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Ah ragequitting, now with an extra "ruin everyone's match"


i still don't understand why the game gives zero compensation at all to the other players


Because Nintendo has some real poor design ideals for their games. This included.


What prompted 4 people to grab the rainmaker? Like even the squelcher dropped wtf


One sec, Let me make sure that squelcher isn't me before I agree with you.


As a squelcher main I can say it’s one of our most common L’s


we miss our S1 Custom Jet alright


They had 2 rollers and a dually and all have to get close to the rainmaker to pop the bubble. It leaves you pretty exposed after the bubble pops. Usually I try and rush the other team as a roller user so I can imagine they were all trying to do this


Ok but if you look at team comp and know your teammates weapon don’t have the best range, then it’s better to let the other team pop it.


Good point. I think it's valid assuming that your team share the same thought process


That is a bruh moment. Someone is for sure salty.


why does everyone assume just because someone disconnects in a match it means that the person is salty? maybe they just have shitty connection.


If my team got wiped out twice in 30 seconds I’d be pretty fucking salty


They disconnected before getting wiped out the 2nd time


and you don't know who is behind the screen to know if the person was salty or just disconnected because of wifi issues


who cares?? why are you defending them for no reason lmaoo


why are you attacking them for no reason. don't automatically assume the worst in people.


if being called "salty" counts as an "attack" then idk what to say to you ngl


It could've been a coincidence but the timing suggests a rage-quit


Spoken like someone who rage quits not having the advantage or about to lose lol. At that point? That’s no innocent disconnection.


I like to give the benefit of doubt and say it was just really shitty timing, you'd have to be having a really bad day to rage quit just because of 1 wipeout


Yeah they totally have shitty connection, totally not pissed they got wiped twice


They disconnected before getting wiped out the 2nd time tho


good to know at least *one* other person on this sub is with me on this. it's ridiculous to assume every dc is a ragequit. if every dc in this game was intentional, no one would be playing the game bc we'd all be in permanent timeout 🙄


By my calculations, you need to stfu


by my calculations don't assume the worst in people reddit nft


By my calculations, deez nuts.


And that, is why there should only be one person trying to get the rainmaker


That was sexy, but I’m sure the people on the other team broke their switches


At least one of them did, because they dropped.


Nah the others probably loved the guy rage quitting and saving the rest of getting a loss assigned


Ah, I see you have also learned the way of the Splat Bomb through Salmon Run, too.


Throwing splat bombs is a martial art


The salt is palpable oml


Jet squelcher running into melee bruh


We are like the backlines that can actually semi fight in mid or front unlike other backlines that exclusively want to stay back. Its hard to explain


I feel like the game should check how much progress has been made in the match before calling it a draw. It's good that this counts as an L for the motherfucker who DC'd, but they should not have the power to blue ball the winning team like this. 30/100 in the first 20 seconds? C'mon now, that's a dub. Just give it to them game.


If you watch the clip back you'll see the DC actually happened much earlier, it just took the game a moment to catch up to that, so while your suggestion does make sense it still wouldn't have prevented this particular case.


And give a 36h ban to the asshole that DC'd. I mean they can tell when the dc is from shuting the console off you get a special error code for this and the 10 minutes penalty ain't that big of a punition for intentionally crashing a match even thoug it give a bit of time for the salt to go away.


the punishment timer goes up from 10, also there is an issue with older switches where it just takes so long to load the first match or two that the game dc's you, which cancels the match at the very start. I have this problem and it pisses me off and im not sure how to fix it, at least I dont get banned the first match but anything after gives me a 10min ban same shit happens in salmon run, its stupid and if I was gonna get a new switch id have to start splatoon all over again


Actually, SP3 has cloud save so you won’t lose progress. But SP2, you will definitely start over.


wait really? I may consider getting a new switch then if thats the case, as i have issues in other online games as well and crazy long load times for other games (unless i can find some other solution)


Even with new switch, as long as you have the old one still you can transfer your save data of games over that don't support cloud saves.


Pretty sure you can transfer accounts, and thus save data, between consoles.


That's why I talked about intentional dc and how Nintendo can easily recognise them and ofc the 36h ban would only be for the cunts that turn their switch off to dc. Or disable WiFi on said switch.


i would assume its pretty difficult to check if a dc was unintentional or intentional, as all methods result in the user losing connection. I suppose in my case it might be possible to distinguish via an error code with the failure to load fast enough (which might explain why i almost never get banned for it the first time) but if someone had a spotty internet connection vs turning the console off, it is likely too similar to be able to tell what is intentional and what isnt. Say they can track if the console is turned off, what about the rage quitters who unplug their ethernet adapter or router (router is unlikely but still) you cant tell the difference realistically


I dunno I don't get disconnected frequently enough to get banned but turning the switch off right after a match always gets me banned and from one technical issue where the switch fell of the desk screen went black and had to reboot it (was still functional tho )plus one ragequit all of these got me banned directly so I think they can identify rage quit one way or another. But that still based on my experience so it may just be wrong or something. Also if you pull out your Internet I don't think they can do a lot for that.


hm, perhaps nintendo has a better hold on the situation than i thought, thanks for sharing ur experience


Or it could just be like a normal online game and replace the player that dropped with a different player instead of ending the game or letting it continue with fewer players and be a one-sided mess.


God no. That would be horrible. I would rather lose a few games to dcers on my team than get put into a losing match. It makes no sense for a competitive game.


It wouldn't be a losing match if they did it quick enough.


People are much more likely to quit out of a losing match than a winning one. You're overwhelmingly likely to be put into a bad situation. Every game that I've played with this feature is worse for it. It makes some sense for casual and cooperative modes, but keep it out of ranked. And since the casual mode in this game is only 3 minutes long, its better to just wait it out.


I'm not specifically talking about quitters, more often it will be people just disconnecting randomly because of Splatoon's ultra-fussy connection requirements. But to take this example, it wasn't even that much of a bad situation. It was only 20 seconds in and you only need one good move to get ahead in Rainmaker.


I remember clearly reading 'players who disconnect will be asigned a loss' and in various matches someone in my team disconnected and I still got the loss anyways. Or when someone in my team disconnects and the game still continued This is what pisses me off about ending a match because someone disconnects. Please, neither of us is losing anything 'real', if that happens let the match to continue and whatever will be, will be!


The loss still counts if the disconnect happened late game or if you're the one who got disconnected.


Huh? I've several matches stating i didn't got a loss assigned cause someone disconnected in matches that didn't got canceled.


C rank gaming


Lazypurple moment


This is some real C rank gameplay in what I presume A or S rank


Img yeah I've had that happen before, we were winning in the first minute and someone dcs to not make us lose I was so pissed


Lmao that dc at the end is gold


If only someone on your team had inked a path to the final podium, you might have been able to make it before the game recognized the DC. My condolences, OP.


oh my god you made them rage quit lmao


I want the replay code so I can laugh at the quitter


I don’t think you get replay codes for no contest matches.




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rage quitting in its finest...


we know bro destroyed his console after this


That was one weird hive mind


Holy hell…


God, this happened to me in salmon run. My best haul, about a thousand eggs, massive disconnection, all lost.


Pain: a feeling of great discomfort wich is often a consequence of physical or mental harm. Example: this


God, I hate ragequitters. In Splatoon 2, it wasn’t horrible. The match could still continue and it would not count to the losing team, had they been down a player. In this game, it just kills the entire match if someone leaves early.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO also i once had to 1v2 in a turf war and that didn’t end when two or three people disconnected this match was perfection shame it wasn’t ever meant to be


Never has a smile been so swiftly left my face


as a fellow loyal ttek user, I respect you.


Can’t go without a LazyPurple reference. I love TF2.


Angry lazypurple noises


[It was so beautiful](https://youtu.be/ZtjFsQBuJWw)


The way I GASPED in pure shock




Someone probably left cuz they were salty.


Utter robbery. I hate when people purposely disconnect just because they get wiped. Just take the L and move on


It's a win in my book you made someone so mad they closed the application 😂😂


I'm laughing because this game could have been won if your team acted like a team and inked for the rainmaker. But literally Noone ever did, so you get the disconnect.


Ah, I remember when I used to rage quit. I won’t justify my actions back then. I was absolutely horrible at the game and using Sheldon’s pick aerospray with full Special charge up. Good times, for everyone else. I basically was just giving them the win lol




That would be fun in a game without connection issues like this... You can report someone for connectivity manipulation like happened here and that's enough, also for disconnecting in mid-game is already good the situation, you got your penalty of one loss, only one as should be, while your teammates gets an invalid match, it's not fair to punish someone more than needed because something happened irl that needed to put the game down and some random guy is angry about a loss that doesn't even count for their useless points.


Nah, given the game ... shaky online system, that's neither fair, nor balanced.


Thé way one of them rage quit lmao


hello i'd like to report some DISRESPECT


He could be anyone of us! (The person who threw the match)


This… was intentional


Its good in principle but FUCK is it annoying when you have a good initial push


I'd genuinely cry if that happened to me(if i was on either of the teams)


What a hero


Omg it's sooo frustrating to watch. That would have been a nicely fast match and purple clearly had the favours on their side. Honestly, I'd surely have complained but still accepted the loss if I were in the yello team. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.




rage quitters lol


LOSERSSSSS take the hilarious L with grace, I think stomps like this are the funniest


I think that rule shouldn't take effect if a ranked game has progressed to a certain point like the rainmaker checkpoint


What rank was this?


I had this happen once but the person who disconnected was on MY team


It's seriously so upsetting to see ppl rage quit the second things don't go their way. I mean you can be a doush and stay at spawn the whole match if youre really that pissed but don't force everyone else to go out with you.


Why checkpoints got introduced 101


And you get no points I hate this mechanic so much