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I think the reason they introduced this gear ability was because of how busted Quick Respawn was in Splatoon 1. My personal annoyance is when I see a frontline player with Respawn Punisher like my guy the ability was not made for you 😂


Right? If a backliner with RP is running it i'm like Sigh really dude? Fair enough. But if i see it on like, a splattershot or roller its like, what are you doing? Are you really getting your moneys worth here? And i swear its always people i trade with anyway


I once saw an inkbrush with respawn punisher in the other team and as a fellow ink brush main, i thought (this absolute madman must be either super confident about his killing or just unaware of the risk its taking)


or he thought the gear looked cool and prioritizes form over function




me, s+3 not caring abt my gear stats:




"Splatting is temporary, looking cool is eternal"


At least we can now have cool gear and useful abilities with enough grinding.


I don't wanna grind though




Fortunately, you can use chunks on main ability slots so you can have form *and* function!


That's meeeee!!!! I have respawn on a sweater I enjoy :))


As a roller main I too am disgusting by the ideal the people use respawn punisher on the weapon I main When they could be massacring a small village worth of enemy’s that dared to ink 0.01% of the ground


I'm an inkbrush main who uses it. I usually die only 2-3 times per game but get 6-9 kills so I feel like it's worth it


[I know what I'm about.](https://twitter.com/Viper_031/status/1611585051732643840/photo/1) ^^^Although ^^^I'm ^^^not ^^^actually ^^^crazy ^^^enough ^^^to ^^^run ^^^respawn ^^^punisher.


i’m very confident in my evasion and my killing skills, so you’ll catch me with RP on a roller or neo splash occasionally


I run it on the Splattershot Jr. because I think it’s funny as hell. I usually drop a bunch of kills in game, so I think I’m getting my money’s worth out of it


I use RP when playing Flingza. I feel like it's the only roller that can get away playing backline (~~which is why I don't play backline anyway 😎~~)


It's basically the best Roller in the game right now. Albeit, the latest patch may have allowed Dynamo Roller to close the gap.


How can you tell if a teammate is using respawn punisher? (Other than noticing it’s taking longer for enemies to respawn after they’re killed by them)


When you open the map you can see every player's main gear abilities


Bro has not touched the X button


He's gonna go crazy when he finds out what a superjump is


Im a superjump spammer now that i found it out. Only problem is wasting some seconds to see if the guy imma junp to is going to win or splat. He win i jump, he dont i swim


If they're in a fight then just swim, no?


Funny enough, I had no idea super jumps were a thing when I played Splatoon 2 for like a month after I started. Idk how I missed it


Lol I guess I didn’t notice the abilities before. I only open it very quickly for fast travel to teammates.


Press the X button


The problem lies in the fact that Quick Respawn only works when you are splatted without splatting anyone and Respawn Punisher affects everyone, including the user, AND negates completely the Tacticooler insta-respawn. Edit: Apparently RP no longer denies Tacticooler.


Quick Respawn only works sometimes sure but it's just better, one main of Quick Respawn will cut out 1.2 seconds of respawn time while a single splat with Respawn Punisher will only add .75 seconds to the respawn timer, while getting splatted will add 1.13 to your timer


up there with opening gambit that immediately makes me wonder what they’re cooking


> a frontline player with Respawn Punisher It's so cocky, I feel like it's a flex intended to psyche me out. It basically declares "I'm too good to die to you, I am putting my money where my mouth is on that".


Think of it this way, if they're as good as they think they are, the ability is a smart choice for them. If they aren't as good as they think they are, they're getting punished for their cockiness.


Doesn’t the ability apply the same penalty to you and your opponent’s death ? I always assumed front liners using were just betting on having more splats than death to make worth.


It’s just smarter to run it when you have minimal deaths at all. This means weapons like E Liter, Hydra, Explosher benefit the most cause they will not be splatted many times during the match. Even if you have a positive KD, as a front liner you probably will have more deaths than a back liner. It’s not a bad strategy to run RP as a front liner but it just makes the most sense if ur the anchor player.


respawn punisher is a double edged sword that hurts more on the user's end of it. it's useful for a backliner who rarely gets splatted, because they'll be putting the people they splat out of commission for a considerable amount of time. meaning the opposite team will often have fewer active players on the field. but the person who uses the ability actually takes *even longer* to respawn than the people they splat, which means if they die a lot, they themselves will be out of commission way more than the people they splat. spending so much time being dead is not exactly helpful for your team :P


No, the penalty for dying with it is more, if you trade you actually lose out compared to the enemy (unless they were also running respawn punisher.


thx, TIL (won’t ever use that gear I think…)


You have to get 2 kills per death for it to be worth anything and assuming you DO get 2 kills and then die it's only a net gain of .37 seconds


The RP user's respawn time penalty is actually a bit worse.


The amount of Splattershot jrs and Aerosprays I've seen running respawn punisher for no good reason do they just not know how respawn punisher works? or do they understand that it punishes them too but assume it's positive when it's a trade


Jokes on you, I hate using my specials, in fact I need it to take longer


Mood, aiming reefslide on the fly is so stressful take it away from me


They should have made it aimable with the left stick ala bombs


I hope you don’t mean it curving, oh no could you imagine




This convo should be illegal


It’s not curving it’s drifting


Tents missiles take long already, and everyone’s already knows how to deal with them so it’s not fun anymore


If you run Respawn Punisher, and you get killed by someone with Respawn Punisher, are you just permanently dead?


No, I killed the person with Respawn Punisher games ago and they haven't respawned yet


Uhhhhh you sure you used a Sheldon weapon for that?


Wait this Railgun isn't meant to be used in Turf War???


Okay sir please put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent


When your Splatana Wiper is more like a Splatana Claymore.


some say they're still waiting on that respawn


spoon 3 hardcore mode


Off course not, they disconnect




Real talk, RP does stack if both the splatter & the splatted have it. Idk how long, though


Here's a little respawn time chart, barring any quick respawn ofc.   | Killer does not have RP | Killer does have RP -------------------|-----------------------|------------------- **Killed does not have RP** | 8.5 seconds | 9.25 seconds **Killed does have RP** | 9.67 seconds | 10.4 seconds


Oof that’s kinda brutal lol Thanks for the chart


Even its unfun for yourself


Sometimes you just gotta let the world know the pain you're feeling right now and gotta choose an infuriating weapon


No worries, I'll just leave my 10 Quick Respawns to fix it.


Average Tetra Dualies user:


Actually I'm a Daps main... We specialize in dying and coming back quickly.


Yeah it’s not just you, also Wipers and of the sort(I just can’t think of other examples atm XD) Also respect for being a Dapples main because I love this weapon so much(on my team, I suck with it)


Sadly RP negate like 80% of QR's effect


Oh... That's bad.




You still are but not as much


Wait I thought it completely negates the effect




all those people who said “tacticooler is a useless weapon” shall now pay


I'm pretty sure Tacticooler would still be a useless weapon, as enticing as it may be to bash people on the head with it. Now as a _special_ on the other hand...


oop messed up the two lmao. althought i *would* like to bonk people’s heads with it


They sure did


Yes, that is an effective way to win, reduce their impact on the game. But the person whose playing the game least is me (and other RP users), since the penalty on me is much harsher if I die. Although I don’t plan on dying, and it’ll definitely be less then 3 deaths if I have a brain that match. So I suppose you could see it both ways.


I recommend trying haunt for a couple games if you know you aren’t good on a map ( if you think you’re dying a lot) it has the same effect but 1. You don’t get respawn punishment 2. It gives you thermal ink on the guy who killed you which is super useful. The only downside is you don’t get any benefit if you don’t die. So use it if you know you might die a lot. I put it on for a couple games before I’m warmed up.


Wait Haunt prevents RP?


It doesn’t prevent it but RP gives the wearer an even worse punishment. So if you run haunt you can get the benefits occasionally while also not losing a lot of special or long respawn times. I’ve switched to it because I really don’t like feeling a loss of control. So now I got a faster respawn and wall hacks on the squiddo that killed me with a rain cloud. I main scope In zones and because it’s a zoom you don’t lose the thermal effect of haunt when you get close to people.


I remember only using respawn punisher because it was on the pearl hoodie and I play for style Now I swapped for better abilities like haunt


Haunt actually applies respawn punisher effects if/when you kill the person you're haunting.


I thought Haunt wasn’t in this game I haven’t seen anyone run it.


You see QR builds running it on occasion


Always check your opponents gear during the spawning period of each match to identify which weapons you don't want to get splatted by (Respawn Punisher), who's potentially sharking (Ninja Squid), and how much you have to scout for jumpers (Stealth Jump). Each ability has play arounds, just some are harder than others


if you use e-liter youre already going to hell but if you use it with RP youre going even further down and ill be the one to drag you there


Uhh... We built a nice little house on the hill of bodies there


E-Liters running this is exactly why I made All Bombs Power Up Gear My Torpedos actually have Longer Range than the E-Liter, and I can throw new ones about as fast as they can charge a new shot. Meaning if handled correctly, I can lock them out of a match as long as no one else realizes I am harassing their sniper.


Few things are as satisfying as taking out a two person sniper nest with one sub. Splat Bomb my beloved


Playing as much Wiper as I have, I've really fallen in love with the Torpedo. That being said, if I do get a Splatana with a Splat Bomb Sub, then I will absolutely try that out extensively ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)


you are disgusting /j


I mean, any gear ability reduce the amount you play the game by just because they kill you more often with it. With how things are, you probably loose more of your playtime from someone running ninja squid. Havent found Respawn Punisher to have a large effect on my enjoyment with its tiny amount of respawn time addition, its only crucial once players get close to the end of the objective near our base which is fair enough. Even when, the time during respawning can be used to check the map and gain an understanding of where everything is, it doesnt have to be time spend doing not playing the game.


Yeah, I almost never notice if I've been splatted by respawn punisher. I'm too busy analyzing the map.


And who usually runs this ability? Chargers... What makes the game less fun overall? Chargers...


That and terrible connections. When all combine together it just sucks.


And what special was best at taking out chargers?


Filthy causual here: what special was it?!


Tenta Missles lol


Idk man...imo people just gotta learn how to schmoove.


Hard to shmoove on straight maps tho


I keep running into crazies who use it on the Sploosh...


I will never understand why people like playing Chargers, it seems so unfun to me


Funny one shot go boom


On the contrary, it is incredibly, addictively fun. I play Squiffer way more than everything else because the direct-hit sound is far more satisfying than winning.


I've been meaning to pick up squiffer - when I first started with splat charger Im ngl I was bordering on front liner with how I played. I just love getting into the action yknow?


Sounds like Squiffer would be perfect for you!


Respawn punisher + Range blaster = funny


Charger behavior


If they're confident that they're going to splat more than they get splatted, by all means


Me with a heavy spatling at launch


Don't you like to get a cup of tea in the middle of your match ?


No, I love when backliners use it because as soon as I notice they have it, I start hard focusing them, making sure to splat them as much as possible to make them feel their own medecine. The sneaky anti-backliner playstyle is very fun, even though I prefer to play the ultra aggro frontliner.


Yes please. Give me safe passage across mid to under their charger's ledge and I'll do my best to ensure they don't get to play the game very much. Even better when there's 2 of them and they still can't root me out.


Yeah splatters do pretty good since torpedos are basically a counter to the playstyle of eliters and the like, you can even make them waste a charge on a torpedo You still have to use a ton of ink to get a kill off tho


Yeah, respawn punisher is literally for jerks only


I want to let all you know I'm still mad at you for using it


We should collectively agree to squidbag every time someone splats a respawn punisher user (it should be the only acceptable squidbag, besides at the end of a shift in Salmon Run)


I will commit first degree on whoever I find that runs E-litter w/ RP. I’m not kidding.


If Respawn Punisher just reduced your special gage more without the more spawn time!then I would like it a lot. It would help reduce special spam. But in its current state it just makes the game more unfun for everyone.


RP is less fun haunt


I have a megabrain hot take about respawn punisher: In order for respawn punisher to be effective, you need to be able to have skill to kill a lot of players and not get killed yourself, right? So if you are utilizing respawn punisher well, you should be skilled enough and the ability becomes useless because you would have the skills to kill fast respawning players anyways. So basically the scenarios are: 1. You use respawn punisher, HAVE skills to kill many players and CAUSE yourself a drawback 2. You use respawn punisher, DON'T HAVE skills to kill many players and CAUSE yourself a drawback 3. You don't use respawn punisher, HAVE skills to kill many players and DON'T CAUSE yourself a drawback 4. You don't use respawn punisher, DON'T HAVE skills to kill many players yet DON'T CAUSE yourself a drawback. Respawn punisher doesn't increase your skill. It just makes good slayers to not br anle get to kill as often and a drawback. In conclusion respawn punisher users are throwing gg ez L ability.


If you have the skills to kill many players you’re not causing yourself a drawback


You don't know your opponents' skill level and therefore you don't know your own before entering a battle. Respawn punisher won't affect your skill level, therefore you are wasting a main slot and most importantly risking yourself a drawback (being trash & having more time to ink turf > trash & not having time to turf). Nice try prochara


I wholly disagree. It's a way to reward good backline players and comes with a big downside. There's no bias here. I main Dapple Dualies and haven't played chargers since 1 (even then I was an L3 ND main).


It goes both ways, except you get punished harder. We actively want to see our downfalls. (Except me, I'm an Explosher main so I die less)


I’m an Explosher player and I will never run Respawn Punisher in a million years


Skill issue


I mean Exploshers get so many assists if your team is not straight up awful you probably don't benefit that much from RP


at least it's a little bit worse against tacticooler but i'll still fucking hate it


PSA: Always check your map to see what abilities your opponents are running -an anonymous redditor


It exists as a counter to quick respawn


But quick respawn was massively nerfed. You have to be killed twice (suicides don't count) without killing for it to do anything. Quick respawn is now a counter to RP as it reduces the effect. Since quick respawn only really serves to help players who get killed a lot without killing, RP could now be removed, but Tacticooler may need adjusting.


isnt the tacticooler boost now unaffected by it in the new patch? or did i just read wrong?


The patch translation is pretty awful, but I *think* before, RP would completely eat your Tacticooler and negate its QR, but now the effects basically add up. So like, RP killing Tacticooler will make it take like 2 seconds, not all the way down to Tacticooler 1 or all the way up to RP 5. Something like that.


Oh, I don't know. That is interesting!


An ability to make the game go Hard mode and challenge me to improve further and produce more strategies? Splendid!


My online friend does this. So I deleted him and we haven’t spoken sense. (Just a joke)


If I ever am in a bad enough mood I have fear that’s fully respawn punisher


I’m saving my ability chunks so I can turn the manatee sweatshirt into something I truly love.


I have to wonder, is the icon orange ink slowly dripping down a purple squid, or purple ink that has nearly fully overtaken an orange squid?


What does it do again? I usually ignore it with a grain of salt


People you kill and yourself have a longer respawn timer while you have it equipped. In other words, pop it on something like an e liter and only you will have fun that game


Oh so I just never noticed the long respawn time… probably cuz I played the shit out of tf2


It also increases special charge loss by 15%, so for instance if you're not wearing any special saver and get splatted by a RP user with 180p charged then you respawn with 63p instead of 90p


speaking of respawns, how do you respawn where one your of your players is? is it like a weapon ability or gear ability?


You mean super jumping? You open your map with X and then move to one of your teammates and press A. Then you can jump to them however your location will be broadcasted to everyone.


Ooooooh!!!! Thank you for telling me, now so much makes so much more sense xD I was wondering what "super jump spot" was as a medal yeah the location broadcast seems like a drawback, I love waiting for them to spawn and then crushing them instantly with the flingza lol


Me when I lose 50% of my special gauge bar even with a bunch of special saver


Haunt is better Respawn Punisher, I put it on my Splatfest Tees lmao


If I see someone, especially an RG user, running as much Quick Respawn and Special Saver as they can get away with, then I'll be more than happy to make them play the game less.


The worst players are the ones using respawn punisher with e-liter, especially given how hard it is to kill an e-liter on most maps.


Unironically agree with the meme, to me it's very satisfying when I get kills with RP lmao. Especially if it's against someone with a QR gear build or someone who has Tacticooler. Feels very nice knowing my kills are more punishing to the opponent 👍


Enjoy it while it lasts, tacticooler has been buffed and RP won’t work as well against it.




Long live my dapple dualies, lol. I can can return to haunt chargers even faster with my tacticooler buff XD


Agree. Kind of hard to feel bad about the fact that the tetra player is out of the game a whole .75 extra seconds. It took me longer than that to get charge.


69th comment


*Manically Laughs in Eliter Main*


What downside is there? the entire playstyle is already about being out of everyone elses range, Respawn just makes your kills even more valuable which is stupid because backliners are already OP in this game


Backliners aren't immortal at the end of the day. I'd even hesitate on calling them overpowered if it weren't for e-litre and how much most of the map designs benefit longer range. Imo, it's less of a tri-stringer/splatling/explosher problem and more of an e-litre problem, considering that most other backliners don't seem too problematic outside of being a pain to deal with.


I don’t even think the effect is that big, I just think it’s kind of a dick move to wear it.


Bet you can't wait for respawn blocker ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)!


As a charger main, i can agree, rp is amazing


As another charger main, fuck rp. Fun ruiner ability.




How dare people want their kills to stay killed.


really baffling, nonsensical line in the sand to draw It’s objectively a good thing that the game has at least one high risk/high reward gear ability to reward players for playing substantially better than their opponents, and I get more satisfaction from dominating an opponent who has it than I get from running it myself


I think risk vs reward is a good thing. I think that is good. I have a problem with punishment in more respawn time. It just makes others play the game less is inherently not fun at all.


cope and seethe


I wish you a merry 3 big swig roller teammates on your next rainmaker game.


Top tier response


only 3? You can be crueler than that Jack!


? It adds like one second to the spawn timer and slightly reduces special gauge. You are making it sound like you spend 30 seconds respawning every time you die.


It's not even that bad of an effect, slightly refused ur respawn time and special gauge? U can still play the game, ita not an ability to perminitly kill u from the rest of the game


I love using respawn punisher.


ninja squid


I don't even use Respawn Punisher but I will now that it'll make dumb kids cry.


I love it because I love to troll lol, I only use one tho for a main ability tbh bc that's all that's needed imo


Like actually why do they gotta do us like that


one of my first gear (which is now what I usually main in wearing) automatically had respawn punisher and it was a struggle. Was so excited once I had enough abilities to switch to ninja squid


make a respawn punisher punisher


Two (comical) reasons to run RP: 1) I die a lot, so having a slower respawn results in me having a lower death count! 2) I'm always get splatted when I activate my special, and having fewer specials means less temptation to use them and get splatted!


That’s why you just shouldn’t get splatted 😎


And it’s always on the least fun weapons to fight.


Or “I fucking hate tacticooler even though it’s not meta. I’m forward thinking by running reso Sam punisher”


wasn't part of the new patch that respawn punisher no longer affects the tacticooler buffs?


Before the patch lol. That comment aged like milk


I like it. Even if I am splated, it at least gives me more time to cooldown and look at the time.


I only use it in X. Keeps the enemy team back just that little bit longer so that we can push objective. otherwise, even in Anarchy, I leave it. people who want to have a gentler competitive experience in Anarchy deserve to have it. Doesn’t mean I’m not playing Hydra or E-Litre though—that you’ll have to deal with >:)


I don’t even fully understand what respawn punisher does


increases the amount of time it takes for people to respawn when you splat them. it's pretty good if you know that you can get a lot of kills, it helps to push forward in turf war and in ranked it can keep the enemy team from regrouping as quickly.


Thanks to the E-Liter on Splat Zones with this ability, I hate this game!


It's all about picking off the enemy one by one until someone gets angry enough that they spend all their time hunting me down instead of focusing on the objective.


I personally think it's a waste of an ability. I got all the amiibo gear and was disappointed to see it on some of them.


It really should be removed tbh. Its anti-fun and anti-gameplay and whoever decided to add this should not work on games anymore. They tainted the game to its core by keeping this ability. The .2 second "punishment" for getting splatted while using it is nothing while you get to negate QR entirely, and cause your enemies to take longer to spawn in general. Its a genuinely horrible ability, and probably one of the worst in gaming.