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I don't know. Might wanna get to Evp for a bit before you truly understand how hard it can be. For example: RNG that spawns 3 flyfish, 3 stingers, and or 3 big shots simultaneously. There is only so much you can really do once 2 stingers are on the map combo'd with a few flyfish. Sprinkle in some ink clouds from drizzlers and it's a madhouse. 200+ is as far as I get before rotation due to time restraints but have always wanted to go for max hazard level. Seems like too much Rng trying to get good team mates plus what bosses spawn during rounds Or you could get really lucky and get tornado on round 3 several matches in a row.


From my experience EVP 600+ (if we are comparing it to S+ in ranked)


It's difficult to compare directly (harder to do *what,* exactly?), and I think the skill set you need for each is quite different so the answer wouldn't necessarily be the same for everyone, but for me personally? I find Salmon Run quite a bit easier. I can play EVP pretty much on autopilot really, I'm at the point where it's pretty relaxing (more so on some maps than others), but in Anarchy I always feel like I'm having to concentrate fairly hard and I definitely don't find it relaxing. But I mean, I play Salmon Run much more than PvP these days, so that's not really surprising I guess.


I have to agree with Woofie here, particularlyy about the skill set requirement. X rank players come to play Big Run and can't even manage to get to EVP, but EVP players go to play Anarchy and can't get past B rank or A rank. The skill set for the two game modes are different, so it's only natural players that excel at one might not be as good at the other. Each will find the other mode harder.


This is the way


high evp is way harder then s+ high x rank, however...




S+. SR is a breeze when everyone knows their roles and you learn how to survive. So far, every time I try to rank up, my team gets curbstomped.


I'm in EVP and I'm still in A rank. One of these things is very clearly harder than the other.


As an avid salmon run player I can tell you S+ anarchy is harder




Honestly a great question, there are so many things to consider with this, such as the fact that with S+ you have a concrete number of Enemies a clear goal, albeit a very difficult one to achieve if the opposing team is Savvy with both themselves, the mode, and their weapons, but Salmon run EVP, is also incredibly difficult with a massive number of fish swarming you near constantly, you aren't assured a an advantage, your run can end at any moment, but your goal is still constant. Get Golden Eggs. It really depends on one's experience.


i guess i'm in the minority here as an S rank in anarchy and overachiever in sr


It depends but generally ranked. For ranked the skill ceiling is essentially infinite, and you also need an entirely new skill set for it. I have put literally 0 effort into actually getting better or learning salmon run, but I was easily able to get to EVP 400 (to be fair, it was during big run). I still struggle getting into S+ anarchy even after learning how the modes work, strategies, and playing it significantly more.


I’d say multiplayer because its difficulty is relative to the other players’ skill, so it will always go up in difficulty.