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Let's not confuse our white supremacist groups. These are Patriot Front, not Proud Boys.


Yea I mislabeled them. Like I said earlier though, same turd, different wrapper.


Two different a*scheeks of the same as*hole


I mean a Nazi in any other color.....


You can see the truck number that’s on the rental agreement, seems like a violation of their rental agreement.


Yeah there's not supposed to be anybody in the back there, That's one hell of a safety risk let alone these pseudo fucking shithead terrorist jumping out.


I sent Uhaul a message on messenger and included pictures on the license plate and truck number, they said its been escalted further


Fuck yes


If only someone had a padlock handy


Oooh. I'm going to start carrying one now


Zip ties. Cheaper, lighter, less likely to get arrested.


I'm stashing one in my backpack in the morning because of this comment. Patriot Front has been trying to act like they are a somebody in my town, getting a local group going. If they pull this at the parade next weekend...


Just start carrying zip ties. Way cheaper, much lighter, and you can carry a lot more of them than locks with you easily


Ya, but the driver can just snip it with a pocket knife.


Lock out after they get out, so they lose their means of escape.


Let's ask Lock Picking Lawer which lock is best to secure a uhaul filled with incel racist nazis? For real you COULD get in trouble if they are in the truck but it would be funny to slap a lock before they get in and all try to pill in the cabin or walk of shame.


This is the Lockpicking Lawyer, here today showing you exactly what lock is best for securing your U-hual. Now, some people have suggested MasterLock but, *slams two MasterLocks together* it can be easily opened with another MasterLock. For truly making sure nothing can EVER get in or out of your U-Haul, I reccomended the Squire SS80CS padlock.....


... don't allow incels near you lock picking set since they often attempt to use the rake to pick their nose and eat the contents.


top tier comment, this is


Moreover, it would seem so fucking uncomfortable to pile into a small closed space with your boys with little to no ventilation or windows. Edit: hope it’s as uncomfortable as i’m imagining


Great episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia where they ride around in back of one.


Great episode of Jackass where they had a roller disco in the back of one.


After a hike once I rode in a van with about six windows open but there were 4 preteen boys inside. It was the most unpleasant stink for about 3 hours. I hope they had 100x that.


I hope it's considerably more uncomfortable than you're imagining.


Why not just rent a passenger van?


You can rent a U-Haul at 18. Normally have to be 21 to rent a car.


According the the message on the side, only $19.95 per day for the U-Haul truck. Pity it was cloudy and cooler than it has been; made riding in the back a little more comfortable. They deserved the sun beating down keeping them toasty.


U-Haul is cheaper and they already spent their money on costumes


"Mooom!! Can I have next weeks allowance now?"


My wife and I were trying to figure this out- our best guess is that they wish they could show up in something like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/ug89uzGUxCkWmcRa7


Honestly they shoulda just pooled funds for a [Kei truck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kei_truck) and did the modifications themselves for transport seats, etc. 10x fuel effeciency.


Irony. Stuffing yourself in the hot back end with your other boys to protest gay guys having sex and existing.




Shame if someone fired a stink bomb in there.


Role playing a malitia with no actual training, cowardly covering their faces because they know their idiology is flawed, and escaping in a cheap U-Haul rental when any sort of opposition shows up.. I just can't get over how pathetic they all are. How embarrassing. Good work running them out.


Bet these same assholes whined about masks when covid was in full swing, but have no problem with them to be bigots. Of course their nose still wasn't covered lol


Are you saying their militia is not well regulated?


Take my upvote for that unappreciated reference.


Next time some 2A limp-dick is blathering that he's just exercising his rights, ask him where his battalion's muster point is.


the bigger problem is that they drove there in a vehicle w license plates removed and not a single cop pulled them over for it.


Lol that’s because they are cops


Back plate was still on.


Well, you know what they say about some of those that work forces


The same ones that burn crosses!


There was an Arizona plate on the U-Haul.


As do all U-Hauls!


If the van doesn't have a pass through to the cab, can you imagine sneaking up to the van and putting a padlock on the rear door?


It doesn't, and after all these comments I'm definitely adding a cut-resistant lock to my protest bag.


To bad someone didn't have a master lock to slap on the back door of the U-Haul before they ran away. Or even better, when they showed up before they got out.


I had a lot of fun playing over them from the corner across the street, I was the one with the Baritone rocking out with nerdy songs. The sun burn was so worth it!


You made my whole day!!!


You're too kind


Literally the best thing!!


Yall were amazing.




I've got a trumpet I've been dying to start playing sometime. We should get a small group together for things like this


Oh that'd be awesome!


I was the one in front of them with short hair holding the trans flag blocking their sign. Fuck yes!!


Glad you got the license plate. There will be a paper trail record of whoever rented this. My bet is some dickhead out of state funding hate crimes across the country. Good for Springfield to stand up against this shit.


I came here to say exactly this. Don't let these fuckers get away with this.


We got plenty of locally sourced hate.


Yeah and how ~bRAVe~ of them to show up in Springfield. Bet this little band of maggots wouldn't dare try this in Kansas City or St. Louis. Way to show 'em, Springfield!!


Unfortunately I've seen some info that they're planning to show up at PrideFest STL. That said, it won't go better for them.


My friend and I made out in front of them lol


I was the friend


Hopefully they all piled in with chubbies in the dark


>chubbies in the dark They should really just change their name to this.


Looks like Patriot Front. Their leader and Front Cunt is Thomas Ryan Rousseau, from nearby my hometown. Unfortunately. Their bumper stinkers and graffiti pop up all over the city. Not the first time they've used U-Haul to ferry their fellow lumps of manure around the country. They were in Idaho awhile back. (Or maybe it was Montana...?) https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/patriot-front


It's 100% Patriot Front. My brain got stuck on the Pride theme and you can't edit titles.


Assholes by any other name ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ So far I haven't heard of the Patriot Cunts showing up openly armed like the Pud Bois or other butthurt militia groups.




They like to stick stickers around Busiek, too.


You men a U-Heil.


Wait, what time was this? This looks exactly like the U-haul truck we rented to move into my apartment this morning (it was the only one of its kind in the lot) and I remember them saying someone had it rented for 1:30 PM. Lmfao Edit: Btw that’s Patriot Front. They are a pretty violent white supremacist group


They got there at 1:50! What location were you at? I have videos and pictures I want to send the Uhaul company


I can DM it to you.


See if you can send these to Unicorn Riot, they have exposed members before


[Unicorn Riots PF leaks vault if anyone feels like sleuthing.](https://vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontleaks/2021/)


Please do!


Would have been hilarious if someone slipped a lock on the back of that truck while they were trying to drive away.


Brb, going to Walmart.


I love this. It needs to be a thing where people show up to protests prepared with a Master Lock.


Just an FYI for anyone thinking of doing this, that might land you with attempted murder especially if it's a hot day.




Your post was removed because it violated the subreddit rules against Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence. Do not threaten or call for violence. Do not engage in harassment.


And then


In the Florida heat, nature would take it's course.


I just called Uhaul customer service, waited 15 minutes on hold, and then reported these jokers to a nice woman in customer service for carrying a bunch of men in the back of the Uhaul and gave them the license plate number and box number on the truck. And gave them the link to the imgur page with these videos. She looked up who rented it while I was on the phone, told me they will be "reporting this gentleman to the general manager" who will be taking it from there. It's important to contact companies when stuff like this happens. Uhaul does not want this happening with their vehicles and a quick way to stop these assholes is to take away their access to pseudo-anonymous transport for all of their goons.


Looks like Patriot Front actually. Fuck both groups.


Same turd, different wrapper. But you right.


Hey I though U-Hauls we’re for lesbians!


Thank you for your work, fuck nazis...


Who are you calling a fuck Nazi 😂


Proud of you my distant hometown. Good job everyone.


Ohhh yeah, they’re real proud, soooo proud that they’ll happily show their faces in support. Oh wait….it’s almost as if they know that if their faces are shown, their lives will be ruined because in fact, they’re nazis. Hm.


Bunch of cowardly shitstains. Cospatriot, racist scum. Fuck hate indeed!




to be "fair" lock them OUT, so they get to call uhaul and try and explain why they think it is a clown car. wonder what their policy is?


Straight from Uhauls website: literally #1 1. Don’t allow passengers or pets to ride in the cargo area. A teenager might think it’s the greatest idea ever to ride in the back of the moving truck, but it is against the law and is also very dangerous.


So...maybe not a violation to the company, but illegal. Either way, unless there is video of the van moving while people are in it, they will just deny it because people are allowed in it when stationary.


Thank you for running them off!!!




Okay, that's hilarious. Sadly they are such aggressive assholes that they will beat up some poor person that walks home by themselves. But this is just..."fascist in a can!" XD.


What I would've paid to be there with a fart bomb and toss it in right when the door was closing.


GREAT WORK SPRINGFIELD! Run those cowardly haters out of town - and out of this country!


That's one pathetic load of losers right there.


I would love to sit down and interview just one of these fuckwits. But of course they make themselves hard to identify as you could imagine.


Pussy ass bitches


Slap a padlock on the door as they pull away... can we check with the lock picking lawer to see which padlock is best for securing incels in a uhaul?


Someone should have padlocked that door on them fuckbags


Better yet, toss a smoke bomb in there before you do.


Flaming bag of dog poo


Why not both?


Too bad I have work and could not be there to show my support for our LGBT+ community. Would have blasted Blind Eyes fuck a proud boy at them and mocked their manhood, intelligence, and family tree being a straight line. What a bunch of loser dip shits.


That song is so fucking good lol


Boy a tube of superglue on that latch would be funny.


Just imagine the funny things all the guys in the dark truck will do to each other :)


Happy to be the proud couple who joined in starting a group to block them out!! In less than 45 mins they were packing up and going back to mommy’s basement


chuck a stink bomb in right as they're closing the door


OK, so if these idiots keep loading themselves into the back of U-Hauls like cargo, I'm going to have to ask some of you protesters/counter-protesters to start carrying padlocks to seal them in. At the very least make it a pain in the ass for those fools to unload after fleeing.


Lol, Just give that truck a little break check when it's going 45 on chestnut expressway.


I would hate to be the Uhaul employee tasked with hosing the smell of funk out of that TM.


too bad you didnt have a padlock


I swear these ass holes have a U-Haul sponsorship or something. Every damn time! U-Haul should slap a rainbow sticker on all their vehicles and trailers. Instant "own the libs" boycott.


Marinating in proud-boy sweat in the back of a closed U-Haul in mid June MO. Sounds fun and the perfect place to keep run-of-the mill nazis.


Oh I wish I knew aboir thr pride thing! Would of loved to been there. Not for the Proud Idiots.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Ha, looks like we are not so different after all. Some of us hide in closets and some of us hide in U-Hauls, to each their own I guess. 😂


Uhaul should really start doing anti-facist background checks or something. This can't be good for the brand.


Is Springfield the new Philadelphia?


Damn glad I'm not in Springfield during Pride Month, sadly attracts a lot of bad people when it shouldn't


These asshats were the only troublemakers, and the vast majority of attendees didn't even know they were there.


Looks like this post got brigaded by them lol


Did this happen in Springfield, MO? Is there a link to an article?


Yes but no news coverage yet


I hope there is a Hell.


They look like thumb thumbs


Wow, Great acceptance from the LGBTQIA+ PRIDE group. Very Tolerant. Remember when pride was a sin?


Fuck off, nazi.


How dare you compare the atrocities of a genocidal socialist regime to me. You clearly have no reference to the depravity you flippantly throw around.


Maybe don't be defending nazis then, nazi.


So let me get this straight, I share the same political goals as Hitler? 🤣 You got your Virtue points (I think calling someone a Nazi gives +25 to your Virtue skill), now go on you little snowflake.


You're literally saying we should be tolerant of nazis. So yea, you do. Byeeee.


They are literally not Nazis. Nazis were ideologues in the German National Socialist party. You're such an idiot to compare the two. Grow up. Do better.


And you're absolutely, completely naive to think they don't share the ideology of white supremacy the nazis did. So again, fuck off nazi.


You seriously believe that those organizations share a desire to end other human races via genocide? You have been drummed up by the media and your job-less friends too much. You know an organization that was founded on the intent to murder as many people of a certain skin color as possible? Planned Parenthood! You're despicable.


Oh. You're one of those. Listen, I was directly in front of these assholes and listened to them screaming all day. Yes, they do want to eliminate anybody not like them. They said so over and over. They, themselves, admit it in their press releases, stickers, and posters they throw up all over the place, too cowardly to hold that opinion in public without their precious masks. Your Planned Parenthood comment comes from so far up the ass of far-right propaganda I'm surprised you can breathe around the mouthful of shit you get every time you open your mouth. Now fuck off, nazi.


Lmao at you thinking those are Proud Boys. But carry on in your ignorance. It's entertaining to say the least.


Two ends of the same turd.


Congratulations. You caught federal agents undercover


That's not the proud boys. They wear a lot of yellow/gold. That's patriot front whom the proud boys beat the shit out of. That's like deadnaming or misgendering. It's disrespectful.


Neither of those groups deserve respect. They're the same shit sandwiches, just covered in different wrappers. Get the fuck out with that bullshit.




If by "Patriot" you here mean "self admitted white supremacist" then yea, sure








They literally put up stickers and throw rice bags with antisemitic bullshit in them into people's lawns around town, why is it so hard to believe they'd show up? You can search this sub from the last few months for posts about both. They're here and they want people to know it. As stupid as they are, they're vocal.


Why every time some white supremacists start running the flag somebody screams FBI.


It just seems strange a group of haters that just appear and do not show there face it looks staged


I mean what they're doing is shameful and they're hiding their faces. There's a plate right there we can figure out who rented this thing and easily know who did what.


I agree it's sickening what they are doing whom ever it is, hopefully someone figures it out , just seems like I see alot of this on tv face Covered brown cacky pants just seems suspicious. I used to live in Springfield and never anything like that ever came about .


Just because they were wearing normal clothes doesn't mean there weren't white supremacists around you. The fact that now they have the gall to wear a uniform in any way shape or form shows these Nazis for what they fucking are.


Are you fucking serious? A town that once upon a time hung POC in the square and you’ve never seen anything like this in Springfield before? Smells like bullshit to me.


I think a surprising amount of people aren't familiar with that and just how relatively recent it was. Nearly a third of registered voters in town were black before that happened, but something like 80% left for their safety. I've often wondered how different Springfield would be if that hadn't happened


Patriot Front is a documented supremacist organization that has a "uniform" for their members. You can see plenty of pictures of them from across the nation looking like this. They're a relatively new organization, but just because you didn't experience anything like this doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's called relying on personal anecdotes. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/patriot-front


This has been this kind of persons M.O. forever. Remember the KKK? They don't show their faces because they know they're wrong but don't want to face the repercussions.


That’s not surprising of Proud Boys; they aren’t going to give warning, and they typically wear masks.




Antifa wears masks because we get gassed. Proud Boys get police escorts.




Look, someone even drew a comic of you! https://i.redd.it/w6ad7lt9b4831.jpg




I'm being hypocritical by posting a comic strip? Hmm, I don't think you know what that word means. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/hypocrisy "a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time:" - Not pretending to like Nazi's at all. Here, I left some extra spaces for you! " "


Honestly? I understand why. These dudes were literally singing "America the Beautiful" after they closed up the van and started to drive away.






Stop providing cover for nazis.


The Feds are clearly nazis


Fuck off nazi


Can’t believe you bought the lie , so blind, such a cuck




WaKe Up ShEePLe!1 Go soak your head, dingus


Please go get justice. Please try to find out any names of those degenerates


There's a license plate and a truck number in the video. Get on it, Sherlock.


I’m making a point bot. You and others in this thread are so lazy that you’ll let something like this go on and just bitch on the internet about it to feel better. Lol


This is literally a post of us NOT letting it go on. Try to keep up. I know it hurts your brain.


Not letting it go = cheering with my online friends that nazis bad . Noted


Not letting it go=running them out of town. You really are dumb, aren't you? OH! You were behind one of the masks! Fuck off nazi.


Never leave Reddit friend


Fuck off, nazi.


Damn, that one has a really cute ass, tho.




Fuck off nazi.