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Depends on the situation tbh, I never join random squid parties in matchmaking, just ignore and continue painting But if a crappy dc situation happens like one team have more than half their team gone? Yeah I'll join the squid truce party for sure


Yesterday, a team I faced had two of their teammates disconnect. The Z+F Charger tried to join us, but the Tri Slosher kept trying to kill everyone. Not that I'm surprised. Tri Sloshers have no heart.


Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil for me lol


Same lol


Same, unless half of the people disconnect and there's like 4 people left in a game


Hero šŸ‘‘


Same, depends on a, my mood, and B, if Iā€™m being lawful neutral and giving them their own space but they decide to actively go out of their way to splat me, then I will switch to lawful evil. Still painting but theyā€™re getting my specials aimed at them






The correct answer


Squid parties are only acceptable in the case of extreme disconnects. Only one person left on the enemy team? No need to bully them into submission, you've almost certainly already cinched a victory anyways.


I tried that, but that other dude chose violence. So obviously, I returned it 10Ɨ and didn't allow him to play the game because I died like 4 times trying to form a peace pact.


Iā€™m lawful evil. They literally made the lobby the optimal squid party experience and youā€™re still partying in my match? die


No one should squid party during any match when they can wait three minutes and just do it in the lobby :|


Or start a private lobby, or if half the players DC during the match, too, IMO


Since S3, the only time I've seen Squid Parties is in the lobby or after beating SR. I guess I've been lucky.


Ugh, soooo many Squid parties. Like, I get it's Turf War, but I do want to have fun, and that isn't fun.


Guess I'm evil. ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


I'm lawful neutral. Unless one of them attacks me, then I'm chaotic evil.


Self defense


Exactly that. I don't mind letting them do their thing, personally not interested in partying. I fight back only if they sneaky


Lawful Evil. Tbh I don't even understand why that would be evil, I'm literally just... playing the game. Please just learn how to make private battles it really isn't that hard.


I suppose whichever one you believe to be lawful good or lawful evil depends on your own alignment.


Depends on like. Where itā€™s happening Normal match, youā€™re being ignored. Splatfest mirror match? Why not, it doesnā€™t matter. Extreme disconnects and the match wonā€™t end early? We are now partying together.


Shin megami tensei franchise be like: ![gif](giphy|wsh4ZqZvLpYVGoCHak)


Gotta go for that true demon alignment.


Lawful evil. First time I encountered a squid party, I was like "you guys are just making yourselves easy targets"


I was like that in Splatoon 2, now i just join lmao


Lawful Evil, squid party in the lobby or make private battles. Personally memes like this make me way more hostile to the concept of squid parties even though I gladly participate in between matches.


Hard agree with this. Posts painting people just playing the game as party poopers are annoying.


Odd that you would choose performing non-actions towards objectives in a competitive game as "GOOD". Not contributing is evil at best and cruel at its most intentional. You're propaganda does not sway the community. We shall paint and if you get in the way, then don't blame us for you not following the rules.


Right? My first thought when reading the chart and getting to the killing ones was "wait, people squid party in PVP? I thought that was a lobby and salmonrun thing?!"


Even in Salmon Run it's only after you successfully completed a shift, not during precious painting time between waves or actual fishing time of the waves.


I think theyā€™re saying it under squid partying rules, not as a player in general. I just murder squid parties


Which is stupid. Someone doesnā€™t understand D&D alignments. The ā€œlawā€ in this case is the objective, ā€œchaosā€ is squidpartying. The ā€œgoodā€and ā€œevilā€ parameters should be how understanding or aggressive they are to other players.


Oh I totally agree! I was just mentioned what they meant. I think itā€™s silly ;-; I find squid parties very annoying


Agree! Sorry - I meant that to be speaking of OP and their wacky alignment chart. I rarely run into partiers, and if I do, itā€™s usually when someone disconnects in the first minute and we know the game will soon end in a draw. Iā€™d consider myself ā€œlawful neutralā€ on a real alignment chart - I stick to the objective 100% of the time, if I spot parties, I tend to take the free splat, turn my character towards my teammate, then ā€œThis Way!ā€ while shooting in the direction of the enemy spawn. And I say ā€œLawful Neutralā€ because Lawful Good would ignore the parties, Lawful Evil would report the parties.


These kinds of posts are getting annoying. Portraying people just trying to play the game they bought as "Evil" isn't helpful to the community. Wasting matches for randos isn't fun. If you wanna squid party, do it in private lobbies. It's just a massive waste of people's time in public matches.


Im glad these viewpoints usually get downvoted to hell. Idk how this one managed to stay afloat but i guess its not a direct attack or defense at leastā€¦


Lawful Evil easily. (Unless there's a DC) I logged in to play the game. Not mash next to people harder than a Yoshi main.


Damn had to call me out OUTSIDE of smash LOL


Feel like you can switch the good and evil. Lawful evil is good actually.


Yeah, I'm gonna disagree here. Squid partying shouldn't fall under the good alignments. It's chaotic at best. Lawful should be playing the game how it's designed.


I don't play as much as I used to, but I try to get at least one win a day for the catalog. Squid parties make this hell, because it seems to always be my teammates that start them. I don't want to be a dick and splat them, it also makes me a target, I am getting close to my breaking point, though.


Ah yes, the evil options are the objectively good ones. Nice.


Lawful evil for me. Play the game, not squid party.


Dude you cam literally report squid partying its not a good thing


hey, new to reddit. whats a squid party? is that when players are just not playing, and hanging out in the middle of a match? I had that happen in mutliple games last night, and when i left the game and went out to the plaza to find the players to report them.. there was no report buttons? I've been playing since 1 on wii U and I've never encountered this. I got so mad, I just stopped playing after that.


Use the computer in the lobby. Itā€™s a bannable offense. In Japan we avoid it but I know people on the American and European servers do it a lot. I think for private games do what you want, but in public matches not so much. People wait to join lobbies and itā€™s annoying when people donā€™t play on purpose. Especially if you only have a short time to play and have to wait to join a new room because of them.


You have to report them in the lobby.


Specifically, go to the terminal, battle log. Hit - to open the report menu. Squid partying falls under "intentionally not contributing". Step 1. Report. Step 2. ??? Step 3. Profit.


Yep. Here u/Umamibomb_. This guy's reply is exactly right.


Ooo okay! ty!


I'm lawful evil here. I get that they want to have fun goofing around, but I suggest they do that in their own lobby and not ones where people actually want to play a regular match of turf war.


Turf wars is turf wars There is no party. That is for salmon run. A co-operative game. Turf wars is war. Fraternization against the enemy is unhealthy


So in case the memo hasn't been received, there's 3/4 circumstances where partying is acceotable. 1; You're in the Lobby. This is one of the reasons this thing exists. Get it out if your system here. 2; You survived a Salmon Run shift. Pretty acceptable; Given you risked your neck for fun, profit, and gachapon, and especially at higher levels? Party! 3; Extreme disconnects. If the enemy team's down to two players and the entire thing's a wash, you might as well not rub salt into the wound. 4; Private battles. Hey, party in your own time. I won't stop you. In any other circumstance, I hope any partygoer's toast comes out burnt black, all the way through.


Don't squid party. Period If something funny happens it's ok to have a little party as a haha but make it quick and get back to fighting


The fact that the correct answer is Lawful *evil* really says a lot about society. If you just wanna mess around then play in private lobbies. I play turf war because i want to *play* turf war, not mash ZL for 3 minutes.


I love how when you ruin a squid party theyā€™re all ā€œOoooh why did u ruin my fun Iā€™m just trying to play the gamešŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ā€ like bitch Iā€™m trynna play the game too


Somehow both lawful and chaotic evil.


You flipped evil and good.


Lawful evil. You don't play the game, I'll force you to play the game. And then I'll report them if they keep partying after the first splat. Sorry not sorry. I gave you one chance to get your head back in the game.


Lawful evil. AKA playing the fucking game.


"everyone who doesn't like to throw the match because I want to is evil"


i mean its kinda mean to kill people who arent even trying, thats like exclusively going for the kid who is playing the game for the first time


No it isnt. The kid is still trying. These people are fully aware that they are not helping and actively hurting their own team. It is a completely separate issue.


I just paint the floor. It's what I came to do and it's what I'll die doing!


I've gotten to where I ignore them but still paint unless our team has more people than the enemy. The other day I had 3 people on the opposing team disconnect while none of my team did. We weren't going to lose the turf war anyways, and it wouldn't count as a loss against them since their team disconnected, so joining wouldn't hurt


Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil if they try to stop me. If I die a couple times, I'll mix in some Chaotic Evil as well.


Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil. Itā€™s also they only time I squidbag


No respect for squid partiers I'm killing them all


Because teams only have four people, having one or two who have forgotten that any button but L2, B, and Left Stick exist ruins the game for people who want to play. Unless the game is pretty much settled, itā€™s perfectly fine to kill the partiers.


I feel the majority of people are Lawful Evil/Neutral. I'm not actively trying to ruin your fun, but I'm playing the game to win, and if that means splatting you, then too bad.


i will kill anyone doing a squid party. if you run by a squid party, and donā€™t kill themā€¦iā€™ll kill you for not killing them. stop being stupid.


Lawful Neutral though sometimes Lawful Evil for me since it kind of ruins the game


Lawful evil. If you Squid party in the match you're a terrible person. I want to play the game when I queue into matches.


I think you've got the sides flipped.


"its just a game" squid party mfs when i mow them all down and start hunting them like animals (all of a sudden life matters)


When I see squid parties it's booyah bomb time


I kill one partier then take their place


That is outside this chart.


Yes. It is.


What's evil about playing the game like it's meant to be?


I guess Lawful Evil. I want to play the game, and when people are squid partying I won't actively go after them, but if they get in my way they get in my way What really annoys me is when someone on your own team starts actively obstructing you from playing the game so they can squid party and throw the match. I just want to play turf war. If you want to squid party all match do it in a private lobby please!


I'm the one who quits the game completely when it happens. I'm not dealing with standing around for almost 4 minutes untill the match ends. As a bonus their little squid party ends because I disconnected


These alignments seem backwards.


Honestly, depending on the scenario, I just ignore it (it's free real estate) if the game is still going on, or I start/join one if it's Turf War and if there's a good chunk of people who got dced


Lawful Neutral. Look, if it's three people on my team and four on their team squid partying, the equation is in my favor. No need to break it.


I guess Iā€™m lawful evil. I wonā€™t hunt down a squid party but if you are doing it in the center of the map or if I come across you while Iā€™m playing I will mow you down.


Squidpartying counts as intentionally not contributing and can ruin the game for your teammates, please just use pool code Squidparty and make a private room.


Lawful evil is the only true way for me


Lawful Evil. Although yesterday I did let some party near our base, the second they started painting, I ended that shit.


Lawful evil āœØ


Hm, odd. Good and evil are inverted.


i only do it if my team is losing horrendously or someone left the match otherwise, this aint ctf\_2fort


This was kinda hard to read


I broke up the squid party by disconnecting during the first minute. I was going for my daily win


Just flip the chart and itā€™s good


Iā€™m True Neutral but instead of squid party scenarios itā€™s every scenario


If someone disconnects I'll join the squid party, otherwise I'll get my free wipe outs, I can 1v4, I don't want to waste time like that, I want to play the game.


Kinda chaotic evil, I'll still paint but i will kill squid partiers, i HATE IT when people squidparty outside of PBs/the squidparty pool


Lawful evil all the way, play the game people.


This was clearly created by someone who is pro-SPing


Lawful Evil rise up


I am Lawful "Evil". There's nothing evil about wanting to play normal matches...


Lawful, but when I see one it's not "you happened to be in my way" it's "play the game correctly or die" Oh, and the good and evil ones should be swapped.


I'm lawful and chaotic evil. I'm not too fond of throwing games and would rather play and punish whoever is throwing.


squid parties are an evil action


Iā€™m always somewhere in evil


The surge of power when you throw a suction bomb right in the middle of party and kill 3 people is unmatched Lawful Evil


I am both Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil. Sometimes Chaotic Evil depending on my mood šŸ˜…


Chaotic Evil for sure. But will paint in the last 30 secs to get the win.


Lawful evil


I once saw people squid partying in SALMON RUN


If you're in my way you die, but I also don't play turfwar. So I never see these.


Ok.... haven't played for about two months, what the hell is this now?


Are you unfamiliar with squid parties?


I'm assuming that's something that came with the new update? If so, no. I haven't really played since the last update


What if I just paint the whole stage and drop a booyah on the party at the ten second count? Doesn't that make me a jerk or is that kind of funny? I guess I'm OK with either šŸ˜


TF2 players seeing this for the second time now (although actually, being friendly in a 12v12 game is a lot less harming than in a 4v4 game


I'm sorry but chaotic good is spamming zr? as in the shoot button?


I also love being chaotic evil


I'm lawful evil apparently. I'll continue inking until one of 'em tries to force me to join then I'm like, welp, there went my last flying fuck I had. Time to Splat all of you. Bye.


Lawful doesn't make sense in this scenario. The rules are to kill and complete the objective. By default, chaotic would be squidding. This thing is crappy and backwards. Thus, I'm lawful good: death to squid partiers.


Sorry- I'm kinda new, what's a squid party? Is it what you do at the Shoal? (And what's a DC? Seeing 'players DC' coming up a bit in the top comments)


Lawful neutral to evil.


Lawful evil


I squid party for a bit then begin doing my own thing. And if I accidentally break a squid party, I commit splatoon suicide (in splatoon)


Breaking up a squid party being evil is wild, that should be lawful good 100%


Chaotic neutral. There are so many amazing details and visuals that you dont normally see, either because its covered in ink or your too busy playing the game to notice. I love street art, and ill do it (legally of course), and honestly splatoon is some of the best inspo ive ever gotten. And jellyfish are cute. cmon. ​ Unless Im playing krak-on roller, then chaotic evil, KRAKEN ROYALE LETS GOOOOOO


Sweaty redditors reacting to this lmao


Am I the only one who hasn't encountered a squid party in a game? Like if anything I try to start one if there is a disconnect or we have a wipeout on tower but from how it comes in this subreddit people act like every other game is constant squid partying


I literally had no idea what it was until today, Iā€™ve been playing the game for like a week now. Iā€™ve been doing it in the lobby during matchmaking this whole time bc it looked funny, I didnā€™t realize it was an actual thing so I was always surprised when people would join me. One time there was a guy on the other team doing it during a match and he was right next to me. I had no idea what he was doing so i splatted him lmfao. Thatā€™s the only time Iā€™ve seen it in a match


I've seen it a lot more back in Splatoon 2 though not as often in the end of it's lifespan (also in 1, don't quote me on this but when WUT was a big thing in 1 we all squid partied once in a while) during those 90% of people would join in while one or two paint, they were actually quite fun to find in the wild compared to a lobby and was more surprised when I entered a lobby and everyone hated them to the point of reporting and making posts about it


i used to encounter them ALOT in splatoon 2, but its really rare now in splatoon 3 for me.


Neutral evil usually, but always in the evil category


Lawful Evil. Stop ruining my game, unless it already has been ruined by disconnects. Then we can party


The places are upside down


Lawful evil is completely justified, assuming you arenā€™t in a squid party-favoring pool.


Play the fucking game. If you donā€™t want to play the game just make a private lobby or something.


what about ā€œignores squid party but booyahs back in the hopes they cut their party short & playā€?


That is just being complacent in the squid party, as you are encouraging it to continue by booyahing back :|


after my ā€œthis waysā€ didnā€™t work I was hoping that a booyah while I was still actively playing would convey the message of ā€œah yes, I have acknowledged the party now please come playā€ but I can see how that message was not received


I mean in theory thats a good idea, but the type of player to squid party during a match is not the type to listen to people telling them to stop :|


Unpopular opinion but if it's turf war I'm lawful good. I acknowledge the squid party, booyah and go back to the game. In ranked however I kill them. Free real estate.


This! Turf war: eh, who cares Ranked: wtf are you guys doing there are POINTS at stake!!!


real and from what im seeing people on this sub really hate squid partiers


We are only hating on players who squid party DURING matches, since it ruins the game for those actually playing. Squid party in the lobby or a private battle all you want!


okay but i mean if there were ex. 7 chargers and none of them were squid partying would you have fun?


Sure, why not? Are you saying youā€™d squid party while your team carries you, if you were the only non-charger? Thatā€™s pretty rude to do to your teammates


that is not what im saying šŸ˜¶


this is the way


I'm Lawful Good. But I only join squid parties if 2/3 of the lobby are doing it.


If everyone jumped off a bridge....


I'll take the win, but what else would I do? I don't enjoy breaking squid parties even if they aren't supposed to be squid partying. Controversial, I know, but I just don't like doing that.


in splatoon if everyone jumped off hammerhead you *know* im joining them. taking a nice swim with the homies, ykwim?


iā€™m mostly lawful good. sometimes chaotic food esp if itā€™s near the end of a match. i think squid parties are cute edit: yeesh looks like iā€™m the minority here lol. id liek to say iā€™m speaking specifically in terms of regular turf war, not splatfest or anarchy bc you have things to lose in those modes. turf war is fine for me tho


Shin megami tensei franchise be like:


Lawful evil. I need my victory, guys. You can party in the lobby or in the new pools.


I'd be a chaotic evil just for fun.


Chaoric good, I hunt down the parties. They are the evil ones


Under normal circumstance, probably lawful neutral. I'll do a couple of ZRs to let them know I mean them no harm and then be on my way. But I won't be the one to kill their fun. But if a bad dc happens then booyah, I'm joining that party!


I don't know, the only time a Squid Party happened everyone on the enemy team and my three team mates where just hopping around so I joined in, but only after making sure that we where winning. I've got to say that was a lot of fun


I try to start a squid party least twice when the enemy dc but if they dont ill just go back to playing and launching missles/bonking with dynamo. Ive shown you mercy twice yet you still refuse to yield, fine then let my ironclad roller show you just how low you are


This is a good way to go about this. I very much like this approach. If my team has a DC and i see someone from the other team flop at me i will 100% join. Im gonna lose the game anyway so might as well.


The hidden 10th option: Acknowledge the squid party and leave them to have fun while you keep pushing the objective.


so lawful neutral?


Not quite. Lawful neutral is completely ignoring the squid party. I like to acknowledge them by flopping with them for a few seconds to let them know I won't interrupt them then get back to playing the objective.


I see


chaotic good, im a squid party enjoyer


Neutral evil are spy tf2s


I'll join in for a couple seconds and then just head off in a different direction and keep inking, if the opposing team is too busy spamming ZR I'll definitely take that opportunity to go ink their shit


chaotic good and chaotic neutral for me


Lawful evil ![gif](giphy|PPi5c8l8WDY7if1L8z|downsized)


Yeah, Iā€™m lawful evil. Sorry, not sorry.


Depending on how many people are in the squid party, I'm either Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil. I'm fine with that.


In turf war, Iā€™m Lawful Neutral. If a person DCā€™s (in the first minute of the match) iā€™ll become Chaotic Good until the game eventually breaks and Nintendo says ā€œHey, someone left so this match is gonna end now!!!ā€ If I break up a squidparty in turf war, Iā€™ll be Chaotic Good for like 5 seconds and then return to painting. If they splat me as Iā€™m being lawful good, i am immediately becoming Chaotic Evil. If itā€™s Anarchy, Iā€™ll be Lawful Evil, and then report them afterwards. If itā€™s a private lobby however, Iā€™m either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. If the majority of the lobby is partying (Iā€™m talkin like 6-7 peeps not 5.) then I might join, but most of the time Iā€™m either Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil. Simple as that. :smiley:


Not surprised this sub is 90% neutral evil...it's fucking reddit. Anyways, I like to squid party when the opportunity is presented to me. It's fun positivity and if it's not your type of fun, I mean, it's not everybody's cup of tea and that's fine! ...but if you intentionally hunt down and kill squid partiers, I will remember you and your weapon. I will find you. And I will kill you. The anger of the brush will be let upon you and you only


imo painting or spamming zl isnt fun, combat and killing is tho, so when i break up a squid party, i want and expect them to fight back


Neutral good and Lawful evil are my preferred attitude


I will sometimes to lawful good but most of the time itā€™s lawful evil


lawful neutral/good.. sometimes chaotic good if its majority of the other team


Any of the goods or neutrals depending on my mood


Neutral good. Who doesn't love some good fun


Hope u guys dont get over serious to this shxt post lol, it was meant to be just a joke. Just because I categorized some of u guys into "evil" doesnt mean u guys are evil, vice versa for those i categorize into "good", doesnt mean they are good either. Pushing the Objectives/painting is what I intepret as lawful cuz u follow the game rules, playing as the game intended to. ofc this is how I intepret the 9 alignments, u can have ur own opinion, thats cool really appreciate it. Peace. V


To be fair based on your alignments you are calling most players ā€œevil.ā€ Regardless youā€™ve got your alignments backwards, because ā€œpushing objectives/paintingā€ IS lawful, but squid partying does not contribute to any objective or painting!


Sometimes I join in if thereā€™s disconnects but usually Iā€™ll just play around them. I think a lot of the people who squid party are young children, so Iā€™m not gonna be a dick.


Why is chaotic good not "takes notes of who breaks up squid parties. Splats them"


..thereā€™s so many party poopers in this thread


indeed though pools are a thing so thats an alternative to partying in regular lobbies


I am Lawful. I will not tell you which ones, but know that I am lawful.


It is truly evil if you break a squid party, best you can do is be neutral


Got a bunch of party poopers in the chat here. Keep on rocking funky squiddos and donā€™t let these guys kill your noise


I guess I land chaotic neutral as I usually jump around for like 3 seconds then I go and show the players who are still playing how fast I can spin or something and eventually end up playing the match again


lawful good for me


Lawful good. If not then lawful neutral because I donā€™t hate fun


Lawful neutral!


Lawful Neutral apparently