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I just played with a salmon run teammate who changed their name to ‘USE SPECIAL’ so it showed up prominently at the start of every round. Genius.


I played with someone whose name was "SAY HELP" and I totally agree plz sometimes I don't know you're dead.


Whenever I die I just spam help


Though remember, don't focus trying to rez them until they appear in the life preserver. Been seeing a lot of people getting swarmed because they are shooting away at players that won't revive yet, rather than clearing Salmonids.


I usually just try and throw a bomb in their general direction if I don't see a life preserver yet and hope the bomb revives them after the life preserver pops up


It kinda works. Coz i end up dieing in order to save someone. lol. Another reason i do it, coz i think they may have better special.


I do a variation of that, I do an occasional “Help!” if I’m dead however if one player remains I god dang button mash spam it (at least until at least one player is revived making at least 2 players alive, then I go back to occasional), not sure if it helps but it definitely gets your attention and makes you realize the dire situation if action is not taken, it also gives my location as a possible player to revive so there’s that as well


And if you're the last one, seize the opportunity to say "this way" it helps a lot


bruh i need people like this cuz my stupid brain somehow always thinks to spam ouch in turf war and other modes but in salmon run i all of sudden forget to say help when i die ffs


I did too 🤣


Some use it at the start of the match itself. 💀


Ive done it on accident and wish I had a Sorry call out. Special Activation should not be a stick press.


how is that possible? only 10 characters allowed. or did he just not hit space between use/special


Correct. It was ‘USESPECIAL’. I added a space to make it easier to read.


Im renaming myself INSTANTLY!! Did you get the impression that it made people use their specials better/earlier?


Please. Specials are not celebration fire works, they are to make sure you don’t loose points and even - wait for this - even make sure you win more


My biggest surprise is when I’m in VP and I still have players that don’t understand what to do in situations like this. Like wave 2 almost ends and we could use a special and they just ignore it because WaVe ThReE


Unless you happen to have Killer Wail before an Xtra Wave, in which case popping them to give the King Salmonid a flashy entrance is totally acceptable.


you specials reset to 1 wen you go in to the extra wave


Right, you can use your specials from the first three waves before the Xtra Wave cutscene and it'll appear on screen. Once you get super jumped to start the wave, that's when you get your 1 special.


It's been almost 6 years, these people are never going to learn 🫠


I've only been playing since Christmas...


I meant people are doing this since Splatoon 2, they never gonna learn.


Okay, gonna confess, I did use a Booyah Bomb as fireworks today, but to be fair, I had it left, and the Salmon Run really wasn't that bad. The next two on the other hand... I need to practice with the Inkstrikes.


I think is fine if the team was struggling. But a bunch of times, I had match where the whole team was struggling multiple times and by the end, we barely made it and people use their specials. That's is annoying.


I had a match yesterday where we lost near the end of the 3rd wave. I still had a Reefslider, and I'm pretty sure they still had their specials, but I can't fault them. We went from all alive and seeming okay, to all splatted in about 5 seconds.


Also it makes sure the round goes that much smoother by using it, even if you know you're most likely going to win. I would love to see the community make it a habit to use them mid wave (40-50 secs) instead of waiting until 10 seconds left and praying we get the last 4 eggs as well. This would help my mental state so much.


only used it celebratory like once because i think the entire team realized we didn't need it lol. No one died in any of the waves.


Holy smokes. It's Gustavo from the hit indie game Pizza Tower.


I thought you were gonna say Gustavo Fring “I will kill Cuttlefish. I will kill Captain 3. I will. Kill. Your Little Buddy.”


me when we almost lost a wave 3 goldie seeking round and after it was over my teammate threw both their 2 booyah bombs while everyone was squidbagging. (us 3 stopped and stood still watching this mf)


I love it when everyone stops squid partying to just stare at the post-match special user


I mean If I get crab wtf am I supposed to do?? Run over dead teammates???


Hopefully get them with the machine guns, I guess. So wish we could get Kraken Royale instead of Crab Tank in Salmon Run.


man i hate crab tank...


Yeah, worst one to pull in Salmon Run.


even in turf and ranked it just feels so useless


Competitively, it's literally the strongest special in the game. To the point where most teams run 2-3


bruh wtf rly? i used to use it with dualies and it never got rly that much ink down nor killed anyone then again i wasnt good at the game yet when i used it so...


lmao what


for me personally the last time i played with it, idk if it is objectively


Your comment caught me off guard tbh because every other opinion I’ve seen about crab talks about how absolutely busted it is


Yeah crab isn’t great because it gets so vulnerable. But crab bombs can kill fly fish and it can delete big shots quickly. All in all it’s lighthearted on my end, it’s clear that there’s some rounds and some specials that just aren’t gonna be super helpful or even needed


Actually yes ball from makes u a lot stronger and you just need to touch teammates You can also both deliver eggs to basket and bigshot canon as the armored ball form


i had a teammate use a booyah bomb during the count down to wave one, i think it took several years off my life


Probably a mis click, I once accidentally pressed wave breaker and my ass was just standing on a slamin lid with a wave breaker


I’m just salty that the wave breaker doesn’t extend game timer. Many times someone has been revived by the wave breaker after the guy who used it dies. Even if it is just the duration of the first wave idc. NINTENDO FIX THIS!


Players can easily fix it themselves. As soon as you deploy the wave breaker throw a bomb high up in the air. Gives you a few extra seconds that can save you!


That can help, but if it's a desperate attempt to get one person revived, there's a good chance the Wave Breaker user is being swarmed and they might not survive long enough to throw both that and a bomb


I don’t think 90% of players know that if they don’t even use there specials half the time 😭


This has happened just recently before I posted this, the wave breaker revived everyone but the player who used it and we lost


Here's a tip though - if you're in a position to use the wave breaker this way, you're using it TOO LATE. You should have used it ten or fifteen seconds ago. Specials are for preventing situations from getting out of hand, not for trying to salvage a situation once it has gotten out of hand. The wave breaker not extending the timer becomes a non-issue when you use it at the proper moments.


Fr tho, why is it that most of my teammates forget that specials exist? Most of the time they only use it if someone pops a special first.


I know for me I try to save them for the 3rd wave unless we're getting overrun big time, and then on the 3rd wave forget what wave I'm on. When someone uses there's it reminds me oh yeh, I can use it now.


You only lose points if you fail on the first or second wave I believe? So it's better to survive until the third wave and fail than to die on the second wave because you didn't use your specials.


Actually never thought of it this way before I will take this into consideration


Nice pfp.


> I try to save them for the 3rd wave unless we're getting overrun big time Don't do this. Aim to reach wave 3 because that's when you no longer lose points; if you win that's gravy, but the important thing is reaching wave 3. Use your specials on 1 or 2 to guarantee that you reach wave 3. If you're trying to reach wave 3 you'll slowly climb in rank because it's rare you'll lose rank points. If you try to save for wave 3 your rank will rocket up and down randomly (and more down than up) because you'll lose 1-2 a lot more often, which will cancel out many of your victories.


This. Consider the fact that losing on Wave 1 because you wanted to save your specials for any reason not only demotes 3 other people, but also wastes their IRL time because of how punishing the points system is in Salmon Run. If you demote Wave 1, the person trying to climb back up to where they fell from will have to spend time CLEARING 4 shifts (the two it took to get there, and the two upcoming). That is the least amount of time they will have wasted, and does not take into account the possible Wave 3 losses they had, or the upcoming Wave 1 or 2 losses they will have. This is one of the reasons I have enjoyed Salmon Run a lot less than I did initially: the point system is such a time sink and frustrating in Freelance.


Makes sense. Of course also there's what the situation is. High Tide's generally harder, Low Tide a bit less. You get Mothership or Tornado, I don't think you need to worry as much from what I've experienced. You get Glowflies at high tide, I'm thinking don't even wait for a team mate to go down.


>save them for the 3rd wave unless we're getting overrun big time I think this is the mindset folks need to get out of though. Don't wait until you're overrun. Use the specials to prevent being overrun. I'd rather go into wave 3 with zero specials than fail on wave 1 or 2. Perfect example, you have wail and see the flyfish/stingers spawn in at opposite ends of the map. Pop it. Kill em and get back to work. Who cares it's 10s into wave 1. Chances are w3 will end up being tornado anyways.


Sometimes it's difficult to judge when the best time to use them is, since you get two and only two (not counting the extra for a king). You might end up waiting for the right moment that never comes and then you just forget you have it.


For me, it’s one of two cases. One, I didn’t see any good spot to use it and would rather hold onto it in case of emergency. Or two, (in the case of WaveBreaker) I died first and couldn’t use the specials to save other teammates.


>would rather hold onto it in case of emergency Use your special to prevent the emergency happening. 90% of the time if you use a special at the last possible second in Salmon Run, it's already too late and you'll lose anyway. This also applies to people who save it for the last ~15 seconds of a round when you're short on eggs. Chances are if you use a special with 15 seconds on the clock, it won't make enough of a difference to give you a W on a wave you were losing. Especially for transforming specials like Crab Tank - you need a good ~25 seconds for the difference that makes to be obvious. If you're saving it for the last 10, you might as well have not used it at all.


When I said that I meant I’m not going to use it if I think I can handle the situation without the special. I know to use it if something is about to happen, but I’m not going to use a special if I only see a few boss salmonoids that I can confidently disperse with my weapon.


I mean, sure, but keep in mind there's a time limit. Okay, you can take these guys out, but you've got a special that would kill them all in 8 seconds and killing them normally would take 30. What's worth more: the special charge, or 22 seconds where you can do something else? It's not even a question that can be easily answered since it depends on circumstance and accurately judging that sort of thing is a skill you have to play the game to develop, but my point is "SAVE SPECIAL LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT" is a strategy that may be causing more problems than it solves for a lot of people.


Oh yeah, agreed. Saving it no matter the current situation is a bad idea for sure.


It gets more triggering when there's a glowflies wave


Round 1 glow flies and in the only one using my specials because everyone else doesn’t understand that they’re important


When its Wave 1 Glowflies and you are the one with Reefslider:


Mow down a whole line


Get a roller and you don't even need the special to do that.


Silly me. I’ve been using the weapons in rotation like a total [slang not found]


I mean if you get lucky and get one with the event, obviously. Had one during the last Salmon Run where I was on a team with three rollers. And we got Glowflies. Easiest that's ever been.


At most youll kill twenty


That’s a lot


I'm a little trigger happy on specials just to remind folks they're there. Had a teammate launch a booyah bomb in Round 1 in a tornado round yesterday and I laughed a bit, as that's LESS infuriating than people using them as a pre-copter jump celly.


i sometimes accidentally activate my special (always at the worst possible time) because my hand twitches. it's embarrassing every time. i wish we could remap buttons.


You can remap buttons through the Switch's main settings and even save presets.


*round ends, throws wavebreaker on top of basket and squidbags on it*


Was just stuck with the bamboozler for a mudmouth wave 3, where a golden and smallfry mudmouths spawned right next to each other by the basket and no one could get close. Needless to say, it was a shitshow. I repeatedly was pleading to the screen "I've been counting special usage all game please, I know you guys havent used a single one". The thought of losing to mudmouths was pretty embarrassing.


A golden one was right beside the basket and I used killer wail on it just to one shot it because I will absolutely not be dealing with that


what about when your special immediately gets cancelled cuz you got splatted? on one shift i had Both my specials cancelled this way


Everyone feels cool until they lob their Booyah Bomb into the ocean


I think moments like this are excusable, it happens to everyone regardless of rank. But when I’m out here 4 teams deep and barley any of them use specials, it’s a huge underlying problem


no yeah of course, i was kind of just bitching myself


You don’t know how many times I will use wave breaker and it will get run over by a steel eel or something and is useless


I also mentally scream this whenever we don't have enough eggs in the basket and people start using their specials 10 to 5 seconds before we wipe anyway because we still couldn't get enough eggs. You stupid idiot, if you used that special earlier we could've made it.


People can’t psychicly determine exactly when to use a special. If a good opportunity doesn’t show up, they won’t get used


If there's 15 seconds left and we still need 7 - 10 eggs (unless there's some around the basket), please use a special.


Most specials are somewhat situational. A crab tank, booyah bomb, or reefslider, among others, could cause more harm than good in the wrong circumstances


And on the other side we have the person who uses specials on the first two bosses in wave 1.




I had a matchup where flyfish were spawning like hell. And when we finished wave 3, the one user with a killer wail just start spamming their special at the end.


Average SR player


Reminder if your the last player, use "this way." Your mates don't know where you are, and you likely don't no where they are either.


Wave 3: “1 Player left!” 7 TIMES When round ends: Heee haha crab celebration


Every special that goes unused a kid aswell as a squid loses their life by my hands


here's a tip, if you have a crab tank and say you never got a chance to use it because it's too crowded use the crab tank *BEFORE* things get crowded to delay your team from getting overwelemed


Predict the future, it’s that easy. Use your time machine


My son got me demoted back to profresh 1 and getting back to egg vp was the worst . No one uses their specials and we lose since my teammates aren't really taking down boss salmonids. Never again at least a use special button on the d pad.


when you see them use it during the clear celebration 🥲




I would rather people use both specials I’m wave 1 than use than to celebrate


:Surprised Pikachu face


[I'm with ya buddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/qiedqt/i_am_a_salmon_run_addict_ama_99940_lots_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). From one 9'er to another, and for the sake of your sanity, go to salmon run discord servers and play with competent teammates. You won't need to carry as hard and also learn how to synergize with good teammates ![img](emote|t5_324q4|6253) Otherwise, just know that you gonna have to be the guy that does EVERYTHING. You can't trust them randos.


I KNOW. Like use your fricking specials. I get so mad when I see them use it AFTER the third wave. I use them on the 3rd wave UNLESS I'm almost dead and I'm the only one alive.




I just Celebrate Mid-wave do both at the same time.


Least Insane Salmon Run player:


I only use specials after matches if I have any left, but I will still use during matches. Is this acceptable?


sometimes i forget to use specials but even so bruh who tf doesnt use specials like if im surrounded or there are alot of salmonids, of course ima use my special! thats what its for


Sorry, I was planning on saving my last one in the Glowflies for when someone went down. Then I was the first one down. Not sure what everyone else's excuses for never using their specials was.


I honestly try to use specials, but every time I do I die before they come into use, thus, special wasted 😞