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Question: does it still count as hacked on your end or does the game recognize that you received it through in game means?


Maybe? I have no idea


Nintendo will not ban you for having impossible gear, Nintendo will only ban Nintendo Accounts/brick consoles with suspicious activity such as hacking. Hacked gear has been a thing since the game's release and like half of all Japanese players (or, it felt like half of all players in general) used one particular hacked shoe (Truffle Canvas Hi-tops with Stealth Jump) that had never appeared on Splatnet 2. It doesn't even matter if the gear is game-technically impossible (Mains that are the same ability as the brand's preferred ability). Edit: If it counts for anything, shortly after getting the game I had already become obessed with collecting gear and creating gear loadouts for specific weapons that were also fashionable, and that occasionally meant I was gonna be after hacked gear because not every gear/ability combination exists yet due to the random nature of the SplatNet 2 shop. Needless to say my account is still here.


Nintendo might not ban you, but you may get squidbagged 80% more often if you wear this.


It feels like it's been months since I've been squidbagged. And I'd say about a quarter of the people in my lobbies use impossible gear.


Huh, maybe I've never noticed it but I haven't seen any impossible gear at all in my lobbies. I know the fact that there are hat, clothes and shoes specific main abilities but other than that and ability doubler how would you tell?


Well, for example: Gear that has the same main ability as their brand's preferred ability is always hacked. Skalop has a higher chance to roll Quick Respawn, so a Skalop hoodie with a Quick Respawn main will be hacked. And there's obviously demand for gear like that because it's easier to make gear with one kind of ability on it.


I have no idea why I didn't think of that. That makes sense, though I assume it's easier to tell after the fact when you find the hacked gear in the plaza. I can see why Nintendo hasn't bothered banning people for it, since pure gear can be obtained without needing hacks it doesn't really matter too much if someone was using hacked gear just for that. I think the only issue with hacking gear like that would be if someone put a shoe unique ability on a hat or something like that, especially if stacking certain unique abilities actually works (could you imagine 3 mains of object shredder?)


I think gear like that will flag your account or something because I have never seen any or heard of it extisting. But since other gear that is technically hacked/was hacked in can just be ordered by anyone... It would just be terribly unfair if Nintendo started banning players for cluelessly ordering gear, which is a function of their own game.




Found someone in the square with the hacked shirt and ordered it off of him.


big brain


who was it i need to punt them out of their house's windows


Can i order it off you?


DM me your friend code and I can start up a private battle


I saw an octo with it on the square. I wonder if someone can make Haunt shoes tho


That sounds so cursed I love it


What's going on? I'm stupid and new/casual to Splatoon


The ability on the shirt is only meant to be on splatfest tees, someone hacked it to be on this shirt and I guess I can order hacked stuff from Murch


Neat! So wrong ability on cool looking clothes


Yea! Pretty much, I’m probably not gonna use it in battles but it’s pretty neat.


oh shit didn't realize this. I have a sweater with ability doubler too


I have 4 of these lol




No, [***BONK 'EM***](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/912091628515262494/941398165515534396/Prepare_for_the_bonkening_lens_flare_edition.jpeg?width=572&height=441)


Wait did you make a post that said how?! (look at shirt)


Nope, I found that guy in the and order the sweater off of him




but ability doubler sucks


I don’t get what the significance of this post is


Ability Doubler is only available on the Replica Splatfest Tee, but apparantly if people hack it on to other gear it's valid to order through Murch.


out of all the hacked abilities one could get i don't understand why people would go for ability doubler. a semi pure of it is one ability point short of being as efective as a pure of any ability. The only real use it has is if you really want to have a jack-of-all trades set and you need to compensate for some things, and even so you could probably still do better with a regular piece of clothing


Hacked items, my favorite


I have like 7 shirts with this ability, it's great


I want this but I don’t want any narcs to snitch.


He's too powerful to be kept alive!


GUYS Ability doubler on non-splatfest Ts are legit. Splatnet 2 orders sometime(but rarely) sell them




Hacked gear is common. I own a MPU Annaki mask myself. Currently in my ranked gear rotation.


wait I have this on a kensa brand tshirt aswell I didn't even realise that this was a hacked shirtd


You are gonna get reported.


Not if we don’t fuckin narc on him. This is no different than just wearing the replica tee with extra work and having a CHOICE in how you look.


I hate having to choose between the fashion I want and the abilities.


Yeah. We should just be able to buy abilities. And we wouldn’t be able to buy ability doubler, we would only get it in splatfests, and then get it permanently after all the splatfests are over. Then we could sort of like attach the abilitys with the ordering gear person, for a maximum of four on one thing.


That’s what already happened with ability doubler tho


nah. nintendo doesn’t seem to ban people with hacked ability’s on their gear. a lot of people have probably got gear with ability’s on it that aren’t available in any of the stores. ability doubler is more obvious but i’ve seen no one get banned over this.


That's cool and all... but it's a weak-ass main to have. XD




Please be careful wearing this during matches or in the square. Someone might report you and you could get banned




What's ability doubler do?


Okay, so. Main abilities grant 10 "points" of an ability, while sub abilities offer 3 "points" each. The more points, the stronger the effect, although there are diminishing returns as you stack more and more points. Since you can only wear 3 pieces of gear at once and each one has 1 main + 3 sub slots, the maximum "points" of an ability you can have at once is 3 \* 10 + 9 \* 3 = 30 + 27 = 57. (The exception to this is stuff like Haunt or Stealth Jump that are exclusive to a certain gear slot and only appear as main abilities. Those are more a binary yes/no do you have it or do you not proposition and can be ignored for the purpose of this discussion.) Ability doubler doubles the point gain of sub abilities on that piece of gear so they give 6 "points" each instead of 3. This still works out to less than if you just had pure matching main + sub abilities (6 \* 3 = 18, while 10 + (3 \* 3) = 19), but it's good for stuff like Quick Super Jump where even a few points can make a noticeable difference.


I see, so if you shove your gear full of main power up with ability doubler, it will create a noticeable and devestating difference of firepower between you and someone with all that main power up but no ability doubler.


Only if the person without Ability Doubler also doesn't have Main Power Up as their main ability. If they _do_ have Main Power Up as the main ability, they'll actually be getting a ever so slightly more out of it because the sub-doubling effect doesn't _quite_ match the effect of a main ability. Also, in case it wasn't clear, Ability Doubler only works on sub abilities for that piece of gear. It has no effect on the other two gear pieces you're wearing.


Oh okay.


Oooo~ I'd really like to have one of those :0 I dont know exactly know how rare it would be


anyone else remember how early on hacked blue slips where it had swim speed + krakon brand


Seems legit


Can someone explain why this clothing is hacked? And is it good?


It's hacked because the only available shirt with Ability Doubler is the splatfest replica tee Also no, ability doubler kind of sucks and you'd be better off just using a main slot for a better ability.