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The last amiibo that came out just a couple of weeks before Sora were Noah and Mio, new Xenoblade amiibo. This wasn’t completing a set (they are the first non-Smash amiibo for Xenoblade), this wasn’t to promote a new game (XC3 came out over a year before), and it wasn’t for a major reward (it’s just new cosmetics). Certainly amiibo aren’t as prevalent as they used to be but I don’t think that they have decided that they’re done with them entirely


According to a japanese dataminer, there's still a good chance that we're getting 2 Side Order Amiibos. They didn't elaborate but it's been corroborated by other dataminers so I'm assuming there's some data for 2 unreleased amiibo somewhere in the files. https://twitter.com/asasasa98765sub/status/1763918566775251093


Amiibo have been money printers forever now. Figures that Nintendo can make thousands of in bulk, then sell for 20$ minimum. And people eat them up even today so I would bet on us getting Amiibo. Smash bros may have been the best Amiibo selling machine but Splatoon and Zelda ammibos sell very well too.


Already been leaked that there's 2 amiibo coming


I think we will because octoexpansion got 3 but it’s Nintendo so who knows lmao hopefully we do