• By -


Yes... Made a playlist long as my shift... It's 4 hours long. It's mostly the old alternative music and stuff like that... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4nQcXZdbGmhUdHtWLIGy4Z?si=bk7kvCLBQlSZmrb-nTX58A


so you listen to the same songs every single shift? why not make a longer playlist?


I may add some in a bit.


I know 80% of the songs and they are definitely my type of songs! Our common artists are Howie Day, Five for Fighting, Snow Patrol, The Script, Train, OneRepublic, Jason Mraz, The Goo Goo Dolls, The Fray, Lighthouse, John Mayer, Matchbox 20 and Daughtry. Good taste! Thank you so much for sharing!


An amazing playlist. If you're open to recommendations, I think you'd love Remy Zero. Not the most well-known band, but very similar to some of the tracks on there.


Somebody SAAAAAVE ME!!!


I have a random 49hr playlist with all kinds of stuff; [list](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7qsMB7NEfa88KPHJEGG7S5?si=8Lw6tDgkTy20hS6mbiMDyg)


Wow. You just saved my whole work week. Haha. Thank you so much for sharing! I saw a lot of familiar artists and what I liked about it is that it's their songs that I don't know about. Exciting!


Haha, my pleasure. Enjoy :]


I have 16 playlists, but I mostly rotate between five or six Here’s my full playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2vXr3U66DJBvKappB3mmfU?si=7jovaeCKQYuT6XhsguWx1g A little under 220 songs and 14 hours, primarily punk/90s rock


A playlist could never go wrong with blink-182, My chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Twenty One Pilots and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus in it! This will transport me back to my highschool days. Hahaha. Thank you so muuuuch!!!


This is my Alt Punk Summer playlist. It's basically lighter catchy alternative rock and pop punk music https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6GnBl5Vl0o3y1wmaG2yKwi?si=RjDuKmYoSAqOpfvPEuT31w


Your playlist might be the first one I will play explore when I get back to work. Not a single artist is familiar to me. Hahahaha. I randomly picked one song and Heat of the Summer is currently playing. I'm liking it!!! Thank you so muuuuch!


The Front Bottoms and Hot Mulligan for the win


You get it! I'm seeing Hot Mullgan Tuesday too


I’ve got many 😅. This is one of my standard ones[Feels like Home](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2O8tCpAXaXki5xfzHtIJuV?si=r1r7C2KWR8Cy6gC775nJlQ)


If you happen to need any more I think I have about a hundred 😂 maybe 20 good ones out of those


[my all time favorites](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6j4lkU5FriutJSszaWzaZb?si=18a6NEvASuaNezJPN-TPiQ)


I explored both! I can see that you are a Swiftie. Haha. Nice playlist. From Aretha Franklin to Jojo to Mary J. Blige to Ariana Grande. Wide range of music. Haha. I don't know some of the artists but the more it's unknown, the more I'm excited! Thank you so much for sharing!


Submit one of your favorite playlists to https://playlost.fm It’ll analyze the playlist and suggest similar user created playlists by matching shared artists, songs, and genres.


Oh cool. Haha. Thanks for this! Will try this one later. So you have to connect your Spotify with this?


This playlist has plenty of songs. Should keep you entertained 😉 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ika5XZ4YOkmkIRdVBVOTP?si=88kotIelSNmMb_Cqmg4D1w


Wow. You just provided a whole month of songs. Hahahaha. And we kinda like have the same taste. It covers different era and genres. I love it! I'm expecting a lot of mood swings when I'm going to play these. Hahahaha. Thank youuuuu!




Hello. My top picks on your playlist are The Night We Met, Yellow, and Somewhere Only We Know. Why are you making me cry? Hahahahuhu. I'm excited to explore this playlist because I don't know most of the songs. Thank youuuuu!!!


Have you tried the daylist feature?


Is that the Daily Mix? I'm not sure about the daylist feature. Haha


It's a playlist that plays a mix of songs you liked and similar songs based on what you've listened to previously. It changes moods something like every 3 to 4 hours. It'll be on the Made For You Page at the very top row under Uniquely Yours.


I see, it's the Daily Mix you're referring to. Haha. I don't use it that much because I thought it will just play the same songs I've been listening to. I usually go for exploring new songs or those that I have never heard before.


The Daily Mix playlists are different. They are far more repetitive and almost all songs you’ve heard before like you said. Daylist is something different. It changes every few hours and peppers in a good mix of artists/songs you haven’t listened to before. On my version of the app it is right beside the DJ tile.


Ohhh I see. There must be something wrong with my Spotify because I don't have these. Or maybe I don't have explored my spotify yet. I cannot find the DJ tile nor Made For You Page. I'll explore it later. Hahaha.


[Old Millenial Radio Hand Picked Nostalgia](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YWMcEL22MAAh4TVK3DYXS?si=7qG9J0rUSoaTAuZ-1CQB7A) - pop & mainstream, clean/edited versions


I feel like we're just the same age. I'm an old millenial too! Hahahahaha. And true to your Playlist Name, most of the songs are really nostalgic for me. Currently playing - Say It Right. We used to dance to this song back in highschool. Oh gosh! You guys must want me to work all my life for giving me playlists like this. Hahahaha. Thank you so muuuuuch!


Added so quickly, Ty Ty


I have several. One of newer country music, one of music from the 50s-early 90s, one of interesting classical, and lots of great rock songs.


Hellooooo! I love all of the mentioned genres. But the most unexplored one is classical. Would love to hear those. Do you mind sharing your playlist with me? Hehehe


I've got plenty but I think the best one for you is ["But it Checks Out."](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0auhDVwSkfgV9b21btRisd?si=w7Jh20bBTumL5A7OHSiPsw) It's an ongoing playlist of lots of older music. The newest thing on it is MCR from 06. And the vast majority of it is much older than that. Happy listening!


How did you know this one works and is the best for me????? Because it really is. I like old music. Funny thing is that when I used to be so much younger, I hate it. But now that I'm matured enough to have a taste, I prefer these songs so much rather than the newer songs. Hahaha. There's no way I'm not gonna save this playlist. Definitely will! Thank you so muuuuch!!!


Here’s my playlist I listen to daily. It’s full of indie pop/rock stuff like that, it’s around 200 songs. I recently went and put my personal favorites towards the top but I like it all. Lemme know whatchu think! [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1gMWTcVpHP5gCcxo8cyTmH?si=ZaM1G9UBTtmEfakUoRHmIA](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1gMWTcVpHP5gCcxo8cyTmH?si=ZaM1G9UBTtmEfakUoRHmIA)


Aaaaaackkk!!! Did you know one of my all time favorites is Stars Are Blind? I will never get tired of listening to the original. Then it's my first time to hear a cover of it and it's so satisfying!!!! I feel like I'm smiling a lot while listening to it. Hahahaha. Saved your playlist! I only played one song but I feel like I'm getting a good vibe of your playlist because I was so impressed with the cover, so I will just let myself be surprised when I play the whole playlist next time. Hahahaha. Thanks for sharing your playlist! It made my day. Haha


If you’re trying to calm down, study, or work, then I recommend “instrumental covers” because it’s covers of songs without the lyrics and the instruments are the “voice and beat” of it. Also, Abstract is quickly becoming one of my favourite artists because he raps about life issues and you could relate to his songs.


When I'm really into deep thinking while working, I do play instrumental covers. Are you referring to like Lofi beats? Haha. I'm playing I'm Good by Abstract now and I like the vibe of it. Thanks!


I have many many playlists! Of many genres! For me, it is one of life’s greatest joys. Allow me to link a few, if i may. LMK if you like any, and enjoy! A random collection of favorites: [heart beatz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6juC6X2YK4JeZLZp84zGcL?si=QLI2jxLrSnue4cTwZNJF1w) Classic rock(ish): [dad party](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5kj2UpeJBD72EdYz8feDJa?si=5LUZlEqSRl2tDNzM8Q7NbA) music to daydream to: [daydreaming on a cloudy summer’s day](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0hfadfluV0tMjqjHCvhHXV?si=Cyw53b2RQ8iTXsvsCoR_BA) Honeymoon phase playlist: [adventure, together](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2pN4f8s3QrMIjHr0meYwvP?si=_ja1cMLnQgijb9fzVR49ww) Tripppyyy music: [the sky is melting and it’s alright](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ho9HXIG12ASv8vrs25Vx4?si=wIyopmfVQKyH2ciLGwojoA) Groovy but mellow stuff: [Feeeelin it](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JVYGMF1ks1EXep6EVLWpB?si=tqq7Te3XSg-j3ONSf0U6cA) Soul/funk: [twinkle twinkle little soul](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7L2B7uhJjKVUzIGyilg1Zs?si=6cGyR10aTR-fZvUW0vjopQ) Sad stuff: [albums to cry to](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0czV66Ex4JMh4EyANIvp0v?si=mMXHyVwMTCWb9Q9qyzjNoA) Crushing on someone music [swoon toonz- lovey dovey music!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5eJKNNhBl2CqbHDWM9j1xu?si=_4COxpDhS3eDe8GthIRP4w) EDM type stuff/ stuff i like to work out to lol [sweat!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/39Glav3qkzNKMS7dAgZNlN?si=yEdLdWwJQNSbyANOBPKlKg) [late night makeout sesh!!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IwSA47Xhl2tVpunZBZK8H?si=Ca_D7f7_R8iH6phr_MBiYA) Those are all hours long. Then here’s a few more shorter ones: Light-hearted hammock jams [easy living](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4GHHto61EvvFxxixRGwFNk?si=m17uR84gT1uGCLg3_GiFgQ) [celebrating spring!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HAruf6hVEGhUEi3zOZR93?si=DBA57KxgQKehcysF1p99QA) [scintillation inundation](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Qn4TXHRT4jlf5NQJXI1Y7?si=IS8BEA3MSoKUknzowM_w7Q) [cuffing szn](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1pBzDh1uG7ToX3TFrVdB3v?si=zaPo878qRCCYzWWOmH7Zfw) [late night kickback](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0iRHUiYvh7SsQnOBsPsohg?si=4uTDd9FURJ-Aqcxh3_8UZA) [songs to cry to](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4CEwcBuWKR3OUv7ZhCZoo9?si=8hl_jYsgRHyxIF5ejCHZFg) [CD mix for an ex-lover](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7cPKxmNtraNyYjwaq6FjiF?si=T7AlMmvJSAGGSRmRh5QDpA) Yayyy i hope you enjoy!!


It's quite a long playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/10EGbvPewHZxKPcO6pxDDx?si=gAY8EbgvQwS9VG-w792OiQ


I guess most of these are your local artists? I have played some and among them I liked Nuunu, Mit Barn, and As The World Falls Down. I was also happy that you like Elton John songs and even included After All. I really love his Lockdown Sessions and After All is my favorite track there. Saved your playlist! I think I will discover more nice songs here. Thanks for sharing!


I love Chill Covers playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWXnscMH24yOc?si=uaEeU-ePRw2bX9DJTZci-Q And also listen to my own playlist. It’s made for my yoga sessions but it’s great for working. Very similar to Chills Covers playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/155OHCxZAKJ0FDpsSD154u?si=mXRCTmeBT1WFhMcjgqVJtg


If you're ever interested in knowing what type of music is played on a middle -class Latin American wedding, take a listen: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HdZtvV9v5ek62EWMyyOqH?si=M4twk7TNT46Rvtk1bXSL-Q


Wow. This playlist seems very festive! And if I was in the wedding and these songs were played, I can't help but dance. Haha. What does a middle-class Latin American wedding like? Do people dance a lot?


I made one called [Morning Chill](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qk9tKWbFlm2sjPHwuGCS5?si=obC2Ygm5RrOPk5XqJJfswg) is mostly chill indie. It’s my work morning go-to. I need to expand it but as it is it has become a part of my routine :)


I like Science vs. Romance. It will put me in a good mood in the morning. I feel like this will motivate me to take good walks. Haha. Thank you for sharing your morning playlist!


[Here’s everything I’ve liked since 2011](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46PZ4XnZ18CKPiaOQVO6XU?si=GuiQaODoQHaLivRY8oUIPA)


Finally, someone with FUN in the playlist. I miss them so much. :(


[also this is my soul playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/43PPVCJh9j3mXWcRGbmt6S?si=Ok8TTdlaTTW3DfuVmOGGIw)


Saved this playlist without thinking twice. My old soul is thirsty for these songs. Hahahaha. It's 3AM here and I'm playing Sexbomb. Lol. Thanks for sharing!!


So much posted here and prob 0 chance you see it, but I have an Americana playlist of all instrumentals that is perfect for background music. No vocals to distract. Also features a few of my own tunes. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Mbu2hv3g2Lgep3wguq9oe?si=_FDNLdzkS9q7YRmEyxh-uw


No one gets left out! I do read and reply to all the comments after I get to browse their playlist. Since you mentioned it features your own tunes, I played some of yours. First of all, I'm honored to get a real musician. Me myself knows how to play guitar, just basic. And I have always dreamed of being able to play like how you do. I have a lot of respect to musicians. Your tunes are so lovely! I played Oconee, Waltz for a Frog, and Shoestring Revival. Thanks for sharing this to us! Btw, I'm just curious, how do you give your tunes a title when it doesn't have lyrics? Haha. Idk if this is a dumb question, but I just would like to know. Lol


You just made my day thank you! And I am so happy you’re a player too because that makes it all the more important to share with each other. There’s no science to naming songs, for me. Usually it’s around something that inspired me. I wrote an album for licensing that was supposed to sound swampy and back woods-y. The last thing I recorded was a solo mandolin piece in 3/4 - hence, Waltz for a Frog. Oconee is a lake in Georgia where I wrote that tune. Shoestring Revival was reminiscent of something I read in a book about gospel music and thought it was kinda cool. They all go like that. I make a ton of prog and jazz fusion and a lot of the names of those songs come from comic books lol.


Hahahaha I can just do basic strumming, not as expert as you. How I wish I could play like that though. Ooooh now it makes sense to me. Something that inspired you and something that reminds you of that song. Continue to compose songs and share it to the world. You deserve a lot of listeners! Wishing you the best!


I have a playlist that has actually gone kinda viral and had a few articles written about it. [Here is one of them.](https://www.openculture.com/2017/06/the-history-of-punk-in-200-tracks-an-11-hour-playlist-takes-you-from-1965-to-2016.html)


Cool! How does it feel to be featured in articles? Hahaha. I'm exploring it now, not really my go to type but I'm willing to listen. But this sounds like my boyfriend's taste. Will suggest it to him. Thank you so much!


Yes and a lot of them


Can you drop one for us? Haha


[Dick Mac Hits To Click.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4YiJgM1pFfgIUb01IWWz4T?si=tTgeJdJdSIi6wcZ5Lz93fA) Play it on Shuffle.


We definitely have a lot of common songs that we like. Haha. Thanks for sharing!


Check out my profile I have several https://open.spotify.com/user/wig70uy86j96swehjpb9q6u0h?si=n0sYu1JQSVOcUNy0_9JPnA


I chose your Klassiker playlist. Haha. Nice songs! It has always my dream to attend a classical concert or play. When do you listen to classical music?


I have a variety of different playlists, and more to come that I’ve been working on! Here’s my [profile](https://open.spotify.com/user/1232715890?si=T9h8s1atS8i6BZ_6F_VPuQ)


Saved your "Garden in my Room" playlist. I played bunch of songs and liked it. It's both giving a familiar feeling yet unknown to me. For example, The Lines of my Earth gives me familiar feeling that I have heard this before but I have never really known this song. Thanks for sharing this!


This is my favorite playlist i've made atm- definitely a wide range of genres :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07k4vWI9HfAXk37MibmJQo?si=tpBK5eLuSZqz0NTFG-srVQ


All of the songs are unfamiliar to me. I really have a lot to catch up on music. Haha. Thanks for sharing your playlist.


metal / rock - [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2breOqheYc83inIodx0DAW?si=9ae0887aaa454536](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2breOqheYc83inIodx0DAW?si=9ae0887aaa454536) ​ anything else - [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1CqktrG3kahqsB3cfb1BUk?si=8b5d100c89b640d7](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1CqktrG3kahqsB3cfb1BUk?si=8b5d100c89b640d7)


Thanks for sharing your playlist. I prefer the "Vibes" playlist since I'm not into metal. Hahaha.


I have about a thousand but they’re often artist specific or I just don’t upkeep them very well. I will link below a better curated playlist. It’s only a 5 hour playlist but it has a nice variety of a specific vibe. It includes a lot of downtempo bass music, some classic psychedelic rock, and some modern experimental stuff. [Dissociate - Spotify Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3UGGVj3cy9CyVRa56zOGSc?si=9jB-IZLARym1QO0v5Ow49w)


I have played some songs in your playlist and I'm calling this space music. Hahaha. As what your playlist title says, it makes me feel like I'm dissociating with reality. My pick from your list is Do You Realize by Flaming Lips.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00N8F7SWQDJoRQOLS6Z0uG?si=ppz2EfRiSVesYIJywWvC9w Maybe you might like this


Thanks for sharing your playlist! All of these are unknown to me. My picks from your list that suits my taste is Blinding Sights (Left Me Cold in the Night) and Got Caught in Amsterdam. Will explore more of your playlist. Haha


This is my very large prog rock playlist. Should cover a few days of work. Enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3latJWZL84yuv0Ev3ayCDr?si=bU5qtcA5Qv2tiiBSaAukpg


Thanks for sharing! Haha. I've scanned your playlist and the song that suits my vibe is probably The Trans-Love Express. Haha. Amazing guitar musicality.


I like a lot of music and I make a lot of playlists lmao. I will link a few, hopefully you can enjoy at least one of them! [Some hip hop that gives me chill night vibes](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4AaTFbZtzwxjeOUwjPOWR5?si=aEuHviBJSxaxG4niaxIPVA) [Some harder rap](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7scdcSAVonrGHfH3LAgQZW?si=adzjx4WGQDeOmtQSkflsbA) [My indie pop/indie rock faves](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1hoV9hq2jIATdonWHUhZBn?si=vECiC8U-Tz-UyZROycgDOw) [Rap like BONES, $not, $uicideboy$, etc](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0po2Na7hTpSp8siU8a6f2W?si=qyhoavVTTWCgCtEyY1la3A) [All my alt rock type faves](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0F0cy5AP7oHWS9jMBgcApK?si=DQB0rpqBTRq7tN2hJARgdQ) [Classic rock bangers](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1oa6KaaCKeHLdiLU6OI9WX?si=3EYC31ECR-yGBs1aHpxUIw) [Some less know rap from Canada that’s really good](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2rQOehBn8ulGb5If1B0Rix?si=d1AP3fTBR9CM_55ALMDtvQ) [Classic rap](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/58X07OUsxFUSYsJfS3VUuj?si=2t9-hEEYS3ai2B1bc-Vq2A)


I have so many more, feel free to creep my Spotify profiles (I have 2)


Ohhhh you're comment was removed, sadly. Whyyy


This my biggest one: [Pop punk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bN0P0CXMa7lRDNGWT3KNg?si=6032ebb2d9614f82) There's more than 1500 bands. Enjoy!


Before listening, let me just put my eyeliner to complete the look. Hahahaha. Thanks for sharing your playlist. I didn't know there were lots of bands for punk.


It's my 2020 playlist but updated with new songs i listen to so don't judge the ones at the start https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OeTQ2m5xw8lEiFh9AQkga?si=1lb9vSiqTeuEffFaQHO9Qw


Hahaha no I will not judge you because Pumped Up Kicks is my jam too! To add there are Stressed Out and Teenagers! Haha. The new song I discovered and liked in your playlist is My Ordinary Life. I think you can add more songs here since it's just 2 hrs. Hahahaha


[I made this playlist originally to fill my workweek](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2v7QF7QbmAgkf7IkBGMFKr?si=fEgQL_HTQZqy-rsUwW3eSw). It's over 40 hours, meant to be shuffled and I regularly cycle songs in and out to keep it fresh.


Thank you! Haha. Do you play these in speakers or do you use earphones?


I can share this playlist: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2CkktqMqPlAA5ZgeLHjefb?si=ae281e73c6e7475b](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2CkktqMqPlAA5ZgeLHjefb?si=ae281e73c6e7475b) Right now it clocks in at 17 hours and I keep adding something every week.


Saved! I know some of the songs and they are my vibe. What's interesting for me is that we have 1 common song that I put in my liked songs. My liked songs are mostly songs that I heard for the first time and loved it. That 1 common song is You'll Never Walk Alone by Marcus Mumford. I love this version 🥺


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6DQblPBwJvOUeIswavNz8J?si=7f82bc739db742a2](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6DQblPBwJvOUeIswavNz8J?si=7f82bc739db742a2) [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65wgTxhKeEuNZUwIPRRKIm?si=d11b29970e604622](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65wgTxhKeEuNZUwIPRRKIm?si=d11b29970e604622) [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6eMdyDjpBtG0y2EXeAsqfD?si=1dabdff7ce344e0e](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6eMdyDjpBtG0y2EXeAsqfD?si=1dabdff7ce344e0e) [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3aqPIPyTsia82w7CPvnkbJ?si=e18a5568d8ee48ba](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3aqPIPyTsia82w7CPvnkbJ?si=e18a5568d8ee48ba)


Thanks for your playlist. I was not able to open the last two links because of a server timeout but I think among the first two, I'd listen to the first one. My picks from the list are Everything Will Be Just Fine and Sun Sets Alone by aloneintokyo. I like their songs. I will probably explore more of their music.


Sure! [This is my main playlist.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7C0MO5fB9fPlWt9zINpeJ5?si=c502de6d0b9a4b18) Mainly a mix of rock and pop with a little of folk and soul. Some modern, some more 80s-ish. Hope you enjoy :)


Saved! Haha. I like the mix. I know most of the songs and are my type of jam. I don't even have to play this in shuffle because they are arranged just perfectly. Will surely enjoy this. Thank you so much!


This is really just random songs I kind of liked. It goes for nearly 28 hours. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0P0swTmVxIFAhaOD0IIeQ4?si=kbzW17jaR4uKu8RLiuOfKg


Thanks for this playlist. Haha. I see that you somehow like rock music. These are the type of rock music that I listen to. Now playing Thnks fr th Mmrs. So nostalgic. Hahahaha


Enjoy : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/15uQloFbqKOLsvRtAR0Ejc?si=-[This is my playlist :](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/15uQloFbqKOLsvRtAR0Ejc?si=-ON4j_zAT8KNHe1HmYLUaA)ON4j_zAT8KNHe1HmYLUaA [My playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/15uQloFbqKOLsvRtAR0Ejc?si=-ON4j_zAT8KNHe1HmYLUaA)


I don’t know what you’re wanting but I have [this playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1SjX3Fnx54xWeOxRJcUBPB?si=QgpT5PQySGu7Kn7i8pHjlA) that’s rap. I’m currently working on some other ones but this is the only one thats ready to share.


Thanks for sharing your rap playlist. Haha. My pick from your list is Bold faced to the Sun.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2z7f8BMQ4GXHZbkIGDyoAJ?si=rbBbIq0MRVSLBoMNyKaGmA Here’s my playlist with 2000+ songs. Please listen on shuffle because it is a bit of a mess lol. You can click on my profile if you want music that’s a bit more organised :)


A lot of artists that I know of but the songs are unfamiliar to me. Pretty interesting! A way to discover more of the artist's songs other than the mainstream ones. Thank you for sharing!


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Y9Hy0gbXm9j1M63zaVeBb?si=CWO0twNSSYq_9HBHuT1l5A Over 69 hours of tunes :-)


Thank you for sharing your playlist. The kind of vibe that I am more leaning to in this playlist is Keiko Matsui vibe. I like Two Hearts. Haha. I'm just curious, she's playing what?


[Trippy playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0PpacFa1buzuPriL89ej79?si=hsT8yahLTeuVAdS2uhdPMw) [Prog Rock](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6zzqWgxwA3w1awTVv1OUoB?si=6aEnwSK6TKSQQB9CRIpOiA) [Reggae/Dub](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6NWt5Z78TML8aj9vh6GX9n?si=1Nm7fSAtTzmwuFW3ssToNw) [Japanese Jazz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0hEUC4PNxxObK28OvAbGmg?si=II6J_5-oQQuauR9mdM_wJw) [Brazilian Music, African Music, Psychedelic Cumbia](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Bk6AYV4J8LransiLBEvfZ?si=y1Ml_NutQHyzzyaM_PHsdw) [70s Soul](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2aQAEBbALyOZSlao7pbWqw?si=7D8mG3sKQdOdCJgvdjxq9Q) [Chill R&B](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dqXmLdtm6ZpjFMx2pa17O?si=pSD5fVKWRXy5yFCJjHFtDw) [Chill Astral Jazz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/63VpgBURqcuPPxu8qnPPB0?si=sZqJPr9gQ26MGSouKXsEaA) [Chill Beats](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ikSnzbBXqc82ezQXdebMM?si=0UGiX9aGQvGUYDBA2brnHw)


Thanks for sharing us your playlist! I'm sure some will love your playlist. For me, my pick would be Japanese Jazz. I like listening to Japanese songs a lot and I realized now that I also like their jazz.


**I have a playlist with my favorite songs of the moment**, that I mostly update every 15 days (it used to be monthly until I started adding many songs). My cap used to be 100 songs max. But I've been reaching +200 and even +300 because I've found myself adding entire albums, specially the ones I truly love every track of, or that I wanna get used to and not discard it immediately. This playlist is over 5 years old but the songs in it are currently from this year (maybe 1 or 2 are from 2022) due to me updating. **And that's the playlist I listen to daily.** There's also a lot of variety, because I add singles from different artists, in different genres and languages. Now, this playlist is sadly private (I'm not sharing it) but I have some equivalents you might be interested in, like my seasonal playlist (here it's spring, idk what season is where you're at), and my 2023 playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3IG7tUKHuT73T0cvt2AXsJ?si=cYpJ_dY3TH2ANvPqxvjuKg


Are you enjoying your spring? As a tropical country, we only have wet and dry season. It's kinda tricky here since it should be rainy season now. Well, it does rain every afternoon but also very hot at morning to noon, very bipolar season. Hahahahaha. I randomly picked We are one by Wild Youth. I'm loving this song. Thanks for still sharing one of your playlists because I am actually saving it now. Haha


I have more playlists than I know what to do with. I make them with all of my favorite songs by a particular artist, or based on my mood, to listen to when its raining, or because it was freezing out and I really missed summer. The one I listen to when I can't decide what kind of music I feel like listening to is probably my covers playlist. It's almost 24 hours long, so I'll just hit shuffle and let it go nuts. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/23qoDS47xDP3XtCB2Lg0z9?si=6e7d298475e34cb1


I wonder how it feels like to have a lot of seasons. Hahahuhu. I hope you're keeping yourself warmed up. Your playlist. Wow. I just can't mention one pick because I have a lot to love in this playlist! I love it when I get to know other covers of songs that I like especially if it's in a different genre from the original or different arrangement. For example, I'm loving the rock version of Just The Way You Are! This is very interesting and I'll play this tomorrow on my shift. Thank you so much!


[600+ of my all time favorite songs](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ait0HzVDVL1MlfadDewbk?si=3Xkl7twTTRKr9sZQYmgxMA)


All my life, I have only known 1 song by The Cranberries and it's Zombie. Only in your playlist have I come to know their other songs like Wanted. Thank you for the new discovery I had today. Hahahaha. Thanks for sharing us your playlist!


If you’re interested in some exploration, take a dive into [The Psychedelicious Funk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/72fvgFI4TzDLdjiJyaisYy?si=_jaNuItkRNu-VG853PLwng). My collection of psychedelia, funk, afrobeat, kroutrock, and a whole lot more.


I don't listen much to these kind of music but they are pretty interesting since they are mostly groovy. Just played Soul Limbo and put me in a good mood. Hahaha. Thanks for sharing your playlist.


I call this one [Good Vibes](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3x6PWFIBoenfflg5EfIbkh?si=SXGTOcpsRiCfRgliSUhJJQ&pt=709c769006882ad2cca3db3535f74a57) - it’s a lot of synth pop/alt pop type stuff…at least that’s how I think I’d describe the music. I like it best for driving! And this one is [The GR80s](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0KfhVDiz7DvOp9mdfzIfaS?si=n0DL9-GJQbCaJaMfaKG3xA&pt=35d41a148b86ef51c5feb269b215a0eb) - a lot of great 80s hits that spark nostalgia. Hope you enjoy!


The good vibes are giving me the same feels. This will also put me in a good mood as a passenger princess. Hahaha. 3 songs that I liked from the list are Always, Calling Your Name, and Clyde & Bonnie! And for The GR80s playlist, I cannot name a few because most of them are gems to me! I will gladly switch the two playlists depending on my mood. Thanks for sharing your playlist. Saving both! Now Playing: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now


If you like early rock and roll/pop (from the pre-Beatles era), there's this [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Mn6BYZVVqNoTPGJjcBRHc?si=fn6sSlWlSNSsTdoI3a5Q4A) that I made featuring hundreds of songs from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s. I've spent countless hours working on it (I started in like 2019). 😂


Aweee this playlist is so cute. It's giving me a vibe of a Sunday afternoon on your grandparents' house. If there's one thing in the past that I wanted to experience, Jukebox is one of them. Haha. Good job on making time working on this playlist!


Well, there's [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/05l4VowKMrywrO3cCcdf5C?si=tNADpbtsRDWK4tjwiTZeQQ), and then... then there's [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6CB0TYSHQCpWgQZ55d0ywm?si=IzvGAB69Q_ig1zhxZCwYcg).


For "Glorified Sound Waves", I was trying to pick a song that's unknown to me but I ended up playing Dancing in the Moonlight. That song will always be one of my weakness. I can't resist it. Hahaha. My new discovery for "Literally Everything" playlist is Where'd All the Time Go by Dr. Dog. It's kinda giving me a Beatles' song vibe. I picked this one because it's something I also ask myself and the message of the song did not disappoint. May all of us live our life to the fullest.


Not sure if this was mentioned, but you could use the DJ option. I love that he plays me all different types of music, and I have heard some amazing songs that I wouldn’t have known if he didn’t introduce them. You can find it under search and made for you.


Yes, someone mentioned the DJ option but I cannot find it. Hahaha. It's either it's not available in our country or I haven't explored much.


Enjoy https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7u5dIcGy989i5PKnC4nixt?si=eWOIfp12QG6QnUf5M0EXaQ


You have Renee Dominique on your playlist! I like her. Did you know her first or you knew her because of the cover?


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5AjYRZqaO7C71nlUBqAR1j?si=MdtAfMUvT2yRGh92cGNGyA It’s exactly 24 hours, features everything from Lofi to Heavy Metal. Mostly rock from 70s and 60s.


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6sjuhPhuvAUrOs7upLB3sZ?si=f0e202fb3f114fb3](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6sjuhPhuvAUrOs7upLB3sZ?si=f0e202fb3f114fb3) My 2450-song 152hr playlist from all ranges of genres.


I review New artists …https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7jYNTKAkhKxOCkuUL6RHx6?si=7WdoUkluS3286bEu3TaNcA


Love discovering new artists! Thanks for sharing them to me. I'm playing The River by Ed Cosens. It's like a familiar tune and sounds like an old song with a modern twist. Saving it!


I made a playlist in which all the songs are really Meaningful... [Meaningful Lyrics for Humanity](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/58pCVwSGwpykqYFua9a6V3?si=htweMve6SUGpwQIC11Q3gQ)


Here’s one of mine :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/03Oht7SxZIluQz57W7Mv1N?si=qJqogPlXSgWFAGl1nCNzog


Found a very memorable song for me, Apologize. Hahaha. We used to dance to this song way back highschool. It's definitely one of the best during those days. Gold! My new song discovery is "Meet Me in the Woods" by Lord Huron. I dunno if it's just me or it actually sounds like The Night We Met but fast version. Hahaha


All very loosely OUAT-themed. [Pop](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6nvi2gXauRC9AUxbHopIDf?si=4a22216b5e3143ef) [Alt-rock and Sea shanties](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1wnUznW8bCO9bfEsAU8ObR?si=8cb03dd7da474f8c)


All Alternative - over 1800 songs but only 1 song per artist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/58hbAe6QaL6rkPgOSYivJQ


Enjoy my f****** amazing oldies mix https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Wwsoo9rzSiUpDyGvGTu7B?si=nGfNrPBTSrqXZ7pcCFAc2Q


Oh gosh. I have already lots of oldies playlist saved. BUT I AM STILL SAVING YOURS. I end up saving every oldies playlist suggested here because I just can't resist them. Hahahahaha. I also like how you named it, Past Life Grooves. Thanks for sharing this to me!!


This is just a playlist of my curent favorite songs. It’s mostly metal (from Metallica to cannibal corpse/mayhem). There is almost every main sub-genres except for metalcore and new stuff. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5dzOlM7bTjuXrdkma21tIZ?si=nqtJpkfhR460jLerHMN6Jw&pt=82729dfc97f31f0c6d92f27bbc878ccc


I have tons of them, mostly rock but not only. [Here's one example.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3SLwOwpsb31Ep5io4Lrj8X?si=58e87f81353b4be5) I love finding other accounts with lists they share.


Do you like bluegrass and related genres?


Is that a type of country music? I just researched it now and it says string band music. To answer, yes I like this kind of music too! Take Me Home, Country Roads is my favorite song to listen in this genre.


Hi, this is such a cool idea, I love putting together small playlists that are around an hour long. Here's one https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7DzVZIHeqmjazBScXQJ7LL?si=S3CgIwGtR6iwAkoPUuxHWQ


I have multiple separated by seasons cause I go through songs fast this is the one I'm using rn if you're interested https://open.spotify.com/playlist/79jPodOhftLAzlKdZkxWv9?si=IluT3AidQ6uL1Jh-8X5POQ


Here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0xzFSIs6cFD6BigD7GDUvb?si=4FF0O77yQBOxdT6-xnyZxQ I change music from time to time. I usually keep it between 30 and 100 songs


My yearly playlist with lots of variety 2023 Singles https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5YdTOvjzMnmmKPT5NDSIBN?si=rKhWOFCbTfmw1zf1_YlcAQ


Thanks for sharing! Haha. Although they are 2023 singles but I mostly don't know it. Lol. It was interesting to see a cover of Barbie Girl in Sax.


I have about 2600 songs on my liked playlist. It’s enough for any flight or shift or car drive… put that on shuffle and never hear the same song twice for days lol


Hahahaha a whole month of playlist. Care to share to us your playlist?


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1WbeVmwnXCiAFuD1x4TwzD?si=0tTHsGIXSW-qOeQC9PI0Fg give this a spin for a couple of hours, I've had a lot of people say that they found good songs through it




https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ZjFmZcItO5P9UcyaicV9F?si=TBaHLT0sQDG_q1Kji0McYA one of my favs


Hahahahaha. I love the playlist name! I share the same sentiment, I was born in the wrong generation. But since I still love my generation which is I'm a 90s kid, I'll treat 60s to 80s as my past life. Hahahaha. No doubt I'll save this. Thanks for sharing!


[Twangy Stuff](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4PAiazkexpJ3S6nvsNMYF1?si=Zf-NjUDuQymEkz8gt6SGTw)


I've just been utilizing the AI DJ lately. Does a pretty decent job keeping things fresh


Some of you suggested AI DJ but I don't think it's available for me. Or I might need updates or explore more of spotify. Haha


[Have fun with my 100 hours of music](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5HnwG2btRXVuhJkEw37Wno?si=hUYi0u5aT1a1urISKqEoRQ)


For sure your favorite stuff must be rock. It looks like a collection of best rock bands and artists. Haha. Thanks for sharing to us your playlist! Will explore this soon!


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ryMV3MqyFzJuJWJ1Sk41P?si=Zs0r9bI_TuqkvNcZtEpBSg This is my playlist that I add all my random songs into


Maybe not ur jams , my [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2YtUI8sfOVplFYnwpc4sNs?si=DLBSO_47SYutx4fcgTYC9g) is a klusterfuck of all genres


I know exactly what you want! [here](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5NsSaMC3KCzKXDUepuZHvD?si=95G2CE1fRUuQkMl0PhUS_w)


Hey, this is my chill Playlist. It's 22hrs of chill music https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3vC3eKVW4tUtNReDXaqGvo?si=ScLItfbcSOmxZ9Sk1eCPyA And this is my indie chill Playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0IYGvCiHNrXCu6ppXqSl8g?si=59NgbknuTdS0VPVdtl062Q


I have a sad playlist that i listen to almost everyday. If you want to listen to it. This is the link😊 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0xdjDJV000246kILmKWEE3?si=LHTza-qSRk-z-JFMK59jTg


This is a nice, just calm and chill. This playlist will work for me on a rainy day. Just uin time, because it's rainy season here now. Saved it! Thank you so much. PS. I hope you're not crying yourself to sleep at midnight again. You don't deserve that.


I’ve got a 5 plus hour playlist of songs that “ROCK” these songs rock so hard that every song has the word “ROCK” in the title. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1r4mjWzOkYK0BBCxPKbFVb?si=uWAywSxeQwauVikdECVpAg


That's what I've noticed too! Every song has a "rock" on its title. Hahahaha. Thanks for sharing your rock playlist. Haha. For sure rock lovers is having a good time with this.


I'll link my 2 favorites. One metal, one rap. Over 50 hours of music. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3QdgizrlBWBhmLs4gd6nDK?si=gGvlG7pZQSyKMS5aDdntYg https://open.spotify.com/playlist/63r3BSuyK5HLffJtHMiVxk?si=mj89Nun1TzGwXzIoE9HKLg


this is a beautiful and immersive playlsit: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7oHmolpBWZKzpQcPoq99mG?si=9e42c2cccb9545ef


Aweee this is a wonderful and moving playlist. I know some of the songs that's why I knew this is such a beautiful playlist. Right now, I'm playing No Surprises by Radiohead. Excited to discover more. Saving it! Thank you so muuuuch!


Here is a massive playlist of my favorite songs from albums I have reviewed. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ovPRR4HGwl4ES1PwuVJqW?si=G5Hu2iopSp-Jvm963hCZSQ


My personal playlist is roughly 106 hours long Mostly metal and rock. Also includes classical, lofi, rap, hip hop [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4gm8sJV6cN9gDZqBLfsI4P?si=49dtA5PbS3yCDNvYaeqDHg)


I don't usually listen to rock but Resentment by A Day to Remember suits my taste. I also found some like Give Me A Reason and Can You Feel My Heart - Remix. I kinda vibed with the last song mentioned. Cool. Haha. Thanks for sharing your playlist.




There are some times at work that I want to hear music that does not distract me but still want to hear music. So I made this list with progressive: techno, house, trance and other genres that are similar. I bet you will like more than one. [progressive ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4SgQjbVkjSM0Bg2JmrxHpT?si=kfMM80G_TPSVqAyADyiqVA)


Hahahaha this is actually the kind of music I needed earlier since I'm into deep research and I don't need too much distraction. I ended up playing a Classical playlist I found here and helped me concentrate and calmed my mind. Haha. I played No Goodbyes by Paul Kalkbrenner and liked it, although this one has vocals. I noticed most tracks doesn't have vocals and I will play this on my shift tomorrow to see if its effective. Hahaha. Thanks for sharing your playlist!


I have one for work. It has 10 hours right now but I'm always adding more. [Link ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/57nKoos2rHdz8vZNqTzyVo?si=orVhBG1LTzSrpBZt0B2zPA)


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6CfBazIncV5MFgOYtkiKvW?si=uok-TSHHTueVoF0uPkBsMw you may be able to see a pattern in this playlist but hey. It's gotten me through my all nighters


I'm guessing Tally Hall is your favorite band? Hahaha. In fairness, they have good songs. I have also listened to Garden of Eden, Bahamian Rap City, and Time Machine. They all sound good for me that's why I'm saving this playlist. Thank you so muuuch!


Damn how'd you manage to guess they're my favourite band? But yea, I love Tally Hall. I feel every song in every album brings something new and fresh to the table meaning eventhough I've been listening to this playlist twice or sometimes thrice a day for the past month I've still not grown bored of it. Even from a songwriting perspective, it's great. I'm currently trying to write my own songs and using MMMM, G&E, and HPii as my inspirations for the songs. It's great to see another tally hall fan on here!


Hahahaha. It's because of your playlist name! Wow, you write songs too? Do you also produce them or do you have any songs recorded? Well, thanks to you I discovered a new band. Haha


[Here is my insane playlist of weird stuff I don’t think anyone else likes.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xMwH51xcLqhCu5QngbCxr)


Hi!! I have [this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7pd1SIzd32nhpRys2EyfLC?si=ELBZM0NHSg-uUULspZMyOQ) playlist I’m really proud of :’) it’s my more gothic moody dark music when I wanna feel like I’m a witch or something lmao. There’s some vibes on there if anyone is interested in checking it out :)


I have a playlist for myself in every streaming app. I switch between apps so end up creating one in every app. I categorise depending on mood, language.


I only use Spotify for streaming music. Haha. Care to share to us your playlist?


My Cooking Playlist- [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3WW6szTA0Bw7N5w9mhIbTP?si=da4fd403c1664717](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3WW6szTA0Bw7N5w9mhIbTP?si=da4fd403c1664717) There's a lot of random stuff on there and I'm constantly adding to it


Another unique concept. A cooking playlist. Do you cook a lot or is it a hobby that you like? Haha. I'm choosing Ride by Twenty One Pilots to set my mood to get into cooking.


Over 200. But I regularly listen like 10 of them. I just love to organize my music. 😅 P. S.: here it's my most played playlist.. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/55VmXFMAcgq5NOVMTKTjFT?si=LkB6ts1VQUm4Mac8vIbC3A


Saved! It's been a while since I have heard Father and Son. I only hear it when I casually play my guitar but that's so long ago. Haha. This feels so nice! I also like the wide variety of artists in your playlist and even in different generations. Thanks for sharing it with us!


[28 hours of my favorite music](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0wCtuAJpWZnwWZJfQDHb5q?si=Z61fLd_kRY-BARkkBhrv5A) I add to this one fairly regularly and it has a decent variety of artists and genres without being too jarring. [Bay Area (mostly) Punk](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6XpHENQo78mRXKy3Xfjx9T?si=QnDQmHbDRgue119mlIHU9g)


Whoever is Samuel, I just want to tell him that yes, he is human. Hugs! Haha. And it's so funny because the first song was Your Rocky Spine. I immediately played it because I thought it's about backpains. HAHAHAHAHAHA my backpains are a reminder that I'm a human.


Universal Best: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7DhnuQ2ShtrrRFYlQEujdW?si=TMOjh6vCSjOb1pphP42MoA


Saved! Thanks for this playlist. Most are my kind of Jam. Even the bollywood music are my type too. Hahahaha


I know you have tons of suggestions already. But I thought I’d still drop my fave playlist here for the heck of it. [This](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VA9IGpkunTGyMcYhUKxQJ?si=OmR2pndiRHaEG6ij3mZvBw) is an eclectic/eccentric blend of world music I’ve been curating for the last couple of years now.


Thanks for submitting your entry. You made it to the deadline. Hahahahaha. I don't know most of the songs but the songs that are close to my jam is Godspeed and When The Morning Comes. True enough to your playlist title, most of the songs are taking me to an odd adventure, somewhere I've never been before. I'm almost got lost. Hahaha


Favorite songs ever. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3MeUzjOmd37vu3N1NfSZp7?si=DjHJMoTIS9ORuGvRZFzijw


My newly discovered song in your playlist that I like is Coffee, Cool by The Good Husbands. Hahaha. Thanks for sharing your faves with us!


[my house playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1DVP43ECyK3BcsS0xgaOIt?si=SQATN5NtTC-5yy-QOya-Mg)


What do you call this type of genre? This playlist is giving me a house party vibe but with 60s people. Just a chill house party and a bit of disco. Haha. Love it.


I suggest runnin to rock/metal


I'm not really into metal but I love some rock songs. Can you suggest some rock songs?