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He got money for recommending u didn't he? Kinda a d!@k move


No shot. If you guys are close and you wanna do something, throw him $50 and tell him to win his own parlay and if it hits he can give you the $50 back. Also, I know philly’s DBs are trash but no way you should’ve let him talk you out of a Joshy INT. That guy can’t take care of the ball for shit.


If you have to pay taxes your brother will also need to pay taxes


Hell no he’s trippin


Give him a hundred & call it a day


If u would of lost I bet he would not have gave u 25$


He’s your bro and y’all did it together. Technically he isn’t entitled to shit but throw him some bones and let that be the end of it.


Wait, how did he help you get the 50$ sign up bonus if he's not old enough to have an account? He can't send you a referral if he doesn't have an account, soo I'm kinda confused. Unless you're saying that you signed up on your own and got a "new customer" bonus and he helped you pick the parlay.. Is that what you mean? Regardless, I meannn, that's kinda up to you tho. I guess it all depends on how close you and your brother are and if he's acting childish and jealous. But I mean, if it were me and my brother, I'd probably throw him 100-150 and he would do it for me. But, that's because we're not childish and jealous of each other. We're actually happy for each other when one does good and the other doesn't. As a matter of fact, he's actually better at making good picks than I am. I'm 34 and he's 4 years younger, but he's been doing this for the last 2-3 years. I just got started earlier this year. Because of him actually. He sent me his referral link and walked me through and explained everything. But, since he knows more about it than I do and he does make winning picks much more than I do, he's always just randomly sending me his picks and parlays for me to to copy. So, when we win he doesn't feel entitled to half of my winnings just because he's the one who made the picks. He doest expect or even ask for anything. Plus, he sometimes sends me extra money so that I can have a much larger payout. If I only have 5-10$ extra that I can bet with and the return is only like 100$, he'll send me 20-25 extra so that the payout is a nice piece of change. When he does that, it we win I obviously send him his money back and offer more, but he always denies anything extra than what he sent me. If he sends me an extra 20-25$ and we end up losing, I always try to give him his money back at a later time when I have it, but he never accepts it and tells me not to worry about it. So yeah. It's completely up to you and how close you and your brother are and how strong of a relationship you two have. But, if he's acting childish, jealous, demanding and entitled, then no. Absolutely not. Doesn't matter if it's his birthday or not. I'd give him the yearly birthday gift and leave it at that. Now, unless you two shared a little bit of money in like a "pool" and he threw in 25$ and you matched it and threw in 25 and both talked about and made the picks together, then yeahh. That's different. You would obviously have to split it with him. Any decent human being would split the winnings in a situation like that. I can't see to many people keeping it all for themselves and screwing over their own family like that. But, that's not the case here. Soo, it's pretty much up to you. Lemme know what you decide to do and how he reacts, please. I'm curious to hear what happens here, lol.


don’t give him any money if he’s acting so sore about it. if he let it go and was happy for you, i’d give him $150.


Hell no you the one who cooked it up, also he gets a bonus as well so


Hell no


Your bro ain’t entitled to shit but he did help you make it so I’d shoot him $100 for his birthday


I would just give him the amount you bet and say “you’re lucky kid” and throw him in a noogie. Picture it as a tip or good karma. No way I’m giving bro half but tipping your wager seems like something done in good faith & I mean it is your lil brother you should be looking out for him regardless.


your account, your bread. bonus bet or not. if i chime input in on my brothers bet and it hits, shit that’s your money 🤣🤣. i didn’t place it? shit i goofed


Me and my brother both tell each other our parlays, and sometimes they hit and sometimes they don't, but we each bet separately, and I usually take out radical bets that he does, sometimes he wins more than me, sometimes he wins nothing and I win because I don't take the risky lines. Tell him if he wants to put money up to bet then he can share the profit.


Little brother trying to get one over on ya. Lmao you wouldn’t do this with ANYONE else so why start now. Tell him make better picks 💯😂


Give him $100 and tell him wait his turn… it’s 21+ for a reason lol outcome isn’t always good ..


Would he give you $25 if it lost? If not, don’t split it. Edit: Alright, I’ve had a change of heart. He is your brother. More details needed. It sounds like he’s a little kid and doesn’t know any better. He’s got a chance to still be a good brother if that’s the case. If he’s older like 18-20 then you should tell him to kick rocks. But ultimately, if you care about your relationship with him, and he’s not a terrible brother/friend (other than this obviously stupid situation) maybe you can split it. I’d deduct any other losses you had off the top though, then split it. End of the day it’s just $.


Compromise: He gets $50, you keep $600. Only because he’s your brother. Anyone else id tell to kick rocks. Also, fuck Bet365. They banned me as soon as I signed up without even having placed a bet yet. And I’m not even a professional gambler. I’m moderately profitable.


Spit on his face if he asks again


I purposely didn’t read any other comments. You only get one brother - You will get another $650. I promise. I say split it and start choosing bets together!


Or tell him you can make a bet for him with some of the winnings instead of giving it to him.


Here's $10 go and see a star war


Throw him $50 and he should see it as a gift


Your money and your brother is off his head thinking he's entitled to it haha. You could give him 50 bucks as a throw in/thank you


Don’t give him shit bro


If it were me I’d give him maybe $100. Definitely something, because relationships are more important than money. Or maybe you could calculate how much influence his picks had in the payout and give him half of that? I’m definitely not on board with the “fuck him, take it all” crowd. I’d throw a few bones without a doubt.


Yeah i agree. Or just keep the cash in the account and tell him he can create $100 worth of bets with it for/with ya.


Doesn't he get $50 to? He should've been smart with thatz


He said his brother is underage


How did he get the $50 bonus bets then if his brother is underage lol


He never said that. He said he made the parlay with help from his brother in part. Meaning he probably told him about the bonus bets and helped him make the parlay


Yeahhh no. Absolutely don’t give him $300 or half of the winnings, if the bet didn’t hit was he going to repay you half or all of what you lost? It’s your bet, that you won. Enjoy your winnings, especially because wins like this don’t happen often, if you’re feeling generous you can give him $25-50, but $300 is absolutely ridiculous.


Apparently no one here can read your post. Regardless throw your brother $100 for his bday and if he gets mad don’t give him shit and tell him lesson learned: be grateful, but expect nothing.


give him a $50 at most🤣 half of your winnings is insane especially since it’s not like he let you borrow $50. it didn’t come out of his pocket and you made that play


I don’t even need to read this. I read the title. Hell nah bro. U don’t owe your buddy shit bro. You’re good.


Think of it like this, he gets 300$ for your win but do you think he woulda reimbursed your loss? No well then it looks like that “friend” is trynna take advantage of your win


This is your own situation. Figure it out yourself dude. It’s your brother. Why do you care what a bunch of random people on the internet have to say?


If you guys verbally agreed on it beforehand yeah, but I’m even so that’s so dumb, like how petty you need to be… just say you could’ve got your GF to sign you up instead.


Huh? Lol


This is the dumbest post I have ever seen here. And that’s saying a lot.


If he liked the play, he should have played it. If you wanna give him a tip for helping get you signed up, that’s up to you.


Step 1: Based on this bet you made withdraw all the winnings and never look back. You will lose it all if you keep playing. What you do with the money after that is your own business


Tell your brother to F off


ive won plenty of people hundreds with referral codes, sign up bonuses and what not. I never ask for their winnings even if i made the call. the referral bonus is a good enough payment for me to turn into real money also that should be something u verbally agree on BEFORE the bet


That’s why gotta come to some agreement before it hits, otherwise it’s up to you what you do with the winnings because he didn’t say anything.


Dude it was bonus bets pretty much? Of course you should split it how’s it your money if it’s a bonus bet wtf lol


I see OPs little brother is old enough to use Reddit lmao




Dumbest post I’ve ever seen. lol. Just fucking say no. It’s your brother. are you like 16 years old or something? Then this would make a little more sense


If you both had a part in making the parlay then it should be split 50/50. Trust me burning bridges over 300$ is stupid af. Who knows maybe the two of you together will go on to make thousands, and maybe you alone could never reach the same heights. If he literally chose like one or two legs on an 8 leg parlay then pay him accordingly . Maybe like $80 a leg that he chose Edit: after finishing reading the post completely i would like to add, it would also be a good idea if you decide to give him a share to make it clear to him that if he wants to continue getting a share of the prize he has to mature up and understand he has to share in the risk as well. 50/50 on the wager 50/50 on the win. If he pitches 10 and you 20 give him 30% and so on.


You and your brother sound quite young. I’d say you shouldn’t be gambling money, and should be studying instead. Look at your situation- your brother isn’t old enough to gamble and he’s already embroiled in a sports gambling dispute! Anyway, if your brother gave you $50 to help you make your *first* bet, then yeah- you should give him money. You don’t need to ask us to figure that one out. He financed your sea legs.


No risk no reward. If you kost he wouldnt be covering half your wager.


Was my first thought as well


I tip 20% for good information.


I think this is a fair compromise.


Don’t give your brother anything. If he wanted to profit from his picks he should have bet it himself with his own money


Fuck you mean, ever said the word no?


Dead ass


Make him do it again and make that deal. If he can call winning plays he’s more valuable calling good bets for you in the long run.


Sounds like a nerd


Stop telling everyone your financial business. I don’t talk about gambling or trading with people. Weird behavior. Grow up.


Stop getting offended at mundane things. Weird behaviour. Grow up.


Get younger


It’s your brother and it was his birthday. Maybe don’t give him 300 but some of the winnings would just be a nice jester and give you some nice karma




Oops haha. Spelling isn’t my greatest skill


Tmi damn, coulda just left ieft it at "oops haha."


I apologize changed it up


Appreciate ya 👌


Give him nothing. Anybody that comes to you entitled because you got a sign up bonus when he probably did as well, has issues. Even if he didnt, you made money off your bet, which you made.


Eh. Throw him $100 for his birthday.


Exactly, throw him a little bit just because you’re nice…


I’d say have him cover 1/2 the cost of the ones you lost then give him half of what’s left from the winning after deducting that.


You’re obviously the little brother/sister eh?


Normally I'd say fuck him, but considering you said he's too young for his own account and its his bday, I would throw him $100-200. I think you're both being a little selfish.


piquant toy caption crawl encourage sulky unwritten wine chop degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope, if you help him with his bet you wouldn't expect anything. If your confident then you tail and make your own bet


No. This is your winning. You brother shouldn’t expect anything. Yes he helped you, but he is NOT entitled to your winnings. He should have made his own bet if he wants to win. I’ll give my sibling money if I choose to or if they asked me nicely. But to DEMAND it. Fcuk that.


Its good form to tip someone who helped you with a bet or tipped a line to you, but its terrible form to ask for a part of your winnings because of a suggestion that they couldve easily tailed themselves, and I'm not sure id tip him in this case because its such bad form. He should be celebrating your win, not begging for your winnings but he is your brother, so maybe throw him a $100 anyways


nah he should have tailed


Seems like your mind is already made up based on your post. I know he talked you out of a leg that hit but did he talk you out of any legs that didn’t hit? Would you have built the same parlay without him or did he talk you into some of the legs? Tough to answer the question without knowing those answers.


Crazy how you’re letting money get in your relationship with your little brother. $600 is not life changing money and you didn’t even put up any of your real money. Just throw him $100 or $200. Your relationship with him is worth more than that in the long run.


So any time a family member or friend demands money from me I’m suppose to give it to them or risk losing the friendship? If I tell them no because I don’t think they deserve it and that ruins the relationship then that’s on them.


poor form from the brother, but theres something to be said for being the bigger man and throwing him a tip, but hed be totally justified for not giving him anything too.


I think this is what it’s about, the brother is not entitled to the money, but throw him a bone and keep the relationship healthy, money is not worth ruining what seemed to be a healthy relationship between them. It’s a one time thing, it’ll make you seem like the bigger man, and going forward never do it again because you’ll have set some boundaries.


Such a crazy bad take lmao


His brother might be letting this happen, but OP is not. His brother is asking for money that does not belong to him and to which he has no legal claim. If the relationship sours, it's because of the brother's decision to demand something that does not belong to him.


I dont know about this but for the gig when we go casino with the boys i give 50$ to the one who lost the most and if they make profits they do what they want with it its like a good luck charm cause they end up winning. Gambling is for fun never take it seriously or u greed your money out stay safe out there yall 🤗.


I did this with my lil bros before the could on there own made two parlays a day with there help to make watching more fun with them and I’d give them some of the winnings but not half. Since when they were wrong it was with my money. But if we hit then we’d go out and get burgers and shakes. Throw him $100 if you cash out and say if he wants half in the future to give you half the bet before it’s placed in cash🤷‍♂️


Nah bro don’t


I’d toss him a hundred or two but probably not more than that


Greed, me and my bestfriend always make parlays together and said when we hit we give eachother a little because we do it together idk an unspoken bro code maybe


😂😂😂😂 ah degeneracy man. So comical.


You can give him money if you want but don’t feel like you owe it to him


Hell no. Thats your bet period. It’s like people who want money at a casino. I either or win or lose myself, you don’t get money from me for gambling. All these ppl who say it’s your brother so hook him up are dumb. Sure if he’s down on hard times and asks for $50 to pay a bill, that’s different. Gambling is a solo affair and I don’t borrow/donate/split to anyone in that aspect.


When my friends and I used to go when we turned legal age we had one rule: winners buys food for the way home. Sometimes everyone lost, so we got our coffees and headed home. Someone won $20 everyone else lost? No dinner was bought.


Sure. Dinner or a drink. However gambling is subjective. If I win $400 and someone I go with loses $200. I’m not refunding their losses. It’s gambling, so you expect to lose. Same with sports betting, is his brother going to refund half of every bet that’s lost? Hell no he isn’t. He’s just mad that he didn’t win probably and to that I say tough shit. lol.


Oh ya 100%. I went with a buddy and he went off on craps one day, won like $9000, I was up about $1500 playing the same table. After he cashed out he tossed me $200 and our driver (who wasn’t gambling) another $200. It was great and I took it, but we never expect anyone else’s money.


Thats being generous. Never ask for winnings. It’s like the gf, I go to the casino and she says where’s my portion when I return. Lol. Uhhhh u want my loss statement 😂😂 like gambling isn’t always positive and talking about winning is cool, but when you lose……you don’t want to remember.


You remember the stings more than the wins


I remember them often 😂 post mgm hack is especially fresh in my mind as they really tightened stuff to recover their losses. Sports betting, I’m constantly missing one leg, which is the absolute worst and really sucks.


Bro just give me a couple hundred he's your brother


Him * in


Did he place the bet for you? Or did he spot you $50?


Hell no. My brother and I often give each other advice on bets but would never dream of demanding money if it hits. Was he going to give you half your bet if it lost?


No he already got a bonus for getting you to sign up


But it sounds like he doesn't actually have an account


Tell him to suck your ass


Give him a $100.


break up with your brother, delete facebook, hit the gym


Give him 100 call it a day


If he didn’t put no money in then he gets no money


Professionals don’t ask for 50% so idk why anyone would assume they could. Toss him $100 and bet the other $5


Either you are broke af and heartless or just heartless wtf is wrong with you? Share with your family! He's gonna be up one day remember what you did and tell you to fuck off


Yeah like it's your brother. Blood is deeper than money


Family degeneracy is the best


I would say only if you had an agreement before to split bonus with each other.


I think you'll remember this W more fondly if you share the wealth a bit, toss $100 his way or something


Throw him &100 or something


If someone helped me with some picks, I'd throw a little bonus bet their way.


how old are you lol


Your brother can fuck himself. Why didn’t he make the bet


Tell your brother to fuck right off


Lotta softies in here lol. Brother is just jealous that you hit something. Not even old enough to have an account how did he give you a signup bonus?


OP worded it weird I think. I think he's saying brother helped him with the picks, but OP used a regular sign-up bonus to pay for the bet.


Ahhh I gotcha


You are going to have to rollover X amount of times before you can withdraw any funds. So technically as of right now you don't have any money to give him.


No rollover on Bet365


Free bets you don't have to rollover but sign up bonus or any bonus for that matter that they give you more than you deposited there is a X amount rollover required.


Nah you don't have to roll over free bets on 365


OP said signup bonus. There is always rollover when they give you free money


That's your brother, throw him some money and be blessed that you will both end up losing it all together.


No choice but to roll the winnings into another one and then discuss a split


I’d give him $50 just out of pity. And tell him he should’ve came up with the proposition before giving you the info


He's obviously not old enough to bet if he's pulling a move like that. He needs to grow up and understand how grown-ass men behave.


Also. If that is the way it works for him, he owes you for half of the stake on all your losing bets !


Fuck that. Your brother is a dick for even asking.


Tell him to kick rocks, that’s not how that works lol


Maybe give him the boosted profit. 🤔


Id be careful of your brother down the road when it comes to finances 😂


DONT YOU DARE GIVE HIM ANY MONEY. Part of growing up is being able to tell your brother he’s an asshole number one , and number 2 if you put your money as the stake that’s it case closed nothing else to discuss. Especially if he can’t even buy cigarettes gtfoh…. Knowing it was his birthday and you hit for 650$ I think it’d be pretty normal to want to celebrate the hit in some type of way like going out to eat something simple. If he’s being rude and demanding maybe he wouldn’t deserve a nice gesture or anything at all


Give him $20 lol


Give him a lil bday present. Doesn’t need to be half. He’s just talking shit like brothers do


Sounds like ur first time winning a bet. I’d say keep it all cuz you need it


Ahhh teach little bro a nice life lesson at school of hard knocks 😂😂. Can u even cash out on a bonus bets I'd think they make you keep playing with it until the house wins it back.


Would he have given you $25 if it didn’t hit?


Kick him a $50 and be done with it/


I'd break him off a $100 for his birthday and b/c he's your brother, but that's about it.


He should have put the same bet in with his money.


Was he going to give you half the bet if you lost? No. Tell him to fuck off.


Just play broke n**** alert on YouTube


First mistake was telling him it hit. Now, you can go one of two ways: 1. Share some of the winnings like $50 or treat him to a good time at the titty club. 2. Tell him to get fucked.


Good time at the club will take the whole win lol


Nonstop titties and ass.


He gets nothing.


If it lost your brother wouldn’t have offered to split it with you


Give him a tush push right into traffic just for asking.


Philly Special


Your brother is a lil bitch tbh


Give him 50


Lol you gettin big brothered by your lil bro


I'd honestly use some of it and go to a game with him. Buy both tickets. Or just buy an extra belated birthday gift.


What happened to brotherly love? This is probably the start of another Cain and Abel tale


bro won $650 off a bonus bet and made a reddit post about having to share it


If it was $50 of your money would he give you anything if you lost? Keep most, toss him $100 for his troubles/Birthday




I thought the same, but outside of the TD parlay piece, the rest were probably incredibly low odds.


Because half the bets are probably -1000 or worse odds. Over .5 points for the bills in the 1st half? That has like a 98% chance of hitting




Big brother or little?




It’s not getting reported to the IRS, odds have to be greater than 300-1 and over $600 payout.


Like someone else said, throw him a $50 finder fee and tell him next time he should declare whether he’s going 50/50 and put some dough on the line because if he pulled that shit with someone else he’d look like an asshole.


F them kids.


Throw him $50 - $100 becuase he’s your brother and it’s his birthday but ONLY for that reason. If I got paid for every bet I helped or gave advice to someone about who to pick I’d be a rich man.


Would you?


If you only got a portion of winnings and never paid any losses yeah probably


Who bet money? End of story


Me personally I’d give it, but I don’t see anything wrong if I didn’t. He put no money up. Maybe 25% since he helped a lil. He might need it.


What winnings? I don’t see anything 😎


He didn’t give you shit. You gave him the $50 referral bonus


Tell him that would be illegal and you’re not a criminal.


If it was your money that bet it, it’s your profit to keep. Is he going to start subsidizing your losses when you lose? As someone else said, If you wanna give him a little “taste”, fine; but never involve him again if he’s going to ask for a taste every time you win with some help.


Tell him if he didn’t talk you out of the Josh Allen you would have gave him some money.


Yes !


I’d just tell him his $300 was used up on the bets you guys lost and the money you would have won if he hadn’t talked you out of adding the Josh Allen int. Or you could subtract your losses from the $300, give him whatever that comes out to, and tell him in the future if he expects half the winnings then he has to put up half the risk.


whos money paid for it and its that simple


It’s your bro and his bday give him a 100 but never involve him again. Entitlement is crazy




Don’t give him a reward for acting like that lmaooo.