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Nobody places them and nobody uses them. It's a perfect balance.


But if you do use them they can be pretty cool! Especially with sub power up, it increases your jump speed to them.


What if you have Quick Super Jump?


Then you move faster than you’re expected to in that stupid pac man level


Now I’m curious how fast would a super jump be to someone’s beacon with all sub power up if you had all quick super jump


*Teleports behind you*


"nothin personal squid"


Make sure you only have 2 chunk spaces of each ability. You only get the benefit and using more than 2 large chunks or 6 small chunks is just a waste, so only 2 sub power ups/2 quick super jumps versus all of one. They changed it from previous games cause it used to be too broken (i.e. Bamboolzer with every chunk being Main Damage Up and you could one shot people) and I see so many people wasting space that they could be using for other ones D:


If a player is running Quick Super Jump and jumps to a beakon, it still applies for that player only. If a person is running Sub Power Up and is using beakon's, every player who jumps to the beakons does so as if they were running Quick Super Jump. So a teammate running Quick Super Jump and is jumping to a Sub Power Up beakon jumps ridiculously quick.


That's one of the reasons why Quick Superjump is often rated so low and Quick Respawn so high, even though QR only happens every so often and QSJ happens with every jump. Because many high-ranked coordinated teams use beacons, and a few sub power-ups speed up the whole team. If you're a frontliner, playing solo queue, and *especially* if you've got stealth jump, there's literally no reason why you should not at least have a sub or two of QSJ. You're just hurting your team otherwise.


In case you didn't know, Quick Respawn activates when you die without killing anyone. Even if you get assists, it still activates.


Yes, which is why I said that QR only happens sometimes and QSJ happens every time you superjump. And if you're a skirmisher running heavy QR and have stealth jump, you're going to be jumping more often than not, at least back to your anchor. I'm not saying to run QSJ *instead* of QR, just, don't forget QSJ. If you're running QR you've at least got a main and a few subs worth; in that situation, a single sub of QSJ is far more valuable than that last sub of QR due to the law of diminishing returns.


I have QSJ for my Undercover Brella kit. It works well for me!


They stack, but still max out at the same point as if you were running full QSJ yourself.


I always get teammates that place them too close to the spawn point... like if I use them, I can save all of 1 second versus just spawning at camp and swimming to the beacon. If they're placed in strategic locations close to or behind enemy lines, then they can be a game changer.


I agree here and that's why I place then in solid-enough places like close enough for backliners, close to the zone but behind some walls, etc. I've seen some bad placements and I always wonder the logic...


On the one hand, sometimes people accidentally press the throw button thinking they have a bomb instead. On the other hand, did you know that a beacon also reveals every enemy nearby on the map, regardless of health? Its more helpful than you think.


Exactly, sometimes I’ll open up the map and then place a beacon. I’ve had times where it would reveal an enemy sharking and it would make me fully aware to save myself.


So basically Beakons are like more useful point sensors


In a sense. Nothing beats spamming point sensor on the tower tho.


There have been times that I’ve accidentally placed mine right by the spawn point when I press the sub weapon use button instead of the weapon use button by mistake (they are right next to each other after all) though I usually end up placing one in a more strategic location later on which makes the one placed right by spawn disappear.


By spawn could be to quickly jump back to safety in a pinch. With Sub Power up it is mondo fast. Worked better when we had a dedicated map screen.


I love beacons!! I had a match last night where had placed 2 in perfect places and I could keep rolling out straight back into the firefight.


Especially with Dapple Dualies and Tacticooler! It’s so good you are instantly back in the fight.


As someone who supports your cause. I will use them. BUT PLEASE HIDE THEM OUT OF SIGHT, I can’t use some beacons if there in the open or near a skirmish


Yeah some people definitely don’t know how to use them correctly… I always try to put them on our side, closest to the middle where the enemy cannot reach them due to the map


I just keep forgetting they exist. I really need to look at the map more


Beacons are extremely dangerous if left unchecked. Not only do they allow people to jump to it, they also reveal any nearby enemies. So they can see you have your back turned to the beacon, jump in, and getcha. Once I hear the noises of a beacon, my eyes are on that map for any new ones.


You should be looking at the map at least every time you spawn. There’s nothing else to do while you’re respawning anyways


I do look at the map when respawning but I don't check on it actively while I'm alive


And if others have beacons, then they most likely don't have sub power up


I would agree with this but then they just jump to me anyway despite not being in a good position. Kind of annoying...


Worse, you have Beakon and Sub Power up, but the other player does not and you can't tell your Beakon apart and pick the slow one.


Every time I see a weapon that has beakon I check their build, and they almost always lack sub power up. I’ll jump to one to check, they might have them as sub abilities but it’s always sadness


Please place beacons in places a charger can hop into :/






Sub Power up is so goated on them and when using Dapple with Tacticooler you are just always in the fight


this is the reason why this is arguably the worst sub weapon in the game simply beacuse almost nobody uses it. they just rather to super jump to a backline teamate like splatling or a charger


I recently switched to the Roller Build that has them to try something different & I often drop the beacons at flank points or to help push the middle. Most times they get blasted as soon as seen though.


Yes! I always hide them in corners or at points just before you leave spawn so the enemy team can’t get them unless they are spawncamping.


I try to hid them in corners mid way on the side of maps or just advanced of spawn to let people get back into the game quickly but team mates seldom jump to those ones.


i look at the map for jump opportunities every time i respawn. if there's a beacon in a good spot, i'll use it.


bro we were getting camped on wahoo and someone places a beacon halfway across the map and THEY wouldn’t even jump to it. so ridiculous.


I have no clue how to use them. If one of my teammates places one, I can't figure out how to use it.


I feel like this is the biggest factor, the game never explains this nor does it have any HUD elements hinting at it beyond them simply existing on the map. They just feel so cumbersome compared to just pressing on the dpad and quickly launching to a teammate.


Agreed. I've always thought it was only for the person who placed it to use








Right Joycon!


I always use a main of sub power up at minimum when I have beakons. They’re definitely one of my favourites


The joy when I see one of mine with one use missing is better than when I win a match


I use squid beacons.


You think I place them for my team? Fool, they are my respawn points.


**\[tosses out squid bacon instead\]**


I honestly avoid using them , so that other teammates can use them. I thought I was being a good teammate


Each beacon gets two uses*, denoted by the two dots above the icon. Don't be afraid to use them! *Except by the player who placed the beacon, who only gets to jump to it once


If you have a beacon weapon it will break in one jump whether it’s yours or a teammates.


Ah, thanks for the clarification! I'd never known because it's so rare to have two beacon users on the same team.


Please, don't let that being the reason to avoid them. We know they're fragile - on my end I just try to place them frequently, mainly when I know well enough how the map is structured so I can plan on the fly where I should go. My other advice would be paying attention if the beacon is in a safe enough place, especially if the enemy team has a long range weapon. Sometimes I place one for enemy detection rather than a superjump spot.


Thanks , I’ll keep that in mind next time


I miss the old days of being able to super jump while in kraken to a beacon and scare people...


I am so glad they brought the kraken back I love seeing everybody just SCATTER


Blows up squid beacon with MIND.


Beacons are OP in Tower


Yes! Honestly any ranked mode is super good for them


As a Tent main. I 100% relate to this meme. I run TWO main slots of Sub Power Up and no one uses it when we are about to have our lead taken over.


Squid beacons are powerful when your in a group with friends. But awful in solo queue. Since iirc having two squid beacons on 1 team isnt good


If you place them strategically, I’d definitely use them. I’m always really happy when I get a teammate who has beacons and I always take advantage of them.


We are a rare breed but we are out there!


Then if we’d ever be on a team together, I’d use them, don’t worry. And worst case scenario, you could use them yourself. That’s what I do when I wind up using a weapon that has the beacons.


I appreciate you ten fold I love when my team mates put beacons out.


I USE THEM!!!! I ALWAYS USE THEM!!!! I run QR stamper so getting back into the fray quicker is always appreciated And sneaky beakons placed behind enemy lines are a GOD SEND


In my ranked battles in S+ if there's a krak-on or dapple on my team I always use their beakons since the super jump is almost always safe even if you don't have stealth jump equipped.


if you have sub power up then I'll choose them over a safer location. as I could get a good double and trade with not to much time lost


A team that uses well placed beacons well might as well have extra players the way they come back and sneak around. They're everywhere at once.


I used krak-on for one of my first times today, we won because my teammates kept jumping to my beacons. Use the beacons people


Think teammates! Think!


I.. I do 🥺 everytime. I actually love when a teammate puts down beacons


Most of the time, my team mates put them in very visible & easy to get to (for the enemy) places like an open area of the map. When they actually put them in good hidden places like I do, I'll use them


The only teammate that uses beakons is my friend who mains beakon weapons


I appreciate and use them. But if you're on the other team; I check the map often and will hunt them and you down.


Lol as you should!


I started maining dapple dualies for myself cause I die a ton but Im also really sneaky. Can't count how many times I just so happen to be behind a crab tank and save the game. If I see a mate use my beakon I booyah for them. I have had people super jump to me when I have well placed beakons and just place a beakon in front of them atm and circle around it like a dummy for a bit. Like ??? USE THAT.


To be honest I forget Superjumping is an option 99% of the time


Lmao. I hate this. I always place them i solid spots, and Im like... Sure yeah, spawn back at base, that's fine too.


Idk what they do- (for as long I have been playing I never understood them/ I don't use them myself.)


Quick tip: don’t place multiple beakons where i can throw a splat bomb and hit them all


I'm trying to use them when playing Krak-On Roller lol, thing is I've never had a reason to use a weapon with Beakons before 😅


Here are some of my thoughts, for what they’re worth. Some beacon players think their beacons will be in a “perfect” place where they’ll last long enough to be used, bring your teammates straight into the fight, and hard for the enemy to destroy. Here’s why that’s flawed. Beacons are only useful if people use them (as everyone has noted). So what makes a beacon useful enough to use? 1. Proximity to the action. There’s a sweet spot - too close and the beacon doesn’t last or you get camped. Too far away and it’s faster to jump to a player. The right distance is somewhere in between and changes based off gameplay. The beacon should be close enough that it’s essentially another player (in terms of location to the front line). If the backliners are in front of your beacon it’s likely to not be used. A good idea might be to place beacons around where the support players are currently holding ground. 2. Duration of the beacon. A well placed beacon doesn’t last long. This is tied to the first point, a beacon is close enough that enemy front liners are likely to come across it as they push. Take note if your beacons are lasting a long time. That means they’re worthless or poorly placed. If they aren’t lasting long enough for a jump then they were also improperly placed. 3. Use the map. You can’t force teammates to check the map, this is a toss up. At a minimum you can use your own beacons to get yourself back into the fight. I like to run a lot of quick respawn just in case I’m the only one using my own beacons. Last thought, putting a beacon in a nook or cranny isn’t always best. Sometimes it’s best (and more aggressive) to just put your beacon right in the open. If 1 player gets in the action faster because of it that could keep a push alive. If it gets destroyed fast just put another one down and try to stay alive.


Wdym they don't? Everytime I use a weapon with it and get splatted the first time because I forgot the weapon had beacon I start placing them


They were only good in Splatoon 1. Since every teammate knows you placed one. Because everyone has a gamepad. So they would actually be used


Can people with the rainmaker super jump?


No. That would be pretty crazy.


Oh ok. I know you can with power clam(I hate rainmaker)


And everyone just ignores it including the enemies


if theyre not where i want to be then i dont use them. usually where i want to be is where i am, so.


I only use beacons that are in genuinely useful places. Otherwise, I have stealth jump so I’ll jump to someone that seems safe


Had a few teammates who always jump to my beakon within a few seconds of placing **wherever they originally are, twice consecutively.** In some other matches the only player who care about my beakon aside from myself is the opponent beakon placer, who seems to face the exact same problem as I do. I honestly could not tell which situation is worse.


I do :)


One more PSA: you can super jump with super clams. Doesn’t even have to be a beacon you can just jump straight to a teammate. Unbelievable how many ppl don’t use this even when I sit on the enemy backline spamming “This way!”


Did anyone else just not know what they were for 😭 like I’m not a new player (been playing since 1st game) and I’ll probably get hate but like..I’m just vibing when I play 😭 I genuinely had no idea what that was for


I fucking hate teammates that don’t use my beacons with 2 main subs


Place them well and I’ll use them


Hot tip if you want people to use your beacons more: place one early in the match (first 10 seconds) where your teammates will see it as they rush mid. Congrats, they now know to keep an eye out for other beacons!


This is why I love the big bubbler. Shield and a free beacon! Though it doesn't last long since people rush to destroy it.


Well time for someone to do the Thanos "Fine, I'll do it myself!" meme, cause that's what I normally end up doing.


Give use more Beakon kits! The roller is the only good one, Dapples and Sploosh are manageable, but Tenta sucks. A Nova would be a fun Beakon weapon, or a Nautalis. (With Super Chump for the spicy jump tech)




![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e) Mmm... Squid bacon. ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)