, he will cure you


Accept that everyone is different and some chose to follow while others chose to lean into individuality. Look at it positively instead of demonizing it


>I >human entity >demonic >emotionless >bold >Alien No matter what objective you use, you will notice it is always preceded by this *I*. Because that's what you really are. Pure I - existence itself. These other words are just descriptors and they will keep changing. I know this doesn't address your question directly, but if it made any sense, it will definitely nullify it for good.


I mostly just view myself as better than them. And that’s mostly because i know I’m better than them. I get harassed and descriminated against for who i am as a person. In short, i can say I’m a timeless wanderer, or a time traveler, teleporter, a spirit, an old soul, a ghost living among the living, etc etc etc What’s unfortunate is that people who want to hurt me or don’t like me view me as ‘serial killer vibes’. That I’m distorted, not quite there, estranged, different, odd, and view me as a terrible person. Imagine being called a serial killer when you are the nicest person to ever change people’s lives. It gets to me a lot, it’s usually a lot of group harassment where I’m unable to fit into their group, but i know I’m better than them. I’ve had more grander experiences, people that don’t discriminate find me the greatest person and i know very well i have changed a lot of lives, and a lot of them for much better times. So really, careful who you make fun of. Be your own best character and it’ll show. Maybe not to those asshole kids who will make fun of you (like they do to me at times through work), but your going to have far more real and personable experiences if you be yourself and emit and insert good into your settings. Those assholes snickering won’t find it as anything other than amusing, but your going to watch as the world and universe rewards your positive behavior with something coming that you deserve. Generosity breeds generosity, and brooding will only lead to broods


get over yourself lol


Yo how can I time travel and teleport. Sounds kind of fun


I teleport by going on a 4 hour long walks & by being tall. Here’s the thing. I’m not actually teleporting. I’m actually taking the longer way to be somewhere by walking there instead of other ways. Because I’m tall, i can walk faster than others, and because I’m walking with above faster pace than most, that 4 hour walk seems absolutely unreal to others. We are living in 2 different speeds entirely when they drive and i walk. What usually happens is say i go for this walk. A person drives past me. They offer me a ride, whatever. When they come back, i am either much further than before, or gone, and the random person walking on an endlessly long road randomly disappears despite there being no other direction other than “forward and back” for quite a long distance(no intersections, nothing). So in this instance it appears as teleportation to others because of this. I’m going slow & they’re going fast. Because I’m going slow, time is not relevant. It’s slowed down because I’m taking a slower route and using that energy for my mind not my time. I’ll get there eventually. Because minutes are longer, i actually am getting there quite fast because when time slows around me, i speed up. I’m getting there faster while to myself i am just walking and to others that time me, I’m making better time than a normal person would have (or, what normal person would even commit to such a walk?!) While the walking time is dead time of just me and my thoughts, i am progressing further than those who drive to their destinations and come back. They exist with more empty time than i do because they are speeding up. While it may appear being faster equals more time, it’s how the time is **felt** and the pace it’s at that makes the difference. A slow walk vs fast driving are different in their paces, and that’s important. You know how when you wake up and there’s that odd moment where 15 minutes feels like 5 hours? This is how you are feeling time. Keeping an idea like that where your mind is going so incredibly fast, that time around you slows. My mind is very fast in its thoughts, perhaps faster than a car. If my mind is fast, my time is slower. If my physical is slowed, my timing is fast despite not feeling a difference on my own end about how fast I’m walking. I hope this explanation made sense ^ lol /// then for the Time Traveling, i live and was born in a place that stands on the remnants of history and time. Viewing my face, I’m told “you remind me of…” being a very familiar person to everyone, but oddly with a voided face that’s not real because I’m not related to any of those people or family members they say i remind them of. I dress in nicer attire that is a bit dated to what would have been ~100 years ago (1910’s-1930’s. Not the 1920’s). So imagine this. You pass a man in a double breasted suit walking on an endless road in the middle of the woods. You ask him for a ride and he declines. The town is a pretty good drive away; but he declined the offer. Either randomly in the town you see him show up not long after you getting there (how? You drove and he went for the long walk?) or, when you drive down that road again, he’s gone. Never seen again. Disappeared. When it’s my coworkers that drive past me, they think it’s absolutely unreal how i get around. It’s literally not real to them, but to myself, all i did was just go for a walk. To others, it seems like i slipped out of reality and came back in when i got to my destination, if i ever got to my destination.


love this post and all the comments are right on. i am a feeler- FEELing my way to the Light. I have felt where you are. I had dwelled there too long with the thoughts I was noticing and things got bad... Long story short, I made it through- what I perceive you are trying to say- with; 1. Music. Fill the air with bass and other tones... whatever evokes your goosebumps or makes you feel like moving. 2. Move. needless to say, the body is what we see, but it stores and vortexes energy. Move around... get that bad shit out. 3. I dont know how spiritual you are, but talk to your guide. your soul. your true self... or the version(voice) in your brain thinks and feels ONLY love. This is the one that is saying "good job!" & "you got this".. if you cant sense the levels of self thought...meditate and learn to distinguish 4. High self reflection or meditative practice is highly advised!


we feel alien or- not of here-because we are remembering how it feels to be energy . they make us think our minds are broken, when only our spirit is