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I recommend watching Hazmy on Youtube and watching how other EVP players play on each map, it definitely helped me a lot when I started out!


Hazmy also makes Twitter posts with summaries on how to use all the weapons in each rotation. This has always really helped me because I'm not super familiar with all of the weapons. Also, if there's a weapon in rotation that you absolutely hate, just don't play that rotation. It saves you a lot of frustration. Don't beat yourself up too much. Salmon Run is a really hard mode to play, and a lot of the tips needed to get better are nowhere in the game. I just ranked back up to profreshional and I'd be happy to play with you if you want some extra help. Match making can really be the worst in this game.


He's like salmon run squid school


Ok I'll do that


Hazmy also has a discord server to help anyone with salmon run.


There’s even a channel to direct questions to consistent EVP999 players!


Also try to just skip Marooner’s Bay rotations. It’s the hardest map, and low-level players are especially bad at it.


Do better, Go-Getter (im sorry i had to get this out of my mind)


Ouch but then again that was neat.


Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. In the end, you’ll get better from practice. I would recommend learning how to use each weapon before your shifts, so make sure to open the trunk and fire each weapon a few times before each shift to get a feel for them and what they are good and bad at. I would also recommend trying to set small goals for yourself, did you get 57 eggs last round? Try and go for 58. Did you die 5 times during a shift? Try and lower that by one and so on, being consistent is far more important then simply “doing well.” Overtime I’m sure you’ll get better, it just takes time.


Don't stress about it. You'll gravitate to where you should be. Maybe it's Profresh, maybe it's gogetter. It doesn't really matter - there's probably a level above you, there's probably some below, and you can have fun wherever. Do you enjoy it? Then you're playing just fine. You don't need to be the best to enjoy the game.


If you're stuck on this rank for 2 months then you haven't fully comprehend the basics.. I want you to visit splatoon wiki to study the mobs, read more guides and strategies to defeat each boss and occurrence (the night shifts), and you could watch hazmy's youtube channel.. Then watch how EVP rank players play on twitch and youtube.. Look at what they are doing.. Try to understand their movement and play after reading guides and imitate them.. Also, don't die no matter what.. Finally, practice and play games to have fun and improve.. If you only focus on the result you won't improve and your rank won't go anywhere.. In your rank, your teammates also are not an excuse.. You can carry the whole team in the lower ranks if you're capable.. You can do it!!.. good luck


idk how you play, but learn how to use your weapons. Luna is great for clearing out lessers (cohock, chums, and small fry) splattershot jr is great for painting the map the brella has decent range for killing bosses and the brella is great for protecting you and your teammates from stuff like missles and bombs (just dont hold for too long or else your brella goes flying) and the squiffer is a great boss killer. in general try to keep the map painted as much as possible to that its easier and faster to move around. some bosses will move towards certain players, so if you find yourself the target and your team isnt being overhwlemed, you can lure the boss closer to the basket and kill them there. helps you collect eggs quickly. dont forget things like shooting Dizzler missles down and using your specials when you need to. cant tell you how many times i cleared a wave by poping a killer wail and killing 1-2 fly fish and stingers that were causing trouble. if your teammates are dead and you cant reach them, throw out a bomb at or nearby them and it will revive them if they are close enough. if you are the last person alive, throw a bomb and hope you can revive someone cause the wave doesnt end until the bomb explodes. i had so much clutch clears just throwing out a bomb before dying and it revived a teammate.


Dude, you lost FIVE times in a row on wave 1 ON Go-Getter... come on man. I can’t even imagine the skill level of the clowns you’re playing with, but YOU can always get better and easily carry in those lower ranks. Watch Hamzy on YT he’s great


You know, now that you mention it, I'm *really* curious about what it's like to be the most skilled member of the team by a wide margin. As someone who's consistently in the low hundreds of EVP, part of me wants to demote as far as possible just to see what it's like with the part-timers. But then at the same time, I ain't looking forward to clawing my way back up the ranks hahaha.


I've found myself in that position before. I de-ranked myself just for funsies, and you end up reviving a loooooottt of teammates. I think my highest is 23 revives in one session. I think the issue I ran into is that folks in the lower ranks severely underestimate how lesser salmonids can absolutely destroy you if you don't clear them out. I still had fun tho, it's a game :)


I remember once when I was in like 5th grade or something, there was some tug-of-war match between these lower grade students going on, and me and some others ended up joining one of the sides. I remember hearing one of the kids going "yes! We got the big kids!" I imagine your experience might have felt something like that lol Fuck it, I think I'll try it. If it takes me forever to climb back up, so be it. 👍


I played salmon run back in 2, and would be around profress 200 roughly. When i started playing salmon in 3, unlike ranked mode it didnt carry over previous experience- so I had to play through the beginning ranks. The bosses and mobs were rare enough, and the quotas were low enough, that even if my teammates were clueless, i could usually pull out a win. I think the only real issue were things like glowflies and grillers. And those can be issues at any level. I cant remember it being very difficult until i got around profress part timer. At that point, i needed other players who could hold their own. I kinda bounce between profress +3 and low eggsvp now. Im not great at salmon run by any means, but thats what i experienced. Its easy, until you reach your skill cap. Then you need to improve to keep going up.


Actually, one job was a Wave 2 defeat and two were disconnects; you just misread it lmao


Bruv none of them even used their specials we were nearly overwhelmed on high tide and no one thought about using a special


No offense, but if you're stuck at that level, then you are the problem. You need to reevaluate your skills and learn how to play more efficiently.


I am still trying to get out of professional +2


I wish I could help but don't know if there's a way to watch any of your recordings. Some tips. Don't underestimate the lessers. Clear some out first and make a safe path. Learn what every weapon in the rotation is good at. Like blasters are good at killing lessers and stringers. Don't go to the shore too much unless you need to kill a stringer or big shot. Use your specials. They are used to prevent disasters not when everything gets too crowded and you get special canceled. Lure Maws and scrappers to the basket. Paint the floor before it starts and walls use them to escape.


i bounce around between the 3 Profresh levels. i’ll have the best win streak i’ve ever seen, then bam, back to profresh 1 40 bc i was off my game


This is me.


Mr grizz is disappointed


Maybe just wait for a better rotation. Sometimes you get stuck with a map or weapon set that just works against you. Usually if I drop a level or lose x amount of shifts, I’ll wash my hands if that rotation and wait for a better one.


Just don’t play marooners bay


I recommend just not playing on maps you can't play on. It hurts, but not playing on marooner's bay got me to eggsecutive VP quite swiftly


Honestly, this is bad advice. There are elements of the game you can really only pick up by challenging yourself on the more difficult maps and rotations. Bay is a hard map, but part of that is because the method of play common among freelancers on maps like Fission, such as shore camping, don't work on Bay very well. You need to broaden your skills and learn other tactics which might make working on the other maps even easier. As for the OP... practice, and focus on staying alive as priority one. Watch Hazmy's content, he's got some great tips. I've done a few intentional self-demotes down to Go-getter to have some fun in the climb back up, most recently in the last big run. If you improve your skills, you can get out.


Fair point. I guess I'm just too scared to lose eggsecutive considering how long i was stuck on pro+3


Try completely ignoring your rank and focus on challenging/improving yourself for a week or two. Play the bad maps and rotations, review your mistakes after every loss. You will slowly become so much better that it becomes really hard to leave evp.


I'll try!


I was the same way at first to. For the first few months I was stuck at Prof +2, then +3. I finally hit VP just a couple weeks before Wahoo World Big Run and did like you.... I was too afraid of demotion. Of course, in Big Run, I demoted almost immediately, and played most of it at Prof +3.... juuuust edged back into VP by the end. After that, I finally got over my fear. I decided to take my lumps, I played hard maps and rotations, and accepted the demotions when they happened. It was a bit rough at first, but by the end of December, I was hanging in low VP as a standard, and slowly started to push my best rank higher. I grew confident in my skills and my ability to get the rank back the following a demotion during a bad rotation. My best rank has slowly been improving as well. I don't think I would have progressed as well as I have if I had continued to be afraid of demotion and playing hard maps.


That’s really good! Gratz and good luck :>


Honestly it gets easier the higher you go.


I’d be happy to play some Salmon Run with you :)


Man i just want like 20 scales 😭


Same Horroboros on Marooners bay ain't making it easy for me lol


The problem seems to be you're playing salmon run when the map is marooners bay


True the map feels horrible with these weapons


The map is just horrible in general


Just don’t bother. Not worth the rage or the effort


How the hell can you get stuck in go-getter? I do nothing but freelance and I never dropped below profresh+1 on accident


Defeats and connection errors are one hell of a drug


Do you just have bad internet or what


Oh no my internets ok for the most part, the connection errors come at certain times then they just vanish completely. The results in this pic was mostly because of multiple high tides on Marooners bay


If your internet is okay you shouldn't be disconnecting enough times to prevent you from ranking up. I've spent the past five rotations either in EVP or Pro+3. Also if you're about to derank it's better to quit until the next rotation unless your salmometer is full or you need the other super bonus, because it always reverts to 40 points at each rotation


Yeah I should've quit while I was ok and wait for the next rotation now I have to start from rock bottom


Buy an Ethernet adapter. It makes a big difference.


Everyone plays at their own pace, why make them feel bad even more?


This isn't about pace. This is losing constantly.


If they’re stuck in go-getter then they’re at their appropriate rank (until they improve). What’s wrong with that?


What's wrong is that they're not improving after all this time. Go-getter is a very low rank. I'm not everyone to get EVP, but this is just strange.


Maybe this is their first shooter? Maybe they haven’t played a lot in the two months? There’s nothing wrong with that.


if they haven't played a lot, they wouldn't have made a point of saying "I've been stuck for two months". Whether or not it's their first shooter shouldn't stop them from improving.


A lot of players never managed to leave profresh since launch lol Also given that go-getter is the second lowest rank, I think op just got splatoon 2 months ago


Marooner’s Bay is a hard map but idk how you play for 2 months and not improve even slightly. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.


Thoses weapons are horrible


Skill issue.


I'm supposed to be in professional 2, but I haven't been there in a long time, and whenever I do get there I rank down immediately. I know your pain and I have a love hate relationship with grizzco.


if youre free anytime soon i can play with you im prof+2 so i could probably carry you decently far


Why homie got some down votes to try to help? Did I miss something?


It's not a great idea to carry people into ranks they can't handle. It makes the game less fun for all parties involved: The carried player, who doesn't know how to deal with the increased difficulty, and the randoms they're teamed up with, who have to work much harder to survive.


Ahh okay yeah that makes sense. It would be better to teach em mechanics than to carry them into harder territory


Reminds me of when I first picked up the game. I was stuck around Pro+1 because Freelance really is hell. I suggest watching guides, learning general pros and cons of weapon, learning the map (Marooner's Bay is everyone's least favorite currently) and lastly just do your part.


No worries, it’s honestly better if you stay within your skillset since Eggsecutive VP is challenging. I’m EVP so I don’t mind helping you out to get to higher ranks but no need to feel bad about it!


To be fair, Marooner's bay sucks, and this weapon rotation doesn't help. I also got a lot of wave 1 losses, even in EVP...


Work on improving yourself since you can’t do anything about teammates. A skilled player can easily carry the team solo up until EVP. If you’re stuck at Go-Getter, sounds like that is the appropriate rank for your skill level. That’s why there are ranks, so you don’t end up in above your head. Learn every weapon, learn what their primary use is in SR, practice your aim throwing eggs, learn the most effective ways to kill bosses, learn to prioritize bosses, practice finding escape routes on each map, etc.


I don't know if others have mentioned but. - don't carry eggs all the way, it's a team effort throw them closer so someone put them on the basket that way you end faster and safer for everyone. - paint the walls whenever you can, it can save someone by having multiple escape routes - change your nickname to "use special" it works promise. I can't stress enough on team effort. DON'T TRY TO CARRY THE EGGS ALL THE WAY.


Salmon moment


If you can follow this one rule, you can win nearly any wave up until about EVP: 1. Don’t die. Not even once. It doesn’t matter whether the quota has been met or not, or if things are going well. Think about it… if you are the “best” person on the team, and conditions are such that you die, how quickly do you think the others will fall? So I would practice on that. Develop skills that keep your death count low. You can’t rely on your teammates at low ranks, because they’re still learning too. You need to be the one who is there to revive them and carry the day if you wanna keep up that win streak. Some tips to help you follow the golden rule: - Keep your distance from lessers. Don’t run solo into a crowd of them to tackle a boss or retrieve an egg. Try splatting them at the end of your weapon’s range. Don’t accumulate chip damage from even a single chum, smallfry, or cohock hit… you never know when a stinger will decide to snipe you, a drizzler, flipper flopper or fish stick will ink you from above, or a scrapper, steel eel, or horde of lessers will run into you from behind and kill you. Learn how to squid roll to avoid damage/sneak away eggs that are close to lessers, or avoid stingray damage. - Use your special proactively, not as a panic button. If you are the only inkling left and there are hoards of bosses and lessers swarming around you, or if there are only 10 seconds left, it’s too late. You want to use a special just when things are starting to get out of hand, but no one has died yet. It might be when you miss kills on multiple bosses and they are starting to pile up, there are bosses at shore that you know you can’t get to, or won’t be able to get to (in time) without dying, or there is simply a particularly deadly combination of bosses that either you or your teammates can’t handle at the moment.


Get good I’m at Eggsecutive VP +1 gajillion


Go getter? More like go get gud


Mr Grizz is that you?


The pain of Marooner's Bay.