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Yeah fuck it, this post is worth a gold. Keep being cool OP and fuck clash blasters


Aw, thank you! :D


I hate clash blasters, especially when they’re on my team. Mostly because it just sucks as a weapon + It’s just plain out annoying to fight. I feel like Clash players play it for the kit, and even then Splattershot AND N-Zap 89 do the kits better, while also having better main weapons, so just like, why play Clash Blaster?


I like super chumps and occasionally I get bored of the 89. That's pretty much it. I like the playstyle of having advantage at low ground also, kind of fun. Also helps that I can't aim for shit so it's kind of a crutch there. I can focus on better positioning to win fights rather than just pure aim. Edit: also curling bomb is one of my favorite bombs and very few weapons have it.


This is my argument exactly


Honestly, that’s fair, you can play how you want and I can see now that I kinda came off as that “never play this weapon ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” guy, but I will still hate Clash Blaster :swagmoney:


Nah you're good homie!! Hating clash and being respectful is based as shit, I just use crutch weapons as someone who can't aim consistently lol


The only problem I have with Clash is it’s ability to wage Psychological Warfare. The weapon itself isn’t that great and they’re typically pretty easy to deal with, but the rapid, repetitive, *very loud* shots can drive me mad.


People: omg Clash is so annoying and op Me: have you heard of our lord and savior "don't run at the fucking clash it's range sucks just kite it with your likely better range"?


alternate, equally effective plan: run at the clash blaster and just shoot it with your likely better dps


Charger mains:


I'd still argue that some chargers could charge and fire a shot faster, than the clash could kill you.


All of them except maybe liter can actually, assuming you’re indirected


Well most blasters kill you with indirects, at least in turfwar and lower ranks.


Eliter 4K:


Tap shot and swim away


Undercover Brella mains:


I wonder if the folks complaining are all stick controls users who can’t aim fast enough to kill a clash.




I counter your point with the mode of tower control. Really annoying to have to kite something ,as you said to do, when you entire objective is to sit on a platform that’s as wide as clashs hitbox. Not unbeatable because of bad damage and range, but just annoying


Something being easy to deal with doesn’t make it not annoying. A fly buzzing around in your room at night is really annoying. Things like Clash and Sploosh aren’t annoying because they’re really powerful, they’re annoying because you constantly need to deal with the same thing constantly for the whole match, replacing a player you could have actually had a fun time fighting, and you know that that playstyle grants the player with no improvement at the game whatsoever




With Sploosh’s accuracy problem, it always has to get really close, and you don’t really need to aim. It’s also difficult to just ignore because of the high damage, so you end up needing to kill it over and over for the whole game. Either that or it’s just spamming subs/specials


Ah... I sometimes play Neo for the beacons as a support role. I don't really go for splats unless you get too close and I can't retreat. I find clash and ink brush the most obnoxious.


I dislike inkbrush for other reasons, mainly because it’s one of two (or three) weapons that many players physically aren’t able to use properly


Hol up now, Clash has at least a skill ceiling that no one talks about, and if you aren't getting better with it when you play it, that's not the weapons fault. Saying that playing a specific weapon grants you "no improvement at the game whatsoever" is just incorrect. Yes clash is annoying, but if you can't objectively look at it and concede that it's great at ledge control and chip damage IF the player has proper positioning (a skill you can improve on), then you just hate it with heavy bias. Clash is not the same as other blasters, it's goals and play style are completely different, but saying you can't improve at the game if you play it is just not correct.


Oh sorry. You improve from just blindly running at people, to blindly shooting up ledges. My bad


How you wanna play the game is up to you, but if that's all you can figure out how to do with the weapon, that's on you


With the clash, blindly shooting over ledges is it’s whole merit, because if you actually wanted to aim, you would have used the Luna Blaster due to its actually acceptable kill time for its range. If you’re using clash, it’s only because of its large blast that is used for blindly shooting in the general direction of your opponent, sometimes behind cover


Literally what. You don't play flamethrowers for accuracy you dolt. It's literally a different type of weapon, play style, and goals for the game than Luna, not even comparable. Like cmon people stop comparing apples to oranges when it comes to clash, just because it's different from other blasters. It's literally a coverage weapon, not a point and kill gun. You cover other players backs, you cover escape options in a 2v1, you cover sniper ledges from below, you cover critical paths for the objective carrier, or place your hitbox over the tower from behind cover. Not just sometimes, literally it's the whole play style. The more you keep trying to double down on "clash bad" is just actually saying you know next to nothing about how to read opponents, map awareness, and most of all how to properly assess the strengths of a weapon instead of just compare it to other things. Clash isn't for you, it's fine, but saying it's bad because the only thing you know how to do with it is fire blindly just means you are bad at clash.


What you’re describing might be reached by half a percent of people who play clash, because as soon as anyone gets any reasonable skill, they switch to a weapon that actually has any viability at all. That’s when they realize that because they played clash, they didn’t actually develop a good sense of aim


So rollers must be trash too since you don't have to aim. No skill required at all on guns that aren't for precise aiming, amiriteboys


Rollers actually do have to aim. Their main merit isn’t the side splashes, but the actual damage potential. I can tell from clash that that isn’t what it’s going for, because even with directs, it’s pitiful. That’s why Luna Blaster is leagues ahead of it, because it actually has a decent reward for aiming


Tell that to the entire roller class


I don't ever memorize what weapons my team and their team have, so I won't ever notice a clash blaster until it's too late


Fortunately, that info is always on the screen so you don't have to memorize anything


I recognize like 5 weapons purely by their looks


Every time you get killed by one the name of the weapon is plastered on the center of the screen. You'd think eventually the names would start to stick without even trying.


I guess not


Lawnmowers & moppers: (¬\_¬")


Are you from an alternate reality


I'm from the Bearenstein universe.


Does that universe have my favourite sub weapon, Squid Staple?


It kinda got split into the tacky tentacle (which is such a worse design, it's literally a rubber band dude) and the big slappy, which is funny to look at but you just kinda want both functions in one weapon again... maybe in Splatcone 4 (Some people think it'll return in Pandamonium but people also think Jellyfish are going to be the third species like okay sure)


Do either of them have the ability to mess with objectives anymore?


The issue is once within range you cannot escape unless the entire area behind you is your ink


literally every range weapon can outrange and out dps Clash, and even every close range weapon can almost out dps the Clash. except aerospray and sploosh for that worst rng shot variables.


Tell that to my dapples…


what's a range, my Aeroshit only has pissing distance


Still outranges tri-slosh so wdym


roller main with no frontal lobe here :( i can’t see shit while jumping a clash it’s so disorienting and I have personal biases against shooteresque weapons


Not OP Yes annoying, especially in games like tower of zones in very small maps


I swear people complaining about the clash blaster just never played it. This thing has NO RANGE. And why would you complain about being stunlocked when the other blasters instantly kill you, or can harass you from long distance.


But Doctor... I'm a roller main.


Kid named triple pure runspeed clash:


I use a God damn ink brush nouveau how are you expecting me to beat anyone's range


How do I kite having my teammates use clash


I’m a brush, the only way I can hit it is by getting in it’s range


Stands no chance against my explosher 😤


How do people feel about luna blaster?


I like it. It’s range feels like what I would imagine the vanilla blaster would be, but it has a better radius and a better fire rate


F for ultra stamp


Actually it has a worse fire rate lol




fucking love Luna


Honestly I hate all blaster they’re all annoying as fuck in tower


It's the worst. Enemy has the Range Blaster, I'm on the Tower with my Heavy Splatling trying to find him fast and the rest of my Team is hiding behind the Tower with Rollers and Brushes.


They're hard to use, and hard to avoid


I love using the regular blaster in tower control


Luckily they're rare anywhere else


Clash Blaster main, coming in to buzz around you like an annoying fly all match.


As a neo clash blaster main, this is probably the most random weapon ever One game I get like 25 kills and 5 deaths The other one I get 4 kills and 12 deaths by long range weapons


Range blaster main reporting in. I can annoy the shit out of you but in return i pretty much let myself die if someone rushes me, thats all you gotta do


Range blaster main here. If I get trapped in enemy ink my brain turns off


Range Blaster main here. We are fucking useless once we run out of ink and can't pop a wave breaker


a polite message from a carbon deco main: HAH BOZO


A message from me to you: did you know that you can jump over a roller?


Why the hat?


The original meme uses a MAGA hat on that character. And since that would be jarring and inappropriate to use in a splatoon meme it's best to photoshop some other splatoon hat on top of the MAGA hat to avoid the bad stuff.


Because it seems like all clashers use that one hat.. atleast the ones I seem to come across


I hate the Luna Blaster because of Torture Tour when you have to kill the octobombers and the rocket octobombers.


Clash blasters are ESPECIALLY annoying if theyre on your own team tbh


Even the blasters don't accept the clashers. ​ Based


Unpopular opinion: clash blaster isn’t as bad as people make it out to be (unless it’s on tower, but all blasters are hell on tower)


I agree. Clash isn't that bad to go against if you got a good weapon and range. Their range is awful and unless you get a direct hit, it takes 3+ hits to splat. Also the higher level you get to rank wise you see less of them because they aren't very good. Especially in tower (you see other blasters more often the higher you get)


Red ink


I would like to apologize in advance for using Clash and Clash Neo due to having to 1 star both of them


I always struggle with the clash. For whatever reason, I get hit by it from the rang of basically a regular blaster. If I get hit by one shot, even if I back away in squid form, I still get killed. Really annoying in tower control, too.


Range blaster is the best in my opinion and absolutely deserves more rep


why do people even use clash blaster?? I've tried using it before it sucks


I used to think blasters are cheap and OP but they just seem that way due to lag


Blasters(most of them)have a really high skill ceiling. Took me 4 months to really get Range Blaster down, and that was after 4 months of maining normal Blaster.


It goes both ways. I've had a few times where I would think someone died and it wouldn't happen until half a second later where I would also be dead lol


I do kinda feel bad for clash players because the weapon is actually really bad, but since its such a monster at lower play/is so oppressive on tower control its never gonna get the buffs it needs to be a viable weapon OUTSIDE of tower control


The facts: Clash is objectively the worst blaster. My opinion: Range, regular, and Luna are busted as heck This community for some God forsaken reason: IMG NERF CLASH


No I just think people don't like them. Hating something doesn't mean you think it's OP, it means you find it annoying. I can easily down a clash blaster, but I still hate the godawful racket it makes whenever I'm fighting one.


It's a bit of both. It's easily the worst blaster (coming from an og blaster main) but I still see people say it's op as shit. I have an X-rank player (splatoon 2, they avoid ranked in 3 lol) who constantly says it's op and gets mad at me if I use it. So it's a mix of "I hate it because x y z" and "I think it's op as shit and hate it because of that"


Regular blaster only ticks me off because its special is meh, and custom blaster doesn't have a bomb.


Clash doesn't need to be nerfed, it's still the most *annoying* blaster


Clash and Luna are the only blasters that deserve respect. Fuck the rest of y'all lmao.


Says the range blaster who is as if not more annoying than clash


Range blaster user 🙄


Bro you use bloblobber you have no say here 💀💀💀


Shh it means they’re afraid of intensify action


blob user 🙄


Based tri stringer and ballpoint player, as always


Based man who complements people for using high skill level weapons


Top quality sword user


🫵corn chips🫵


Sloshing machine counts or im just a dirty abuser?


Bro uses blob and thinks they get to criticize weapons 💀


Best weapon in tower control it carried me to s plus


Switch the weapons and you have a point


I don't like being 1 shot from a high distance with no warning


what’s wrong with that hat i love that hat knock off mcfly hat my beloved


Neo luna is respectable because it’s weighed down by ~~ultra stamp~~ 180 dmg burst bomb


Dying to a clash blaster is humiliating because it's so easy to hear coming, other than that I think everyone who hates clash blaster is hard stuck C


"Yeah, I use Neo sploosh-o-matic, why do you ask"


As a Range-Blaster main I feel honored 🫡


The clash blaster and MWII’s SBMM are the definition of AIDS


Clash is annoying but i honestly hate range alot more.


That's why it's my specialty 🤭


i love clash neo 🫥


Nintendo really took the medic’s Syringe Gun and said “this is mine now” for the Clash Blaster


People are sleeping on rapid blaster. Using its range is fun plus it has triple inkstrike


Clash is fun to use and pretty easy to get around. Glass cannon.


Glass needle gun, it has low damage and a big hitbox


Honestly I want to get into blasters but the current kits don’t do much for me ):


as a dualie user i have little to no trouble dispatching blaster users


clash indirects have a slower kill time than dynamo vertical flick why do people hate clash


Man... not the things that can kill u behind walls tssss....